I A Morning MB TO KNOW TO AN JACKSON subscribers ONTARIO BANK CAPITA BEST I tftirai r vol xxxvno Single Cents Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Newmarket Ont Friday Jan 1887 Terms 1 25 Cash in Advance within or at end INSURANCE AGENCY ROE Successor to P tost Class Stock Companies only Represented OFFICE OWE DOOR OP BOMBS TIM SHOP ABO TO TDK j Mr A- 1U irtiifMiiiil Mm 10 my In M lbs by it A lllllll isu tfciJiu tiff it wit for of Op- Hotel Ac TO J V A A XHHlllilt fttiHu fi AUIilKA VNT If KtC J AUKNT tire At fi ISH TAXES LEAD A visit to my and of my Stock of FRESH GROCERIES FANCY PLAIN CROCKERY Will lhat ia to right tboy can placed on Goods bought for Cub at Country SALT BY THEE BARREL A by Telephone Attended To NEWMARKET Newmarrct Branch latoroat Allowed on at cvuixr DRAFTS ISSUER www lively Local Laconics I OK IN LIQUOR STORE t i f hi I Tftiiil ami bed AconiuonHrMi lulfox Kl I I to If ln4t lit i I MilHUM ATXA MM lui jenr Jin Culm ACCIDENT Hill ATUAIT KSPE01ALLY TO ATlENTJOK OK TUB TO OUR OK LIQU0 to Suit Season and for Brandies Wines Porters Almoin varieties Only Licensed Liquor in CALL AND VOUU tKtMJ from Toronto Market bought at and Sold to Suit You P J 0MAIXEY North End Bakery fcH Ait Agency for Aurom vJclnltr jDtumuco J Notary 1 in CIVIL run uh ioul EECIROOKK J A SPECIALTY Alio WtHUUfOf AHofdert will AlteDtfOD if it of And VlUila tor tJiTowoio for wturfamy moved from I Jfra FOR- FIRSTCLASS to form at Wilta or wrtictttiti Kail Torooio The lb York for Ihttlf tod of On generally pat bit in it for ftrly it no eva a from hi it or fib Til BALLOT- The optica of tutlo for trfi lflb tilt tit to by Tie list jeer look of to the Wo ooM by AJoi1ib aw j koov ibtt in Meb joti On of JmI of nick And look of licit adqoiI AQpif At VM eie io ccoul JUatictr will jtclK ioclMt by o tenU not in a friendly the ig ho mere i luuJJ A Young A of AuocUtioo Mr Webber in The tfkuretA Aifotll tcotiUd At of followed rnulttd dittos lit VkcPttebital SctiUiyTiAJ Cuke Si tod Mr Mitt Aod it a foil Atttodtiico be a The Chronic Growler growl fvu He bed He About 1 JU fit of Like Tor a He He lit He Article bit view He hit work growl not Aa bis next door Ho tectum be no wife He Ice He the til to when to He be growti Ity To bo He a He Ho growl if it be lb He Holy He jo Acreuky The First Engine in Ontario ON THE OLD LIKE win lo CAKES AND CONFECTIONERY RECEIVED THIS WEEK lt kill Mi WVAVAViWf CHAM ai All ml I NICEST AND Gents Suitings Millinery Store ti It- Air IMHiU fctiSVI ill A tai if tfupry to ft To bo in atu pro paroO superior manner At Unit with a Mccormick CANNED GOODS Now in and Parlor for Giro u a call ALEX NEWMARKET JjOTSyiTHSTAKDlNG the fact that we are now putting Flip B Full Lines Rolls MONEY TO LOAN I jttitt Co audit will a lol Cut out wo will ljOtf OK CAN AD OHFICB TORONTO INTEUEST ALLOWED on ISSUKD ON MEAT BRITAIN UNITED STATES AM POINTS IK CANADA Notes Discounted UAAftr u a liretime i -if- E YELLOW OIL FREEMANS IN OUR MUX THERE IS NO STOPPAGE IN BUSINESS Gristing and Chopping Done Every Day AS USUAL P WATCHES CLOCK JEWELLERY SILVERWARE SPECTACLES ETC Dont of buying or Jewellery or Silver ware Line until you Opened at ATKINSON JEWELLERY STORE glad to no- odvocAtlng A to office It to cow ilfct ihrink from ioto a where feina The the tbit At with all that it implies a Wd tint a bo for oar if tbli going from fccow to hoot eoj to rote their Aod Loo the to tho of If eboolJ lake matter III oUtratiP it bo at the time lime to pal be put to the Ireetlcn ajiiroi bat to public Lata lb of bit of it now Caotf lor all Ur to all it o jh rar of tie riccon- eerMtiifijtoEOidtoryheUb belter in to other the yther eatotlel to fatal ill who of the of tbe riMl old fioodebaco to be tbu time There len a larger UN wow fat The tie tot fully The to weather better Veuora coinfooy m not ibe wmtlLing he lotnoiblog The fqbllitM At will come cold but the weather will of Wo have the BEST EN in RAILWAY TICKETS To all point to United State Brit I I a J The man who has coDKatIoaily kpt lie hod tart bus a iroubjt If goto to be 1 gel A lb made a Unaoa el week aoilqoiu tot Jo ax iliut of It into era aI uoie or aad fcr blocks at Ibe laipru furllj 1 riJea all go at lloitr wieadfd to tip is a to oit Dd a do to within a couplo of years ago tin- Elgin lay on a aido track in In- at Brock The little locomotive forerunner of the Iron giant tread now the ground of Ontario from the to Rainy For reason known to the management anceator of ft noble raco was stricken ilown and sold for scrapiron much same as it had been remains of a soap boiler that had outlived its usefulness At present the0 lies where Lady Elgin lay for some time ft which rejoices in name of Col and which said to to very similar in appearance and construction to the Lady Elgin It childs toy when sized the forty ton engines lately by the company with body scarcely longer than a fat stove an developed smoke stack to act as a check on the Hying woodsparks cylinders nowhere to bo pipe driving rode and other unlike the of today to confirm belief tho ago its weatherbeaten appear shows it to possess In point at least the modern not changed Two men alone are needed to run a A third must tide on the roof of the oral box cab of the little engine is as large as that of the big one first sod of new road was towed October by Elgin wife of the then Gover nor General ceremony was performed about opposite the Parlia ment buildings on Front Street A portion of the sod waapreservedbyMr the origin al civil engineers of the road and presented by him on his retirement to company in whose office at the foot of Brock it now lies en shrined in an ornamental box Shortly after Iter Ladyship had commenced the con struction of the road her arrived on the scene to as sist In its completion op the The Lady was built in Maine and commenced work at Toronto May film weighed tons had a foot driving wheel and ft 10x20 cyl inder She Is what technically known as an inside engine her works oil lying under the boiler and out of sight She was of entire ly too light for but construction work and at that she was put immediately on her arrival Of all the men who had charge of tho Lady years experience exact whereabouts of only one is known to manage ment and employees of the company Many have made their last and have gone up for examina tion before Chief Engineer of the universe Many more have drifted Into employments in all parts of tho continent only survivor Phil Warren of now running freight between that placo and To ronto and he had charge of only for a comparatively abort time before she was sidetracked From all it will bo gathered that leav ing out of consideration Informa tion to be derived from official ar chives only a most collection of interesting facts concerning the engines life Incident can bo picked dp the man yon should sec writer is told by various of ficials after they fur nished all information in their possession Robert Pearson one of the oldest most trusted engineers on tbo road Ho veil known from frequently published fact that owing to care he takes of engines enabled to tow er record by He is a man well on in years but hale hearty and genial to a degree Well said he joa giro me a pretty big I dont know that locomotive engineers die young as a general thing of the men who the to Trunk and finally to flute died a good many ago at Kanaaa His son chief of police there now After ho left her engine wont into his brother Silas hands After that a good many men had charge of her and I am not tare that I can nam- them I think it likely that John loth Dan and Dan Bracken muit handled They were all old men they re all gone now If there is one man more than another that can tell you all about that engine it is John John at present secre tary of Upper and Tract Society and Aldermanelect for Patricks was the first on the read- He after wards became mechanical superinten dent I confess said ho when that I know very little tbo Lady Elgin I reach ed only a few before the first passenger trip was made By that time of course tbe construction was going on beyond Aurora and the Lady Elgin was still engaged in the work I remember all about the companys second engine however was first in Can ada aud was constructed in May by James Good up at his old foundry on Queen street She was larger than the Lady Elgin and was designed specially for pas senger work Hot she wss never suited for it In after years Mr Good turned out engines first every respect but when he built the Toronto as she was called be had had no experience He in need of many of the appliances necessary for the proper ruction of really serviceable locomotives and as a con- sequence was a mass of imperfections in detail though a good machine on whole I she was the object of more than any other that over rat tled over tracks drove into the city brought out a box car to do duty for the car white the latter provided with chairs used a passenger coach and proceeded Well shortly after wo bad passed we had another ran off time ft truck the Some had playing with and when got through with it they bad let it run down grade toward Newmarket ran down till it came a curve where we struck it You may depend on the fact that The K Heham Concert Co are was pretty well with railway and Wat Icicle ho the toboggan The drouth in ClAfi York ia litis it inilUoa workingaway on the north of the which now com- January made from Toronto to wood a line connecting three v lakes end earning for the railway its I TOm original name the Ontario A factory at a a 1 Alter the completion of road by fire and an tha Lady Elgin was used for shunt- Toronto and Col lint- wood 5 The Aurora recent- inuniltr of their log Toronto and wae good for ore till the dare of the change of gauge After WpUo1 thttahe lay in Mayor retired demolished end thats all after know of her Telegram in various Bakings At Mount Holly ttto his wife with arm of a rocking chair till killed her There If lie aim it too Id their ocd pet rt a wftk for Mr c murder of Anthony tt of Aurora wen hi t3 A wild cat nine J iys lJ Jt from to was captured Saturday ha a bayatack last week ST A who family living at While Soiia atraa lb Ohio are with it that a from raw came triad hot to Loth fell out the mow were Mr A- A From his late cot will With ok r and a third o tack i ere to bo found I bad myself occasionally out bad regular charge of bar I WWD first driver was BUI In to taUftj ift4 SHE to get op enough to travel on at ft rate and we were often forced to atop atock still we happened to be and watt till up steam Of coarse that would put me conductor on tender hooks of suspense as I never knew at what hour a freight train would round a carve and smash something You must recollect that time tables those not elaborate and affairs are now The first timetable in manu script I it by rats yet Well to return They pinched Toronto from the foundry down Street on rails inch by Inch It took days to get her to the Esplanade during thst time Street was thronged with curious to inspect the engine Jimmy Good built Wo made our first trip May running up to Aurora then called Corners in morning and back again at night The Engineer was a Spaniard named Joe Lopez He a queer silent sort of fellow and divulged little of Ma personal history lie left the road years ago and I never beard of him again Evening after evening all through firat rummer Front street was lined with spectators from Bay Street where our little station stood right up to street The eight was strange enough then but it would be stranger now COACH DATS You know before waa opened the stages did a busi ness for to leave- Toronto and coach up street to Holland binding They were ferried across Lake Sim- coe to or Drill la and continu ed their route by to whence they took steamer to Well as the opening of our road was bound to throw many of the stage drivers and owners out of employment the comproy gave positions on the road as fast as they could bo induced to hire You that course was iome thing along line of compensation you talked as a necessary and inseparable to the prohibition or restriction ol liquor traffic Perhaps it would be well we could do the like for saloonkeepers but I scarcely thick a wine clerk would make a good TUB INITIAL TbejSrst accident on tho road on the afternoon of Sunday The Company decided to put on a second one leaving Toronto the morning and returning at night and the other in the morning and returning at night We were to make a start on Monday fol lowing day on which the accident I had started for New- with my train Sunday morn- Jog just before wo reached what was called Wakefields Dump south of what ii now Weston I went into the passenger car my train of a locomo tive a baggage car and ft passenger coach and found a stranger sitting there What are are yon doing beret 1 asked him Oh said he I yes to for he was aa bog water and I thought Id But Im to pay I told him I did not collect fares Sunday and left car Not three minutes later wo A COW The engine passed over her and struck track aU right Too bag gage car did likewise coach climbed cow bat missed tha track and rolled down a steep em bankment It turned three times the way down at each shape like ft Only the passen ger and two were la the car hot all wore Injured to say one of the Irishmen Little But My HOW A VOUNGtfttfc a ITiL The Wind- i and piled up with of ten high- fthip tea from Jupan the Pacific arrived at Moody A dramatic company which gave a performance at l was badly by disgusted pat- rocs on upper table rovb at lilts strength do not always go together sometimes and strength enclose a week and cAwaidly spirit Very often little men and Ml an awful rah into gorge little women too who are smart and below spunky and determined can I Coal so in Brooklyn phshabeap than big hulking who are always lo over their own feet The Daily and Weekly an ex I purposes War has ample of the has J achieved the small but bright and J ti of cooragrous papers both in politics hundred more fall papers and in The Daily Arws the youngest daily in Toronto and is during the equalled or excelled in circulation by quantity of 100700000 of tan- two papers it was ahipped from made a sworn statement its Montreal average circulation for was over per day Its chief aims arc to bo right reliable its chief character is in its fearless editorial stylo which recognises neither friend nor foe in its sweeping denunciation of is wrong and unjust both in the parties and in general poli tical system Its pictures arc rival led by those of no paper in Canada Talmagcs are still a feature of the and Weekly The short sketches tbe ab sorbing serial stories reliable reports together with the brightly stocked news columns up a galaxy of brilliant journalistic features The Weekly is only per annum and each subscriber is given a dollars worth of books free as a premium who dont sire the premium will have a liberal reduction made in the price of their subscription For you van The Weekly for six months and The Daily tor six months and a dollars worth of books as or The Daily for months and the Weekly for months and a dollars worth of books for No need bo without a daily paper during the winter months Subscriptions will be forwarded from this and following rales are offered and Weekly with books 00 Era and Weekly News with Dally Weekly There who have paid for can have by paying the balance was bis clipped pair wtwsk o Much anxiety islcauied by the Queens health which is very far from being During last year pat ents issued by the at Ottawa more than the num ber in 1665 the revenue show ing a corresponding increase malt writes hard He says Public is hereby given that I have bought a breech- loading double barrel lf- dog to protect my wood pile If that despicably mean of a man who haves tracks a barrow in my yard doesnt quit his fooling it will require about nine doctors to repair his ungainly car cass Judge Waldo Brown writes to the Traveller I affirm that the system of endorsing is all and should bo utterly believe that it has been the financial rtilnofmorementhanperhapsnotbiT I think young men especially should study tbo matter carefully in all bearings and adopt settled policy to their conduct so as to bo ready to fttuwer the man who asks them to aign his note What responsibility does one assume wheo he indorses a Simply this He hi held for of amount la full principal and Interest the maker of the note through misfortune or rascality fails to pay It ice assumed all the no voire in the manage ment of tbe and do share In profits of the If it ft certainty of loss If or any of reasons sM I a Brown a Cot tug wood falsify a y not known to At was ititisCid impriviiuriit for to r Ids Iff- report of the of cavalry to satisfactory A wplodid in the win dow of dry wen and did were twice re- with JcntWc in at- to capture a strong hold iij iron over Rais in river at fell on Tuesday the hiving lie supporting jiicri iliii of Milton do tciMpiMrico work Oregon Territories on her return from Sonic of the stone for Toronto will ohtaiurd in now in getting it out At uiitTfictir Ottawa detective was in net of the railway a iters A Ian Friday cutting brought to from tin middle tho leaf a of supposed to belong to the A the South tutc at Head last week and two when practical tailing to Mr- terpen of iSiMthroy had in thao other day a which knocked and upon bfn Ho hd a wonderful from deaths corporation of was lined at on a bridge over a en et within limits of town- If it built by August tha fine will lorctuitUdL society of square is saluting lute join bauds adrane to Water and all does with the odium of partner when re aalotiog on comer in the way A while Ills stopped the middle discourse open Ms alottV bard to lore tbe irvf Cattail