NEWMRKETERA Now Now Good Orornptoo Roller Tborobrod Stock Tender A P Notice Walton Belling I It Bond Wanted None- Mr Era DP I and with FRIDAY SEPT 1887 Editor what sua to wain about ptil Piny girt great of J Anybody a copy by for It Oar Toronto Despatch toft Dominion morning fcur Darnel record of all to loUl so Jul It lbs ram ill will loll acre lf vera lor flM for lb Clril Monday of Mrs Ann Did It Trunk cUSslsg for toJarlM imulncd by ill from cm towStlul jury brought verdict or O0 rehired of rrlul Io much lb by bo kicked sod but bluj with ouch rocUy bit life of Ilk io luge raytty f Mr not tort Divert to bo ljr UimIi culion to Idcii Jauc tbo fir t rcoIr- for tog ot BlraIy fore of lug Khg to now A will bo AlHardcr for Km from lutrrcolag Mr wt to boo nwlt indie- id tils bfdtb A Third Party o chief of Convention in Toronto last week was iho formation of now port with PioIiiUtion leading plank of platform Mr moved a such a party Mr ft moved an do- clnriog that a third party should bo formed if prohibition not at once an iuuo of pre cnt but Jr with moved a second worded aa tfknCO no wlruood from do ground mill Id Iho folarc WtoMtj which Of Important jV It of Jaflftar psctjllirty a Id ft A long followed Many doubted the of any from the former thought no of prohi bition cither of Prominent urged that their immediate duty to do- feat to repeat the that would tax their beat were reminded the annual of looking after revision of the voter for a j4rty and that present friondi in the Common would be driven into In at Alices Leading p J and bold oourto informlnga party boat W both the muting jrtiea When tho taken by majority the totals being As a of tla Convent no yero vet a and the or- gnuatiou ho new party will ftil at it lhl object not to better own condition baft the of their unfortunate vho become of glow workers must have credit for being thoroughly In what they We them t There are fair people but who admit that tot I pro- would be the beat thing for any country that wold aver happen then why not work for ft I to will full of of Wins that in Sop- Umber lcibor with ad of Sod A cop will bo to of the reaplog of tho now Mek to the Company of pott the clear It The out for by from tbtlr point of pUla ooatract with COtiilnJClloQ of of El fuj to a years will the did not perform its part of the It tbo roid ihd of sad It of of In It would therefore to Meklng to overy It or toui7ndrsAy ofthorigbiiiuuHdloltby on the port of tbo Ij not with railway hot with tit Dominion by hu no to lako right to lod to iho llnr that rather from will go aiiMd tad foco whatever may bo Tho Is a it ataodt and way nut It no tan clearly Giigo that Gov lopronot ilia foajlroctloa of and that protested cowl tbaroid wilt tbo hind ore to go on ftriftIo cannot coo forever without coming to- a tha coma ilih trouble Will it be a of with an immovable or Mil not have to giro wbo la now at away Africa the relief expedition fltaotay man who up it Wo all faopo that in by IhEi autl that bo audi of arid faithful at the relieving of a bravo lean bat a as a Voik an with htm to go find it no waiter what coat at about ao from hit lave been received to tho tho by to uoder St bun to They ale that reached Albert they mot li who wu from an lolioauogora wia tbo near of asicdllloD and lib weatero a ores the the approach of Stanley port that a war been waged tho and the la which Albeit and Lake bat by and cult the relief of Kmlo Boy ft lovolvedJo of fitaoUyec heart of la alowly up day the naiiooa of tho trill loner l with Of that To like Captain Lit Siaohy Day and thoeoreaof toatittgolaudj of lb cm never world much Without auch would world aeon to Co- Soma too bo as It the are tod death- What is Doing Ktog the of J rand of Oddfellow were recdyed tie local Odd fellow report of office tow yemr locoaw of making of went raeinbortbip 7773 j militant branch Iter of and ft of 16600000 What are Saying Of OUR VI01LANT Att I 1lat hotel Qjr to op ittTea i Tlit ft t rtr hit ficlpft oat and ttjao the iot tit It POtBTT In Ij l a Mr Elijah In Town Mr Wo of Au rora In Town Mr J boo bora on a Sunday of Moore of vUlting at Mr David weak of Hamilton la a Tew wfth Sadie Mr Wo Roche of Toronto wu In week of frith Mr waa bona on Wed- loapaod with Mr and a Rom are a Wp down the thla ai far as of of Mr St aod bar aro biro on a villi Deputy lloata of Town and gave the Em a call of Tate daya In Monday Dr who has been at Whitby and for tba two hems on Dr for to a in Columbia for the benefit of health Bradford of Toronto Mr and of attended the In on Jot Millard of at on Wed nesday Mr and wu Mr My of Factory at Holt Quebec apoot a few In Town week with hla brotherinlaw Mr- Little- Mr Qea been av elating brother at left for tut Friday to do for warm friends during hla who with Mr Bound of tor of the celebrated at tracted much attention at by wife ft few at Dr weak person report that Sir Henry broken Ma pledge To credit Harry bo lienor he tba ribbon ten In the office en evening from a weeks holidays at and other cities J frela the better for hla trip and daughter were Toronto during and retained evening Mrs Bolton and deoghter of ate her father Bolton TJnwthyflt Bolton a daughter of lets Amos flbe thorougbty polled on areola by tho Era Mr Finite Town on of week aod Sunday during which tints ho called upon a great of Ma friends attended twochildreo as- In religions services ftah appreciated- Frank and enjoyed with Mr David boys- Mr Jr been home for about on of aboeocr but we are aorry to earn apparently no better the bone he for a year now and are entertain bat will yet bare to iho hand In order to Eea syca to him In fata aoSeriog Mr J never to aejd foreign when off on tour From Chicago that the left city at p on lut week by a train of Pullman time chair cart and two an over the and Alton to by Santa to liieno Denver Colorado Springe where tbty were to until Saturday They Unexpected to move to Deotci until following Saturday At Denver will put in the for very prices of J In and the 3rd COO of in The Canton takes Ifahtyaiz and twenty balance of tbe will bo made up of frlands alL tut a good of That the are excited ha race that they can hardly find time to est or the frequency of oil be ing empty a reminder that the growing That the of in a full That the So ciety will meet on to of for country the with Saturday Hat who not trathrmaelfe away by art which ihay can bo Jo a bony to pot the oomj bo- IM of tia latent a thia from and l- other of Mr on aC John won the fair hand of teteAtty and nuptial on Thais wars fifty Mid the service by Eli Balnsr Mr ytDc of to ha In that capacity u wall as being Ufa of whole party Tie fcefde wu In a golden wmct note taodadby Mary Mr who proud of choice ha had made prcaeoU ware varied a very dbpUy Before happy couple proceeded go their wedding tour the company partook wedding dinner fa a Join with thai many In wlahlog much la thsswatop up all the we and air vary smoky Everybody wiihlug for rain The QwUUmbury Fall Fair bo held tha of October Lookout for Sharon There my little talked about In Ihti accident happened a little to of evening of week It two I from Aurora pilot town red and feat- log wero not whore they wero driving ao long It waa in of borne Jy tho double boggy from Aurora locked anna with Joe boggy In direction end not feeling inclined to fit go all at the took the toad The ap parently a autlooa to got home aod alerted by at a uccb mote rapid pet They were caught going Very far foe of lbs men commonly called Teddy badly bruited and with many ho wu determined to go homo If ho hid to foot It Finally ho that pretty bftdly hart and that they had better remain nt and bate luteal gated the other man dtfUriog that bis arm waa broker A for Dr at and the Teddy condoled renmke Your fioiog to die yet your teeth an It doctor arrived that had I at not refrain from at the end Teddy to be great agony by a Both riga paid a Halt to Aurora thadimagra to amounting to were forked over It dont to good when away from home Life Around lis From A dude who been In habit of coming to apendblaSoo Sunday but to beer that bio a net heart had gout era and report it hud RJo Mr who down Jury nu home Sunday Holland Landing As wtak civic holiday day bright and doer bet wift and It began to rain much felt fee the of which to bo hold In the Park it about noon little groups could be then hurrying to park where ft apeot Daring were by When all which were out on the presented a pretty and who down did full to the Wt A ahadu of analog begin to the to thai well a4t- with Mr Moore MatbodW pulpit Sunday avaniug and gave ft very and loteraaUng the of m Wf 17 Mount Albert- Mr f cut butt dim to Mr WcjIc been commenced on our woollen factory to take In the at the exhibition Mr our painter of Aurora Mr John taken up hla abode in ColUngwood The out the dulf to our town and ready for Mr Walter J our returned to Town looking Mr J from Sou day with on the town lle Mrs Think returned from Parkdale where been for the lut too week Dennett with In Mr and Moored Sandford Sunday town nitb daughter tin A Porter her brother San toiin with Tucker from Toronto la with Mix Mitt from at Colin Mr Smith from will preach Sunday at the Church hen Sacrament of aopper trill be Monday log wu Ruler vat opened by Then a entitled The Child which her voice ftppuraoce made It wujelhicg Mr then an way after which Mr of King took platform and an Teminbce a tern- entitled It not my father did bid deed She it effecttngty that It marly brought to of J A Milter end lira ang a temperance piece choice by entitled Will tht In Mr of Sharon to apeak bat by ua a few comical which brought the Everybody grand to of Methodut Church next and the may well prepare for a Whin one can not meata other del hot aee that to at Tha prcram of by Willwo aod veriod mutirat i to it to their make them feel welcomed Church to ha dedicated Soody of Oct the hare very talent for tha cailon At A general the Church will preach ivl JO pm aermou will baby Warring of the Laymen of Toronto tba following evening Hot Hopper will bo tarred In the old chartb log ftt oclock and followed by a platform mealing when bo peeled from J A if Dr Cannae Warring Kennedy and choir from under the direction of the mule will In of g opening itill be Sunday whao been to break bread of Ufa A vary 1 -V- 1 rfV a A Successor a I ir a n TERMS STRICTLY CASH AND NORTH STORE JULIUS R MA Our MR CROMPTON lias just returned from England bought lota of Bargains for our Fall and drawing your attention to these Goods winch are being opened up every day we ask you to inspect a stock of fine Dry Style never before been equalled in Newmarket We have not one word to say about Merchants who do not goods outside of Toronto Montreal do can loaflfc intermediate profit by importing from the makers We are showing just now in Buttons Clasps Dress Trimmings Short Jackets and Ulster Cloths Wool Goods Plain and Fancy Plushes Ties e Superior new Wool Goods Dress Goods new Black French Cash meres new Black Wool Dress Materials in all tjie most Stylish Cloths Black Gros GrainjBilW Colored Silk in newest Shades new Combination Dress Silks Surahs Extra value in and Melton Clot Clothing Hats Caps Boots Shoes Groceries c c J GOOD GOODS FOR YOUR MO AT THE RELIABLE DRY GOODS HOUSE OF The Leaders in Low Prices Two bear killed Monday within four mile of Quebec 19 Tlic Warwick from Newport reported north we galea with mountainous prevail od on Sept mak ing a clear breach over vessel sweeping deck fittings Oil was with A eye could reach oil bad calm and unbroten while were breakipg every direct At WbtCctiarcb on Hie Intl of of altar ft bride ffttr Hoy A ftt- Bale Register wlN bv6D on tot la one oclock- BOOTS SH0ES la of tock mod will lake of of at can oclock- Jo- CrothFaH Of mm ffcClf Wm will od oclock the vrtaoiot Term roade U nit- boo roHta from tor co LADIES MISSES BOYS AND YOUTHS Co THE BEST GOODS JuitopeoMft flo of Fine Goods MENS FELT BOOTS at wmmtDdof ft- Matted robbers boarded a Texas and Pacific twin on w ymAht twelve we to by lUv thousand dollar- Mr k fimtoa Of Ibt timcoeCo C0WiE5o AtlliCfcaMcoceWUO fatlitr on iheJUl by fcftljf of Mr- A tt of Sir iOD to U atiiJiiDboo omb Iho 1Mb pt inoMtii 0ixjl4aoIo oo tlio 1Kb of Mill GIRT Apply Ml MONTGOMERY i S HURON ST Flour Brat Shorts Exchanged for Wheat aod Roller oo band klJ bnor ILetr i m m Nona win MENS CLOTHI ANTED- Mr At after axb Ml yean- of Id FURNITURE J NAIH Bedroom SeW AT LOWEST PRICES PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS BrTITOCK FIRSTGLASS HEARSE Vtoifi rs tocairao o4 WALTON by lb for llrcryof BODY Jio of Ne bred Stock a BOUT flbortborea from BEST STRAINS Three Yearling Bulla Of ij ib of SEVERAL BULL CALVES valoloo fiooV Important tb and Made to Order at BOYS CLOTH and made to Order BRUNTON B V taia fcv tba inn a RBI of prompt i MONEY TO LOAN tli DAVID LLOYD for of lUgr or btWbff4raUoI4fAiao Our Stock of ReadyMade Clothing is the by any firm north of Toronto These goods hay made expressly for us by the leading clothing Canada The workmanship ia perfect and the pi derfully low Our stock of Tweeds and Cloths cannot outside of the city We maie these Goods to on Class Style and a perfect fit guaranteed BRUNTON BROS THE MAMMCfrH DEALERS NEW MAIN ST l mm xa