Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 25, 1887, p. 4

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I I Train time a ananas 88 aa HIS It I If Jf jJU3ii Northern 1ATBQftetd lcU to VrlliViJ ID to K J Newmarket tfAlla fair AraCloiJllbomc I pun WJiJlrioutt Kcavlck W a KAIL Via York and p ID mm lurJi am Aurora m- pm POINTS V KIT lilt and for Oil OX Up Provincial Assembly Jots AM Act to for by Mr It la an abort for nt It la too to fa Ah Act bo Act list- feoctA two Mr It clmie ud will to put dalle odfiUfni to if the Ft Act Tor irft- A Clukc Id to ud of Ib6 till of to too in Tb Col Jo ud official or for their to Utter body to fix tad rrgaUlo lb heir It will to com to It thUdlfoctloo A wono other of or leu by Mr ooo Act of o to widow tried or who no In their own rated for or male tbo right to vote t loucleipil bill emend Act by or which may be Ur prepcoed to be- eolranchlicJ alluding to tbb aroeodmeot 7M ft artldo la thereto and that property not En the iaillficatloa of tblt bill MARCH 1887 North York Separation From certain lo wo ft of- larger counties are moving in di rection of re- portion of people In Urge from ftnddUa- W1illt8 which oq- tail When of County ipparolion vu before tho four years ego a vu given by to ft North York deputation that dealing with the of other the petition and resolutions adopted ah a meeting of tlili Hiding would also bo thdroforo the deputation which consented bo withdrawal of separation bill at that time our Local member bod got it House to now take imitative anil again bring matter and with the aid of our get in for conaidcraltoii Wo told etc of the previous are to be found in bands of Mr It A- whoso lamented father was tbo Secretary As Mayor was at the head of deputation referred to perhaps he will take the and act the ball in motion- We be lieve Mr Robertson was also a member of that deputation no doubt he will be ready to render amy bo con to effect to the We are not that the Intend taking action session but we reason to in direction is on topis for year the of ftn with the Attorney General the question at an iriy day called public attention to the and interests we it for upon whom rests to do their towards making movement success lb view of the with construe lion t Toronto the bur our future with city will it be taken now before the Hiding with burden which further connection with Toronto destined to Already the county pledged to pay the on an- for building but along with coma the bur of proportionjito coat of criminal etc moving a thet our people have little conception of at present We therefore urge thU matter upon tbo attention of the people of the Riding at largo united cooperation A Act by Mr- Wood of It uy kiting the proposed of Hurt of iter ClIog fiollco of apply to a Jutiftt by Mtllox to ifai route IC iho Judge objection he Is to appoint three of a civil to d hearing J wit- to or alter the ffllh tbojuit all par The Mil pro- for decision of The to tiary of to a tab J 1 1 of HI- Wrl iit well hia cored I foil tody know that may be attacked rind not afraid loguarantoaOTtr 9 aTuryoaraofeiparitteDllPf It I now offer ed you Id a perfected a AQoo4 Motif A agtot for Art bat bo troubled for scarcely attend to builaata until be tried Oil He to make UOltAHOES Rev Mr Freed preached his sermon on Sunday last A been organ- ixod here Recto Sander at and their Rev the pul pit of church and Iicv Mr Addison took the for pulpit at on lost Pork Bros decided to rebuild their and door factory They will erect a very much tartar which will bo of A I- readva largo quantity of material been Boeral in the vicinity drawn brick and stone without charge their sympathy with the firm on account of the lato flnx The meetings are still bo- carried on success A load of young came from bank the other night and assisted us greatly Wo are having plenty now for the new church which will be erected this summer people tam out well to stone and brick Par fn are beginning to get things In for spring work Is rapidly becoming a thriving title village It has a church with the Smith of for its pastor Also a school by Mr teacher with a large attendance Wo have alio a general store and Mr proprietor and postmaster a blacksmith shop under management of Evans and medical hall under of Br Meyer In ttmo wo will havo quite a village Lots being bought at a high rate and will bo built upon shortly Is in the of Township of Whitchurch It is miles from Richmond from from Aurora and about from New Sharon has long on joyed repu tation of being a and lawabiding place wo sorry to say or two youths who consider tbomaclvos men fallen into tho of prowling around after respcctablo have retired for the night and committing out rages that will give them a taste of Umbo if onco caught in act Spring is upon and the greater part of farmers aro preparing to At recent election four men polled their votes this division united ages were years among whom was Hugh first whit man born north of Oak Ridges in York County He was for a of years connected with Iho Customs Department in To ronto but is now residing at place of bin birth viz tot con East When an infant his cradto was a common sap trough and from present appearances it must agreed with him for notwith standing bis ago ho is a hale and hearty old ud who eootIsr to would do will to cob aiiotfaivtaraoj V SPECIALaSKTRAINS I tw luovj from iitp It of awteuoiopaoy aiwot a3 will run Through Without Change Transfer or Transhipment Car loin J au ivVe aoi ttlfr ttioip AcfDiMawmarkfi NORTH END Jmt a tremezutoof of of fi A Line of Cod burrs Imported Also all kinds of NUTS BALTIMORE OYSTERS a IMPORTED LATH SHINGLESI Scons and Pastry a special line which gives the best of satisfaction and our patrons say they are superior to all others WE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY OUR WITH FLOORING SIDING MOULDING SASH AND PATRONAGE WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OF SAME TO IE Dry Goods Groceries Boots Shoes Crockery ATTIIE LOWEST PRICES TURN OUT GOOD AT- CALL AND J A DALES J ROBERTSON DEALER IN HARDWARE CUTLERY PAINTS OILS Gloia and Builders Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway AND TUB ALLAN AND ANCHOR OF STEAMSHIPS tuned All Point la America and LOWEST THE WMCAHJ5 SONS AiioldpUilcliioetlrtdfreQsprMUcaJxaT ins ad la tali by Rett euro iiroucb1tW ami AH Affect I euro for aodflll bit iaif Ac tuated by a to feci or full J f recti for proprJuyDjiinr by matt by ad wJtUtUnjiiLPLHjDg japr A KorHayMu apfforeJ my and iouUx I wn I four from lb aia I rotl4 a anuiT powder or fqold but a atioo told InallMl Malta wjliccro Clio JldCalirrU kindred OJ- fOUtia ibeaowttftaiioof of faUe roembrtno and ite iJr In croup i4i4fto t- onoe alter lUlam lit story of un A el My food did J vf ato bad Utile hope of all Id took QfdiciiIodflHUra flnt bottle cava relltri belli at ara LfrfttlnOVirOjDprXdbtalUl Mr J of Apaak Yellow OH for Jama back mad eiUralfy tocaieef baa made a r March accident morning occurred on the Park Bridge The engine and three can vent over safely but fivo through the bridge to the rood beneath car which was the snioker turned over and struck on the top of the others all being crushed almost out of shape The cause of the said to have been the breaking of bridge- It staled that the bridge is com- a new and that the accident was cuiad by the track of of the can way causing the car to abutment of bridge The police say that twenty three were allied outright and that more will die The killed are in Ha wonderful pannes known carlof aod loaf without relieve it of to to toe pour to u were reel not one Allied woe report tnp Ask suiBbouiit add oU Jugular alio old all aod Declare be elates Canada Parliament will likely a fficient sum to and a troop of cavalry bringing the perma nent force up to men I J4t Friday evening fclcFarlane ill con of other loaded with grain or chopped etuff got bis left foot be tween the and the side of the box white so held one of ions shoved Mm tho side of the when his was dislocated I and the leg broken the Mr 3 Mr A- for sum Mary Canning of Scarboro Junction has been visiting her old friends in place for a few days Joel Baker has sold Ins celebrated imported stallion Brown to Ed Connor of Armada Michigan Baker and resumed work in their saw mill Tho cut this will not bo so largo formerly on account of the scarcity of timber The young people of this place or ganized ft surprise party last Monday evening and proceeded to of where they spent a very time The temperance friends from organised a Gospel tem perance society in the Church last Friday evening at which fiftyfour signed the pledge Cook building another addition to extensive barns in the spring which when will one of the largest in tho The main building with its additions at each end which form a protection east and west winds will measure feet Mr P hod a valuable mate kicked in the He says joint oil run out for five or daye He was advised to kill llm she was euro to die in this locality having lost horses in way Patterson by skilful treatment unre mitting attention has to the astonish ment of this community performed a permanent euro on tho mare Mr Thomas Steele who died lost week in fitouffville at the advanced age of sorentytwo years was an old resident of this place from Yorkshire fiftyscven years and settled on lot coo of a little north of Lemon- ville where he resided until tost sum mer when he moved to By industry and frugality he acquired a considerable amount of property lie ws a consistent member of the Methodist Church during the latter part of his life He had a family of fittoon children two of whom are dead and thirteen- alive nine and One of bis son the Rev P Steele is au esteemed In the Methodist Church changeable weather during this winter has been of much sickness in this locality Young J P who has been laid up for the last few weeks with now rapidly recovering and in a few days able to and attsod to J who has been from pneu monia in village of having there to consult a doc tor but was unable to return homo is now doing welt Edwin Gould who wo suffering from the same dis ease only survived a few day He a wife and two small children to mourn their Iota James who has boon afflicted for some weeks past with and Mrs XL Hill this place while out on a pleasure trip with had the misfortune to frac ture her arm very badly horses ran and made a complete wreck of the sleighs William had his foot bad ly bruited wlrilo engaged In drawing logs It will lay him up for some time Samuel in a pre carious condition with congestion of brain sneak William Conners watch valued at on Inst from his during his absence Manning has improved the appearance of his store by putting up a magnificent sign Mr A was recently pre sented with a beautiful Cushion and Tidy for his arm clibr by the littlo girls of his school Sunday School scholars of this visited the Episcopalian School last Sunday Rev Bryan of Bradford the two schools Mr baa sold out inter est in hardware store to Mr Wil kinson teacher at The business will now bo carried on by Meters Wilkinson Gold Mr Gladstone Thursday night of tost week delivered a speech in which ho insisted on Home Role as the remedy for Irish diiucultv and hinted his willjugness to drop land scheme About half past three oclock last Friday morning a fir broke out in now hotel in Buff alo which with St James hall and a number of adjoining buildings were completely destroyed only bare walls remaining standing Numbers of hotel guests were imprisoned by the and were cither burned to death or killed by jumping from windows while suffered severe injuries NEWMARKET Hardware IN OPERATION Full tine MILLS Rolls all Head rrm loo losing lo t lbL CAQ Wo to an article that bo Excelled Gristing and hopping Done Every Day At Notice Us a Trial CO MAQHINE OILj AilERICAN ALL COLORS- Mr George Hughes getting mutt rial on ground near his residence with which be intend to two brick ThU will add very of BRADFORD Roller Mills NORTH END fT OUWDR Weir coir lb Best Moulding Materials all klatfior REMOVAL WRIGHTS TIN SHOP I FOR SALE About Figs wheat rice nd apples nro one Gods best gifts to roan In some countries constitute a very important part of tbo peoples diet dried figs are washed In warm water and then soaked In cold water ten or fifteen hours time depend ing on temperature will expand to their original size and much aemble fresh picked figs both In fitor and appearance or a week want no better breakfast llian good figs thus prepared and good bread moist ened with milk to eat with them This is a delicious cheap and whole- some meal If in water enough to cover It affords A rich to cat with them Good figs make a rich table if cut in small pieces say of common raisins and then allowed to stand eight or ten hours well cov ered with col J water Or for an extra rich sauce use less water and before some milk Of course the richness bo varied to the taste by using more or lea water Stewed whole or cut in small piece are also excellent If lor variety either ft mild or acid Is wanted It can bo imparted by adding pure juice to the which they are softened or cooked To avoid a bitter flavor use no other part of lemon Pulled figi are figs simply dried in their natural hence they are best to soak or slow whole Borne of ho beat and poorest varieties are pulled fifs The quality of figs varies greatly Borne have a very thick skin and lack richness Others have a thin tender skin and are rich and sweet It seems to find figv even tho finest quality entirely free from an occasion unripe over ripe or soured one Imperfect drying conditions doubtless cause many to sour Poor figs if not spoiled are proved by Blowing destroys or modifies slight imperfection and converts them into good table any form need no sweetening wtd add rather than sugar 5Q Toss at 16 Per TON I GOOD CLBAK AND SWEET SPLENDID FEED FOR and firm ing On the Shortest Notice- of UMrstU at 1 1 on bud DUNNS BAKINC POWDER THECOOICSBEST FRIEND to El LUC tQtlllCj i avomt of Iho belt For and In Dominion Wood CHOICE ROLLER FLOUR AND MEALS ALWAYS IS AT LOWEST PRICES GRISTING every exotpl SAMUEL LUKES Box Sizes STOVE FURNITURE The Newmarket Era 16 A ay MR TOWNLEY to tic s9jb iPiBnnirflntB J Cot aontuilaa ywiWlU rta it r ii YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM WORM POWDERS It or la Wood or Stave Bolts I id for iT OR PINE ar ataUoo Ji I Fin New Enamel Pots For Cook and Uiataooo Coal oil Lamp of I lo lo order by 1 A JAMES GO Burdock WILL Of WDtGESTKH DROPSY THE STOMACH wrywEss KIONEYB USE TO BUN- Two rem coo on BEWAEE OF WORTH IMITATIONS lrlor lraa trvl aad oM by a a- Farm For to Nona a 4 in FOR Coo well J ACRES FOR Si cm ack Ibelx aVttouUoa lo Cut CROHPTON CORSET CO AIM NOTICE obi CANADIAN BAIL WAY DIVISION AUtlQtQOtM4 IjoaU iXtn ttcTboaiM sWpoa MUM tod To fi p rota IWJum r wcortI cx Toronto Eirrw Run it til MUfO u AJfO p ArrtTtKipmi TnUhiaulutairiDctodir lotomiLtoocsia it J VAatHOXBE VtasirtA of ourto Vie 9 of Hapten dtMCHd on bot ibt lo by Or THE DAY OP CbtrfM siitooioft of ihe tod lblr Oi lonumw i ice lb or flnt day AMD wit of wilt be be ibtrtio Hull m be iLavbieloribvueou or ibereof to of OCtl3UmtKUOO IXlMtbfSltidex ttolictior TO AGENTS cor for filbtee Ud AlVame by end oca dwre ftiocaoibe to we will iboawporToruj ijcumiw ere PelplllUM ifiel Eerkr nil fc4a by awiiubei lortoL Apply to A GREAT lira THE OLD la About Ml FOR SAj to pto tba AnlatiH V cor ft 4ftiU mom reue iur ibefull It ttod or would I OR S IS It si v a si as If tou liaKlollowiorafaJ a MaanioLoulatssail ii loo St a larsaa a fcal If wVMwS OJfrrSafeJHM

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