Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 8, 1887, p. 2

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Now Co Big Halo J Big A Dale I It Bond Situation Wanted AVU ffRIOHTKR WITH FRIDAY JULY the oat riftbt it 11 a iour aaUrfaaUoD and gives a to report admitted will I netted to credit of the next Celebration Following an of km W Town Oritur W Hale ff W aw Our Toronto Despatch J La eeleSraMon J made a Minis Jbortdjyacd Friday vniriiig WUJI let fit Mid JjUUdull lovm upon In w for ry trill slJ in lrie MOO it for taring it X6 of Town an WJ iWA Jantj of JiIIk rti Uir it tad MrtStooetptot In week rt of Avlar fUaMofScv- Id uh tod At Bedford old to JidosL Wed Mi48tdcey tad IN wot of re 1 WO will from ThuMiMitut Milium JALA IN Friday was of Confederation and to say in ucc but of tier greatest wo have over had in lino and that in a good deal A early hulfput four Town wo by lxwniiiiB of cannon hut my I and booh About largo Hog floating in iircozn nod Innumerable on private rtaidenecs and public building no that crowd commenced to arrive whole Town presented ft loautiful and animated While a many citfwjia wont to a good deal of and consider- in showing loyalty Mr A It was honors by a largo majority mounting largo and mottoes Queen and Hulo JJritan ia was a largo and crown decked with lowers whole intermingled with flags and presenting a sinking and Oil arrival of train Toronto procession formed North Kiid along the indicated lost week and was attractive music of Band animated immense crowds as passed along- decorated and vehicles including Firemens Apparatus the drew of No 3 the old coach of 37 and host of school children carrying carriages fringing up the rear con stituted a very spectacle On closing in from Lot unit ava nearly 100 children occupying 1 front end lawn of tho Church sang in splendid time mid Queen do tlroJiinJwii limit it in lU for liiin lit In Sinn ill Mitre io A to the and and r to the Irsltito tin of Public THIS Us Editor WHAT UK TO It of of to of illy tea J liiKti not ojrlljfi no JrfilyWOOlhM Jf no ore to red- or Mi Ijj Try low with fc ftrer For i for I It bow Jo Toiooto Id Win If I Iter Mr till new on In will a to finally lllO Vic- to nil io gift of Pre- hilewlty firrcili of liar big lolltkil opinion nod Id from until to tbo Sbrlcrjriiy of County la Tun No by Mr Hod Hod finiltb oilier to ilccUWIf tuccfu1 KitlitilDt The at ltb w lid Ibo for tao to to lint cud upon Ik Mt to Mb not lo Ink Drops- tfbytcrlot a Monday juijiic to Model Ht July Tori Life Around tie Hub WHAT OUR A our keep 3rd of July liro it did go ndld for lint or locking tbU look p rued of caoto off by Kill tfgcDCoead cot of Mm ftUOOOBVillO u two wo ootytopcrt with wo cut now Md a A I Jsy oroofox tint Mr of lo of initio box Father of CWugo btr flomoof of Club Tboy to ploy a Mr J Un der to ompiCtt to for It ft of It wJU bo Joy of of flcirbcro Id ftro of for j W A Webb A SUtr J White i A A J fltokco Proctor Con We A It I P la Cbuicb hero otoo log Rev Mr- from la holding ibo Temper Ho ftoroitd Mr Battler ore bore on ft it bolldiyi of- ft few on ft week Church people Id tbo Kb abort go tad bid their ride Mr took to North firet Yea plenty hot noogb taf mil Suva lie IJumii giving unbountlrxl to six or ftdvou bat occu pied very foot of room in vkinity After for Queen crowds moved down to Pond wlibiO Aquatic tin till noon In there tlirco first John and tin third upset took ft ducking There were half a dozen or to walk inx the pole and and second wore divided At one oclock schoolchildren formed ogam in the Market by I be Town marched to where Jfayorof lie Inspector presented will Jubilee honor of occasion children deserve groat praise for maimer in which acquitted thcuelvca throughout tho day and National and patriotic song which the have learned will them with feeling of loyalty tlwt will continue lot cycl op a advance in year Aurora Silver Cornet llaiid was only one entered for compe tition A supplied an abun dance of excellent music throughout day the decided to give them prize of the same as won The Foot f bo tho trad ft but alteiu three for agilasl Brdoid eautl the la and being by ft of The the tlint vrnr la- took place the in the 3uiito of took wl Sod two tulle vn fogtl Foot R by iodCurlUof lot 3rd Id from THR yiJiKWOHKN A licautifullv in evening after oclock hi To n wftrched to Terrys and while play of firaworka t aeloctioo of music were congregated Iarhutt JUlVnd everything wntpif without toast bitch In part of Town sent up a of and a business throughout and to he well and d tuousoujonU of day baron i Sir Jos Mitt ftt Or IteotloyiL Iu Toronto to opt ftwetk of Mr Albert of the the J A left log to Port faulty of firoTt- spent the And two days Mr left for Detroit on to the S tt Mi brother Aler Johnson of llmlofftn sod Kltto of St Mr It for iu or three J It A be wojd I fill Ah with in Town have wKstiektieojoy the breeds off Cooks tbo Mr 0d Mr Sir Andy Wright of brother of Sin and Friday of week in M of Ken York titer of J hero for for Mr James of Mellow lruriilllpgtfillt P of ft vf doyo lost week Mr J of wailaTown Mr It at for Mr A of our a dUUuco of twtuty two lore and testing it fouodotioo four thirty boDored liotira Mr J for od and ftppMTiBDcea dolus done him soy loiteriil vfxodiog ft few fimlly at bis her lion ftt her Mr A School to at on dm end to exited ftn to oil their Woods to sod their to which will be ftltchoJ oererftl wagons for of tbo to Pork which will qo doubt bo but core ot7ii I ioK Mr John Thorpe other Wftit irselsMr Alfred of To of Georgetown She week Out oideffstk brought his labors to clow for present Sutton Items Mr brother fritods of iicr Mr Park of homo for bis Wbit lively for A ft gome Cricket on dc by runs tad wicketo Work men you will mow if ehftacc with your oppo nents- ftro tlei ft four to in A Cricket Hut ton sod Bradford resulted In by mo ho wick- oreatier tho Hoi J and Landing ldioortboMetoodlrtCbaixbm7tarftl07 boot Ibeorgui ftoiloUorlQttJvraaotflfttftItfotborftCDOOt llm ftDoaoteltooTirUiLrtjScallftzft flroworkicoIlviaedUioffroQoditQ front of Mr Venn- and their Mr with ianr bo op ftOOOO ftivl bare left for their Town AH Mils bo OB li J ftod after J ait rrpi to or KsJtifftUonrrKoiftratoKcbool Ibttbecbiclc rrotaLlcntfCom bo referred to aod aUtemeoi bo with tbo that paper FftloolUuCO to ftdoptL reported won j ftisoproroooJ repair to Ktrtoo A waft wltbOouoclltorltooeof la tote or bla by flf Council till ftt IUt Sue day of Player iiitructiro eaeour Matter worotog Ptot to out wetkt at IkwzaTto ftod Major their dnlliog yoDDgWi for Do ttloton Way Mia of who lifts been Mrs J far three left work lo two months a Potter fttid he Id ftud Wr p the Primary richooh f of Sir ly lit Ml a with her parruiy r tot llm who fu for the put ajffikiiU Me ra of vera up for tin worth A lira Fred Pock aod Mr woaftprtMtii Old for lM Day in of aw a North York Prize A ItOADTBR over not hand beat tven by Toronto 2nd beet by Cornelius OConnor King Toronto years old tool given by Warden of York a 3 a ii I Stallion old beat 2nd a flponCorriogo over given by Itobt Dominion ory Toronto 2nd boat by Society 3rd and under boot by yuoen Oil Co Toronto In ilndbHlj 3rd ou over beat yivLTi by J K McDonald Ki- County Treasurer fi 2nd boat by Society 3 3rd 2 In ftnd cinder beat given by Kerr Cen tral NoHimrket cash 0 Vod by Society 3rd best given by A Hoe in Brood with foal by her side foal season yivtn by Toronto a Tooth Sow valued at 2nd by Society Successor IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DURING j COMMENCING JULY 1st 3rd II Ii or years old boat given by Nolan Jar vis at Toronto ftn Arm Chair valued With added by tin Mil fit 2nd beat by Society 3rd yearling or best 2nd 3rd I I Coll 3 CO fiprintf Fill 2nd best 3 1 All Goods Marked at Prices that will rush them off LI US R MAD REDLETTER DAY FOR BARGAIN SEEKERS A TOMORROW SATURDAY DAY AND EVENING IOC at 8c Prints at Silk Gloves at j Printed Drills at and Handkerchiefs ad AH will pay Block of Light for e warm weather at NET COST will be sold at prices quoted above you to attend SPECIAL SALE You can save money by doing ho cows on Competitors must be members of the net Veteran given by The Prince of Newbridge by Cannon best best by 3rd The get of Clan Hamilton given by J C Major Aurora nil best by same get of Lord given by J Major Aurora best 2nd beit by same a GO B LEADERS IN BYLAW NO- Kit by way or for um of Ten of in Kig Quebec yctcrday Citadel all flamct Kit lwcte oclock Friday njgbt a out village in a frame building owned and occupied by era flour and feed Smith Adams grocers Rice nnd Mrs Milliner to the building about covered by No- En glee Co lb Co tfejoc traaiUtoRwfi fire was ttd Ibst the re folly oy of rata coold do o J not for lie right while fire Die Wtf wJ will Iwlc like new It the cricket er Ye fiibtfttu call ortmtot of tod A RUocbtcd re bom for their a Wo Home Urtod for and out of of Ihrj other thi fejj been A or iripnn to oof to watt 4 After tbeydifcorerfd Ibo aa hippy jDnaafiibewifflonbelUf- of I aw market or a oo on Ibo and or Jobo of ibo filter lowoihlp of io Miss COOiJ Of ihft of of within ibeTowo 1p Whtrtcs Municipal Act Kiwi for and tonlw money by way iberefor It a of for ue a And It J desirable that cm 01 Of of bo by way of of to In luch bear lowreht be flvo per payable a ana trie Jcbcoturci for itio turn of to be payable by period of yean And to for the payment of be iniurroeou of principal tbo jwlddebentujtf a the ii me Till duo cod be payable It will be to a certain tpecioe turn for of of tbe and all become and at followi In Hie year for lWJ for lbfft tarn of ff and 191 1 a ISO at tv i IKH II im itll It 14 1U fa i 0 MilS WW IK J1I70 WW it l M I f 1 1 P IS101 13124 area Ceou upon all nrioclpal Chen tfie pay able on lit day of January a of aalddebeniur tbtfe atialt ralMevUd acd ibe of u of ibcTownof liyoveraiid above all and within the In ibo year IKU 1X0 I IMS II I t I p I If for principal J SIM WVJ io it in WW a 1 ii vj tfism antra f if XI WHO II IS ii SO If IMW 14J7 asu MM CTOI WO Otoe which to be o raiicd aoDusHy pay off the aaiddebco- lurei ally to pay debt and amount to bo relied to pay tbe debt make together tbo and to be of the yean for tflx Hun dred Dollars for re Alfred School Ford Fart III Violet ADM CUM ChJtala Annie Jr JJIf FURNITURE S J sriNOtiH Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS HEARSE wilt to pi io Br rffiitfvUrAii whole a to be raided aDoolly by rite upon Die rate properly faliduttioifvihcr annual lam of nd isioe and aboyo all ibo Of Tqwo of Newmarket fc And Kit of the ratabteproKrty of aW Town of to rTl of teirte for year one It tbe of and and Ten tbexUllDc of the Corporation of Ibe Hundred for principal or Jntertal j Ibeaald tn d dollar bo paid by ujqu period Thirty Jtan day Aov of the Corpora Hon of tbe new and It ahull may bo lawful for the Town of to for of ten loonier to of the aW or to be wHb Cor- Uued by and of Town of Wvwmai krt a That Jiundrcd That the aaid abidt bj ar able dujtoa yeaa from tor tbU By- bo tloncd it bleb aoaiial be 319 levied of a rate all rateable properly in Ibe of thoTownof tdoTfeuorcrof Town of pay tbealddboioft they fill doe aod tbtreof out of fond hereby created and to be for or of fundi Lo band to oibcr That ByIwaball Into force and effect the day of A- bo It hereby of entitled by law be taken on by oo tho dyeacd timet that to a For lb Ward at Council Chamber for Georgia CO H31 FOR BOYS YOUTHS MISSES SCHOOL BOOTS TO- MONTGOMERYS EVERY WARRANTED WE are now be FINESHOES Old MONTGOMBRY line To BRUNTON a- on ibefifitdayofianoaryincafbyrarajur aocb be for tbc day and Andrewa at the Day of A at of Nice oclock lo tbo forenoon and oclock In of and David Officer and if bo Officer for I or Ward and for taklo tho vote fa Jt Ward and taking ibe St- Andrew Want Tbo of A lb Aod the in aald Town of I at tba hour of lima place and boor when and wbcro abaU aocn op ibe vote for aou IbtaByJaw and declare Tole And the Cootxll the hour of an hereby tbe time and of to attend at and at up of Ibt voice by Ix- of the peruana I in and lox or tbo or NOTICKli the In true copy a propped wbleL bat lxn taken and win bo by of of in avent of ibo Of aJuronatnoatb the and lb York vpv ibe July A- tour day and therein tor taklojr of tbe Will La AND LACES J Largest and Finest Stock ever shown in Newmarket European Markets we are able to Bell Much Cheaper the Item if FOR or a4 W MEN YOUTHS AND These arc manufactured expressly for our and are of such thai we can honestly recommend them to the Public The price is Just think we Hell a Suit nicely trimmed and wen For A nice null for a boy BOOTS AND SHOES knows or ought to to know by this time that our Block is Cheapest ever in this Town and are now J Cheap A look through our Stock will convince tho BRUNTON BR MAIN ST I A R

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