Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Nov 1886, p. 1

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Si- mm BRA- Friday ANGjACKSON i- PRINTING Vol XXXVNo Copies Cents Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGEN AND AD Newmarket Ont Friday Nov 1886 Cash in Advance within or at end of year Newmarket Branch OB ATBflKKU DRAFTS ISSUED AT silt Not AGENCY E ROE Successor to P T LEE First Class Stock Companies only ONE DOOR OF HODGES TIN 1MB by i Mr A I my and tor North End Bakery 1 or I of a BREAD the Test Sales Increasing Daily- rim itgjtA OUT KKIHIKK B MAIlHII IK ircliu4i JlformcrlHockt wv5T AM If Bower Alalia a a toilet Public ALLAN A DAHUIHlhH Torvnconud 4tKHf Mil TO it J A figj 1111 1 A A J A Via sod Life AuoriDCe TO LOAM AT OraLlniAiecurUy roll AMD J a OK My boot tor ray hotel TORONTO ISO bed MO jtJnrfpiCCiibuMoi meet fill J- IT to Public Etc a gUtUWfKaS Kit Toronto and Weil OS liTvrtofct TUP ATNA LIVE CO a hid of UlurcKtgirDiCLEi 116764 j Agcoti A fill OK AMKIIIOA Office fftitdaitg lorrtjny ft A Jilt IUwuh for 0d lb WQienclDfp J Notary Public Aurora Lively Local Laconics WHAT IS OH fe AAOVMD TO TUB MOST Private Parties Supplied on short Notice FAMILY GROCERIES A FULL LINE JUST OPENED in Tie la Town ALEX SIMPSON THE NORTH END a w asb JJ UP WITH- SUITABLE FOR THE TRADE OF PRACTICAL And GRAINING A J AUo aud KQlkOmtuloy All will be corner of Kcvr VcuiU Dress Goods Shirting Cottons Tweeds Wool Shawls Hats and Gaps Boots and Shoes Glassware Earthenware and raw mass -AND- THOUSANDS OF OTHER NOTIONS T I Praia ant run J forth Mat Maoufatiurliig 4T Jilrr or Matey will 1 v on my to I NO TROUBLE j TO SHOW GOODS J A- DALES CHINA HALL Largest and Assorted Stock of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES A I OF CANADA HEAD To be found North of Toronto FULL LINES IN Km CHAN A IJKNTWT all A DKLWIffc VKCDipvr lb m 11 A Moderate INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS ISSUI5D UNITED STATES AND ALL POINTS IK CANADA BREAKFAST DINNER AND TEA SETS At Prices that will You- China Crockery and Glassware 111 Salt by the hand Meats Vegetables and Call end Examine Stock No Trouble to Show Goods A SMITH Orders by Telephone Promptly Attended To Notes Discounted COLE B NEWMARKET Y WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER I MONEY TO LOAN ino l 4 it borrow will floa a call f wN of i ViffliilaOp canvassers Wanted 1H Tlll OUR LAND f A HOOK vorjfrAofur turn The Newmarket Era a AT MR idX profuse- FRESH GROCERIES SPICES CONFECTIONERY At the Lowest Cash Prices 1 ibf of Fresh Cakes p CAKES A SPECIALTY All Kinds of Fruit BAILEY Mr of lb will bo it tit tomorrow for it of bona This hi of for tub tad doubt goo will Agt of Tnnict- The prcW of TorostOkt Pill hutenj- klbJ ft jfltioo window of I Co JV- CtkoSUod tad York It iTAi oa by Mr of It vory on kit week to Ub QUfftjplioo When liichtnud o fioi Hi turned out to put by Mi bout got frightened it nd ft for middle of the In ioui traction and but ftlriking liofi nod title ft Impute In by Dyke of To of of IfcluM iff both farghljr of by ih jircu to of lireitit Wyoming It char logical end ft of old it it ioteoftcly in tod ftftad with good humor to a for tU It full to tod out of rare botb inlriitand bote who happier tod Utter SUDDEN of the death of Mr John lait rcorniog frit liko a the Ho a in tome with ajro ltr Mr the John dentally u a bis ioterrodiooorcbepipeuog Mr followtd htm kindly atteoltOQ into He through aipeiirbci duriujf that hare litter with be cup who noil be doubt to bit but Utterly on the and Nearly Oorcaftdohlr Hoot bad the faUbgoffa cart Jo of be left the Old bad beta lately aeen be Ike Put arm ro to a friendly of Mm so ftboit baa at lately bat no one the bonMbrird re Abbot oclock grands aught that John not op yet as aha iff bed through the partially clonal door led to whn went up to He if fellow that the had taken flight but the cot cold Two medio re bint the probable wee Not any or direct fittvit ly Belfry er and Mr J whcaaeir ploy Aft lately which at oclock on Monday and wae Very largely Mr Webber of the A Dice wreath of flower placed the by of the lWaidhuabrvtberatt4i5leriocgUod JldicgatKeirc44tleoatheTyDe The Origin of In bora In ColatnUa laU of York and died last months and Ilia father mother Alfred Katie from had a family of children flee and of the now and of are alio still tbedratb all of children dead came of Slog of York the 1811 and one The by of iuduitry and peraevernta by sod and by for kindred goodly bat bean greatly as poetry be was to dsogbter of of the oldeet of settled lot ltd Coo fur following the rebellion Although far I yuis he wu and enterprising smreyd a rait of which he left to his better ed and faithful wife and children Seventeenth of be eighteen Orlaod rived la lbs lluib of health happy and gay It thus from the that he avtay Hut little he thought to the gate lie rode Mi gay at a rate the gate he succeeded all right But tie Oh terrible becked into the ditch gate tenibla pitch a jost And fatt ho did his assistance to lend Ob do lilt me up Mr- did ate I or go on my p What a terrible to did mo As he thought of bis ed loved ones at borne I slall walk fully And be walked sicca All jo who enjoy Your could to him three tinea of the of years With a poogMpflricnceofbofeecodof That he did tialk the farm he loved wrll Althuugb bout the fields he did lore to tell Hit he ai well be could In looking cat the fields cad the out of the did try To if he by With a friend io tuts He eagerly cattle and A million talk that walk what did bis wife oHcd To cheer him Uojig bis weary willed bun night comfort her great delight f the the bringing En of sbeaeo That heart ay did yield tear from hurt that grief The the tut Did that were Wo trust be did That apeak the heart free from Wo to meet him where they walk white upon thoSavIoor flivloora biro ooeod flow street to meet to more tier come Afflictions reach that shore May wo all teach that happy home No lomly long and weary To that hippy borne there the sights Do all that coined to HEW HEAT TASTY ART GALLERY Door of wfioiua wot tadtfonndi and the aultUntettte ot and io every lo bla pat AND SEE SPECIMENS At and learn pile entmnoo Hon to Always A ede nil of Brie the other day York That to dud I No not At all A dead head is Vine of an individual You know how the term of of Yea be mayor of the town be man Ho for and ho to of packages which Well he got to that the got tired of triltiDgoo l and ihoy would chalk the knew If and that nothing was to be charged Finally all free came to and at last smart chap Ululated the mm for Altoue LTMAHOEO WANTED I vjm ad fell down too cellar at her Her died strong I The wife doth that and by hit cheer Her feet did roo a Oo erraoda she did go to there Is a record kept Of what here So as It to least of one of For yadid roo For the Sarioor From her may we duty faithfully bus faithful recorJ Faithful la lu By and Sle faithful was to Mm die did melt For tsth the light Ibuclioeaaboold printed be In the piper that he well Birth of did he A hoot ha he to tell And J He t Ibe It cue bin ii York County Council SECOND DAT When the County Council of County of York met two oclock mem- J l and were pre oat J J moved fteoondod by Mr- Tbat a com mittee comittiDgjf the and be are appointed a lo and report to next aewion of coaocil what the or will tbote of the Road of the of Mr Yule of motion lid bat io would to be with They would to bo handed to the different municipalities to whose interest it would bo to keep in proper condition or the county itself would be compel led to War the in connection with The were becoming a the people would not en dure for much greater length of time Mr said that no petition in reference to portion of road had been presented to the Council and ho could not therefore why Council take the ioitiatiTe in Mr he said wu mistaken about Toronto having wanted to assume the road the put Toronto had wished to become of the wtter front tut hod objected and tbe whole had accordingly lapsed Mr in accord with the motion He thought it to lb advantage of the well as to the people living west of Park- dele tod to No reuon existed why the county should be burdened when it could get other to take this portion of road off hands As uho understood the York Roads this section did not pay The motion fas put and carried The then went into on the whole upon ByLaw Ho To open up and establish a road through a certain part of 15 Con of Town ship of Vaughan After being con sidered in committee the ByLaw read i third time in Council and adopted The report of the Industrial waa then read It stated that there wu general good conduct in the Home and that tho officials were rendering their respec tive accordance U the provides of to build an addition to bad effect That Corporation of the City of Toronto have imposed market fees by upon farmers others disposing of their produce in the city contrary to By the enforcement of this bylaw thouiaod are Illegally anuoully collected from ratepay ers of county without any equiv alent in of accommodation which the statute requires Too therefore pray that the Coon- take immediate steps to have shore bylaw wait any other illegal bylaw which City of Toronto may pus enforcing market fi upon ratepayers of the county It was Resolved that the Warden of County Pro perty be and they hereby to- to immediately take proceed ings to have bylaw imposing market fees in the City of Toronto quashed In speakiogof his motion Mr Dun can drew attention to the opinion given by solicitor J K Kerr upon the subject wbich wu that the bylaw did not comply with the of the Municipal Act and that upon a proper application to the Court tbe bylaw would be and further that the right to collect under the Act only in respect of articles offered for sate sold or otherwise dispoted of at the marketplace etc and that the fees be collected then end not prior to goods being brought to the market places ate to be offered sold or disposed of tbat persona wrongfully collecting are liable for their return apart from any lia bility out of any to the person or demand coupled with an act in the nature of an aauult on the part of person averting the right to collect fees Mr Duncan aid the duty of the Council to protect ratepayers of the County of York any illegal bylaw wbate7cr The City of Toronto would bo up in arms at once if its citixens wero from any such injustice on the part of the county and the county not be lax in regard to the intensls ot the ratepayers The Council ought to take the matter up and have contested in Mr Jackson did not think opinion of the solicitor that of tbe obnoxious cUusa of bylaw the collecting of market fees as the collection of feet proper wu power of the municipality The courts tbr portion which were illegal but not the whole of it Mr stated that if the market accommodation not ficint then the bylaw could be quashed entirely and in the Toronto pinion tbat Hi not interfered with referred to of and otben re front of Yongt to tbo of mid from tbe along the Like Shore Road end elated the had rcetrain Mtid w appeal ewe of York and reported that a suit bad Wen the Ii iir jn ref erence to for to on who that the count not rwponjibla fourteenth Com- reported bad Urn and bridges the end also to and furnace of Court me ordered ly aincc the sat Jtsiion of the Council adopted The report of the on Education was wit taken up atated hat two itieii of from Richmond Hill School No and No Union School Section of Hill the by and tths Council to appoint arbitrator in conformity of School Act of 1685 of County Juljp- In sector of fur Northern John and arbitrator io the matter in put The wore report raa adopted without amendroentj and the adjourn allowed to over in consequence I market accommodetion the advanced state the I counseled Tenders of dry bad in the action in regard to he The can bo cleaned by a piece of theowlt vapor produced earn off the aoot by Out Nov Richard OBiieu a employee found by a atorekwper in a coiopruiog with Williams Sunday indignant to horsewhip OBrien Utter aged and fioisbiiig by subbing Mrs WiU jlstns is in jail Tho affair caused tho and threatened is a on rail north of seat Fort been for in from merchant in Aurora Aurora ten der boon accepted post satisfactory The coal contract the report stated bad been granted to Lundy of goods bread meat and fuel were now to the Home tender Since the report the In mate who taught the school had left snd had been succeeded by anoth er who wa getting along well as former Three of the children were attendiog the public school with the permission of the trustees and teachers There were at present in the Home child ren under IS years Some other dis position bo made of indigent children ai their with to many old people of peculiar and fixed not desirable Inspec tor the report states had accor dance with Instructions from thecom- published in the differ ent local in the county a view to homes for the children there were in the Home persons less by than year at the same time Twelve deaths have occurred since the report had been given in With one excep tion they had all been old persons ranging in from to and some bad when taken in been in a dying condition The report rec- mended sick persons other wise for if nt the expense of the local municipality or county report ru The Council then adjourned till Friday Da The Council then went into Com mittee of the Whole upon rtport of the Standing on Roads and Bridges The report in reference to a received from A Clerk of the of stating that their council did not intend taking any steps lOPards up the townline and building a bridge over River be tween the Municipalities of York and and alto a report of the County Commissioners to the same effect no action be taken in the matter Carried In reference to a communication from A repairing bridge over east branch opposite lots 35 lot King 8th concession committee recom mended the bridge be repaired Alex Mollory and Irwin l to take such Step a are neccaiary in the interest of this Mr Bruce moved in amendment words confer with city about the bylav re- failing that then inserted fore the word Immediately in resolution thus amended resolution wu adopted The report of of County Property then taken up and Council vent into committee to consider it The first clause which considerable discussion follows Immediately after the June eh- sion of Council your committee in structed County Engineer to make a surrey of the Lake Shore Road prepare plans and specifications for repairing a portion of said shore he did end recommended a of and for about900 yard which wsa approve by us Tenders for lowest was uked in reference to this if it si true rumor it the piles were only driven four or five feet into sand instead ol from to feet as required by the and CJ stated that he Council that the been done according to specificaUooa opined that there en element in the Council took opportunity to insinua tions the Engineer This raised a war of wtrds between Mr end Mr in which the former d that no charge had been Engineer that erery- in tbs Council bad a risbt to bo as sured where the money of the Council went end applied and any attempt to inquiry such matters would met with the most rcitence Mr- moved that be left over This motion was lost and the clause adopt The second stated that the- Engirwer had been instructed to make plans and specification for a new bridge over the on the Lake and had and the going on slowly third recommended Mr of tollgatooa the Like Shore Road should receive owing to for fire Tho fourth clause fclated pur- to received from Council a portion of to have the same street south of loll gale that the Commission report to January Council Carried the report trended in reference to a petition from John and others repair ing town line between Munici pality of York and that to lateness of the season the matter be until the January session of tie Council in order to give municipalities an opportunity to come to an agreement Carried Th council went Into Committee of the Whole to consider Market Bylaw No this bylaw petition by the York to faUvis TV been relied Clause five rent of Mr Irwin of No been from to Clause six recommended tho re placing of bridge on the tow lino between Mar and The seventh Baldwin town line an Georgiua eighth atated that the Holland River bridge bad been re paired at a cost of ninth clause stated that a lease of of Whitchurch Council The tlf4e t til I sa J ly t trr l J- I tt i I Its TI03 litg rrstii a rlita J Til it A f eitfJy J hfff lh- prord Ly Hill- Fa to Dkrr Kutl Martini r Katffa dtfl On ft IN Anat JiO tfrL Id lU J i K Jo rtjU vo en tad EH itHfi il Sib CM by ii Cod Co lift ctTT4brtUjiia ami aJUitciu Jliul for l Clrti W tit lo fa- at an i it la the Sib Co and report to lb CoQtttiL Gray a Vex la f CO at tot ol la jay 10 a a Coo iit4 itaihtr MM tU at tima Mo Qiiafit rtr of ItottrMtwit atjtfUj a to -lu- M lot if ll tbt it Hit arij it at wtxtibg to latitat of Sir a ft inth to and for a down MfariiihUitouldriiiqto tlw not only of tho family of Mr doting had entered opeo and of a A 1 ft

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