NEWMARKET Now Advertisement Millinery Millinery J Bale J J Auction Sale Burdock Compound Co Farm for Farm to Rent Dr Thompson Card Joseph Rear for Sato Mrs Own Store P J V I Slit UP J IMOt T Ate anil J ft SEPT 30 Our Toronto Despatch W A BpL oitrdfcl of annular a At lh Klojr of the for to SI i Maxtor lw i Hon Mi alaiaiVr of Wait w Mr for on Oct city council toward of by lb Hon John of AgtM- of Win 1 lit I Hi il I I York and Unton Fair union of North York AgricutlurAl which on 1 1 hand of in Ms Jrtwii to or year Many entries already itccn with Choice rtiary a general to than usual it should be Farmer their eipecfalljr ougbt to attend both their county and townehip fain m tho principal of in all nf la to community by annual ly grouping together of farm orchard nil of in agricultural o every may know Htm being mdo nnd be within roach of who advantage of improved methods in prosecution of their in life Hut in order to make these fcineeivful former within icasonoblo should Awkti it point to for exhibition he can from field dairy pantry and workroom though no prize bo taken will be good on both farmer his family in will for future A spirit of rivalry be evoked towards attainment of for to a noticeable sure to bo result Out of the four or five hundred belonging to above united association at least three should be forth coming It is to member to coutributo at taut from five to ten entries and not few will bo able to niako twenty thereby a round average to secure the total number given ex hibit would to the Riding- Will The Kxecutivo will meet on Monday to make prepara tions and order ch improvement the grounds and buildings as wilt contribute to the exhibitors nod convenience of visitors Several of our leading merchant and have already intimated that they will take a interest lliau and will our townspeople generally ensure aucceu We now look with to farming community to do their part that he fondest or friends of the unite associations may ho realized mast all be made the before Saturday of and under thv changed eastern adopted must be adhered to fares have for from all station on tin Northern It ween and hid ing Toronto Dd a of including Ilia- and Federal iv- of this nd counties be expected anticipated that Committee Monday special attractions of which due notice mill ftpwdlng In horse ting the firtt iky will he nt- mr is moro than usually and should the weather doubt the villi fully meet the most sanguine anttclpations Henry Georgia to sip article we publish ed a few week critic freely Georges Theory on propoViy faijand Old Subscriber to the says that from remarks he doe not comprehend attitude of that gentleman in his on the land question and request to bo mote explicit friend doe net dissent from the we expressed bat entertain notion that we did not bring out Mr George theory in so clear manner to prevent misunderstanding Wo pleasure therefore in complying ah Old request and shall to be a explicit a possible then Mr George maintains notion should bo no private of tonfs that lands belong to nation largo and that one man a much entitled to his por tion as another hot soon a an Individual down in par ticular locality and while lie occupies land upon or retains thereof an rental for its vse said rente to bo used in place of taxation to up hold the local civil government The clear inference from his writing Is that land belonga to public at largo should only bo lot to a tenants overy occupant should pay root to government toe of the people Briefly fore going it Mr iBml thoory and wo criticised it as being in Ira adoption of his would in placing industrious and the providont and Improvi dent oil a piano of equality Nay more it would chock and progres all taxation on of land and Allow class of community who equally enjoy protection of govern ment and tho Arising from duo enforcement of law or to live in the enjoyment of to taxation requisite to uphold tho improve With side issue arising out of Mr Georges limd theory regarding difficulties of regulating the rights of occupancy and amount of rents to bo paid by occupiers tho of lands without recognising wo shall not now there will naturally suggest themselves to think er Onco adapt theory bat land ought not to be made subject to ownership and sensibly des troy to progress and im provement weaken credit lesson per sonal responsihllity and create homo unrest TIajsraUond Esc tti took on Wtw tut rasalUo Id Think Aaotbcr utotspjot A crtsU Is la sod Altboob uA ladattrls fully lb u sight sad per for posed to do mors ihD way around parity of billot bartend by Ottawa Journal says UtssUUd best that sO lalo lbs two la of all la pay- log coat to both Federal aa 21 fa for lb and for Fader si A cab to an- lbs beat st decided to P Ha from -Van- to and Tbe I to a year with from for a taaolbty A lis bat mail with either Colas or very limited trade may open to or a year sot a trill too dear for the advantage It give iA- fA Mrs- tons basbeen oar for put of week la still a Alfred P of garetb a to QaeeoielU to aid flfsada Sir Low for lexdty la Id Mltb At ibit wiii Mttr Wo got oar Kbg fala ud v to find is Ihe Tut wld ud 3w for ueofUbjDiI Rocky I liDgQtihtd Odd orb floi formtdnok from J of 3 bulb of both bcre frvio Ia will fWtdr if gSff c if I 7 Ink Drops WDAt UK ABOUT Will circuit a In to it J t ba find cit JliuiUd to t toy fin here will of rreelpli four Tuesday cliirgd od to by Hit Ft Act but pre- pucd tad it o Rod The of loiammlng up IhnrcjHHli In Mr they urged tbo of stfur Id life Jftab In did not come uudcr Act but hit ittUo- till tbe to be Iho By the of Ww la tbefleutto for South of do Senior which ffjuMtobfl thit In for lib will iuorty to one tiro tboiisuod Ho Wei to J widow the lift ill of of the rtteto u for Toronto to bom fund for of of tad to will Dint I tomorrow ant More l Town Council work I l crop Mint Tbitibegivlox offjilogHaodty WblUbutfh Council Council Fair TboEHAha Mr I imDlcuicpU oil tAlfl fctock la one oclock J Xfttaoigb ATUADir 1a or vlll UuNOrtb ifoU one iloxniXt Oct bo let- JtDpJcnjeolj furniture Id the 2nd Von amount Bile oclock A hit Tapper for ffJIl a eliort before to flv ihe cd pTthu so it if to It it to 0 thtd by flilmi by Hon for Cot lot fcoM Urn Mr Unb of hod ju At- goint the Opinio for tight of of York a of the county od to the vcV by procUnutfoootthcftOt for er city A wit giff Quebec largely at Hod Mr Hon Com of wis u tribute of of Quebec to the Hod la acknowledge bit Hoe a raiD Urge The swr another story re- cotillon to from Cover Follow on the atatfiQt lb tho in of Mc- Shane of a bet the of a recent clrct Ion to A of now the facta wo rltb affair course of street row fit Montreal on night an organ named three men of Graven- buret are promptly aeUfng to work to rotrtove the caused by the late and already buildings are in erection relief it doing good work though much destitution still and much will bo required liberal of pro vision have scot from and received in cash OCT 8th The Public are cordially invited to Call and Inspel Show Rooms where our milliner Miss Powelll will be found in charge Show Room will be open each evening until 10 oclock STORE R MAD to a by aCotioly the to be rutde with Ihe Officer st ibp time of ixay to by tbo or by elector went to court the jwiht and the Court do what can elector the An order giatited by Ilia call lug Colics Meg to show not a Jruat for lh of Mr Shvpptrd of tbe day It jmhlic the dtcliulog to do MM is Mb A child of met with a ad and painful death last week Mr lives near Eden Milt On Thursday last Mr boiling to the stable to two it for cleaning She left tbe pail near the door and while her attention was directed to some- thing else little one in closing the door fell back into water went to the res cue only to find tiat her little one had been terribly scalded child lingered in great agony until Satur day when death ended suffering A Fast Day Day of Atonement the wa celebrated by tho all over tho a most holy erouday of year according to chaps and 23rd Numb In time old it was al so New day on which liberty to all slaves was proclaimed in the Jubilee year and High priest en tered bat on this day the portals of sinctutQ sanctorum and pronounced tho name of the Lord In four loiters Hut now the confute in fasting from sunset to aunset and in through the whole day Sept 17 A A Whiter loose out hunting antelope The Coming Event at BCrompton IS OUR GRAND Which will take place on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of next week October the 5th and both day and eve will moke an elegant display of New Hats Bonnets and Millinery l Novelties in Fancy Goods Goods Silks Velvets and Trimmings Large variety of Short Jackets Paletots Dolmans and Wrapsthe latest Berlin and London styles our own personal It will interest you to know that while we can show goods as cheap as the cheapest we also show a vast number of lines of exclusively our own Goods that you wont see in any other house in Town goods that wont be duplicated by anyone INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED Os7 The Leaders in Low Prices Direct Importers oiFine bad a nar row escape coupling cars at on Midland on Satur day last While in a fell At Fair yoong couple war publicly married o attraction aftd to of not than war among the exhibit Doe gold to pot la W cat it thawed- and fflcao Tile Imuter ajjl at a lUSOthoi Rest Jr rincUl it of in itlel JtcfiatMuoJTalus a I I arJarJi or arta ba aod nimm 9 from a on it- at lbs lb Uira Hilt Una Mr a ibeOoUrfo to rtilrt from politic Ufa to ihai to fiU Vlj who oaufls lb aod of 4iTMrlt V odu beta s bu lb PARA- flRAP3B Mm io Rom Ihfs Hi J A a ore Mr G l4rQ CiratiQr a of in town J IWr J wilt fa SUq4ij to for Mr Jolio A Dt Sunday Herb Sturdty afctxe he hid lln for her fiaffilo week Io jQiiktt Mr of ka It a Thooipioo of Vrtfflotiy itwwt op Mi tent pritjifrtl of pre to Mr Kfll tod out Pill Mr dentil for Dftr Mr riwdlpgl to Mr My Of b for which Wt niiio4 lit to of Twin Mountain ranch shot and in stantly killed his cbooi and com pan ion George Gordon two were graduate of Oxford College and the son of wealthy English parent They arrived in America three weeVs ago and west to in slock business Yesterday at Windhams ranch they wtwo ant elopes and with their rilleaatartodia pursuit They soon lost sight of one of tbo but finally located other in a Gordon start ed up one aide and crept along the bottom It was now Suddenly caught sight of object moving in the sage brush a ahead of After it for time he decided a and- fired The object fell Fearing it was only wounded and having beard of the ferocity of these animals when in that condition ho fired three time and parting the brush ap proached the spot where object bad fell up lie atruck dumb with horror on finding one of hi bullet had entered temple of young Gordon and that life ex tinct car lengths along the track in front of cor tho brake clamp saving from being cut in two As it was bo was severely hi right leg being badly crashed for Veil CO- ft- In ior or my FURNITURE lU-rs- at bom ilio bride fc to J of law J ROoDHO afaW I Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST PRICKS J FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTGLASS HEARSE win FOR SALE iooi ore- icrcOsrd WJD nod two rtnj ooutopremucoorlbitxifDbbaroQl Immense Auction Worth of Dry Goods Clothing Boots and SI DRHODDEfVS BURDOCK AND W- tVirtwii of WJM Dart ytnuw- bory Dt pARM TO RENT OS J kj JaxrPi FOR Moo tfavnaraTofr MlUoaj yw Twos A IKE- area r4Dtolllisv for fMlT Toko So rrjmnttc ice koine LUNG ttou IS and per ri SHOES MISSIES gopi a4 to t BOOTS UBfTO Will hold an Auction Sale every night Month of To reduce stock These sales offer an opportune chase at your own prices goods from the finest most carefully selected stock in and as there will be NO ElSwO you cms look Fob bar During the day Wonderful Bargains at Sale BROS sVo M st i i j