a KW i A J Italy tad Laconics ID UHD TOW Prices At I6cIUkit Ad farm pro- cat Write call piloted Solan it Cut At Public lh To J adtUe aoeot to la Jit- Mwirt A Mr Per- kit w To Monday celt for tea iicf Metropolitan Quartette no Those oar who of will fiod reputation for good Tot Hit of today lac and ibey la tUo iJiowgo There fa no totter AH Ogt In the Hollaed ad You isy catch aoy it that will here tut ths solba mill lij to tbilr atari AxOTHEiilNVKNiiOH Mr Eugene ktto forte well to Mi ft and to fork would Urge fern or Tows fane not the id of Excursion Frora the will on the Northern good till the ifut itdcDOtMrd on bo to flrilll Mid f I It- ttcVote t U lo It l J fej to he oext fire the Stoic lonD lit up lb woo HI oclock for benefit who too luy ettoiflng during on other t A LuimhWkm For ho other to Wilt on of flV Ms of of ibelountton of proprietor to of hem If otteruptedi nail in for next hour bat bop prefer to tebe their Tata Market ruling the report Mr On Set- of for which Mr Anion it the nto per r of To- On Mr eblp- head of fit cattle at weight Took Tlireo wee by They wen fa the of Col and la box cur the elding Wilkes them to the for ind toUdetdhrokf or work for only ehelterfor they wire to on Two of is rofonUi They nude kAi ion berry St Confirmation lergely yesterday log were by Ibe of Toronto by Mr of Annm and A be lermed from hand to tooutb etemooD and one of them now the mark lift A niectfog of ton will be held In the here Iter- from a ait engaged to the Dal the great attraction will be the of a pore the ion of the great of the Wood take Wbft will Indian and take part lo meetlnjt A collection will be takes and preeentod to to him forward the great of bU tribe Let the be fall from all of the religion bare added to the front A hire and by ex- la In tanning order and will be luting me morial Dime The diphtheria In the Home la lo three who hare been removed to an end the thoroughly and We the Saturday ud eta that the Matron for lo whleb the In ternal The Co bare to go a long way before flodlng A to this Town grown up at North End log about 100 la of annexed to In order to the Municipal end Ion- which the Town of the plane While Aurora ban over within Town coder When plaoea were originally the limit of territorial area baaed on population did not form part of the Act now no town or exceeding wall ehall to U limits except In the proportion of not more than acre for each additional lubeeqaeot to the tbli area the land occupied by or may be While corporation no donbt the power to alluded to without taking a yet It wee fell that the coet only a very It would be more would Include the new territory proposed be added to the sod veto accordingly taken hit meeting of council of old Feet OflJot wire on Mon day and la by of flnlibed elegant with lock and for tlii throe capacity of the old one at Depot on Will well on the of the to which baa a 2tBcb atneo boring lut fall and the that la of freah water table for In easy ant In order to nuke a teat Councillor Cant tb at meeting grant of the The matter w Infoim ally dlacoued and at a meeting of the Special Committee on Fire Protection but afternoon they decided to to The Metropoli tan Quartette to a In Town Hall on Monday highly of Mr A- of Toronto yet fo they at great panned their under hi dtrecUoa of- Prof and art now folly entered on what will an brilliant camr to rendered the flodaty they bare their daring the in eld of many of the and of Toronto and are now cltelng with of ta to the pity fint thing Into town It ud the If tld grtitidi well kept ihoujla the not bo li of tin of And hdtiaaly of the tod fr The of our hire their to UdeU kept tod duo walk iept la lure pert to do la Iowa not fail doty Ibffiy to flttmct to oar ud of them We It Vim atoaetliWilij GENEROUS THROUGHOUT OUR IMMENSE STOCK J THE a New Prints New Satins New Dress Goods New Cretonnes New Ginghams New Embroideries By far the Largest Most Complete and varied in every Department shown in any previous Season A decidedly Fine Stock of- Sutherland Bros Dress Goods an And Parasols Prints Gloves and Hosiery very choice and Great drives in Lace Curtains and Newest Styles and Beat Value in Tweeds and Suitings ReadyMade Clothing for and Boys Summer wear Perfect fittin ANOTHER TONY LOT OF FELT TEEMS GASH CLOSEST CASHP i spirit of by the Town Bind In lately by f J but week Wednesday and fiilarday end Imparled mm ritaJlty to wic for moat ped oted and the M P look fioeend a great W and will bo euro to gUtoeoodact the regular Jribip afternoon end pulpit ail Hefner Brooklyn to Mt CberU Ifwiae who been on ltb hit wa at aide for tbe benefit of wnfeeMehielft did not take the efen agl to hare the orincipel WBtUl fearful and we W the coat of fctw Wo copy fot- fowlogfrom the QrwtlStar OrooklyB The the of Ibe hie Maggie A miner wife of tbo Her A the Church of were held in the Church on with friends and many were after religion were Tbo flirt ad- Summer- bell raid the of the floral of love and aend lugfoilUihelrfragrauce that the of Hefner 111 lotion that reached than one houaebatd The alitor who Ilea you was by all Such a our dear been colled upon to bear come In the natural of be led to rejoice for what bad been to relalloae were of the moat and aha to the to with lore for family end She motherly that were not coofioed to own child but were to other She bad been a deed and In troth caring for borne the church which lorlog partner called upon to mlotater waa of the Church Work- Bo- and her been comforting and her aid faithful She llred In the of the it la lo a faith that taught bar that aba couldgo oat into world beyond with assurance that all La well of tbo wellknown reai- fnnerai the lore and regard for the entertained by ibe people generally end Borrow end for In the parable be anitained Better Fire Protection a at public bold Hillon Jaut for tlic b of w wMcb a of were pre at tint frith them la both lowa Tic follOrflciX J ill giro onbo Holly of or a of Worthing Of boiler ill other lo ft lo brick to bo for gtoeor Noilly to livo to be kept up ftfid to that it to on fihortuotlco potnpfoy tc Irt with fl ftobi bo- to ff St W Halo St South Si fo St- ID Tart at YkwiH Timothy from St piping til to be buiicd the ftt tho of t of the tttioe in til tlioUrxo to by electric at Id tod with two Town All except report of to fltrctt bridge providing for ifoio Hid following motion mm carried Che In ftcommukotoatloa pre- tho CoudoII this Uyor call ft public of to of properly teoderi vero A Born lumber lock god codsr at With North ibo of Commlltw to loUalute next mooting fat of Wko ceo- Appointed Court of for It flrit be of JuaontlO ft then wVJwa4l WAAQOtw fe it ALL ALWAYS gflRF Sunday 1L Holy every Sunday School p Bible and Evening Prayer- Friday p in- Aid Thursdays fit Mr Colos fit HARDWARE SPRIN see a m oy- A wilt tatoor ffnoie or limit hold furotlurout orodlt on at oclock me gcoi of Apply IMtUKTON TENDERS Xr ANTED for viilUwa and TT Hit lodUtlrlllllOllie Mljt r of liie IbaiiUo gift Mat irflctiiKm eo Keeper SPRING GOODS ttoiLDiKfi Material Of All Descriptions I WHITE LEAD PUTTY AND GLASS LAWN MOWERS RAKES AND HOES Rep ioogba Hap J Wjfyufc A for the School took It Wig mil who bare UcWog for a for them wo now boat log or the wifittong Ad from A aOdld of cloth fog looked in the aVtbocharcb Aaron fiooday be fore lutand not a branch Toioorroir the day of for Court tod door Bill go for fly mot fired in Jlogirte lut Sunday Some ere after a they should get it loo- The of the of fa Act are getting of lb office i for the a to the Editor to tke the A rice of eoog entitled the Ufureoly lut report bailor doll their A coda ilea for town though a large Sunday Mr addrtai to advice The teiy my largely hare been made Court of the To place and lota of on day CotnpUlnt made of he the Waaler put of Town after dark The Jcic- The are potting and Mr J Hooter In front of his on carload of for la nalghborhood at the depot on meeting of the Board of Health took There arc only a few appeal Town New itde- walk la laid Eagle A a hour 4m lHght fa Avon an4 two bare alt fc either of the an be notified by the alarm at cost la Fori ft pfw of Ho pipe lartfo hydrant Pomp Electric ATaraaBeltj Total of above a of thirty would be boot on the of u for fire protection Foe year a per yat to hate of the and with for keeping on eUD f2M0O Which wonld take a of on the 100 making all for building end JSon J100 The of a let Thtae jointly hare the capa city of fire team era hydrant Mat la capacity for action ad lack of water no to tug or rot out 2nd can tho Torn end boring and with the pumping it can bo for u well u fire protection d etreet and thereby bring a that wild a it with the Cane a3ooe Mfg Coa it the Town the advantage of their pomp which of flOO gallon a per free of coat during fire looal of accident to the Town It Town Irom the of the of fitb The yearly cost it more ff any than a caa be Uwcd if for elect for to the other dotlei are railea of rail way in Manitoba according to a re turn brought down in Provincial legislature la of and warden of alleged to absconded leaving very heavy liabilities and paper to a largo amount EST English raiofc hard at work on now coinage to bo issued on Juno A very fins profile of an elderly queen modelled by Mr Berlin will bo with varying crowns for several Financial of lodia advised the British of the diwovory of an amount re estimated at over 25000000 which had been secreted in of lata About thirty and their contents in quarter burned The fir originated in a danoa house through the of a lighted lamp May a Grand siding about half a roilo from were destroyed by firb Tho firo is supposed to have been by boy congregating in the care smoking- J FINE IMPORTED itday I harm For CJQ lttkljaquilbaa IBM Sal and a belter of So fcUU or roprtetofi RE MOV Marble Granite Worts AND QUEEN OKTARIO SANITARY Agent or Window and Awnings ture Manilla Biasing Twine for Future Delivery m arrived BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS new spume AND DRESS GOODS BREAD BREAKFAST SCONS ETC Delivered to all of the town- daily JUST ARRIVED- ai California and and Lemons Grand Value in- COTTONS AND SHIR Good on all Winter Goods in R0CER1ES ALWAYS FRESH A PL I PINE APPLES BANANAS ETC iU For filtamrr w followa Heater attbc4 CbaugiDg aolt engine or feet M Discount Sals PAYS -the- Total 1535000 Which par fprraj of aweeamcot For fuel Engineer Oil Filling Renal to mora 2000 Leading Furniture Which on tha total for tbafitetUB Wo for firepurpo which from coat of of the abort Further III be at the the at which foil of li If Undertaking a Specialty well of loAflKEfS fiOBEfe lo at lord A MILLARD A joe N NOTICE a or I Bo Court of JK- Friday 3rd of June 1S87 a At of all I are govern A Largo 3tock of French and all of Choice Confectionary FRESH FAMILY H GROCERIES Meats Canned Good Ac at ROCK iced Cream I AND SUMMER DRINKS A ROBERTSON 1 Toronto Market 1 Two ton of iron ore bare been ahlpped from for peat rtma of money In TO SO fi TO Pall Wheat do dO OK do a eft oar loa May IP a aw Court ofjftevision of of of Georgia Thursday tHe do do wi fly per f pi 1 a if CO DUO a a p ft fl OH Oil QlB 2D a SHARON r NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE FINE ALES AND PORTERS- In Wood and Bottle received lire Wines Brandy Rem Whiskey Id Wood for Ala Stout GROCERY INEXT DOOR HAVING again usamed tho management of to deliver Orders for Bread to all our old Wo have also control of tho new M m And both places will bo kept supplied wit Fresh Cakes Pastry Confectj FRUITS ALSO FAMILY GROCER titaaaded CREAM TELEPHONE CJOMMUNIOAj aiav 3 P 5cta of y b iarj t TO AGENTS up lb too anTgi la Sarrapl- a Ti far ill l