g Friday Morning JACKSON if PRINTING BOUSE of NORTH YORK AND ADVERTISER Vol 33- Single Copies Gents Each Cash in Advance within at A- AT I nor A it REAL ESTATE AGENCY to Loan Etc RAT la cJ of our Firm IolfcJW aod on or write tor io it I BOS Rod EftUU Agent Main Toronto Jit UK iiiKIKfKHATIAW g to j lo triD J do Newmarket good llAMtUlN PHlllHrjiI Haas Wlxo A MA It IS Ac to Attorney Hoi toft Etc AUKK J v J Imurahcd Ao Op AUKORAi IN KAI and China Hall I TEA TEA TEA jLir WOKE TO D WU1TLKY of VeerlMiif7 promptly to fT It Kit MOHKY TO LOAN- JvtccUIr bod tor meet oil Kio- tfAiHWlHordpflrJox secured bargains in Fine New Seasons Teas we ore offering following at reduced prices cent Tea for Choice- cent Tea for coat Tea Good cent Tea for Special 25 cent Tea for Our used always Wo offering a special lino of Coloured and White Tea Sots at lowcatppBaiblo prices TOBACCOS A SPECIALITY SALT BY BARREL Roll Meat Hams Bacon Lard and Vegetables always in Stock at right prices SOAPS AT COST Goods which found not as represented can be returned and money refunded A by promptly attended to ALLAN A niltRIKTKKH do Toronto fiV TO TUB ETKA CO HO Burt A local wold A Etc m lUfl Caldwell ftod ate now tarM to a nod mod of Oven bo pleased to deliver Bread to all our old customers tind also many now Wo control of rft of t can tad ailU the gnj catu on HIT bill AIM lb world a caln fall upon too hie Tien fill ittopa day tow op to and certain hij A rosy light cut ill golden A good when lid of the the the brook the Bib more Oh the at fleet For Dilate It fall of their to the Bret Ths hie fiofea color round their while The e jUtleaidon the folded The dew thet fella when earth to met lore Be the world fair J Wild roaod our feet and MOga In the air AH hart ted free an welcome The red of end llfa a Bat tired feet of life lure weary iDpiUrnefl welt for neper chlraea when down aoaLf tod He 1 not bright Dot holier I here the twi light home grey hare been well j Than ihe of wjlb hope the foil roee tbea bad with promtee rfft the bar lu da whet more can we expect of life I a r jour ml Oil 1 1 Kngncr York Court ft y J A II OUBE And both places will bo supplied with Fresh Cakes Pastry Confectionery FRUITS 0 ALSO FAMILY GROCERIES toRaTCt Ml a good iorae brief ud tutOQ of Wo And fiittApOltlrf ft- Mcbt jma6dltlnellpwbltfo wldntw Fellow if till doty to to It fay It mem wo from the Kiog of to Oar tho of for of of oppcal to their tod fDRt tbronh power of tbo to Oar to WMo l food for tbe uid if ribtlj It will bo KQt flOtbbg bat tfao u fought la it to tad of oar f how ft fur tba Impart koovf Wo ud tblok otarboleoot ft rcfir- Io borne go be VUlt it homes tod thai get with Item bit you o fa their After wide not the to by bold fog torn el J ft doty to le Better a few to giro me mix r of a eplrit the fclmply eodworiDg two not to do wo fell oaytblog- you moy act bo called to llll any do think no yon doty we if toipeak well of School If icy or not bo doing what tblok be n on Sunday Schools Celling a AI Hot removed to llioComeroiMQiuotiOTemo- Air for SMITH A TKUUTp all Rkomu Block A Mi truiiuitiou Moderate for SPECIALTY Kalwalolog AH wJU left at my Now ooO the Moo ter eutinticuntfiiuppiioo TUB AMKRICA aT he only Company for Aurora oOaYoyQolof loan and J TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION BAILEY Eight Hundred and Seventy are to care for tie fold lh tba bleak and cold In before who baa read It atartiing that eight hundred tudevmty wo men and were arretted in and lodged in police et- In That thought with the many other that to of are enough tocaoicall to halt amid of long enough to Bat it not the eplrlted women whoso earnest are a before that I desire to whoa lip pronounced the tender name of and yet lonla are encased with an mil- that it to pierce It with the keenest wall that sound oat from woe and land They draw their rich robe of comfort about them hardly heeding ap proach of with icy mantle It glittering ha no terror for them or their fair daughter whose eves sparkle no less than the diamonds they wear Oh ye proud happy tnotherspauso amid your self and your darlings and let picture of brought to our polio stations pas before mental vision and the place hell where devils incar nate where they come from Only a few year dimpled cooing their mothers arms then we would have them and called them angels from took at them now 1 though it may cost you one night of uneasy dumber Perhaps you will for the first time pray for such and ask yourself what God will you you stand bo- fore His throne What have you done to save one of them such a Satan and his host are busy for all the tread of their unwary feet may bo heard a they swiftly pas on into hall that fillei with pleasures brightest flowers waiting for the plucking of their eager finger hands are wanted to part clustering vine and show hidden of the Tho League will place it foot upon the neck of this evil and t there into life a strOHtf royal manhood whose presence the American saloon cannot impurity must fall We want the motherhood of our to give her influence and prayer to and frown down every man that will not adopt the White Gross motto of loyalty to women and purity Again tell that out of the eltfht hundred and seventy only one hundred and thirty knew how to house work and had learned a trade Mother see to it that daughter are tberehould bo need then out of your means help of her girls to lives when utan with for he will find that have been there before and defeated he will and Heaven will re- Union Signal rat is on the doll Around hi I WHAT COBRUFOKXST OUR carried and the people of He Prince in three large fi l want system and ceitbl Tho of vanced it rate of per cent the J Mair for a 2nd of King hare been picked ma rah season Mia Hare of Catharine is visiting at Mr Mannings on Sunday August Skinner infant daughter of Sir Geo Skinner Lacrosso team played on Sept 1st for a Silver Cap Miss Gray and Miss of were awakened one night last week by some to effect an entrance into the house firm and failing in thi the parly tried the window No one happened to be at home evening but these two ladies Gray the presence of to get her fa ther pistol and fired a shot through the window Nothing more was heard and the ladles were resume their eh fires are destruction in hip County A new featured of a baby ahow will be at fall The Canadian report for the I the year a net 13l A Scotch spotted in treated by those whom The estimate Hungarian militia with rather fied J tha a ft fit bare a tendency to I I Many r at 1 AND NICEST Sewn Ml No WJeUvlwHiTorooto Gents Suitings to up ido to a SUPERIOR MANNER At will ftoy for ALEX KTOCK OF I PIPES ID STORE MAIN ST SOUTH JO A AND P NEWMARKET OK CANADA ALLOWED ON -ISSUED- ilVf IIIIITAIN UNITED STATES AM ALL POlSfS IK FARMERS NOTES OR NEWMARKET rooodry tie Best Materials veil Q- J ROBERTSON HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Glass Carpenter and guilders Materials Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Hallway I AHPTIE ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS STREET NEWMARKET I Itepilte to and Farm On Shortest Notice i3 Wo4tr orihptrtoK DUNNS BAKING 0Jt WOOD ORGAN- Wueomge At Of WW THECO for Infante and Children ao to kasnsoica l STOW COXFXftEKCB retired l too religiooi iGiliottion tod the iWrO it Fori kooirMotlut ba hold Mm ftill Kip of Lord tod nor lea of for tad with Hit for from being lo ipftWU to not to Id a but to up In tbdBrturtud of Hie Attdtll dtipeflt for ffo5 of fcy tbe lit For Ubltihod be the to obHdreo JTbtt geaintioDi ot whkh ud to cbUdxto c their tpc in vd pot forget works of fab com It ft tree dtf gwdUuMd or of Lb til children tbecoi tod too of the- of fceildt of with her flcbooli hit Juk of Jf of iod of tod the to bo tbU grttt jrorV tile ChOrtbetod of the Cborch of the l to pot cere Mjn to okaovr trfjjbtUlHteliroA It fa tbe doty of com for rl with be wdeoUbUjpfm tt OlSccrtsicdTtUEifrsv the fngof Ioeed a tie ilodcl lb only one to bo i eetttltd d lbs lined gtrrobeaoeygilootbtf ooa lo ibU walk Chtlft to with lt ittch- A A jirfutfodtDt of e of t cioi or the lJtch fai be tbe In ebuicter uditPauefor op the ud of auutoM itb the o lie lbj tre 9oporlftUa dial to to the work a oot IB tt good Io8aerios avoid bar Mtt la a good la toy own mo- ily which on JeseODfiTor MUwioft sik a ft beer- log the tone before heir the ItasoD they are to bare In I the Jaij of the are off to echool at be proper time ed they go they be by roar prayeri hat hurts raay far the of riiib end that the be imbued from impart as may he fur Eterael cJncl I feel Ibis so some duly but ad feci ft so exalted privilege with eoldrligbt Ihe Mm H well If we tabor ddeJiave CootVreooD we irll by dtle- gttes Utter for politics sow hold Chorees will be by to their lor the old teeth will be rewarded tabors aod of life an oer by glad with tboee of Sarioerv Wise defeated badly Id the boat raco at last week yesterday a cload of smoke enveloped the village so dense that object a few distant were bush and field fire raging on all sides and nothing of a deluge quench them Many farmers have been compelled to plow Around their buildings to pre- fire running so as to endanger the ox World I Amelia mother has come She baa threatening to visit for a longtime and I am eat of terrible fray up the spare room in elegant stylo for he and she arrived she kissed Amelia square on mouth and treated the children in an equally cruel and heart tea manner She kiss not by a largo major ity I would not be a contenting parly and dont the old lady had enough to steal on Any way she didnt For the firt day or she very liked the house and the little When I was hearing distance though not visible one day I caught her telling Amelia that aha so to get such a man as wore off she lukewarm and towards ma especially Oft fourthday asked me to take an old pair of Wonglngto up town for repatr I too heavy for man at shoe were nd beside body or sole to them to get repair flf 8hetm 1 her foot perched on tho lino fence form- ing a very audience to mo pedigree of the back three or and for having anytbUigto do with such a low Uvea crow Soon afterward took her She did fldt o a for which and lh children bo in city met b leader interest theyouug and and appear to be a very of mercy that would lift them above walks of Jift and better and better pay Poor children their feet ache to enter turner and liogly Jbey arc lead Into dens of city end to remain until all hope died in their hear and they no desire Co ever look again upon father mother or face for who believe their story We went motherly hearts and wide all over ho Jand to and save each and keep an op upon trance women seeking of young and marriages arc often resorted to as a means to make up the fatal number of ruined and a maiden with a free fair to look upon a flower In guarded moment the met her evil genius and one of tboee abl fascinating iiequamtances in a marriage without the sanction of parent- Too late she learned there vaa really no mar riage no licence on record and that wis one more of the victim of a conspiracy to rob her of her moat jewel her purity The she bad called stated to her that he had purpose upon ihfte hundred girls that were when they fell hands If he brought be fore courts in all probability be would escaped as of his guilt as a conspirator would have been wanting with only Thus they fill our police station pre tells us that young girls at the tender age of years and carried to dens of weft where their cry rioga out upon air At last they too go to make up the number that into our police tier You and press fair haired darling your baljj to your boson Well you may there Is aside harp and let he solemn dirge take the place of song has woven for your a mantle blacker with despair than any death can Some loved too fetidly and foolishly and at last been Aside their wealth of upon their deceiver hi way to it may be your They that ell whispered aecreta of homes for the unfortunate be known It would startle many out of their pro found thought of security- But there if a law that where there has been a promise of marriage It can iis5 with nd want women that are wilting to use it never than when with the wviUnw of J young Chicago I the lh of the law were married the gay deceiver and maiden I ever Afterwards she brought baby for me She Could not speak to her bat her eye spoke volumes The last time I he was dutifully a rock- waXL Do yoa men and boys In their the of the great of OornaUon- parity turpi from them her sorrow j with her holy i tort she dosIrM to in eft tU ya in avSfcU Nearly a thouund pcofde em- bled on Sunday to witnwj immersion of five converts who were being re ceived into the church- water was very cold Business is rushing at Knights planing factory the demand for doors being large that it Is almost impossible to up with orders We an pleased to know that Mr Knights is that he contemplates erecting a new mill and factory to the railroad to facilitate shipping and men ate busy clearing up on the new site More power his elbow A cow lconging to Tunny strayed into a neighbors garden the other night and the irate proprietor struck it with a club breaking its Several of of the vil lage are improving their premises a new coat of paint John Brown our obliging merchant polling up a large addition to his house and other lie enlarging store to meet the wants of hi increasing On Wesley 7ycarod ton of Alex- t of Udorvt went to lead a bull to the back fields when in some way brute attacked and killed him No one the dreadful occur rence the tad not missed un til late at night when his body was found shockingly mangled The an imal had never previously shown any vicious tendency- Pope amounting defray the with bis JuMIce K5 in all- laifrwrek The tools from The Bradford A one M on Thursday hunting duck A ha printed on its its colicky light- on in thu foundry Coll sports were a grand were netted which voted to the ban da While week seriously and the eyesight A at Held Ottawa County a rich iron mine on hi rfctntfy paid for which a firru of talista have him A lynx about pleasure to things off a long as pouibfv Now If we were to give motto to go life itbj one you for a warning and counsel in strait in which you might find we would give it word now waste time and strength nd your always mean ing to do something do it Only of some people to this way of along from one to another that it up their minds to anything quite know what mean to do their only and then drawing alowly through them rather than- anything live a single hour of without what to done in it fcoiog it from to end play study whaterer it is take hold at once and it op and eleanly and do the tlilnft without let ting a moment drop between it wonderful to see bow many hoars prompt peopl day a if they momenta lost yourself where you have many thing upon you that you hardly know how to laid of first one that come to hand and will the rest all fall into lino follow after like company of oldter and it may bard to meet when it in a it Tanqglahed if can it into are discuss ing nutation who controls a car wiudow the fcerson who it or the person who aits behind most oases nobody cent roll the cant it It an optown lnroom at the feet of heart choice and exclaimed i will do in the world to make you r o large dog shot one morning last of King It had on JarvU away A lamp exploded tons of the family and saved from burning by who forced the the street on Satdl the bush fire io Frontenac Count been for north aide of The flames swept over mile wide destroying their course Mont who are fighting will receive consignment of from Liverpool which mediately placed on quarter of a cent a the price demanded KTAsMr was driving along an when nearly hi horse buggy on the side of made plunge Of the atd left fence comer and ho teicd ton hid his leg broken interna field raging ud and everything farm of flame and every fey and the whole lotion of the oldest fires of this kind have Id that country A Thursday night of entered by two wa gained through after making provision cape by opening proceeded op rt one keeping gJ while the search cured a pair of pant their preseoeo and Albert mad and use flro fcortoof i