Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 11, 1887, p. 1

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Every Friday Morning JACKSON AT PRINTING SUBSCRIBES I Sic- J T i T r 1 J CAPITAL snap or NORTH YOMK AND ADVERTISER HO laUaoioo in- Vol Single Copies Cents Each a INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan first glass represented CAPITAL- Company further lore A ROE Roil Insurant Mala St Newmarket IB or block Co lo WV J NUIAKK iAMiiifriM a JVHHIMi do Coo Money Jior to roil AH do J jo JO Toronto 10 NT A WTO Wl lrjiiirtnrcr Mil BASK MUHKV TO Id r TO A A do Toronto liMflKlitrtir6l TO JPAIED J Juarr of Ltot AUKOUA IN Etc and Llfo TO AT NowmtrTict I fc J J nod civil ij j i Co York llouAfToroolo ljt to Corner of Main Street A Maltml Co J itofr or Che Vcterlaarr Col lege to TORONTO per nlbmitfdp4itw THE CO jwr Hot t it trit7 I A etOfit Friday Nov Terms Cash in Advance within or at end of year Allowed DRAFTS IS old Notes lo China noli A Crockery China and Glassware In Ah Dinner Sets Chamber Sets At and Lamp away down below Every my stock buying J NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS our tock of Family now nod IhoctioiccU in Town popular We no or teas bub a now at right price a Specialty Salt by the Barrel A Order promptly attended to The Atheist EXCELSIOR I huh old God I Who light the moralox no leodi hi A tad to raol Who thftdifot doat Holdj forth the oat flDt lie Juk Tbt its Who vticct the the lo mellow ihi it To Who lb to wing Hi like tbroogh Vy 1U to tpiJK lock to lock triompinllj I Who formed huge put it rift Like on I Who hurt to With ittt Abd be to The Aod flret trt of tlrlfe With lo at of MM Qodl Who solid Of alter oott Who doth the taood allot f Who til to brought On the fool of I bought Our of imported direct can guaranteed good or mono returned Expected to arrive Sept You will J our of BEAR arlfnt for one or Celllpg 0PEOIAUTY V W til A lkt for itf Victoria Avenue a f AND BREAD BUNS AND ROLLS J Delivered to of tho Town daily FRESHMwiwGftOGERIES As good M best and 3 cheap EXCELSIOR BAKERY A ROBERTSON At ffT lo tOre THE jNHUftAKCKCO OK Kin lUwuhOn lo Auiefktt totUttulnoJoiurftnc for Aurora aod at aod office of JB public Aurora AND CHEMICALS AN STOCK OF TOBACCOS PIPES CANADA I ALLOWED OS -JUiiS- UNITED IN I FARMERS NOTES IlsiijirKTKD COIXKCTKH T lV6 COW lk lOIilflO 1 Gents Suitings SUPERIOR MANNER ALEX McCORMACK it STORE SUNDAYS SOUTH AND PM NEWMARKET NORTH END WT 0IT1TDE NEWMARKET J ROBERTSON in Newmar ket- clrd ion of following AaionHcibodUt KtwaulH Krtwlck Co- gut Town flotch Mac King RsplUf of for follow 2nd VioAAll Id Cor Sec P Smith Com A ItifJo J J iluriit C A Or- aad Mr VWfcjr bold lotfotuttd Mr icmplifytog the rwloti Hold 8 And wotl church to tho fLp9Jt of 8 of oat of Ibitructloo fa I In word of God of iotrojuccd great Jo try Iter 1 Us ofi-fay- 3 Not entity aod of Jfmooloiliooal fcclpa If you a to job will Bod licit formed a cIlh for be of wo- doted by Ran ex- dlogy pod to by Avon D I to the Cbh Jo Of a Jo WJholanaod to Mr C a foil aod To be It a of IOlUo1r art acd of Ibc jnoit litrratore to gift Tie by Mr Onlog to of Mr Webber optd atbli rtqeeat beat addrtaj Ear U A of Tba Model 8 well Mr for food at bar- log to grant to the for tbe of In lie received a befog other It far of aojr aod all la tbla m tbo bold York well two to at exception ally good and acquitted of day vera mora large very profitable for wloUr we to re- aired KtawIcV Bradford aodBcbomWrg which Com- will bare to deal The followlog were adopted at embaying the of Ilia That thfa Convention record elation of of retiring and Corrcapooding during tho year and grateful to J- and for the which rendered their vicei and for and noble rendered lice If That wo unite to than Mr Alfred General flocy- Awocibtion of Ontario for to tlila Convention in the on Why hold Ion a Ma and helpful aug- ii the of lite Conven tion and delightful to and aoro film of our hearty in and good work lit III- That In placing on record our view Convention of the varied and vital that has brought wo moit affirm a That beat and form of tho and holiest fa created and by teachlna of Schools there fore wo appeal to all lover of heir coon- try Jo fn making powerful and That tho very beat preparation on la easentEal to tho proper fulfilment of their of life of Whole to the work and of a thorough knowledge of leaaon taught Important In the scholar and truly them in and vital to the and deal ing with to win them for all for and in I fa and enr be an part of detached and to be taken up and at pleasure or at the of a bnt a vital and branch of our work to bo kept In vie and taught on all and to give to thia wo for of of in every practicable o that everywhere our young people may grow In the fear of God and abhorrence of triple tobacco and profanity Baa- our are hereby to of for their in placing their at the of the Con To choir for the aid given in fine aelwtiona so trell rendered To for ao at organ Jay of the Convention To who bare freely open and heart to entertain delegate the persona whose name apixr on the programme they have given To bad charge of local arrangement for efficiency with which their were discharged ua That wo cannot part without the to the delegate by the citizen of V Faithful Through All I if he will come mur mured Mary ahe fircuod her pine and out upon ter- and park of Meodowi She a middle aged woman and and for fifteen yean had to tbo Grundonx had been for return of her and it heard and a enter the library to Victoria in their work That Temperance in moat Best Moulding Materials At well at new a fa prepared to aiecutaall LOAN to aod the Shortest Notice airict of I ltaloJD II ftow o3otaalwaTarn hard Vina HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS and Ticket for the Grand Trunk Railway ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS Ticket to All America Koropc MAIN NEW I Rates of Interest Reasonable a l t 7 y At lo it SfomfctdUMflDf of JACKSON bo tbp ft M on Parti DO for Infanta Chlldrena 1 aU I reoBwi4 uprto to I J J JIcb loSS by Jobo of to Betide of thought A of be u while the ewlty of web work to retain cor Senior was iotrodectdby Iter Mr Webber in ft aldrtix to and JljortafromSoudy School were recti from lit lb 1 of Mil Pijir Church axorlUot for the Heat- log d lo vert took of tbt a tU In fitoaffvill made some bard work for in vehlclea on and other Oct Another murder and brought to tight in At St morning a farmer pawing in a wagon beard groans from a barn owned by one door and found two women in pool of bloods One dead and the other dying women to and too dying woman told following fitory the of And dead woman Early in the her went to Ottawa on and both women were left in night oclock two to door and asked for something to eat They taken in and sapper They then asked to bo allowed to id wben the daoghter sid that could not be as Mr not at home One the it wo will keep yoa company all night The women them to leave hot they paid no heed and threatened to kill them ft they attempted to leave room or cry One tramp kept over two women while the other one house and a demijohn half Both started to and were drunk a ad began to Insult tbe women PinaUy we women a dsh for the door and succeeded getting out and ran into the barn for protection tratOM followed them begun Onoof seised who fought with- the energy for a moment up a hay fork and struck the girl on too head- Mrs who meantime had been with tbe other remembers no more and cannot toll what was with blood on it was In the barn Mrs cannot li There Is no as yet to of tramp hot the country father asks throwing himself into a chair Angus fifteen years right to to confidentially faltered out Angus points out low window You the right to speak but look there A slender girl coming swift ly across the lawn A handsome brunette superb olive face is beautifully colored by the air beautiful she is exclaimed Mary with an accent of despair ojC9 met those of Angus and she knows Ihero is no hope for her him to give up Victoria Dele van I might warn alio murmurs And break your promise he with scorn I I have promised Yet if I it I fear it woald do no good she says are right ho smiles a great deal for both of you if should marry Arthur Oh Angus I before it is too I Ho rose and stood on the hearth- with his hands behind Mary ho said if ever there was an angel in tbo body you are Do you suppose I think myself wor thy of your friendship Not in the least Bat I know ray own neede and como what shall make Victoria my wife ap peal will novo me turning away Ho walked from the room As bo tbe door behind him Mary threw herself down upon sofa After all these years she cried despairingly Oh it seemed ago bat Angus at one and twenty bad been doomed to eventual insanity by the family physician who knew so fatally well hereditary tendency lovers then these two though was a fow years the elder and all their plans for the future were stop ped All the gravity of the situation with its remote consequences considered and a decision arrived at Apparently true in feeling and aided by Marys unusual judgment Angus announced his deci sion never to marry hand down to helpless generations hapless infir mity of his ancestors hut they loved each other it was not Mary Shakespeares nature to love less because she could not marry him Victoria came She was beautiful wilful liked Angus ho threw off Marys restraint made love to her and asked her to marry Mm had suf fered the fast six months only she could Perhaps circumstances avert the catastrophe f fiat after the conversation which occurred on that Sunday Mary could unfailing predicted the end appealed to It Is with a faint hope For young AnnerleVs sake she made the appeal she told the girl he so noble so good so honorable In intention and her un fa itbiulo ess would break his heart feared after his long years of But he is poor replied the hand- girl Everybody pleads for Arthur out I adore luxury and elegance and I shall marry An gus Victoria with herhaugbty latum and assured did not seem to demand pity but heart melted to pity within her as she sur veyed proud girl for she hod yet to learn lesson For herself to have worn suf fering out had not broken her promise tried every measure she deemed could avail and quietly acquiesced la the of things and when the wedding took place and Angus brought his bride to Sfeadows she pleaded broken health and accepted a sisters invitation to spend the winter with her a Two years passed- Marys sister and the roan who was her hus band begin to fear some outside floence might draw Mary from their midst so essential bad she become to them when like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky came a revelation There had been no intioittion of Mary bad thanked God that her fears were not realized when one day a lady ar rived and asked to see her flbe was closely veiled but shp flung her veil when Mary enter ed the room and showed of Victoria pole and thin No wonder you hardly know Into Marys wilh a bitter Hugh But it is my selfnot my ghost Though I wish I were dead Do you see showing a mark on her wrist and turning up her sleeve the elbow to enow a discolored stripe travelled two data to get lo you What has happened Why I been bruised ana Angus is raying mad OS Mary you may well pry I I have cried my self nearly to death In Last two years I been living all this with a man with jealousy of Arthur you know whom I chance to I hare tried to boar it know but I week he beat broke my pUuo and smashed the window and now it takes men to tale care of him And tbo miserable wife broke into a wild discordant laugb Poor Victoria waa nearly erased herself Her parents wero abroad nod bad no home or shel ter butterfly friends of her gay girlhood were no solace now They had money and jewels but ahe was alone and forlorn Ob Mary l she cried that night lying on her pillow I wish you would go to Meadow and right thioga All the old servants Angus I drove them witb my illtemper but not trae and tho people there cannot be trusted Borne one- must attend to physicisns orders better than and there is no one like you to do everything that needs to be done If anything can be dono for Angus you must do It- Jennie will let mo stay hero until am bettor I have telegraphed to my father and mother I shall never go back to Meadows Two months later died fn Marys arms He seemed to no other friend than this long tried one You were right you always Forgive he murmured and died His will provided liberally for his wife but bequeathed Mea dows to Mary For many many years former was a broken down woman and in all her life beauty and high spirits never returned TOLL PAID been tbeir husbands Berlin law granting bonds connection The A has a pumpkin pie night of Thanksgiving EST Every business h Ark waa burned night Lou deferredjj heart sick but the pocketbook Two freight trains wrecked by collision on the near Hat Portage on in the destroyed stores street a loss of sand dollars Louisiana Salt Mines One of visitors to the mines ex plained to Mr Ely that there a belt of saliferous deposit In Louisiana extending from Bossier and Bienville parishes above Red river to Gulf The largest of these deposits appears to be tbo of ancient exhausted lakes Salt springs were known to exist on island from the earliest date the works abandoned until the blockade during the war raised the price so in the southern states thai Major Avery redpened them for the use of the Confederacy It was at this that he came upon enormous stra tum of pure rock salt which under lies the toil of Or- muz in the Persian Golf Ante is only a huge rock of salt The mines have now in about twenty years Tho salt excavated in large muses by blasting with dynamite It it so pure that it is prepared for the market not by melting and re8ningasin the English mines but simply by grinding into tho requisite gradea of fineness The native crystals detsched by blasting are as clear and translucent as glass Mr Ely went down into the mm and wandered through its far retreating corridors whose pillars and lofty arches with a soft silvery radi ance When the lights of struck into the overhead domes dished back such splendors of color that it seemed to Mr Ely as if ho had entered one of caves un derground where the Trolls have stored all jewels of the world TMs is all a surprise to roe said one of the visitors a stout professor from soma college in Indiana as ho stepped from the elevator into upper I actually did not know there was a mine of suit he United States And yet said their guide quick- you no doubt used our salt on your table for years Wo ship it to large town In the north west This little island of Petite furnishes pepper as well as tables or distilled dear to to hearts of and chefs is manufactured here out of a wild pepper peculiar to Louisiana Two or three fielda pro duce enough of cultivated pods their essence to all parts of this country and to Europe is of numberless minor indus tries which sprung into life throughout the south since the war and which bint at the strength and vitality of that long sterile soil Har pers Magazine Barrio has organized a Club While Rogers Secretary of the Park Commission was a park hand in Monday a man the room a satchel containing about in bank notes which it was intended should be paid to park em- and disappeared No trace of thief has been found Madame Wold- too celebrated Swedish singer is dead was years of and had been seriously ill for weks She retired from the stage after her marriage in America in but at various aid of charities She riot appeared in public since Profanity neve did a man the lust good man the rich er or the happier or the wiser for it It commends no one any society It is disgusting and insulting to the abominable to the good In sulting to those with whom we associ ate degrading to the unprofit able and Injurious Exchange A signature to a letter ought to be a help to knowledge of tho writers name but very often it is not Many a roan who writes Intel- at all other limes write his own name as if he were strlring to conceal his identity and the average man who looks at the signature say that writer huso far succeed In endeavor Unless a man Is really of his asoje ho to write It that It can ho read If not his friends have reason to he ashamed rxfm otto though he not ashamed of himself Ex An Icelander was horribly mangled Man by being caught in a machine cylinder A remarkably rich natural gas has been sti farm near Tor water A few nights ago son crawled into the barracks at Durham and out of the big drum Since at the Banner toys slrcady been completed course of On Wednesday third time within two village of Ohio by flames Loss Thornbury havo gone up in smoke ant not furnishing of funds has been abandon Daring succeeded in entering a tat too getting away with all the Trot rttimatod at about A man saw advert sure cure for drunkenness warded necessary ami received by return post wi post card in violej magic Dont driol The annual Methodist Obi pU on J Davis end Nosh fifKtioju by the to music and by There is ay operations on Tho hi and mils of electric and live miles of elect hive been utilised in Only about ttovem nt breakwater T Arthur now to be Tho length of feet when fit cost It will Arthur the finett J V Smith the who recently killed robbers near Kl on or Hoes as a reward for his will probably get express and fc railroad company mi of The Pickering Ar week has following- day last Charles sides on the Con township drove up to Along towards evening return home and wb Woodbine a man asked stating that be was Kingston road He got Mr Stevenson had store at junction of Kingston roads at stopped to get some cheese to eat along second party in the started on to walk but overtaken As Mr tho looks of the roan horses on a and at pass him but tbo to bo beat out of a ride on hind part of the had hardly gone Stephenson received head over tbe ear with to and as ho was about to a second one which stunt a minute or so bis position ho was bead a gash inches In length pie When struck too Stephenson grabbed the a struggle ensued tut How the latter was clear and jumped to when Mr Sttvensons ceremony- an old will Id It and was eagerly taken by the who still point slowly lacked off sayoj that was sorry bo Mr Stephenson had money in another not inclined to hind stranger if It could The with struck was lumber wagon which robber had taken out was eating hw by drawn ft n 7i

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