Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , February 4, 1887, p. 2

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ri New Chin A Smith Mark Offer J a Blake Card Toole- OP I AIIO IKVK FRIDAY FEB Our Toronto Despatch l TokOHTo 3rd Mr llcvv of Holland Ms Mlni- f nSlf7 til own Mf cl Panic VfUtfUr Monday BfKr- novo Ina i l u of or if and Hum brio Ibb or ud litre now that will John not or popular Hunter it will for IB ft few flii it of tore to tot ud tfcn tut Bod and It- North York Judging from nativity In politi cal on both contest fa York to It than usually specula- as to Its result Mr Mulock it personally popular an excellent canvasser and vory persevering His record take a lively Interest In before the House and as a party man not only supporter of the Opposition leader but a lively of Government on trade and railway His opponent is alto a man esteemed by a large of friends and well known throughout Riding took an ac tive part In putting down Iho North- Is popular with voluntcon and supporter of the and of the Government action in secur ing ho rapid construction of Can adian Railway far at the two men concerned in their political relations to the Pom- Government and general policy one may be to bo the of the other but person ally both enjoy many warm friends on both sides of Wee and each will obtain a certain amount of support on personal grounds indepen dent of party considerations just how far this kind of support will- ex- it problem not easily wived Iho result on election day may possibly re determined by extent of that kind of support may withdraw from oilier Jivii in to I nriivati mid will mr overcome liUrol OwlUiiii- bury then us to of West and on one aid p and King on the other At present looks as if he result much depended on twocounta first personal influence arid second tho strength of will becast Indeed were it not for new eh- imparted Into the contest by tho extended Franchise Act it would not bo so difficult to calculate the the from politic either of tho men would make a representative of which the Hiding not bo Political Meeting at New market TOWN WELL UDooot of Wat la 9lcaueof pfwoodi g limited t la Infect op ulrow MripKoUirld 1Iodi tad to fa itut titled ThtjitttUoiUtoOo rtlll wnl3 bft of ft pea to P do lb- It lhytet la ftfmt to Top tad Ho for I lnrrt4VU eMOOOOOO Mia- lllui ivJcJjb on Hit svd wa- fttklog A 1QCqUcj n Li jbf lit- w for lr U t ad boar tod tlaif of Sir ftnoiedit Mr with of lie tm bit cut ftd fci ojfgbt get bit koounad Sir for Mr bid ft hope tach AirtMtts The of Mr bad tut til sir It timpl tot ft lata lo Tit ft to of d bo bit bit he would Mr Itylogtoattcfatju fit aa ook for At tlUJtrlta It thn It and sod Mr of not trtio fttd ft Mr Wgtr bid tbt ihr Sir of tod Kit P It la contraction which Unit til lie pops 0 v to tbt of roiDufctariDg tiki under Sir ft of by fimulD iho bttotlfftyt to tbt of United 8lct of W to on to out bat tkt ffT7r7 It that of tbty did Act for tbt tad propotod Tbtrt It dlCEootl to Mr to dale oar for York King It lag will tad to a gixfttof ibau Mr Unlock wry In of to hit do what you to tad Mr a fair it- by Mr bat from bad beta melt 1753 ftbd Sd3 tod 1873 MS but SCO Id IMS la ft bil I of of tbo malt I will til your to North York to or oft tad by bud bo tbt op at b for tad tXA ft is of the at n Ink Drops Towncou Y P leBltat KBmrBClBb bore toolono Pobllo Tff VBleoUotB Bod Bros Pursuant to announcement a of Wat Ontario wot in Town oa evening in of the Reform candidate chftirbciug occupied by Mayor J tod vj to or two hour Hi pUot lo ot Into I all Mr MvVAli bo do iu io of but vbriir for politic porpoe Mil that I diauttoo out lb J about to vootd go til ol of a beooJJ a tod for tbt people to tbott called boodltra vert Itigat vHh pceKot goverot wot to fill of Aootgtbewt of tod of held of railway Victoria r lofinct fa railway ftp to get froo of tbt WortbWoattD J tat bit It aJI bo Mr be It Hud how veiy little for except fte tbe liilr for Aim by haM ptMtj J I- world by a d vry lriitrS I- TlciniiuVlPei iarrrili g a5 In ily iliNi that It mutt In toy wauoerltti Uf hogged balfbrcodi to voutd forgot til tbtt barogtrat mm to of tpfrft tint Drillib flift TU of bit turn of like gaanpedU to avow of by tad ft aomt time for which there were really no to only the pott only graolod In district bad by going to AlUrl but to orer by of olTcred a for til of Scott but John A out ercutlou tbe to uphold tbt iriitor He by giving the follow iogoratts by M11U990IO Edgar J of KiwgToablp tod bo J tbto lo tbe politic of tbo coufctry US TO Wuy bs saw sash the tills of sod forcible teupr la hthj Tut CoaaereatlTet Sir Donald for lib be will rttufocd iIod Tbb bit P ft lot Com- all right no matter wait got filed member of re- except two who to by the legal iba CootUlurt ft nice time Arm of tbt South Mr gall a candidate reform bo told that Notional Policy of tod of Pacific jUltway but thought too old to the leader of liropoloU of tod oot WiituttU regard to the It aya- Caoidlto Hallway It tod it to low la ttkiag of property Mr Abbott lit Solicitor to Sir Do aid A fimUfa of director It to be tbe for forthe out off place by A by w reporter hoi J VjjS The wily for the row iuHi not the wily rote tod Marrlt will blot day Tut by Mr which to be erected at to printed will reprcKOt Uu clad la royal crown aod tvct tod tod of the tight bind ft ace pi re ftodiobtrltftfto orb It will on a of vera more year to the poor of which ft of beef tad ft it aptadlog week with Mr Webber work Jul Col expect to hold a la Mr Jit Id Town with Mr Blair Be Mr of Book Rood bajeooaaled to preach Ibe fa week from We with oar old tod it mack Id of week by dlpbtbcrtft A of St to two Mcodr Mr J had tad of too of Mr Samott of St wbo kept Hit leu for Mr bb in Town The wu ft being tht will next week go Into Mill Immediately srss JoTown lbs iho of fats It bb dgrlog tbe t0 to ltcn of ops of U1 held Id get off the Iflt Mr him a He if a pretty over lbs on tot all bit lbs If tbt trip 1odo direct to tba card or J Disk Mr wall vfth the Railway for many years Id with bas fab tfr sb4 dow at St Louis Mo copy of QtdK coatalolpg a leugtby want of foBtril of Ur of A were Lodges to fact was bo apak for of Arm In the city Mr of find for rem of the MBlvtwIlh From ike fo Ontario CHEAP ALL GOODS MUST BE SOLD 1ST FLOOR Clearing Sale in Dress Goods do do do do do do do Mantle Cloths Hosiery and Gloves Staples and Fancy Goods Gents Furnishings Boots and Shoes Groceries Crockery and Glassware All Goods Sold at the Lowest Cut Prices for Cash NORTH STORE ONLY Clearing Sale in Millinery Depart do do Cloths do Clothing do Hat and Cap do Carpet do OilCloth do Wall Paper a This is the Cheap Dry Goods JULIUS R MAI i i The and Abyssinian fortts been defeated by Arabs in bo Soudan and Italy is greatly over the of Belfast was again scone of frightful rioting and Woodshed Saturday and Sunday Thirty per sons am reported killed and In jured A aid and fatal accident on on Wed evening of lost Mr and ilrfl Jackson of were driving down wlim their horse unmanageable and ran away Both thrown from cutter Mr Jackson was thrown against a Tho difficulty has been overcome that of opening a market and popularizing the solo of Canadian honey in England To do this it was necessary to give like pounds at Indian and Colonial Exhibition and commissioner estimated that between and people had tasted pure Canadian honey free of charge Thomas Jan freight east on tlio It which left Windsor about oclock fast night approached Tilbury station it- broke In two about the middle and Conductor Pirn who was walk- forward to get order when SEE Our Wonderfully Cheap Dress Goods at j telegraph post and instantly killed train cached statioo fall off his skull hiving been Mrs Jackson had her arm fractured Between and 18B1 In cluslvo died from smallpox In the city of Montreal alone and the mortality outside the city has been placed at In deaths in numbered l16f and in the Province total death rate in city and Province since together may bo placed at Tho sanitary engineer who compiled the above places total toss incurred in Teasing the disease In and tin iss of the railways the business of the city at a total of 103000 the riU-B- fog CluMarOikleybars bat bars iBagflllstasl incfcdtug ibe property It are coca Th lr employ meat of Ihetr make specially of Botf caraof properly for may be ears of la putting aoyj Ihtlr Mr of St in same that the firm iMppii boxes of fifth of the point by v Sir Jcuolo Sale Register triune to by iLi Vi thru aU bat Id iltaea ioc to It Like figlil of wrir neatly ribt- in sod It it for us to oar ballots Let us took at lbs J lb3 boo Sir J ibo If was to woold be or hi out client i ui bit the price aalj win too tbena vers to eipemJHuta wee too Urge bot be fietn 23 to WiaMHooa was KlogofdtBdts irer bad Sir said baa States ptrcsplte of ttiVt ifa baa twa lead tie Gov Iba Jietel the that uotble la Its Mr took Slrpb did be to bar 4 fro Heated arsryUme AM was no As to th Stoat bsarUly wit it bet if bars It by be op u A taken o of Quebec irattoo now Itadeieblp of Mr Merrier states It be for tbat a iBttit the and Liberal for a at rate by a fairly wild atroog tote program for IU fair It fa to be hoped for aakeoftbe will cany oat bat already air filled of pro to bed power will to legal tut to to If I In i tba Statute Do- Mill come the if March Totea the work of beta of of were by of by of ret ell the of lb sUceCJoftderaUoa V la ow tboossads of people parts of world Lord to be fo of st bare their to Witb pabUahtrs of the bare srory year s Carol of sstooUbed made paVUibtre of greet look 6but paper look as If It ooald be sold for than two aod yet lbs price only blcb be nut to sore to be la at a To eat ideas lha of lie offer same bo tboaaaad for tbe beat in peaeaot be eoldst price 1st prfu o00i Jed say or Mr wilt lmplrmjUfllc- lot b In Credit till Oct of SlO forltxy Mr in Quebec Assembly is now pat down at The organ factory of Kara Co at Woodstock was burned Wed nesday Four of infantry will bo sent to reinforce garrison The Belgian Government wants to secure more war armament and fortifications- It Is estimated that oyer fifty thousand are ton strike in York and vicinity Twenty persons were drowned by the sinking of British steamer Blair MM in Sea About coat miners in County Nov Scotia have struck on account of a reduction Sunday was the coldest day experienced In St Pen for fifteen Sirs the Three fcondred were the of their ship by a collision while on we way to Australia The project of a rail way from the Ottawa to Georgian bay via Renfrew etc is assured It if the whole roan army is to sections of men to be drilled use of the repealing rifle engineer of a locomotive were and scalded on Saturday near a Sue plug blowing building and con- toots of the woollen mills were totally destroyed by fir afternoon Oanoftne employees The Governor of he la stirring up some Of the native tribes again the and trouble U feared fa J ibe oil gutter to If both Personate by Iter flarajeon Inst or Mich aWPDre by r Co or At of by CMtfaiipcb of nhad-lrtiict- to Emily or flfje omb Hone of Mr- wot itSy In w 1 1 on yctr and Off 2nd oil Herbert of Mr I Wm I Cbkultf Dudley bod will be to Hew bil a tompvilon to stub MKM W lika 1nc bo from Ibo end of the track and core over Ms Ixxfyj mangling it Another freight following and the engin eer body too to slop engine and four can patted over it When be were gathered together present ed a bloodcurdling light boxed and sent here on reaching here about mid- a of ego and had been for afjbut three year He a and one child latter months old WORTH See our BARGAINS in Overcoats Mantles Shi Furs Dress Silks c c Cur Toronto SecourLadics Lined Felt at do do taeHMIMH taa A barrel- see ivuwl ifr a Gil a a a a a POT a a a a A2S a Ct a a a a a a CM en WOJ DIM no 1 A WE HAVE ALL -IN- FELT BOOTS MOCCASINS MENS SOX AND RUBBERS OVER- SHOES AND Our Warm Fine Slippers at worth See our Values in Fine Boots and See our Nice Bright Sugar lis for We think our Valued Groceries CO in ow A REDUCED PRICES To J for blniMlr7heporttbvc on flit of old do rouoO on by iwlo FURNITURE Ap KAIH ftTKpalH Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST I AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS I leu v door ETC Mo Toronto OpposllBUJeBCatbe4rJ TO OLE PAINTER Of Brooks j w Notice to CREDITORS PURSUANT or a dec- drrArtiraitalAjufoity bJr by lb y Of BAKING POWDER J AT BRUNTO Every other store in Canada Ml4d will ly Ibfb to lUb- lb art iwrtofw tor it Hid frCaallllaVlbcu VUC to toy or id ftOOAlOla lb Our Prices in all Departments 25 PER

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