BRA Friday Morning IT I lM MB TO KKpO NORTH YORK JO I J ONTARU CAPITA AND ADVERTISER to Vol 27 Single Cobles Cents Each I Friday July Cash In Advance within 6 moB or at end of year a AUowvdoa DRAFTS IS I INSURANCE AGENCY NEWMARKET ROE S first Class Stock only Represented to P LEE SOUTH TIN Tit Com rtja China J j To Of J nil Cathedral Money 10 J K la of federal Op For JabUao Year In Price ft or lb bin Soap And u Home Hi hippy lip belli kindly loot looe Hi nun of WtWfOT And tuna tiro J on Vi I WllCllOr do KM A MAKMU MelIflJONtAoi AMKN A yetnrlr KMicr A WtWIDIJHErDD Ittforrntr lltocc II MONKY TO flmc3UoorKortHobrcrwlhUl ABATtDO A Jftr A AMrcCMMlM TO AT HI flKUM MCUIU7 LKtO J Jltriwut lore promptly aLbhokIi l room lor U Wor TBI ATSA but year Lbs ium orXHUj Culm kSo rroou I LKUMAN in Town off ttooV oar baying Sefied ana Preserve Jars a Tea Dart No to good siLTBYTHE BARREL boy A fir ALLAH AC Toronto Bui nod I I A and cow tax mll A Order by promptly to of the Orcn wo to deliver for to all oar old Wo of the And both will bo kept with Fresl j LI HOT Ksrlnetr DDL Court AJ to corner a A win nolv my or Now CHAN A JKNTItT p a 1KNT1HT IUtScUotTlbforM- AftKATAXAGH For CouDtof York MftouftcturlDs ior Wtwniwint lakes Pcistry Confectionery fruits o also FAMILY GROCERIES ICE CREAM TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION I Bin in ltMirevxJaitveiroibbuelnMioflajauc9 General for at lb lniurau wot Aurora IU8T ARRIVED- Wllprcr1aioocAQteuLi Oat acrcd In Of TbU i l immortal Jim MiotaHe A in June Too window of cor open Boo nog nd though a clood of dust was blown In It wen blown out with of ft portion which to rest on of the passengers or burrowed for own ssfoty in or only two jcr and at stwo to fill them of wax an old man on a second look he was probably not over fifty with irongray psrtly covered by a felt clad In a new of gray stuff that seemed to boon for With him a young and pretty girl whoso dross ordinary stuff but wcUfitting WOUgloved scrvor down farmer and who wro- pleasure man two sides of the car In of them sat a young aod apparently and by his side was oocopEod by a band- bag of leather end a spring overcoat In other another man not qui to though neatly clad not as faandsomo as tie though ho had an open and farmer looked around and motioning his daughter- to vacant aald Theres a for you Lucy Then turning to man with the ho ask ed Seat engaged The young man looked up curled Up and said to Git it bo presently I Ah said fanner re moving gripsack and overcoat and placing them on tho young mans lap Then Ill occupy it till ho And he seated himself ac cordingly young man at him Intentions Dolling was frank by nature and tho questions of his in terlocutor wjio was as Ingenuous wcro craftily put sharp learned that Frank Boiling had been engaged for aomo time in study of law but that his father hav ing mot with nod two younger daughters to educate young man to mako his burden loss and hod Bet out to support abandoning bis law studies and a situation as salesman at a couotry store in ton a thriving town about five from main line I get but beggarly pay of coarse Frank I am only a raw hand a promise that whop I am better qualified my wages will increased You are rather a singular per son said fanner bluffly Most young men would talked of their salary I rather prefer old stylo of English said Dolling I am to bo a hireling and compensation of a hireling is called But wages or salary terms are indifferent to mo My place is within a mile of Griff- too said old man I a notion that know your fa r Wasnt ho at Harvard in his Yea sir and so wo I Wo alumni of the same school I wonder if he remembers old chum there Carter George flarter it on the rolls Yea sir Ive hoard him speak of him often though two apart since then Judge you mean Ho lives at Do you know I I After a fashion Papa the young girl but Boilings oar caught her words I amow the bet ter than you do Be quiet Boss her father in the same tone I am told resumed young man that he has left bench and though quite wealthy has gone back to bar a letter for him which my father recalling their youth- friendship insisted on giving mo but I shall not present it Why not Ho might to you Scarcely sir You boo if I to bo a salesman in a country store I had better accommodate myself to my position The oven he re membered old college friendships wouldnt bo likely to consider me a welcome addition to his family circle as a visitor Ho is rich and then ho is said to a very handsome and accomplished daughter who would no doubt look down on me my bred and butter to cam and had bettor myeelf to it Possibly you right But how came your father to bis money thought ho inherited a lino for tune Yea sir but bo was drawn into incurring responsibility for a relative is not ruined by any means but is merely hampered thinks ho will pull through in with a little one on tho other looked prudence and I have no mused and then rising said doubt he will But I am only in his POWDER if Of LIOEH8ES TENCH Money to I on OF ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS ISSUED OS bafogwlQBlccstaVOooib Gents Suitings am a SUPERIOR MANNER S it VSWMYYAVAVf5 END WEVMAB1BT Bert Moulding Materials J to til Butfacr OASTIW to On the AN IMMENaft STOCK OF TOBACCOS PIPES MO SEIOI OPEN SUN main A PM P it NEWMARKET J IN FARMERS W3COUNTE oil COT DUNNS Dost pa oat td ft tot wWwBa PAINTS OILS Glass Builders Material Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway AND THE ALLAN AND ANCHOR LINES OF STEAMSHIPS to Ail to fiTBEET i NEWMARKET BOOK AND HEWS AND OTHKR TO THE TIMES V You had better seats with me sir and then the young lady and yourself will bo was the farmers re ply and exchange wa quietly effected two men evidently acquainted for aaid to the other in ft low voice Jim you made a I never mistakes Frank Boiling replied I daro say youll make fortune some of day by being polite to population but my fortune Is already speaker said nothing more but drawing a newspaper from bis pocket and ran over its col umns yawned a little and said This is too dull for faithfully Fodder go into smoking car a whiff ha enquired pro ducing a pocket flask No thank you replied Boiling That stuff is rather too fiery for mo- Here goes alone then Thats a fine brandy as crossed the ocean Dayday Keep an eye- to my traps will you seat to yokel who ask it The elegant young gentleman shook himself and his way forward to When he had gone the old man over the arm of his seat nod Boiling Excuse me sir but didnt your friend who has left say that bis name Moulder I That Is his name sir replied the man j but he is not exactly a friend of mine though- we in the same place and know him very welt Hay I enquire wherehetsfrom Yair Son of Peter the great pork packer there isnt ho Yes sir His father should deal with him It would bo quite in bis line JOKpapaP said a fiwwt reproach ful voice a those near who heard colloquy lJcy the old man who wm evidently Intelligent entered Into ft general ponvorsatlon with the younger and soon that he was quite well- Informed IJolllog was of a con when as his eye were ho saw young lady was an interested and hoped a pleased listener There was aomttbiog sweet in the expression of her an impreaa of modesty and on fea- lurta They and way or I would remained Have you ever thought of trying farming No sir I no capital know nothing of it Do you know more of selling gro ceries and dry goods Not a bit bat see I am paid something there I Your friend or your acquaint ance as yon call him too does hoi Yea sir but he in a different capacity he rep resents his father in transaction with the Judge to remain there for several days as ft guest until affair la closed Pes- 1 Lt fil In among cheese and candies I to look in yon before I ami soo bow doth the little busy boo improve each hour Thank yon youre very kind craned his neck in tbo door and uttered sounds apparently which experienced cor understood to bo Griffton Junction and the travellers for that point left the cars made his way along with his luggage to the little hotel there while the farmer daughter followed by Boiling tholrs to single car with a little superannuated engine attached which stood waiting There were no other passengers and the three had car to themselves Oomo over here Mr Boiling said old man after the car had been in motion a want to talk with a bit Turn down that That will do Yon said A Letter from Jacob Mr Editor threiUoltg to writs a to lit know grant ma and Hoi Hoih Is my it Strawberry held at on So after and toroiog out took isd to tail l bars milking tot hit flogir Wall tnido op a ua to letters to too Welt after ib cows 1 lift la I my got lok and sod to writ As I to writs know how to Well r going to yon had a letter for Judge ti audio Party or Stay and didnt intend to deliver it or call It I SontUy as his father wants him to marry he may bo on a tour of obser vation and take in the Judges daugh ter Though that is impertinent of me for be has said nothing to ma On the subject Do you think he if bo irresistible as to be able to pick and choose at his inquired the girl look ing over der- He can bo very fascinating when he chooses am told Boiling and as he is handsome an only son and his father worth millions ho is at least what elderly ladies call ft good catch pot up fascination along with his courtesy I suppose and leaves both at home when he travels said the girl Lucy I Lucy her father some thoughts hid better bo left unspoken The converts l ion turned into other channels But tho old farmer still his queries In the most art- way There is a strong thirst for information in the rural mind but in this instance it seemed to bo personal At last the elegant Jim back from tho smoking car with a strong nicotian aroma shed ding itself from his person Ho brought something more with him Jits voice had that thickness which told of the draining of his pocket flask He was jovial end confiden tial Sorry old fellow he said to left so long Been bored Yes sir Did it never occur to you young man that it was your duty to obey a father order I trust sir that Im obedient shall write to him and explain I tell you that should deliver that letter to You only a trustee in the case I am Judge Carter and tbi is daughter Lucy Hand over the paper to tbe Court I beg yoor pardon sir but I ant Here conductor Tell this man who I am Thank you Thatll do Now sir Boiling not a little astonished took the letter from pocket book If youll permit roe said the Judge as bo opened let ter and glanced over content Ho gives a good character and wants mo to look after you a little how Ilea I Lucy this young fellows father and I had such good times in tho old day How long did you read law Boiling A little over two years sir Like it Very much indeed sir Whom did you read Sullivan Good men Sullivan pat you through office business I fancy thats his Now pat ting you through an exhaustive ex amination which is toy way and I think youll do Let old Bragg find another salesman Hes not dying for you and I get him ft substi tute have two students in my office What they are there for is their own business but theyll never mako a great success at the bar un ices they change their ways I want a clerk maoago ray office and to boss white I am off on circuit Ill you a living salary not too much and you can read law meanwhile You ought to bo able to pass in a year If you turn out as I will why when you get your sheepskin see what can bo done What do you say to Say to it sir What can I ay but yes and thank you for the offer Very well thats settled Here we and theres your checks to John there and bell bring your luggage to the house along with ours Show your gallan try and hand Lucy into Jump in drive James Esq made hi appearance at tho Carters in a state of elegance only by of Captain Cuttles famous watch equalled and rarely excelled He ushered into the drawing room and received by ft young lady whose stylo suited even bis fastidious taste and whoso features bad a dim familiarity When Judge came the young mans recognition of the farmer was com plete He stammered out an apology but the old man relieved could have been expect ed that you would known said the Judge Let that pas are quite welcome A we have two hours before dinner well go to the office and look over the paper together Miss Carter will excuse you meanwhile In thoofGco found Boiling who was busy at work a declara tion Why Frank J thought you were going into tbe grocery business Ive changed my mind replied Prank resuming his work James stayed bis week out and then took the cars to Frank Boiling did not make the same until two years after he went to visit his father who had got over his pecuniary troubles and to see his sisters Ho had been meanwhile and Judge Carter whose im pressions time had had taken into partnership He bad another partnership just before ho- left Ho was in high spirits on that trip Ho was not alone Mis Lucy Carter that had been Mr Francis Boiling then was his travelling companion Good being with construction of the Red River Valley railway The Manito ba Government have been notified that Mr Ryan has contracted with ft Montreal firm for six thousand tons Hot BAKED OLD SOLa OUR Burglars have Bali on asked if I might to piny bo lor got acquainted with Sam and tbe and they moth of her to was be promised to go sod a visit on afuroooo meet m at lbs party I kcew would tberr for nick to word all day foniDMO op work coold go ud go to the party at did net for tea piy oat I with bid for Is an lemon tails sre dandlta bad of tana lam glad of tbeuoM I am so of tbem people come from all over receipt for Utta Well Tuesday after Rotb pot her aod eot to visit sod Marie Now I sttrer to all on stringers I am but Is a way ah mind to thin Ue sod aha did t a aba went to aw 8ta sod she feel a bit ward flbafooodtbeoandtbsseTfoeblW no all at boms acd hid a splendid visit 001 cWldrea ehlldrea no tbemJ Rotb Sim Maris if to the party Maria said like to go for b bid been at a garden party hot said tfcy flot go for they spent a day at bis hay was ready Io cot and his latere ceedtd op bo ready to iog acd they Aoot be down from West tomorrow and to take to with Sim had belter at homo night Maria as to Sam like Jest it rime to go to Ruths Jeremiah to lake to piny 1 k a toy ibey call SloSy I quit work little early that aod after me horse ccwi had a share that my aaald present a lilts tetter be jo It yoocg yet know After pot tiog my collar best tip I aooo not ready 1 at th In my tercel on ready wiitlrjg for saw her heart I alwayaeo joy o says dees too Well hid a lime at tha party talked so that it mads both very thirsty and wo had to take a glass of lemonaid to wet ft was good but Roths codeo that tbe party was aver so roach belter Rath a hand to coffee everybody it Alter ashsdtevo there me I to I wo go home and do rest of oar talking where wo bo by nobody at Roth that a capital So did my bono and that backed Roths sod bug and Roth as rode while poor walked lehfad I do ariib come Roth me do hive each times it them Do not bo disheartened be cause you have failed once twice or but press onward make up your mind to gain certain point and gain it Do not rest till you have Do not stop till you tee failure disappearing and success fairly in your hand It must come sooner or later if you only make up your mind not to bo beaten It matter not how poor you may bo once over come tbe disappointment of failure and you attained mania order for war materia Twentyfive in boors from Hail has done to tho crops in one or territories The vote on bylaw at on for aod Eighteen oat of candidates passed examination at Richmond town of waaalraost demolished of a powder mill a There htve been storm the Swiss At tourist have been lost In pan James A resident of has gc caused by 8alvationArmj Northern ftying a double track at business this Improvement red and hate been at- in Vilna Russia persona homeless aT About one dollars will be expended the construction and repa West Mounted Police sheep Albert Hill near by lightning during the trie storm of Saturday On Saturday last storralightningotruck Wit en mills north wood and burnt to The Canada have decided to- sell at and rebuild The new plant will feet In that elder that younger it drew out of prospect and of steel rails for the line the of which will be made early no I have enjoyed ft very pleasant conversation with our genial neighbor over the way Well of all the queer chaps for picking up all low acquaint- you beat cm and em six In the game Bay Theyll bear you u Let em who care to stop at Junction I j there a connecting train I learn shall push on to ton at ahant lie over a day Im sort of oro and tomorrow as a llopa yonU good 1 a railway Answer ft letter a soon after it receipt possible Dont put it off thinking you will hate more time to write a long letter full of It will need to be of on endless length and a veritable budget of event to make op for the timo lost in getting it ready if at all majority of deferred corres pondence Instead of waiting to write a long letter commence to an swer as aeon as get and after begun there that you not finish it for to most people in regard to lpWecwritlnf a thing begun hail If nothing going on tho the Wilson Star man will find something to write about This what he off last week Yea it is rather warm but wo must take the weather a it cornea We should bo thankful to have any and even hot weather is bettor than none at It ha it compensaliog fea ture no bothering with overcoats fur glove ear muffs etc Fires do not have to be raked every few minutes Your horse does not have to bo rough shod to him from falling on ice Your own head not exposed an avalanch of snow from the roof as the The young man who hang on your front gate at night is no of being frostbitten There is no pomp freexing no necessity vine fruit of is perfectly sate If boy cant get It water- melon are beyond the danger if thoy are under lock ftnd winter tee crop safe without doubt Ml immediate danger of ft good time to prune thermometer by cutting the lower balL In fact weather has many not tboleast of which Walt and It will bo Tuesday night ft labors formed and drove cat of Georgia If they return probably bo bloodshed KSu Information has at Ottawa of the seizure of a British and an American seals within the pi Thursday week the to a gang of Italian Erie railway near ly killing iog six others of who die A report his been Cairo that a tribe attacked the near Kastsla that heavy which twelve hundred killed An- loose near too which overhangs ville and with fi to the bottom and fatally hurt used for loading fruit in river An East bound P crashed bound freight at Myrtle Monday morning several cars were Brakesman Mcintosh Engineer Andrews Since the quake at toi caricu having ft has been reduced to succession of of the inhabitants eea to the country the disturbance come Two wen farmer in Westminster wont do for time One to three years in while the other will be board lodging andglj a rest in Central years the clossjc precincts of j found guilty before JFj in Toronto ft few days fen immigrant sentenced gang to provincial penitent authorities upon highway not hear of many reported from time to One of the most ever known in this of Wirt last night Urge amount a number of rain and been most seriously the county seat which is reported to condition buildings swept- away worth of crops many fine orchards of valuable timber Wood atone mill of to the ground A Urge when storm In ft moment raised from of sight wWtO ft men In rush to got to I a r Jt