Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , September 30, 1887, p. 3

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c5iaafesmv A AKkETMRMMPT J Local Lain OX 111 WD jar ee Mt holla in J iir- fii near CottKCTioH V of tha afatbodUt ftwh now rill ISRU J will op tin rtUwIlBg tr On Sunday lent jj KM J n little of will lli ITU llUlM J J moo it au ud Half ait week Sir A 1 1 wild Mi Mr Mr J- It itod to iIUjiou of hi tie id family think of reroovlog float lit IfcibyUrlu will awtcrt annual ten- to la Watt and ie than il be tin rates la i lUyCHy Si and iimu Hum our itiJiiiiinlly Vn li which tilt al a U by foo In bled by Jlnka of it bd for ihe IUjw During Mr John bio Urn liinsflUnoccry aloek by otiwii rf AflllitK Hi 1iLnt Ibn lo Ilia iiiiiirj ij will a now butcher Mr iiiU In town far 10 til old liOTU wm vtry IbJIy IjOrKI lo our to llint ihwerogood would ixUion why wheu mini rolled of tie of Ue ii son mutt lo J to J llipin Jlnilkfy 3rd October At oclock leu tin will for jtml All kindly J to la- All will Mils of of which further Kick It In Mr Jitflti of i- i wo liori put few lj a bird one la UW It the uf hiull tftowr tint Mr Jgn ft tick but we couldoot fur of On of Mr fitirUod with an Ait Ho Jtnon fm to when root krmilj to tho and by fa He Ihreo or I chirgQ off bit with Aiu J and tatting ttiiktf two or Ihrw direr would Dr is building a laboratory fa the of ho dreg to or hit lugo- Eacrttilog la MoKtib figoOMlowTlip Oct fflwiurkl for NligAtu l W Boaod raUatbU grind trip Oar go to 1b 2w A At of ho and of will a frtfQMcfil of chord Tea tod will bo pell eorco followed by a of of Aoog All he mem bell of tb church and auo urg ed to bo and a real good lime Into the the at been putting In tio tltoa a Ore bite other wutk It wtfBOOtylut MUbloe It la In and will materiitlr cVu of work on notice Completion laying of the wltbgrut la the count of lime or contractor to here be work about completed- The work of on the will bo lo a very time who wilt probably bo cod nee ted with rehired The a Two A of flight occurred it Caoea Factory rock of a Scully haul loin la ihe AU bad a very from iojury tbo of drum la Haw off abonllft fnt tbo bask of hud It Juoky for htm oat A to cat M A Oho North York Aude ration hrtd lU att lon Id the Church lilt Mr thu chair of litera to elect for term J A of Atirora was fbosen President flioltb VlcoPruldont Intro tbo Her J A Thspuh pit la to wu a one J brought out a 1 iqd lively The next meeting a to beheld In October Slat and the to ho lotrodac- J Mr Webber end Ifticlilog of chapter of A to which public ate Method fit Church next morning from to Monthly in the Chili- lien Church last Saturday km null attended arid very 20 of raln bought on Tue day at the Market culvert at the North end of tho plat form filled While playing the waterworks on Avenuolut Wed need ay Mr J Sutherland boy hid a pick run Into hie hand by a playmate new going In North Tannery to meet At attracted cadi able wiring his hit on mil for la being in which baa been long water will be from town Union Class Owing to Iba aten- nothing done toward Mr took the for Sunday and lo lead Ing fldMtlyaaUatatcdr U Tho of the ChrittUn Tern perinea for the of York open Iq here afternoon The in the CoareaUqn will reaUMm the Methodlft when the re of the day will aleo be aAeraooa to to u on work uid of Young tod at Cody will add Bind of Hope Mm of To- Mm Wiley or end other vdrocatu of temperance ere lo deliver of tboceaio iileasoro to the by pleaturc will firm bive made a till Ma over tit vile worth of good iiriv the want Thru are from the there no fiQ article up It lyi ddno matter bow low V Mill was il octuple of tBifttf the KotbeCog the flour the pVr4tviHwtu ivei picked full that Lr obliged to ordered for It to be ibot not j to provide Wbealiuyere ere predated from under lo the of wtoan ihe 1VARvkt It not no- to Jo than JUtulloa the will tike on ifOStb at who 1- few vert K tboio vbo attfvlmvitt mot dtow lrtiuliy to go A very will be the fata will to prtKbed by the ptctor of Ml A be em 1U School Boom are luvit- hh to glr ifcelr kgf Offering the IIoubk lidLooieU on J- decided to oat and li eoniDaucd erected In lorn tH aeuoo one etd Wu3W Church decided on fa I eo demand for having gone abroad that the people Society wadenomootonel lo It character at a mating decided to the formation of Boclelytbit might more folly extend It generally attended In order to renter It entirely from any prejudice it nggeated tbo Temperance Hell wurtdand a meet- leg for will that on Friday or next wctk to which all win ere with a movement formntoetlnprorenieat arc Invited There iboold the Town for each a work the literary may bo elevated in oar to id it Correction In news week if reported which twogeotUmea from nd off the Impreuloo conveyed being been drinking to The geotte us to contra diet the averring tint It They ilitc the wae purely and occurred lu way Tbe for purpose of light bended the Hoe to that dog the fence The baring bounded Joit Around the Sub A happy and time the of on the 28Lh at the of their Dora friend were and weith to the bride The ceremony performed by Elder of The hap couple left per for Detroit and other did of them a hippy hire and coot roll tte bale Hoe la the rear of the were about oclock on flaaday morning florae to be work of an incendiary wlille It from engine wu the day before and the Smith firoa had re moved separator and clover machine for work more It wu alio with the whole thti year crop r of at Mr Knights a days this week lis the of Light it tome Fanny of Toronto a few day la vicinity week- We It a that each people will not do a good many of oar yonog men of Mount bu at Mr J the put two A Campboll maker of At wood formerly of place wu la week calling on old friend The member of the are the of Home appeared to bo the of the being unable to gain admit The a net gala of A very programme of Iter and J and It by Mr- Hub and the MIL bora focal muslo by Prof Head- and of Newmarket con largely to the of the evening Co ally dowo tbe boo by a vote of thank after which Kid the with the benediction Kid Cbldlty faleoda Son- of Waller and Stoke to Port Party hope they will Mr Hugh Archibald weathalf of lot Cod and I bully It BIC J GREAT CASH AT THE During the Next t Sutherland Now time you want new is to and good week that In- Goods that best sittisitictiuii lull in lit it Cheapest is now very Dress Goods and Dress to match Mantle and Ulster Gimps Buttons Gloves Hosier Hive and Scotch Varan Wool Shawls lj Clothing and a great drive in Silk iVoin els LADIES AND GEMS FURS AND A of Hard and Soft Kelt Hat Hoots and Shoes right quality value The Second Flat devoted entirely Wall paper Carpets and Made Clothing Boys and Mens Suits Overcoats and perfect fitting Teas a I half prices A CM of iluiiTWsriuoor a Sunday ft in Holy Day School Class and Evening Prayer- Friday p in Aid Thursdays 230 p at Sirs Colos residence WILSON SOLID LEATHER BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE Urn Mount Holland Landing the cimc Mrcril had a narrow Joseph and with add were of the hay that bad the fire with audi rapidity lhat before their pentose poiHioD The whole to There la no truth tbe report that Bradford Mills were burned Sutton Items NOTE rig li from tod ihe two col lided with the It such en that might hap anybody la justice to tho Aurora we gladly the Bicycle Race txbiWtion of what fan do tereat It flfe oclock the Wb left the High School the other four up by teams were of Meura Cane Kelman lUtclitf all alerted at a ad of eight they flew put Aororv crowd tbe cheered ibera their way the time they were to arrlre lo tow ejulte a crowd collected at of Water and when bead Iirfe ight the bead be greet with fiotbaiuacpTIlBg of Silver Ilia lima followed by Jo and came Drat lo tolootta la Cane Iq 55 white Safety filled boor thus aide woo by polot Coualderiug billy rotde to with the Wry of dost and itcDf the of travel the of ij Has FparljeMy goo the at the Hotel at avbd floe by all Mr who a yj atiled aod aaod wit the of at snipper If ill hare a for Oldham a two from A Roe Newmarket Terry his farm to John where he to 9 rested his to Mr Than got fata hand hurt in while tbrteUog for Mr Think wu hart at School on Ta- while pUylog foot belt or Odd Fellows left here Sunday to Church at the 2nd of October Ur Will oq will the Odd Fel low when of aad lodges will be They will much from their If all to the at a The arrest it Cbotcb a grand to eighty dollars nude by end Id with raoitc by the com choir by Met lire Miller together with Ma Maon and Co wybody was delight ed- The gent an flht and a great for teeth ere He bowed the third at the sight with honors from others this locality wilt be lo know that they not go oil of Tillage any for afoseph Bear takeo oot Is now for ujigeiziaDt He a active and tod will good eatlefactloQ hammer to making among the ahoep in the north et polity was pucuiay week god attended by very large lion Rot Mr Mr of Chicago formerly a resident of his In lut week lie for the West to about fire wteka None of the were waited burned wish the minds of many la that It would In order to dree and clear atmosphere The train late on log fire oo track fiearBafioshoe a very colli Col which he Imported from the will we tsiut bo lo belter will Dot to where yon Cod the likes say more their way to and from the station Three gtnllemeo ws for a hoot fast week after wandering through one a bird on lifnb of He took goodly aim fired and to foot of the tree to beg the proe when he by one of bis Wends the remark the limb With a modesty be coming him be log about it often pointed io same way George ben and content were oclock It to be the work of an Incendiary Dramatic Club are parte for the play for the of Have you seen our new Stock of Boots Shoes THE PL a Ladies Button Boot with Silk Thread Worked Button holes for 1 Ladies India Kid Button Boot for Ladies Kid Button Boot in dull and bright Finish for Mens Cordovan Balmoral Boots hand sewed for formerly sold at Mens Side van Boots with sewed and nailed bottoms for 175 Mens hand sewed Congress Boots with a crimped front for 225 These goods have been BOUGHT CASH r AND MARKED AT Great Discount Sals 1 tor SO para pt cans was today end at noon who have been engaged on the work for the four year were paid op by the ent f the lato or Mr P of Toronto of the oompletlorj of renders boat from the tendered Mr a banquet the Town Hall which Leading Furniture -Np- HOUSE THEM a Specialty an rtmaDtwIllbafoofid a large WQliaeleciedswcitor COFPIHB fiOBESJ 9 lljittieAitrllnc- loeticildcrKX lord si- orders promptly a r J MILLAR i CO LOWER PRICES THAN EVER REACHED IN NEWMARKET Mens Kip Boots to drdcr from Liquor Tanned for Mens Shaved made to order for 350 Remember all goods giving out in an unreasonable time are REPAIRED FREE OF CHARGE Trunks and in great Variety at SOLID SHOE HOUSE Toronto Markets Toronto Wept IWT a do a do a ilo i W a do 9 o do oto a per ton to a goiter KiHEjffi Apples WceeedHoaaporcwi a D 1 a a a is- to I50J in 1 a gkilvcrtiocincnt TO LOAN At alt DAVID LLOYD for issuer of for toe Lapoaca o GUARDIAN NOTICE given that ltiAnjrfdfiya Iho date for the of loUaopotoiad or mod daohitrfir a wtidowcrwbo cay or NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE Just received a fine lot of Wines for Mcdicmfcl NATIVE SHERRY GINGER ROOT Claret and e NEXT DOOR Our is in all line Teas at ib SUGARS SUGARS Just in llio TOILS OTTOMAN Stock Throughout well Buyers invitee Groceries always Fresh and Is NO TROUBLE BAILEYSXBAK COMPLETE ASSORTMENT BREAD CAKES AM ALL KINDS OF SALE a Our WitvaaSKeTaSpf I tu i4 do do per a TO J 4 a tf do WWa Boiler a Baiter llqM WVWia0 aaiii Children Cry Oft of ii on IS I 9 It tt s tot Id Hoiend lnJIor to of itmber Befit in town Canned goods at oil prices- fctock We have just added to or THE NEW ERA BAKING POWDER With which giving away lOVltL elegant in mid Glassware P J Main Street FRESH GROCER Every week which can relied quality ENNES MILL Hams and Canned Qt Stock of STRAINS to I Three Yearling Bulls tod lib of SEVERAL BULL CALVES Bias Shorts Sit Etc Delivered to any part of the Town free of Roller Flour EXCHANGED WHEAT tt DONE EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY OYSTER PARK Open for the Seaso Cigars and Tobaccos lu TWO V1U5 VEAU3 itoiti la 3rI lUo ttVt tt Of aM iroufcla i r-t- fc y

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