w A Friday Morning AT j IlUSrlSG of Iho SUBSCRIBERS I Advor Hi in NORTH AND ADVERTISER Mil Vol Single Copies Cents Each OntFpiday Nov 1887 Cash In Advance within mos or at end of year 13 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Tin FOLLOWING FIRST REPRESENTED Id SSSnut sOAxa bolter JiJ ror it lbs Liberality of our rajjl Mutual or CO A niiitw write lor io ROE Real Estate Insurance Mala Booth r JnQltVCatliWfi hum Co i on J in Kail TOral f Iwo A n it lit Hp com TO LOAN it of Hotel for Ontario tod of Ac Op Federal NT- Conveyancer i Fir and TO WAN AT D A FUJI Mutual Co J Ohina Hall Crockery A China and Glassware In Dinner Sets Tea Seta Chamber Sets At price- an J Lamp away down below founding should baying NO TO SHOW GOODS WlilTKIiKY TORONTO Mart per tiny light IW roomi AcoomrucrfaUOn OTJ Klc- jiiowww RJincinljcr our slock of Family ore now and the choicest in Town Wo no iholfworn goods or musty teas but a Genuine now stock at riglit prices a Specialty Salt by the Barrel A SMITH liyTclopfaooo promptly attended to EXCELSIOR BAKERY CO year itJonuTQirlJaioHowi For for 14 I J J JMIHTON n Aueiloueer for York Co joy Our Celebrated of imported direct can guaranteed flood or returned Expected to You will also find our of Make Home Happy- c not c4 for of fcrfghUfj to u4 wo hue For lb wH Wo thm tootu cad If Wo lit In j- ty will ibo If y lei tbo wo lb bJUItt Wo our dot Wo guile We with If ill Jtk fimlr lw Jf- Vet evil lore TllrlV for tofiud Ivl of frioj We lb lot I It AC flettTAL j ay I to v lio Corner CHAR A J iitiudfci nil IV a isoiniv isiiuyfitoi Hotel- nod CcUIpx Decorator a Apeoialty Abo will active he left at VltUrl j iktt r wy On baud t wFcro my lime olcilvlc AtTIHKXT fill hi oKHislvxly for vicinity MiivcyaiiCiv hud AUfox J- BREAD BUNS AND ROLLS Delivered to any part of tho Town FRESHnf GROCERIES As good the best and a cheap as EXCELSIOR BAKERY A ROBERTSON I ALLOWED ON DRAMS- ir HI IAIN UNITED IN CANADA ABMERS NOTES TO LOAN EST Gents Suitings iiToiTr MANNER At for yoorovej ALEX ft ARRET HIH wltb tiest Moulding Materials A pitirrm Hie execute all J A vcic long fctriogs of dried hung in on iLc barndoor lay pile of golden pumpkins wora grand old in Hie yard walking with a stately air as if proud of their wonderful things all folks who pawed a fooling of general joy and What good to houao with blinds You never can tell may bo a neat with a gar den in front and a driveway leading to big and a kitchen garden behind the and and mead beyond f here may ho prize out of doors pies in and all the other things for giving a thankful spirit and yet the folks in house may not happy Parson slowly up tho till he reached little white house and then ho opened the with a sigh of relief perplexity The mail had brought a big letter from fnc Governor of ihoStaUaml at the ex pre is had found telegram Tim person did not often and this was so fttrftngo that ho was more than perplexed didnt un- it all However well with the child it was coming to his home Ho hung up his hat in little front entry and then walked slowly through his through the diningroom and out to the pleasant where sat his paring apples and reading the weekly at the time Its come Mother now I said Mrs ft Mercy and the bed not aired nor any fresh bread in the house Not trie child The telegram child is coming next week from Why I thought its mother name was At- but IdarouythisMrSmith didnt better people are ignorant Yon ait till Tho wagon will bo a minute Goodness mo I I hope your folks can yog Its more than I can do Here I if you roust fly all over house take that pail and get mo somo water mite of a girl in a now black bat and an old frock from which tucks had twice been let out stood by tho window looking into the narrow muddy street Must sho go for a pail of water had hoped never to do it again day had come and relief were at band hesitated and looked down street that wagon come I Do you hear mo 1 Oct somo water child picked up a pail rota the sloppy floor where woman was washing and timidly went out tho door of the little wooden house through dirty yard out into street A straight street bordered by trees now a wintry ky At the street looked out upon broad and shallow Che mung with its long iron bridges At other end it was lost in a vista of trees and wooden house It was all world had ever known know it well to her terror and grief There was a well in four blocks away On corner there were boys who tormented her In overy block there was another kind of a place were men who know not what they did having sold their heads in tho store Must she again go for from that particu lar well every house had wntor and to spare Mrs KUdcrkindcr would that particular water for bar and collars had paved that street with tear ever since her mother had been taken This time sho fairly ran through streets If wagon should coroo she was away I It was to her a fairy coach Perhaps her grandfather vory coachman would come Mother had told about Grandfathers home his horses and Itarn and chickens and dogs and though Mother had never really it herself boys were more terrible then over Twice they upset the pall in cruel sport and leaning against tbo doors of the shops laughed at her black hat and face At last by going around block toiled towards house bending under her heavy load only to a dusty express wagon just driving away from door Mrs Kildcrkindcr stood on thn waving her here red arm and calling to the man put pail on walk and fairly cried with misery and disappointment Grandfather had sent an expressman instead of his carriage and yet it was going away The last hope of her young life had gone Tho man hearing pulled up his horse and looked back Mrs Kilderkioder pointed to and then man wheeled around and drove up to where she 11 you kid whats going ex press Oh I wait a minute mister Let mo tako pall back or will whip mo again a hit of it Im in ft hurry Got to collect a lot of Jump aboard quick Im got your bag and signed a receipt for you Fetch that water this I screamed the Dont you do it Jump right in began to feel better At any rate Mrs Kilderkioder could never find and that a comfort A mo- there was a and a roar and tig door thrown open and men in and to pick op the freight that place Then a tall man came up to and said quickly Step lively Miss with me Train ready hardly know bow itall happened was put in seat in a car and then flew away and there was wide hallow as over and rows of wood en houses and thenwhy how pretty I Fields and woods all yellow She had never seen tbo real country before and autumnal landscape seemed a people in car looked at her cariously and a col ored man in a white cap came and read the tag on her dreaa and smiled in a funny way that perplexed her Then a lady came and sat down her She too read tbo tag and looghed in a quiet fashion Where you going Travelling sprees Its very funny isnt itV Whats funny marmt Mother died last week and Fathers dead too J expect Grandfathers horsesend perhaps dog too will be at the next station for me Oh no not the next place Why is Eastern You wont get there till Thanksgiving Youll bo just in time for the turkey and cranberry Thanksgiving What thfttl lady stooped kissed her a tear ran down her cheek and fell on dress I think ay there been no thanksgivings In your life No Wo noicr bad in Just here the colored man appeared again and aatd If you please lady the said wish to give the girl supper Id like to set now Oh let tho child take tea with me porter Shell bo my to night Well I dont know bout that marm Yon ceo child is freight and I has to do what Company I STORE MAIN ST SOUTH 10 A P P If NEWMARKET J ROBERTSON DJ5ALER IN- HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Carpenters Builder j Ticket Agent for the Grand Railway AND Till ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS self Points in a and MAIN NEWMARKET alii J No On Shortest NEW SALE ROOMS I la lb vrtrwiii i it ST NEWMARKET Rates Interest Reasonable vi Aucilon on no are 10 make dm or leu J on for Infa and a so tainted tt It Sopertc lo iSome- Aft AWL Now York Its coming Xhut what telegram said My middle name wits but it strikes me as rather familiar in t rang er to address mo as Cod Now York Oh I re member John died in a like that Her folk came from ho said in of his letters though I never knew much about tho place Guess not much of a village they give it a girl name Ita a largo city Mother road It Encyclopedia at the town library I there tho minute I got the telegram And they to let that mite of a child come all way from alone These Western peo ple so peculiar doe it atari Monday or Tuesday v And Thursday Thanksgiving Yes heros Governors shall read it on Sunday at Ive rcadtho proclama tions every year for year and ends It is in large typo aavo the Commonwealth of Parson unrolled the big on which be worthy Governors of Bay call on thanks year for all that havo fallen to them father youd better tell turkey Saturday night It will do for Mondays dinner to have a cold meat fa the in case child Parson read through wifo went on pa ring red apple Ita no doubt wise to be thankful brer but year brought trials to both John was a wild but ho was and he dud six month and hi wife whom saw is too and their littlo girl is to live with ft mercy is only t hough I do wish it had been a boy You would daugh ter- She- was of people yoo j and now shea poor her daugh ter it com tog with ino see ItaysTsaId the a ho unfolded message will atari by Monday or Tuesday That all except the Patrick Smith- I tell Shes dragon anyway your my freight now Bo I Mrs Kilderkinder coming and sprang Into the wagon and sat down beside the driver Drive fast mister I want- to see Grandfather How rapidly Win- were opened and beads poked out and shrill voices filled the air Some of Ihe screamed with de light at angry woman on walk and tho gallant rescue by the Erie Express In a moment team was in a broad and hand- street lined with stores and gay with people shopping and driving Shall you to Grandfather house ray kid It six hun dred miles to the end of your route The way bill says wher ever that may be ues Adams will ship you to Boston Hold the reins now while I load up took the rein a man stopped before a stole In a moment a bundle was thrown into the wagon and then they drove on AgsJa and again they stopped at stores and house at last with a load to the miserable- illkept sta- lion of Now York Erie Western Railroad Here you Come and be directed man helped her down picked up little from the wagon and led way the express office One child Adam- a Give me a tag Pat Smith Said collect Thank Bill There kid tie this tag to Four frock freight faaa to be marked you know we generally tiest the tag to the head of but Ill put it on jour seeing gat What your I wan had tied a tag to her before it I wear it Mister It aint pretty call Yea- tea youre freight now You till yon get roeefptod for by somebody Take seat that box till the train sat box to which the had pointed It wo a strong loll of and end crowded with men harry ing about -Pre- brought par the thai says Oh Well then give mo my sup per here Ill take tea with the freight porter laughed and the lady smiled and wondered what could mean However was not much timo to think for the man put up a right in front of and pat on a whito cloth and such a nice supper It was the in glass swayed about and the link fad all the time for tho car wo this way and that in moat peculiar manner I never supper hop round so funny 11 Yea said lady we are taking tea on thewiog and theres a chicken wing for you to have everything in keeping Tfce lady laughed and told stories a supper to nice that cia noticed that ft was grow Do I get out here No youre freight you know and all you have to do is to ait still any good little handle and wait till called for Wont I get lost no are property- di rected and will be safely delivered train went on lamps wore lighted and time lew quickly Then the porter came and said that her bed was and the lady helped her take off her hat and frock showed her how to get into the little bed Somehow sho was very tired fell asleep before she know All remembered was that the said good night and then it broad daylight and the car was porter opened curtain and said she most frees a fast a she could In a moment she was ready man showed her a nice place to wash her face and hand and then she down and wondered what would happen next Boeing the man making up beds Epoke to him- lady Oh shes gone Sho told mo to bid the little freight I opecU that Just then the door opened quickly and a man a blue suit came in Where that kid for Adams Oh There she is Come with me Mi took tho ho offered and followed him out of the car to the dark and station Had breakfast Miss No I thought perhaps breakfast would bo ready at Grand- father Oueasit but this is Jersey City and my orders are to see yon fed and delivered to Adams Come right into tho lunch room The man put her down at a table end some one brought her some colTce and other things hot the coffee was dread folly hot and the meal wax so hard cot it Then the man came again and pat her a high seal in a big wagon aod they away over a ferry and then up a long street foil of horse ear and tore and at last stopped bo- fore a big and there they got oat and went op to a big counter The man took off the tag on her res put on another ho gave and he sat down and wondered if would drive over to soon hap pened for boar fa with bundle- and wagons came to and the men in tho place ero very nobody came for her It was all very dreary and lonely and fell In Then a man took her to restaurant and had dinner white sat by and a news paper the SvetoIehgoontolIgkH as aho were of back to the more vvj- l and took her band led her oat into Well take Fourth Avenue oars for the Grand Central Sorry you bad to wait in New York so long Yes sir said Letecia I will hare sooner for Well I dont know that a pretty long way yet Careful how you cross street Keep fast hold of my band Company said I was responsible you though they didnt put any Value on the re- folks didnt know what a girls worth know Do you Arc girls worlbnocb mean little like met Some is Ive got a kid at home and if went Id put a million dollar on the receipt and collect it too if I mean my girl our car right in took a seat in the car and people her and of them smiled and on old gentleman leaned over and read the tag her dress What ore we coming tochild ren shipped Where yon little ToGrandfathera That all right sir said the man who was with her Shes in the care of Safest way to ship kids anyway I The gentleman settled hick in his and read a newspaper thats all that happened which thought vory queer The rid was very short hen they came to a and a big building and they both got out and went in side It was a railroad station and pretty soon the man put a car and told her to sit perfectly still till some one come for her After lit tle the cara started and rambled through a long tunnel and then she saw the country again but before the knew it fell asleep in the chair- Then a man wofce her up and said Are you the girl in the care of Adams Theres your tag It all right mo and have supper The car had stepped and the man bad a lantern in bis hand for it was night When they came oat of the car theairfeltcoldandhadastrango sweet smell What smells so good Mister I It the salt air This New Haven Come heres Twenty minutes stop It all very horrid aria she wasnt very to in few minute back the car To her surprise porter had made up a bed for Shant we get to Grandfathers tonight No Well bo Boston in the morning Bed ready Mm She was so tired that she hardly knew bow the crept the blanket and then well it wa car was standing still wonderiog what sho had best do next when tbo curtain was pulled aside and another man whom she had seen before said Pleas dress at- fast as you can Mis It a connection here alt dressed said springing up I so tired I didnt take off my shoes Glad of It Come wagons waiting and we have just time to get he on Road Then they rode through long nar row streets in an open wagon end then another depot and morn talking They took off tag and put on another and then of the men gave her seat in a big empty car and away it went over bridge and out Into the country again And before knew It she fast in the chair for oh o tired so tired a- For Parson had been at on his Thanksgiving sermon and stilt it was done Four a text be gan to write only to tear it all up and begin again Every pass ed in the street ho would run to the window to tee who had come AmJ now Thanksgiving Day had arrived It was tea oclock and the ser mon was done For all that tbo was not satisfied He elisor it was a and had not come Mother The bell is ring ing It to go go on Father I want to tell Jane about keeping watch in case child should come while we sre at meeting first hymn over it was Parson started alone with bis sermon under bis arm and what he could add to the sermon to make it more appro priate for day girl had not command was not likely it would arrive on Day Some how be grown to lore the un known child now that he knew it to his home All the resent ment against his wayward son was forgotten new child Once more be to train a child in the way it should go and this time aboutd do very differently and the child should grow to be a good wo man He wondered how it look and what it would say to him He went on with head bent down scarcely heading Suddenly he seemed to remember his boy that hi forgotten A horse by rood and tho open wsgoo holding the rein Who Tbo Parson koew that voice It hi sons voice of twenty year looked and he saw a niito seated In the A strange child in rious and looking weary forlorn and horse check In earn- Some- country child walling for her father and then and looked Again the spoko to p w waiting congregation to wagon What is Mister man come horse Couldnt Miner till the Parson had- mind just what be child when not remember a word Why Im Dont yoa know child eyed visibly shrank from at man appeared and any attention to Pi the wagon as if to Hold on thats have in the to me do yoo in the first place lies got to be charge paid nd my bill says Why I All right Come for her Get op the In a moment tea girl and all Louder inghouse hell It woul and then the There teemed to melancholy foe a she was whlrh Parson saw it od away from the meet walked briskly Why come back I The The child baa her The expressman liver her till certain complied with tell Deacon Whit fiftyninth hymn I want to see It wont hurt the peoplj At that very man rttledup to the number on gat Batcorol One chlh Charge eighteen dol tbree cent Sign Mother and borrow I havent bat ix in bank up Why Father likely at meeting as yon can Oh 1 Let her come Guess its ail ri not tbo regular thing able till the charges Tho congregation waiting and when thoj sons wife up and speak to White and then whet Deacon take his hat tho meetinghouse greatly as well they there wib a solemn pat minuter the people looked at wondered and son was never late At last little beside the pulpit Thanksgiving finally it wa ell laid Parson had pi not and it wa the Thsnkgiing sermon Wen given jo that it was built in ROM AVI Measles arej tut Owing to mill now at Baldwin had anal a runaway horse During debt the more than a quarter Read and Evan of from Several cattle for England Montreal on account vs siogle the other in fetor of the fot lad of ten year lt mow on fork t passed through one I The woollen was destroyed after noon on about so ranee New adopted on the the of into the improvement of 1 where the ran the needle For a Singer A farm in Uxbridg load of hay to day and unloaded kind of a woowa Richard of Kiug to the ground on hay nd a largo also consumed meat Insured dciaidabkF v i a