Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1887, p. 3

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wfi a J- Iff wgt if j ffl A -a- a I mm rtV i p ftS i s 3 i Lively Local Laconics OH TOW Howl On MA oclock ritcJfioitflgt of Hop In HOST lo Iab it Tdt faoj let A If too of a tit Lo uteri bo a Honor the bu lotb fait Ittohritto fit VoUra of A Hart w fiOptraoubiTl aUod bo fit M Mi a 8raoa j Sob KowiMilwt redout rf lb Municipal EiKOtiovi for Municipal nil bold tad Hie jiouo Sad CtndldatU and lo feci Aiowa of two I lu Jul 8ilurdajr a lo fihitvu did no I ftwb cut Uoool Albert to Mr- at Clio farm by tit Jj co leu all at Timnlbf aad on out of lb limp or SO lb If ha inlscrcaot wold bo aught to act ibat tbo atreat liojn at leant half boar a A Am log fallaooTbaraday of a wall other will go lo and ibiAe of our ao cm on ba wring by at office wbo do not call bo implied Bill to XtrriJTtfeMiKDEii- Both lost week of ico extra It te in wo Ibcy it act upon Wo fore Vol It for a year wore by a wo we employ hare to aad wo Cod to off for year or two A united Thanks vlll Cliurcbi Day at a will by a If and a Uiubterof will cltolra tbaoVtv atrrlc A wilt be up for poor of unit- to tho aoterUin merlin school WairmiadUt Slag a lg op at itaPol la wbla la not to baa vary luga at Coort Id Friday ataooly M tattled appwucea likely to be It a for Not by lir JobaCowloaoa of which a proleat market by Iba appoblod by Board eatiy of aodr Hi coaaeaealtj bo draw price At a meeting of board week ail were rotaggod for good work put year tod story blgb with ud tolas of lbs pre arot thtro la proapect Arlington of wall known to ftW will lactara bare with the neit ICtb la Wr to drinkhabit tall how be- In Itc- of of Death or I oclock A A young man who works lo tha pall at Canes Factory la lbsfast on of week A pall lathe Daw to of Hying of lodltuloue and tha tltkliafi lion In upper region ft abiolvlely that be a few of But- ton babble already all the SrllliK bid of hen Qittf Own aad aa Immeaas of reward book a for flcboota Ho a naw watchmaker J welter who highly by P Killed Co a to charge of Call In sad Ad Friday of their wivaa to the number of took charge of of Mr frater nal accompli who made a pletnat time a pent Aunrlog Mrs of her welcome to oar Mr in hie good homer cracked a good new May be theirs and the son of Annie add to A On Friday of last week Mr George of White Ret io of had good lock lo a very large of bit llu of the tribe hat for year in lbs for the I wo there have been of theatnall buh In that animal jampd feet loniprlsg ly actual St a my float feet op and from the floor to Mr sent It Method- lit i with to gfin a wtlo talent highly iV Ah point Id times la ahoc There la no doubt that hare and moat from the fact that they toy are able to sell cheaper tbla hara alio an ale of American and Ad it was to the Trent who for the been with par- at tlarct beyond yet aba to to her relief aha fell without a to her friends bat la family circle where the be Cant felt her memory graven Bill grow deeper sad brighter with the tapes of time all fa lore years by Its members Da- la 18S8 to Edward yoaogeat son of Treat J P of Oakley Farm near her rtmaloa were laid of her who deputed Ibis life May left to father end a Tec- mother Room of hare legethor to a place of of meet- lag at the Billiard Hall or hotel when feel like a or two of week away or Lome For bare wo rooms la the Peck block fitted them up to which hey pat ate liquor Is to be foully deluded not altogether In accord with it touch Utter than from place to place Boys who ate a the or all day feel like faaviog aome of lloboramoaemtntat they a portion of their lime to read- lag or end they wooldQod Its bene ficlit effect after year We hope too that they will see the of closing at 10 of they will more like working In day ttmo They bars made an excellent choice In selecting Mr Fraok for chairman for a harder worker more curvet be found i I AT bioIst rf I PRICES As any in Town Sutherland Bros The lug will lectors the Kewmsikat on There will charts for but a collection will upon of the deferring poor it la hoped the collection will be very libetsl We and expect that ihe church will be filled on to he at ao popular a far the lias the ehalt st oclock Day- It is a general wslli being dry alike No I than IS certain fr all lie hare that the well la upon IlieVtber bat la for that it take feet the in Municipality by of day ItopeatlrabU to niter liar for naoy of Caul Barges la lo all In face apeetallhs always brought tie sad appreciate lbt of will be tUrougbly aatU6ed morrow Mr who kept audiences billing ihe town sndslio I lo lake in tha performance ottfl or or laaatd the of Mils section Joao extent Major says the cough lota dry coat and redans of followed by a watery discharge at trill alight of the legs sod high liable lermlaale In pfieuiuonia or other dlwaw of organ Mtes It becomes la kaowo Joseph ltobtntoaaad Kelly hats s a of and a couple reported 00 the attend of Whitchurch See ox accustomed to will you hit deal to do with le If lathe cite Mr s lice la as February got two pijji from Mm eta of which when killed in sad Iba other in pt A bog fun live hteh be lo fatten was foJt being kilted eoople of J turned the at vfcin die Mr jiotOLly keep himself bat ktosa bow to fatten A Gangs of lime la all of to hare Invaded In York other houses broken open no- ami larger have not meal will place their detectives the track of gentry mesne be taken spptebtad them In lha be too In that the of their doora and ana The hare been operating all around Toronto a to Kewnutkl la among Jjj- for that flood near and of an overruling baa protected from calamity that by earth by yielded a to and labor of to comfort end throughout all border a people to Giver of These afford for family kindred without ihe the gifts of charily to aot ao happily comttaaced llbtary of neatly it now Io Mr Rook nest door to Iba Office sad st all boars be scry liberally Such muni of entertainment and lotelleclml of fn sod the dlrecfcra look for a of new members will find a of If they try It through lbs later Jo Ibis we might that fines lha cats logics wta prtolxila are toUalng from the Library and Qre of ate traceable two are The Opening a Undo Toms Settler Africa Tigers Traitors the I ly for Ihcee tonka he bo Tory much obliged If part will look occur tell that Saturday except writing Ibe data Mr eon jolly Town bid a wheel taken by collbloa frontof the Saturday but unlike moat people under the he Special In morning Dont forgat the of the Liter Society In the Temperance Hair to night Cole Manager of the era bagged air partridges last The habit of carrying Is snalto gather too prevalent among youth and one kid who repri manded by the Ittera laat Friday repealed Ma Both tomorrow and next Taeaday will Some of Ihe old are after the rata lata and early hare been of a big Groin about oclock Friday night body ia cordially larlted to Church of Social nest Tuesday Tea at A big load of to Sharon par ticipate fa on Lodge room The Farmers Clob the neglected to Inform what was thermometer Indicated below fart ing point on morning bat a material change noticeable hare been la tbla week r Groom Is by ad- or a verandah A Campbell has put a I la residence sad Is tofghteaiDg lha place op with of paint The met on elected officer for the quarter Smith In take charge of the Union Bible next night At fair head of were on the and What become of the Monthly Fain Northern for la atiy at borne go to Oh tub Move With their leal regularity the are the J One poor fellow got a bad dco week About three oclock Friday afternoon ha was lounging la a Intoxicated elate by one loarofd further trouble be lodged In the appeared to hare thought about him word was town near noon that la the Corporation pleading with one of Ihe COopera for a of water It Is to that ha set at liberty after ha la not likely to Newmarket again lo a hurry An fellow provided lodglagt In iba place Monday night we clipping from time ago a alt to them on their way rejoicing The of feeble women and orphan little or our when It comes to seeing a ablebodied foobaors and weeplog like an child he tells atoryof that hero been Inflicted him by ity and of from too a contact wilh each we hare to cart Acting en Im pulse by a recent with of to wo at front door to accommodate all with a bite with delay and trouble to thtouclres CLEARING SALE Now is time you want a new outfit and is the place to buy and good Each week demonstrates fact that he sells the Goods that give the best satisfaction His stock is now full in every Department In Dress Goods and Dress To match Mantle and Ulster Cloths Gimps Girdles Buttons Glovevffi Bee Hive and Scotch Yarns Wool Shawls Fascinators Clothing and a great drive in Silk Handkerchiefs from LADIES AND GENTS FURS AND A large assortment of Hard and Soft date and Shoes right value Second Fiat devoted entirely to Wall Paper Made Clothing Boys and Mens Suits and Overcoats and perfect fittingTcas at half prices da vim AT MRS L R BONDS I FIRST COME FIRST SERVED Genuine Bargains for Cash WRIGHTS STOVE DEPOT MAIN STRECT Eirtowloiomolblil q England j Vf WKMOE I Kit a J tbo of pirn of Alrtidy rices ft of lbs Holy Day of likely lo with Wbeoiabofoverlxty member Iblog of it to be well io ex- beeu la Mcariog to cetUio We mid to Ibe of rl f to I ALWAYS Sunday School p ro and Friday 730 p Aid Thursdays p p at Mrs residence Eighteen officers ol Bos- GENERAL SERVANT None J At FOR SALE Hiuj ppy Ufa Villi ud her army to Siberia up IboobU It took It mew of to dla- rout how tort ftU lorord bt iU J in til I tot A Act For four years past of Kto Mix the Public it Rrwt wilt tbe people la goo J ftbcidi here frill to lum of rite Friday of hire reported to the ft to the for her rotllendwij fiUti put Jail ibe crowd Court eticet mow ftbe thick bid the her end ft of ft plot by the which burned for ft fall for the m for the fint time ft for cwt to ini tamed op tbaefttTordiog very threw from dodged fall of the the fthooIdertQdUirof out For the lliougbt it ft tatr joke of iod hy i dope felt the Iter end A where the Kid from d Wei it for the iIUDt w fn ftrnii pjloif to one of the of of li wholly ftt ft to fttuit ftweuiU id koowe of therefor At Bret It bet the Hi bed freoolher In of he whom liut the eoi ft tor ll ejhra- rjrtii Pt ita4 end with A A re tare to of Society will t ftro of worth toRoenoteo tbe ft d with ft of ad It eolttnled bU rioslop freit ftod the greet being to Urge ft The Grey worth the Mr good Schceh la excellent to did to toUl bseoce which U ere the meet who to Society Mil ftftd with Geo a the tenor of the Toronto name of Mr indeed will be next week on charge of conapircy on the lakes dn October numbered caoiiog lota of Uvea ftnd of property The natural veil ftt Port feet ftbondant and of good On pad WowmtTfct irflwwn QaMa reward- MOORE COMING It is OBrien who the prison has been put upon bread and water to starve htm into submission Mr- preach ed sermon at Bradford on prior to for now Sold of labor at COOL Comedy end end Come- CO For and Id Dominion Wood coal Wilh Own Otorvd Wood Cook tore or il DooMs vim lie Wood ti land Furnace Speciality STOVE FURNITURE 5fEO0A New Enamel Pots Cook fiutei od con ON of ftcdftitkicdeor Slock Boor roily of fro in A BEST STRAINS Id Ibe Three Yearling Bulls SEVERAL BULL CALVES mm Book WeOni DRESS fliurd7 Hall Newmarket admUaloge Seals HOUSE TO ANN WOOD opened up in all the Newest OTTOMAN JERSEY TO Stock Throughout well assorted Buyers in Groceries always Fresh and XT NO TROUBLE TO J Sals pit visited moat put destroy teg Oddfellow ball and lou ftbootflOOO with about Insurance Leading HOUSE BOOMS TO Mo for to A THOMPSON ANTED- dry Yri We pa pers that is to the bonus it gave to WooHen Mills reoentl from villsgo held Mortage the as for its bonus first mortgage and to make matter by some carelessness the boons gage vm a to come in be hind on ma- of tog In all which baa to come out before the vit can a mills are not able to go tbe ham people are very much excited blaming their reeve for being o as to lot things get Into such a mess The charges the to bis has taken the Mr Osier a to effect that Robinson Is liable i No to Specialty In will a id Will Of Nisei Utd to it seioo a J CO JOS of flftl- out KBOtAKKKa TO f Low and No taw Costa LEADING HOUSE THIRTY LOW to porta tot Its rat -AT- THE NORTH E AKI AS- largest Best Stock THE lnj lopoitl H Our Toronto re sill pel in a a a a ana IB t4Kct iMi WfC r i ipeifb J r do per mtd SI on ststi I WHY EMPRESS THE MACHINE TO BUY LIGHT not tocod and crews- a I MMtf PWlpyaM finrfw THE I OF I BALANCE OP ft To aU hit for ISl SJE to THE HOLLY QUEEN Dress Goods Wiacira Shirtings Scotch Tweeds Shirts Drawers K Wool and BOOTS OF A Call Solicited J A RAY- W to J J DA I 4 W r in J V I J

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