V 141886 Train i Rook Wa Built In a Day i ft fc I If i J I fulfil it I lilt i Mm- pin- UH vl it IS hi Im 4 mi Colonial mid Indian Exhibi tion AJ tM Miiiiidn irA iultup- ilii- ImrkUuu To iIil- On- is Jcvohi V- vli ami WVllii iJh ifhLl tl of lli Ik In ji0 in ami f iJpihIi nit pj I if ill hi a mI I i it m til I Jim limn I H i alio ali fa vtjrtuUwp iif ls I j I tin- Hiijl fouio in i 1 iUiiuM- f v jriovtj a nip I i In- liiv uii aliui It in lij i4ih lull in la rll l liril 111 ikIfKHlll- of ftiiiiu fruit il Ptifl rilfdiil H ivliliv It of liro Jim lo a id- ntrftl in i Irutl ii I ul Ahli of IvKiwily ill rtrtl- in tin jiilliry of isjOiully from yi it it mid aiu tin until lati atMilijii in ir f dm i lllli lI in fur of a llhir gram 1 fit ihi nil tin arsmtJil it iiiit ail fii mo lliat of iVlWll- AND till is J Will If- VJpitlOM J hit TV Purvey to form a It ore ami thus ho jpuHw of J corivivitilintfly by a of run Ik migratory hjuiijmI no nt From w Hi I of ill full S jj A itio A iuuriu Jtj South Kii iiyt mil variety from Nov if runs ho North and in tlyr jUiouii in of vdiiimt from The likely to follow from may per hap not too anticipating so rich will do loilcb to overcome of in in this III tmb Or fcJifi venture ftUa m yt the Ovvcr brine of In the will be uitd for of in motion in ricultur Nil of Juiim of will mill On- Vij in hi lux villi ftorm hi in At in intA with ftdctiliona of of in huh in 1 1 iHfiia vnd The I- until fillitiK irjjiiii is flatly for it An l his purl Can will hit the intended of pitiKiicuHy from ho 111 for hut to ili- pfaitfiiatiility of ilirint hiiiiKMitN tirtci rail Atlantic port alul tlniirtr AHT It will Jiahty throujili that in property to product and of Tin of tin would itKiiMphttn without to luodu miry and In Jlftllwy feet been allot to for exhibits Hon will he found fully litifnry irir hy in is looked upon far in mid as was Hindi by JJipijiiniuiK Thi provincial -jDVom- Ijiornutlirr Up and of of full have J 1 with in which a ftpd of in the Albeit Hall true thai in thin an fully jircwnll tin pmtnjiKJit Vol in hum than fur by hits jimmiI Canadian piivnto collection with con- trilxitrd must of a which hut I must lie conceded to upon culture of it us and I trull nil to which foot is but of inter- to railing as it of t uch for in Malice of timber famous the fur will purpOKCX plants knwii in probably fluit- in itny y to English lastly of from ilistnnt parts of Another centra of sttmc will naturally ho Colonial School for Cookery In Jm an loot us US tfW for tin will he for of Colonial iQUtt and vrlotlca originally in rind it tint will for Canada adequate particiatioii Hit forwarding of dominion jnUreah the to derived from ihi liitiou will is linpocl Colonial Museum in Such n fcheteh tin of in forth- at now stand and at the -Kxhi- as whole may Willi con that that liy ftiM jtllord indication of progress of of the such as has heci can rarly to any Coroners for Die Co- of York It yd irtiW J IK in itkK A trillion J I A l J IIUIHMO IV ft 1 I Win Ill Aun Iwt It tVjturn Albert iStjorTvilU Jim SiuilTil7 KMotiUH Magistrates for North York- of of ll for North fiidin of Yorkas tbo April Aihixn Aibwonh I Jiyf lull JUM J liMWti Jan l4ill J Li p Hie Jii liVl I tP J Jam IUimI1v Still 1 1 1 1 W J LipyM Li Cm Mnklrn John I vn tfcGrnkk A WitlhiD John l4rV Phillip Poller Ijnly lr Jfji A SS luc John iJiiMtifilo WiWIfirthJ- Wine Wttii Krlilrhy A u run i Wrt V KiUrl-r- ii I Intel IvffnUft ItM KiftR Pint Sullou Knlck flulton Writ JJirimafK Sutton lloilttirf lUiiOirn- Aurorr Anroi Krwick mtitlctt Wirt Anion Qiivrivillft K-lfniWr- A Kviutrk KfilHIy Airria liMift fcrntp Lloyd I lAfM IK I- J il I S- rJiiirl- 11 ttM i J llrmr if W JaJ In fcnptain of tho Army In that burg has women to discard their which of The Jlas a preuidiM against the bus tle M Mog twtiier unfa nor tut ft ft now doctrine that it lioatler for hump to go through of fc needle tbfto wr a to paw through the Hon lit lie Ai Athl a Jay rot a is on- to Francos now In vedding ox- to in August Business Notices imrrttd far To l no A fcliifjjj duly tAt my fnt a highly Tin A Double J lurry to ti- ii cove Dollar A Uund red J jj luiU My vuwoubiuohrif9uOJ oilier inituint J Ji partner A Trial Hi of lonstiag re OTtrey ihtro a 1 1 Icttlfy JI oxoiuii and A Modern JnnKMiillcttfilVocn It fa iiti ijOm octt form ftltoruitcloi ami doctor hi riu f W Torootowin moiHij to lot ili put yean flnllroly r your Jo iot It bit Oftnjfe Next Court vision of W PLAYTERS ffr In oil iJMTiiinliiii Plain pSutiiv iVp- Newest us very cheap Limn And nf J J inn now injuiid to ill XV a from an usual -v- YEARS PRACTICAL EXPEDIENCE 12 mm of wliHi hi I f I lie wants of hmp1c no in iiii thai g IS LUX Will ox A of FRESH GROCERIES AMD CANNED GOODS Will be kept ii stock as as Any in Town A Trial of Bread flint r5 A a it In ftVleiitl Stovk of Seeds I ruts to name- EVERY STOCK will find our Jitocl the in Elliot Cog Ground Oil attlePood ST FlolUll HEAD INTEREST ALLOWED Oh AND ALL lOlvrS Notes discounted ike Era XT ox- Thursday My the clock touUOOiiO Od WWttbfWtWU Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED lit Up JACKrtOS In the fHMlhlp A The ITfO- WK In na4 OK PINK on lh A W pjly THE ONS CO 2 LADY vtpwlliMiyoilttcjrn5ri7Cf by lifr0iij Wen Jli whom ijtiit44r fiiin vIvkp r 10 THE Newmarket PostOflicc m Halls for ToroDtoDJ IOrw upm Jlijhn iC Moiility It lfpiiyf I Vii J Hi j4ImO K An tip in r tjj rtiipi ji1ft for Hull ISM 1 Nriiinht i i Lcii villi nr etui di itorf 4wi ppbAil ipMj t office ol- or to curd I for Kb p f Iii4ttrf i In I icnnt inUy itp nil Ihft tile In- iapiaiyiurop oito iAinti rate cb ft Kindlon Gill All literfnr rkii fliMTupniifrt if in- WORTH HARDWARE AND TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Aw OCEAN STEAMSHIPS TICKETS ISSUED TO ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San fft I Cisco and Western States Winnipeg and J West England Ireland and Continent of Europe J ROBERTSON B Fares to Manitoba lower than ever OH TO LET Up ip t TO RENT STORK occupied ti to It I SALE- iwl IW J A f jiI Da -Ai-Hrlo- if four Pmarnl lyoil bo irnrtiia by of III In Wlll fit 4pV I ici ilnulioUj VctoHiBC DA mini- or lint lctiT U0tljMltO IJ qui be ynpf flump t pot itr luiiJiiiK ifHMiir- tnilib6juaiLivinv bcllll feClttHiiy riri In of by Jl I any of iiff of i icm iuiiri limll mutt ix Hi- I it I iii J ic I ox Money Annul in the fur y 1 lip il On Ji If Imi piMi on nj Dei I wM i of J I ah od OU Farm Tor Sale- Iff flHjf Mi At ID iioiJ order to JOHN T iiiivffrHhHJip in ir I irttM I iblr tlir Tim for Kir In Hi A J A flAKTKDtl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL WAY OUT l Im- mi frfort Si- flvVn I Ml ifiinuMilt J Mil i fcil ii in ruin it Toronto 11 VpD3 1 in lii in J WilvetiAifiM In llHtu ail be oi of Up fetfUftMitkiPi WC VAKyvVJNprti IX3icNfC0LL Wt FOR SALE- tut OKI In pmip in 1 I vil I JAMK- At F AKM ItBNT NEWMARKET Hardware AW IW yuicViritliiMl I f fil III toed in y ooijuioot ro AhfaUscrtt of Apply to ilCU FOR SALE 1 Jiodiln iijlornibiiof tolJiMHpitury OacfihflUir I be 7irililiftlfolK Unit Lot f i if 4ij J iiieoiirttollllrjf All fflltKl4o AhHovriiJollnUffTowiof WM CASK HUM Store MRS HAftlWOND DRESS and MAHTLE MAKER tot 4 Mril1li AH will UTKIW a fivl foil CJUlll NOKTI JAMES SPADES PAINTS LUBRICATING HARNESS OILS- BUILDERS MATERIALS FULL LINKS AT DOW BAR IRON WOODENWAEE AND ROGERS CUTLERY CASH TJCIH cow with Best Kouldiug Materials I A ryiiloj4uliuU WORM POWDERS of RELIABLE -ANI- LEADING HOUSE FOB Largest Stock in of VERY WW It iruio to roclL 1 Furir lot On the Shortest Notice- fttcbflrtvio of luirootjio iMJJiiLf non on faJ DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBEST FRIEND LU LATH I ffS ARK SOW TO SUPPLY IS Willi SASH PATRONAGE OF SOLIOIT A ttK AIM TO turn Out good work -AT- or heart ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH OF TOE SKIN of liOofftd KIDNEYS 4 CO HEADACHE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES J THE WM CANE SONS CO NEWMARKET WEEKS ti4 Northern ACCOUNT BOOKS AT MARRIAGE LICENSES- iu World x pLYMOUril HOCK l tfpw t