Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 15, 1887, p. 1

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K lB Friday Morning mart- It Jeollr SUBSCRIBERS William la NORTH YOEK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER d ft- 1 v internet DRAFTS J Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday April 5 Advance ffithm iuos or at end of year or aod Am srioaa jj MARKET INSURANCE AGENCY ROE Successor to P T LEE Class Stock Companies only Represented SOOTH OP HODGES TIN SHOP TO TUB recommend Mm my In Hirer Toronto y Won Well rtuiUn J lor flatter of do Op federal Bank Moat Reliable Cheapest and Best Store in Newmarket for Pare Teas Coffees Extract etc Finest Flavor and Ibo Finest Assortment of EMM in the Dominion at Bight Lively Local Laconics WHAT OH A to farm Adelaide it B Hired Miwmerl It Hie Toronto LOU NT MA RAH MnHlHlTK1 TORONTO wur AirnnMAMP IK eofl Merltuoe Informer AOEHT FOB ad lire TO 10A AT Mil W Mtolo roil Loh4ok J lore El iCIIro llloc TO A It rjAimiiriii s TO Jooie of Hi it Hotel A Ac Toronto end WAK AIDZON TORONTO a nil iit rktU UrAUIAmiKDb47 Term I CO bod A coo mod at ton rutin all liio- rarlor TUB ATWA CO Holder ll tie aura S it OIUwj fur of A food looit ACCIDENT HUllANOKCo ifonatffnff A It AWUMU cm oral for Aurora vtclntlr ftt lh loan J Jyil Aurora l fellp in for tho which cannot bo for their Flavor and Strength try utwl Wo a Special of Cross and lied Currant Jams at Lowest Prices Tobaccos a Specialty Salt by Barrel Orders by Telephone promptly attended to A WCW11ABKET North End Bakery FOR- FIRSTCLASS A SPECIALTY Alto AH order Will and iwiy my jioutp corner of and VlaWrivi CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY JUST RECEIVED THIS Another Opening by A with of pilot ted lo Mr who to or to a MtcMot tad OrgioShort lit lo Tho day was do- ligbllully epilog lilt tod ftd u ft Bl be 8tl- AriDy Ibo tod llaod doiro to iDUiio very On Wednesday of ftctk Mr the 3rd of loit roirabyKcIJcot frUlty from biro- tod pot up the hoping to it toy difficulty tie It our broke lit dying usmediiltly Canton At of No 3 P 00 the low I ok officrj were lily for the yef Copt I- Lieut J Hughes It Clerk J P J Qatrd Clotd took roirktt ctmftoottbttdoftrttb Aurora the with two rata folio trip A a I J Lloyd 9 P We tod 9 12 Motley Colttnto Rot 3 j iMdy Aurora a a good of Remember Make Men rigged With tod Dirty tad red Pus Dot by the child Smile Uuk me when grown op hell not forget It For make tbt lo your child Iq Do your lo yootbfol of rlll grow tad good re a With bit joy Bring to toroe to bios boy i Or relate tome or a ill Ho were too To remember Let as try to moo boy For etch child tender Jp tod lU joy Celt year by a Joy mad comfort boy raiVe A Terrible Experience lb just ten years ago that I was signed to work up raoat infamous on An J lady living near Baltimore bad her trunk rifled of all it content which included hill a gold watch and several gold She a man servant named to whom hud given em a few months and who sumo time q money A description of him to a man of gigantic strength with a and close cropped hair which gave tliDimprcuionthnthohad recently been confined in a prison I AND trr For I io County Of York ttloro will time J- to Main too lliy A Nitron oxide On hup Pi Oil narovMRR Miller BANKERS- WEST ONTAHIO CANNED GOODS Now In and Oyster Parlor for Season Givo a call ALEX SIMPSON flB6lnebitran4icl DRAFTS ISSUED at THK TOltOKTO NEWMARKET LIQUOR STORE Fa A gUKJKON Air J Moderate- itARUUOK fWRfrBEB pWBU or MARRIAGE LICENSES office T Gents Suitings pro Woods a g SUPERIOR MANNER I price tbal com favorably boose ibe trade SPRING II II- II HP 1887 ii 1887 STILL TO THE FRONT WITH A FPU OF PMLIQUO A fcnd sad bottle Port for jfnc Tlio Convention of the out September on a landlord of went down to to attend thfcloiioeanat ef ler Kilt be ltli to Iheirtpiingirork ill of How Primary School bid a week added to Enter hot Jay by for of tte of Mar Day tod will io hot thil year The A Montreal totbe of April Tito leal who been for del two was by a Gouvo who fox The body w downward with the arms folded crow thccheit Hie hit wajalw Ihebody There wc do mirk of and from the of the body the jodt he came to death from d deposited in the await- which will be held at ten oclock J B NEWMARKET Y I Call and tor Alex- Mccormick GROCERY STORE IN CONNECTION A full line Grocirita Received Weekly Pice Flavored a Specialty no I Chf a A full of Received PJ OMALIEY TtTrtixx TO SUPPLY FRESH GROCERIES Lowest Cash Prices fresh Bread Cakes ok EDDIK0 A 1 Fruit otntreatto OF CANADA INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS AT RATE DRAFTS -ISSUED- ON GREAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IN CANADA FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED OR COLLECTED the fee tti r locUcfa PSJi farm lMaB0hnr joa ftoao RELIABLE -AND- LEADING HOUSE OVER THIRTY YEARS T Largest Best Stock Of Etc of LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER TO NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY First Door North of Royal Ii only Id keeo too eiwUenl I York will let at VERY JOW accea ibo ldr wlitanlPl y rUUryU flow afce to oat work to io bit Mr Da oca of for bo the alert and which fa worthy of a word of A at loodrCo bad making par and left cod ooaoMt acd to the depot her about avty ralo aofl Mr tho he telejihoaed to the depot So He hit arid for the Water where he bonded the trtio the veiled tho car the article amid aad aod a1ifhUd the before it got to as a clerk JOHN AND W Town A of New and W one can do lerKJi all needed out and nJ Sto riibl and tut for Kale Wofking dlassas La wp Tcm are QLirp4iP v j oof me or aU lbfJrpjprflmaaiint4 and a proportion ohi by coj ft40reM and aUwbwtbUi blanker With usual aoy apectil the another crowd probably the CbrUt- and hotel chgrcheheetc editor of one thaAorora tod aheb the he no Day With an that do not wo to and to accept of aotat nob- market ill any of at from lie o 1 totter to per tb lOlttoca at CO to per at 0c per It and keen and a which not only ibroofthoot North York hot far into of while the ao4 of La foe Urn to 4rahUpaAd V reported cm to my chief who mo full power to work it up as thought best Information of tho robbery together with description of the party was telegraphed all over country but nothing In reply foruroral Then a despatch from Kansas that a man answering the of the Daltiaiorc robber had arrested tho night before in that city charged with being drunk- and disorderly packed my valise and at started for the where arrived in due time and was introduc ed to the enough it was my man if description old lady me went for anything Ho at first pretended to know nothing about robbery said ho had never been in Baltimore and did not know where was When I pinned him down with the facte in my possession and told him that I know all about- tho sum of money which had been from him when ho was arrested night before bo owned up and seemed to express genuine regret for what he had dona j I left him to consul with tho chief as to the trains etc better keepaaharp lookout for your man said ho looks like a desperate fellow I course but I al ready knew that I had a dangerous job ahead of me next morning I called at the jail bright early and had another talk with Latimer He said he felt unwell and desired a of brandy I told liicu ho could a drink later on White on the way to the depot wo stopped in a saloon and got a drink revive the prisoner and put him in good spirit Wo boarded the train and took seats in the car Soon after we were whirling away In direction of home and I felt that the worst part of my job was over but it was not so by a large majority Latimer was seized with a violent thirst soon after we loft which water was unable to quench At first I accompanied him to the ice cootereach time he wanted a drink fearing ho meant mischief but after wards I became convinced that his thirst was real and allowed him to leavo mo I watched him however ready to spring upon him if ho attempted to escape During one of trips to water cooler I took occasion to place my re volver in a valise in which had some legal papers and a of linen as it was becoming in my pocket This was chance himself of it Just as I turned to look for him saw him on the plat form of car in the act of jumping oft I rushed to the bell rope pulled it but before theg0dg6ounded in the room Latimer bad jump- off and was rapidly disappearing in the mountains the train was run ning on express time I knew it must bo some time before it could come to a standstill so I too jumped off and started in pursuit of the fugi tive When the train was winding around the mountain out of sight I suddenly discovered that I left my valise containing my revolver and some im portant papers in the car I realised my position at once There I was alone in a wild woods probably inhabited by bears and other unfriendly animals and worst of a with a dangerous man I could not turn my back My reputation was I determined to make the best of it When I got on top of the mountain I looked for a house of some kind bat in vain I walked through bushes and oyer rocks until I came to a path This Hollowed and discovered it led ioto a hut only occupant of the hot was an old man- probably years old of whom I asked informa tion concerning the whereabout of the fugitive He was dtasod an old lick with a blanket tor covering and wrapped arovad Wi Ho could not understand a word I said When attempted to explain I in rather a loud tone which frightened him so he ran off and hid in the woods I followed the path leading from the but until I came to the railroad track A short distance up the track met several railroad men whom I alto questioned about Latimer bad not seen Mm Very much dis couraged kept on- until I reached a house kept by a sectionboss of the railroad company Yes said a young girl charge of the house in answer to my ques tion there was a strange man here a little while ago who for a drink of water but I dont know which way he went It was growing dark and I hardly knew what to do but as I thought it was kill or cure I would keep to the end After receiving certain in formation I left the house and pro ceeded up the yard I had not gone fifty yards when saw lying in the road a copy of contain ing several pencil memorandums made by me and which I remembered bought in Kansas the day we left This was a great I was on the track of my With renewed I kept on and until I enrne to a littlo bridge Thinking Latimer might be hiding under it I looked but found no one there I started off again and planned my movements for that night I stopped to rest for a when I heard a movement among shrubbery which lined both sides of the road It was worth in vestigating I looked in every direc tion and could see nothing wrong No sooner had I returned to the road than came face to face with Latimer He was prepared for a struggle and made a lunge for me at once I jumped aside and his blow missed its mark Then ho rushed in upon me and struck a powerful blow in the face which almost stunned me Wo next clinched and by an almost superhuman effort I threw my man and commenced pelting him in the face for all I was worth until ho called out for mercy Then I quit beating him and ted him like a child to house of where I obtained ropes with which I bound his hands arms ills bleeding face was washed and and some food was given him to eat I enquired oboist trains There would net be a train along which stopped at that station until the morning so we were obliged lo re main at the house all night I placed Latimer in one of the upper rooms of the house still bound J with the ropes and seated myself biro with a revolver which I had borrowed in my hand I did not intend to close my eyes The prisoner who was worn out after the long tramp fell asleep and was soon snoring At lost daylight dawned my pet still sleeping About oclock tho sectionboss brought us up a good breakfast which it is needless to say wo both enjoyed The train was duo at and pre parations were begun for the depart- As I was without funds was offered all the money the sectionboas bad a small sum but declined to tako it feeling sure that I would have no trouble with the of the train when I explained my po sition to him In this I was mis taken as following will show No sooner were we seated in the car than conductor came along for the fares I told him briefly what had happened to me but he only laughed and said the story was too thin I argued witb him- but to no purpose Well said I at last if you will not stop long enough at the next station for me to wire police headquarters in I will convince you by the timy ere get to Cumberland that I am all right His answer was the same pay your fare or get off At this point a gentleman in the forward part of the car who had been intently watching the colloquy between the conductor and myself camb over to me and asked Are you Detective of Baltimore I replied that was whereupon he drew out a wallet filled with notes and handed it to me saying Here take this money and use it as you like can settle with me after you reach Baltimore At the same time he handed me his card which bore the name of a well known merchant to Baltimore and a man whom I had known by reputation far a long time The conductor after this was convinc ed that I had told the truth and was vetf willing that I should ride free with my prisoner I therefore de clined the geneious offer of the mer chant and came on to the city with- oat any other incident worth record ing From Camden station we went direct to the Central station house where Latimer was locked up The next day he bad a hearing and was committed for trial In time he was tried convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for a long term School Reports 1st Wilfrid Colli John Cook A Rob Sod Nellie Uioole Herbert Fred Horses Up Cook Miry Jans del DOWN POINT Honor lor Ford Charlie Pint flhepnitd Ernes First clsii Ales Annie Ales Boyd Ford Woods it Third cltulicory Woods Sen Third elan- Mirk Ads Morton Idi Freest class Wool- Mabel Woods Livixgstvnk Teacher Bought In Plymouth Church Tho steamships Cat Salerno are given Forty persons the fall a roof In A strike has one of the Wetland canal Never think that make yourself great by other less The Portuguese Ot has concluded a treaty of with China has offer to participate In the eition in 1889 Ploughing was on March in districts The Beaton Wat Heal the Baud Master at has flkijipctl- ao has An active been discovered in two of the leaders have It may not be out place in con nection with history of the late Henry Ward to mention an affecting incident in his life which may not have faded from the remem brance of some of our older citizens In or a beautiful octoroon girl raised and owned by citizen of this county Mr John Churchman attempted to make escape North and brought back Her master then tcrmined to sell her and found a ready purchaser in another citizen Mr Shortly after this the owner was impressed with tho belief that tho girl intended to make another effort to go North the first opportunity that presented To meet the emergency and save trouble Mr proposed that she should go North arid raise enough money from the abolitionists to purchase herself This proposition eagerly accepted and Iwing fur nished with means by Mrs to her fare sho started A few day after her in York sho was token to Mr on the following escorted to his pulpit in Brooklyn was a woman of commanding presence rounded features and win ning face and long and of course under the circumstances attracted most eager attention and Interest from large and wealthy congregation assembled She quested to unloosen her and as she did so it fell in glistening waves over her shoulders below her waist Robed in spotless white her face crimsoned find form heaving the excitement of the occasion she stood In that august presence a very Venus in form and feature For a moment Mr- by her side without uttering a until the audience wrought up to a high pitch of curiosity and excite ment And then In his way he related her story and her mission Before bo concluded his pathetic recital vast audience was a sea of emotion Tears ran down cheeks unused to melting mood eager curiosity and excitement pervaded the congregation and as the pastor announced that he wanted for the girl him to redeem her to pay for her freedom costly jewellery and trinkets and notes and specie piled in in such rapid succession that in less time than it takes to write this down enough and much more was contributed than wo necessary to the- call that had been made What had become of Sarah after this remarkable intro Auction to Plymouth and sensational incidents connected with it we learned A bylaw for eft a lire hall in was 1 votes cost will town af voted a bonus J manufacturing company there Virginian Gardening Under Difficulties Afghan native tribes are com- against the Ameer KV men named Owens and claiming to bo deserters the Mounted Police have reached Assini- Montana in a terrible condition from want of food and exposure Owens cannot live but bis compan ions way recover with the loss of both their feet A collision occurred- on the Michigan railway near Springfield about two oclock on Sat urday morning Two brakesmen were killed The oldest railway men they never saw a wreck list could equal this car and two broken into The Chinese are a very industrious people and nothing allowed to go to waste that can possibly be A Empire of is the largest on the globe and nearly half of the entire- number of the human race the necessity of economy is very apparent They not only cultivate the but all of the lakes ponds and marshes are gardens in which aquatic plants suitable for food are largely raised Among these water chestnut is preeminent and it is said to be of a very palatable and wholesoma nature In a narrative of Lord Macartneys Embassy to China it is related that his lordships attend ants passing through a part of that Empire saw a man cultivating the side of a precipice on examina tion they found ho had rope fasten ed around waist which was secur ed at the top of the which he let himself down part of he precipice where a few yards of available ground gave him encourage ment to plant his vegetables and his corn The whole of the cultivated spots which were at some distance from each appeared to bo not more than half an acre and near the bottom of precipice on a ed a wife aid several children in this market she hazardous manner Amriw birds by the fultvmtfor April Some person stole km keg of beer out of funis shed Bradford oh recently A deputation fro Ottawa on for a subsidy for railway The Band holding revival service concession of King of good been done Thirteen men have costs each in the Bruce within tho last violation of the Act fifteen to twenty will bo built by l Pacific railway this the vicinity of Kl The three persona I in the attempt to in St Petersburg on were hanged on Thursday Two formed in Winnipeg to Dauphin district indications arc said to be There arc three lawyers in new Commons a large increase vjouftsesrions Merchjmtifi with thirtysix rcpresentatu era following with thirty journalists have secured The fortyfourth race between Oxford and Universities was decided afternoon Cambridge lengths in good minutes and seconds twentieth victory for the A Farmers organised in President Mr J Secretary Several farmej vicinity have joined The in the Mechanics Farm era invited to ag meeting on April Over throughout the city of Chicago arc now building operations will indefinitely They hour eight hours toconstifl work Wages and a days work ten hours VeOBTASLI gua rhubarb and principal representatives Asparagus when once wilt last almost principal condition for j this plant is to give it pi a distance of four feet found best for field colli garden we prefer a plants two feet apart to beds Rhubarb will also for many years but in is better to take up the make a new bed or row eight years To stalks cover each three forkfuls of stable the ground freezes In the radish in the ally left to care first class roots are be treated like an annual every spring Am for April The of how chicken stealing this county It says steadiness in chicken occasional great drops to to be due to an practice of chicken is being carried on In hood of Toronto An poultry vendor in the i The Roman at PoUaio Austria on the Adriatic suddenly on Saturday and fell into an immense chasm which opened on toe site From the chum are emitted It is reported the Ameer of Afghanistan is seriously alarmed over the discovery that a number of na tive are combining sgaiost him and to the Indian thoritiea for help For the purpose of inducing English farmers to emigrate to Can- of Sri exhibit specimens of 1 blood in their carcasses i is doe to the fact strangle the birds as captured She adds purchases chickens mark of having been lift in at these thieves who are pudent and crafty fifty chickens lock able and fowl stolen fronahim- made two visits on the j he found then In the them alt the I nit tap The wagons and to to

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