Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , January 7, 1887, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JAN 7 Train Tim 9 ORE lis moMs ft Yewuurket Mails Aura North jo pm maim Muftis AC turn JUL K la fcmarket Bra net Willi EACH JAN 7 Motions Editor UK WHITE it lliv public My Lite loDUriiJklnVOUiAlfuMiMHK tin drift Mildly lilt Wy To- lUI or figure Id Mi ll M W ilii of Mr Sir will in the Imok to if lib of to J by iuV of Mr with Mr if lit would like to A mull of tour of Jb- Ml id It id c4rly with of Ibe by the rcdutiilutiou of u bill the which Mr lb fchvluufhu former bud to The w North ft to attribute to of Life Around Us Ink I1IAK day on in usual man nor A bountiful dinner provided- and Mr Editor this no chip manic cold water affair real of c- with of Lot unlimited with wild Tim way in tint ol up bat the women bid fair to their dinner held tin in chair Mr arhoo children put through Wlrti by Mr It were four in Church two loaded with and article two with itpjilc a of and arid vteluahh for hildrti tent from To roaUi aoiiic A very w from J who uuablu to Aftor a vritahlo Old in and to Clio children thou plucked of their fnt filling of with delimit and their friend with for day mid ftifla not Ballots you THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS urn own return- on Monday in viU lago of the county which will of most interest to a great inuny of the ltccve A Win Method Jus Councillors John John Taylor Win Alex twnrt Alex McKcntc by J Council Glover Jav Deputy Jiartumti 2nd Councillor Win and Geo AM VULAOC J as John id J lit Deputy A M Sccor nd Deputy Councilloi It It Saunders Council P ami Council- J P Franks and J Wallace Councillor Das Mounter Homo school ru uid to Ibal work improper fraction This la very la Prairie J mo another The in Michigan was in that in years Liverpool Inula bow a for Mr will not leadertujp of n igland A walking it urn out for anything Mr J of Zephyr cut foot severely taw weeks ngo hut now bettor 1ST The movement to toll In the county of to successful tk- Jen oral a re ception on Now Ycara wan at tended by Mine people An appeal baa been to tho proas not to publish de tail of and trials A flro occurred Sunday in Palace at Homo was damaged SOT Over Engineers tho poUoflice authorities in restoring service L DoyougetihsnyordorHiibw- your Yes re- youngest clerk thats alt do girt An unknown man died sud denly to a St Lawrence saloon Montreal Saturday from un of whiskey Cgt law tuits of in Superior Court Quebec during pist year Lord otdeit of the his younger Charles arc In Ottawa Three a of porter in a joko bat when paid them It turn to Qu A of work ing on tha AugDita and Chattanooga railway on Tbouuddco death very hocking to iho community of Zephyr Mnch fall for the family iVitjbio said tho visitor kindly hava you any Hutu brothers and Robbie solemnly all children got ateamer State of having jinurd a largo of ft ti from A tSu now will In of nix fivo lawyer four two doctors and one f A containing struck by a train near Fort Wayne on evening two girls instantly killed and several others badly injur ed of do par roof A teacher So King ho was pre- by his pupils with beautiful and costly alburn with at i In sermon Rev J of his of ministerial exemptions by slating that it was loo much being a on of public- licenses for in will bo on and after Monday the 3rd of January and good until tho of May Ap plications bo to Mr Zanders Bart ie 3 A lo the aum of iJlfO000 for pur- pose of present for lighting town with electric light was to day voted on by thoproportyowners and carried by handsome majority of congregation of An drews Church presented tins after a pastor- of of thirty yean with a congratulatory address and a hand- noma set of furs condUi of a coat cap and costing we learn Fob made to bo boys If is boy in school who has a club foot dont let him know you over taw it If hero is a poor boy with ragged elotlicSj dont talk rags in his If is a lame boy assign hirn part inthuplay running If Is a hungry of your dinner If is a dull one help him to got his letson If is a bright bo not envious of him for if one boy it proud of Ids talents and another is of there are two great wrongs and no talent than before If a larger or boy has injured you and is sorry for it AM school will show by their countenances how much bettor it is than to a great fus now boys just on begin- of Now Year and turn over a new try to up to your Northern to Knit For llJTAIT Monday to bonus the London South- Eastern Railway to the amount of The following con bo road backward and sense and making excess bears sod Kat slosly its twit Business Notices A J doctor locality for bud fur yeanitIlbnotr6DtAl oritur- me fays Allan Oat J- It u-Itasur- ffoni by Oil duo It a for all bo J ilvjfoiy for out of euro for sftot fsfttt his SMy to ftitowj Ac lint by 1 1 J a hi Jeroiso win on Kent coir To Our If you try cur tor alt of tVcllhpoktu J Vrlloxr It In my JUs A of me all rem m1Io iiJtfCiii a U iwr for curd of iroubEtK ail from cot dry up a but ooolcuy re of 10 it aol a purely A Kept In toe we nmaetiiilr I Saw Jcviort a A win you poll Live and lanes MrHicbardHo of poreDCtJ tfoocora iiatad Ulutrs US slates ibat two tan make money for in iblD- ncl you arc free licb Any one cad do the work JsirtM fttact liv Jriftantlflndoutlfyouarowlu you will II fcTr A CO Ton- land king AG Society TIIK KVSfC OF p or lbs icoip Annual and VlcolaldD aud J A nil of If -AKI- B0AEDING STABLE In conn l to occupy lbs same next to are ISJCfAMtfOUl- fjrlubcl htvo am iPbAyxER Working Glasses attention i prpal to l ciniroycnaut at bona met error ilitlrHir of ilUirwieuU cftru fron to O J Sum by boluM Boys struct ail aud ihtt TO cm flro col s dollar pay Hull and Addfc A CO Mater B NEWMARKET Y WK AUK NOW to svrriv Selling our Large Stock at Now is the Time to Get Bargains in Good Leather Custom TWO DOORS NORTH OF HEWITTS HOTEL I BAKERY Santa Headquarters Arrived a trcnicndoub stock of all of C A Special Lino Imported nil kinds of NUTS FRUITS BALTIMORE OYSTERS Rolls Scons Cakes and ltatry a special Hue which jives the of satisfaction and our patrons say they superior to all A ROBERTSON SIMPSONS NOTED A VINO liberal wo feel to t to IN it A A A A A A ft A fi A j i PATENT MEDICINES FINE SOAPS AN TOILET REQUISITES tcncfslly we We likvealAiueauorlrocrft In LBATilKIt SVTCIIFfS iirsaio casks shaving istantstoiikt casks i1hushks com11s casks vkivkt VASES TO LET SETS ETC DOLUS CARDS ALItlilS PAR- LOU I1ILLIARDS and Mhtt or the MRS LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER PURE DRUGS CHEMICALS w FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES P fiiig B it to in PIPES TOBACCOS ETC- for ro MAIN STREET SOUTH KT DEPOT School Books NEW NEAT TASTY ART GALLERY Door North of Hotel trio ai0 looeri au to lo jotrotj CALL SEE SPECIMEN At Nam on VlillOrt to A Vlow for fata I CANADAS CO AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES I It o of fopf ibii FRESH GROCERIES i At the Lowest Cash Prices Bread Cakes ft A AU Fruit AaT WNSTARRS CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE 1 r THE valaWIyocrtMtU for pwiiy Album Into aoJmorecotnfntloorf of lo ao raafnl by a rvmllyBlMMa varied of afn cm I ELECTORAL DISTRICT WORTS YORK ALFEED or mo ft4OTPleogcar If BAGS- mix to nun now y very luiie Jctxipii HE COMING YEAS us ft Tho Only rrfltltCitothtJatatoutUXHAlrTHK jftlCK of Jo lo tobloalleUy rJc to always on llioUtoimprovtaattarouulTrjllyaJ- Too Journal if to ana it lAocjaod Tit ftotto bo to a whin tat a Hire VtlfV l rfft oCrtoonrarr Oil In of all jf irott aWUK Wort TOiio Hit lecm- AllfoUcrtbraUyr b4poUbt4gij W W portly r Qui to NORTH YORS HARDWARE STORE AND TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY A OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OK Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J- C ROBERTSON NEWMARKET N B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever J TO LUMBER Isgis LATH SHINGLES J J NOW TO SUPPLY CUSTOM KU3 WITH Farm For Sale- U0ULDI0 DOORS SASH AM RLIVOS lawful r Aipiyio lf7 C THANKFUL TJIB LIBERAL OK THE PAST WE SOLICIT A OP SAME WE AIM TO TURN OUT GOOD WORK ti ikvj LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE WM CANE SONS MFG CO NEWMARKET FOR 1 I POP NEWMARKET Hardware I in ii ftJir Win wecJUcj I Hi lj tore MACHINE OILS FOR SALE AOItKAT fj Hide Tin iiitjn cassia At SALE J llti inj ivo TblIfttllM ftitOOajoUJicr- AH Mine kt For AMERICA ALL COLORS iocs imp TOt oof fa woe lift 0BirtWc J- i tii JAMES SPECKS ca RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE I AVKonb3QJijyfrtbo Largest Slock VERY LOW to to TUT PRANK LAZARUS Spectacles and EyeGlasses rfnJyoBlaMhftalrfvi for the volX P Druggist J Marrow iIootti A Uon af fiT So other In I CURt OB BIUOUSNESS DIZZINESS INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS SALT RHEUM HEARTBURN HEADACHE DROPS Of THE THE STOMACH RAILWAY Of CONSTIUCTIOX i l fo WWII op lo of it iuuwy JJVi lKOlU4Qtrl of NORTH END 0U1TDR fill OP for Im lb Willi Bui Uodw Best Moulding Materials I Ai CANADIAN BAIL- WAY DIVISION trato iidtrtfrritolWlu ylr fflrpSvftSi Shortest Notice- iUICl glib o Ubfnll taiWi 10 it

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