Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Mar 1886, p. 2

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Now It Special A March a A Co of J Wall Paper To Contractor J Stoke Terrell A Ear Partridge for Hal J A Homo to Rent Mr Gain School I a fl A 86 ftgEixut undue by ftU mown lot city gratify fullest extent bat lot It bo fully understood tint farther from that already not bo anti cipated se paration bolter for county Editorial No too it th Hooks Honda at Mr Omit pre- ldfOK As Ottawa of Fiona bo wiJtoJ a wa le jufi of age Ircl with of 5 JSrtumarkrt FRIDAY MARCH Our Toronto Despatch Era fur hint of rtiull of be la Li ill the w lit iiJ llvtli til Glut lie vim lbetjl rotttC ualcr lit Ant fbi to on to the locrciafl Ivik Iho of llfl build ijwlii Iffc ii hire cancel llti for wii Ukeu very Hi A It Aid iJ of Hit new to MttUQ two ft month fid or tor ibclr 4td of dally now come to bind very f toy of our llbcul from Prut It jut toy for refiirdcd lb In lint of oooolry It on iLtl for the VoloUon hire but It be ftouio tlmo Iboy will bo the it tt ftnd of will lo bo on will bo to Ibroogb- out Dominion of ftod flutdiy Ink Drops roc tt fooltd Council tomorrow moot Co bngbt of the Splendid it Town Hall ocvly dry Now for Corporation scrape ft Personal Mention A lor uUJlily bM fttlboDe for of fUoki Toronto in on now For corporation managed to hoodwink public and preventing work of a now court proceeded auccecdxl in ranking tho TOto- payene and of Toronto the fault was all owing to County Council Things are looking vory now for a agreement binding city to the now court for occupancy next year corporation has scarcely got posses of property on which lo erect and than a year has ftpeni in trying to plans without reaching a conclusion To to aiauseincnt of tliouwi and by way of to a of an old chickens com- corporation was indicted at lost General Session on Monday last Honor Judge for main taining a public in filthy condition of Court buildings The jury brought in a verdict of guilty His Honor however sus pended sentence judgment till the next sittings of court taking occasion to remark that if tot no thing substantial not fa meantime to bo would a fino as would as the corporation Objections were raised by citys- counsel which will be argued a higher court in duo course Meanwhile the city courthouse committee is con siderably but it will bo in order for Ibo met titan of the Council who had to submit and unfair well of influences when outfit old being pressed exJudge ibo Crown Attorney to watch the proceedings with tolerable degree of complacency and speculate as to how other fellow that Jiublic build- logs of commodious and sanitary character are at least desirable yet judging from all that baa trans- the past wo aro forced to the conclusion that if existing build ings wore of modern stylo of archi tecture more to better calculated to to ud vanity of Torontos upper- tendon question of utility would not bo regarded of so much concern or existing location considered so very undesirable Hut hero Is where shoo Chicago Buffalo other western cities lying within the the tourist imposing courthouse and Toronto wants to too years tho sought to erect buildings with the of but was by city because it was tho county would not favor a to moot city views and now that responsibility been thrown upon the city vith the of guarded The lo CoavtfHlko of op do cot It start tic y to Govern- for allowloK Kiel he re J the people Ibow botytatttilio with bollora hoc ujo DUt do- to ioiorUot which of iLt boring of Landing and are much was a tot when Bill be lorn Health on mot to a of Ilea Mr ihu clnuto wot out now la oo1i of of tbo Toronto taw of Hod a good wad off for ualdto It not only alio bat that ha fairly Mr fllikt aad square to tho trial of koala Rial Lite paper Tho arc each by tho hand whoop Ii up wo the man who will fllr Topper debater without clog of Mr occupied firo lodtllrcry approtd at Apply at ayaiarja by a w4 aitoarxii ffliod Qa7udV Wktiwpio to raw or bad iSt will Will Take dwrod of at out Ursa nearly flaad aQccu of a ifnlbta cold and UoapeakalabrgbcraL bo to to making a great bowl bo- of of new Vetera wero printed at Aurora hut It mention that owing to the of both Aurora wu obliged to take away from llalr Tillage and them printed wblch was of keeping nearly two Ibtir Aa for other editor feU of to be oldest and widely piper Keith motion ia of regret at tbo execution of Hell and accepted aa a want of closed GoTeioment were aod of rgrct by a of US to name of member for York appear with the GoTerncnont for West Ontario for and Gorern- Mr voted tamo i but Mr and Sir Cart naroto recorded Leader OoUrio liberals ap pear to bus ahirked division other Act Coontita hare In there no in North and York Wait York Com- are A aad J coo Samuel Japer and John Wait Wat son If Lyon and Keil other Hiding North end Henry No the South Hiding To iet as the Scott Act in Mr for the Mr Jobo for the a widespread rumor of Toronto will ho Mr for lbs of North York next Ho la laid to an excellent platform speaker and a great worker Mr too if not a Cicero or a as aojorator worker flhould rumor pro fa North York may anticipate a brilliant unjpalgo Tho regarded being really tiro j and the additional placed on the lUt now Act will that alut two hundred be aurpriaed to the member a call At any rate to bo the Liberal party will require to La mora tbaa moat floch wo hear of parte of the forebode certain defeat Mayor Mr Fred of Detroit Town gain tbb Mlu Allco Kolgbt of Toronto ling lu town lail Mr John A of town lut on King been Mr tbb Mr Frank left again for for lie Eupboma of to on a for or Matthew Madden in Toronto Mr and of Mr J J over Tfae frlaodi of Mr John Kelly will regret to lWo that he li low John Albion of Aurora b In town tbb week with her tiller J Mr T Lloyd left Totally to at tend on To ronto Veterinary College Mr one of our boys bit li School or Infantry tbb term up leave of Mr Sep Toronto up to father who ilowly recovering from Mi accident week Mr Connor Mr fllcipeoaa breadran and Mr Pier- baa taken on Mr Walker of lo town on and miking a with her who conduct the Fancy adjoining cry a Mies Tenell baa returned from Ike Deaf and on a to recrnlt her health holds a Governed In f Mr It of Toronto Junction of Id on Ho betLll In lumber and reports to In tbo families of Moure It pawn conductor during past week off duty their trafm hero charge of Bennett and Mr Vance left on Monday morning for Maine accepting paatoral call from that Slato This the eon of If alitor la tho end ho to be Wo wlab our friend vineyard funeral lut largely attended and Iter Mr preached on effective The were Canton A Jackaon and J J K A ihowa as an addition to cutlotf a abort strand of hemp the that It aent from a friend a in the Mount it from at tlmo the execution and to bo a port of Dr high ly of artbtic ability education having taken a at tho of Art Toronto together with private leatone from tome of the but the city Hon also of of her work on exhibition window of J Co Mr the School his been in jioor health lately with slight Interruption continued lnforta- on Saturday be took a chill which baa him to hen week and rather Arrangement The pupib of tie are having In It to be hoped that not riou and that it will he of Mr Arthur who b away over in Newfoundland writes I would teener go a a day than cot to get tho old Era Wo a queer winter for Nfld present Feb it May The ground bare and weather warn I eta they poblhhing lot of Ilea about Orange and Grteo in Newfound land People la Canada bur more iluio things than we do for Ibo people ltb live on very gcod Mr A thaaddrceof paper writes I Live lrn constant reader of the ever to tbii country Callfornb our end I feel I not it it gives me ill the nevafroui home We here Celifornb look hack to our mother as California has again been lul a very and out look for all of prom- Mo Mr David after ipecdlng a week Jiere left for on WedoeoIay of week in company with daughter and Mr Edgar Mr Dakota Intend to reaide On day Mr who for of discharging the of accountant at Mr home left to join them at Toronto having alio decided to try climate of Dakota for a while We their in them TwlboAflltlod It 2nd of Me that have bean up by altaouab of for be cored many dur- Df tidoeiDot Apian or entirely now In Canada If yon are well under jour It to treat For with nor rellovol me a cored me Jobn A JJtood cure liver mud kidney com- and of Ad old retired from toftTloa en India vefeU remedy for ipoedy and euro of LnngAJTboUooi radical core for and all Complaint lie duty to matte known to bla a by motive enla to relieve I free of lOBllHhodcilrell Iblirtolw with foil dlreoUcna for Boot by mall by with naming tbia paper A Mr Matt Into the lut week aecvrd a from the of i clow at JO jxm Ail moat be lo 16 time wire on ac count of and retomed lo Toronto again week mall carrier got a little mncb of Ob ho one day week and duty Mr A icbcr la public and one larger lyicame very near baring a Toaday En Bis allow mo to in of end family toward who and regard for In our Julia We never knew bow much affection for uivii only wait Ins for nor our beared bold wbnfwltb two Aurora and two from Toronto united their for to It dollerawblob paid for plot tho fuccrM wo tender our ypa will Items The March b drawing to a The chirp of the roUni fill with a halo delight That Man Rev Mr of Toronto very much appreciated although the weather rather unfavorable ltecently Morton was made recipient act of pre texted by Mr Joe of Toronto aelectioo with thanks TbeChrblbn Working Dud Convention place here en Thursday dale Iter Mr Savage of to be end mating that evening Mr Duffy contlnoea to recover After band practice on evening of this week the village of en livened by of from Queenivllle Cornet Geo Randall and lady extended an Invi tation to of an supper A tout Iqo oclock were Into dining room and ait down to a leaded cable like of which ha never Wen attempted In A number of other were also present After ample justice had been done to the and the other company adjourned to the fitting room a vote of thanks tendered to host and for the very hospitable manner in which com pany had been received by them The evening was spent In speech making and by the laud and the ell they were so richly entertained before Wo might jest add that is very young yet only about eight old hut pro greasing finely e Keawiok Items There has been an unusually large number of and invitation pieties among young people of vicinity past winter One of molt of atton took place at Mr John on the evening of the which was given fa honor of his eldest eon Mr David baring attained bit majority Quite a number of our fishermen baring been advised that there would cot likely be toy trouble If they feel disposed to a few full have been playing do- pretty faithfully for put two never that might possibly bo called to give an account of before J Their consternation may Imagined when on they received a vblt from a who appeared very fish and after having very ingeniously found the fiibermen their names etc he proceeded to serve all with a to appear at the that they have settled it at a cost of about dollars each Ibat have fiibing the winter but were pot out the day have since lo served wtih a summons and it trill likely coot a friend Robert at Point with an accident on Monday last He driving a here to a cotter bid got a distance home when from some nose the cutter upset the torso taking fright rati It was not until It hid reached village understand Mr got a pretty had shaking up the cutter could trebly damiged Mount Albert Item Bra Interruption of a Trial THIRTEEN DEAD OS TOE UIDDLKD New La March A special from Winona gives following particulars of circuin- to a tcrriblo at ago young mats from county went to ho met Edward with whom ho had on and tho em cared and poured on htm which ho carried in a jug J jr of roca wood a friend of hop jxmed to Brown and to treatment of Brown him and Lid- del started at but prevented by thobyetondora from attacking him negro wont and and induced others to do stationed on North of at UK aU xl Ibe tfotn to the nurd Lota A of duty on the or tho Collector- that al bUU and report bo and op In order Curled by Hi Boat mored that Under the for printing be accepted Carried Mr by Davidson edthAt the Audi and abet raoi tack to tbo Carried Mr by Mr that to paid mm or five to or way farm and grant by that the bo lo notify Frank Cbapelb Cola win not ranlre road thai in aoeondod by Mr that A It bin torn road the or Car- Mr seconded by Mr Travbi moved tbaltheCouncUdo now adjourn till Mon day licit council rail of yrtiviooa read and approved Auditors raportand and Clerk to ICO printed for distribution tako IcaJ advice to tbo on and aod a allowed on tin Dan UoDouaaL adjourned till Monday u Court or and other Township DIRECT IMPORTERS OF DRY GOODS HOME OFFICE 16 Silver St Wood St London 198 200 St Toronto Telephone No 1170 ftSberiisehieois A Female Swindler- THaeratndedBill for the protection of aud recently pitt ed by the House the close period Deer or cariboo the fifteenth day of and the fifteenth day of Oc tober Grouse fowl or pittxUtf first of janniry And the fifii day of Ho bunted taken or killed years and no tor keys during nd each case thereafter not between the of and the day thefiratday fifteenth a Snipe rail and golden plover of all first day wd the first fay pf d or between the of May and the da of Notices irucrtta i An OH rl tutrou nooiter remedy baa of time loaf as bai Yellow OH roe Jama pains In sore and m dlsoaaoi An Obi i in a to Case oil nearly dead a around knows trouble Or One or cured toe to ttUown or A ForUnyearsaaee Jennie a day aU broken down doctoca atn ma leftcuxf fee dot W j Ur TaaJ the of Bradford rental Mr shop for the of carrying the of carriage and furniture expected here the last of tbU week with firet consignment of bog The roads around and are In a terrible the water being five deep In The mail carrier cannot get station and to meet tbe Albert Mr is almost floating while bridges and ere Sir called awa to to brotber who is is able t Irft week for Kansas on account or lUori in tier btotbeKa I and Mr left tblsaeek for Iowa AU arc preparing to new and commenced Spring trade in the ballot Comei j- I flomo concealing therasclvcs camo after nipper from hotel ho thorn what meant whereupon responded that it none of his business At that Brown with his fiat Ed and Brown his brother simultaneously fired up ball striking him on elbow About this to Enow were from different quarters Lid del pulled his and hit Ed in abdomen received shot in flesh part of his leg in shoulder par- tic who had taken part in affray brought Mayor forth with waived an and bailed to appear circuit court- Threats continu ally made by two Drown brothers that thoy would Jim blood further that had doublebarrelled shot loaded cov en finger and would kill first man who put foot on their ground On 12th affidavits against Jatnes and others including of of place and who know nothing of difficulty Previous to the opening of trial boasted on street that had his body guard and would shoot first man that a motion in this direction coeo was called at noon when was NEGROES who stationed themselves around and about Browns- Tho attorneys proceeding with when suddenly appeared men all well armed Ed Brown drew pistol and fired in direction of Licit el who between his attorneys and thereupon firing genera Ten negroes instantly killed and two others since escap ed by jumping through tho window a distance of at least feet from ground roost of tho dead arms were room was completely fillod with smoke Tho judges bench is on north ride of room and the benches facing it towards south It is a very courtroom with windows all dround On the south wall counted shot hole in the wall of the leading down ten shot and in the benches holes thot struck north east window sash and glanced into the wall other shots on north wall from direction of the benches pools of blood on floor of the courtroom The then left as quickly and quietly as came- THE FOR GOOD The general is hat will end further trouble as heretofore a of the wero constantly creating bad feeling and led other negroes peacefully inclined to produce strife whites and Macks people of all regret that a few innocent wore drawn into Besides the 13 kilted eight others were in tlie all is quiet now The principal lead er of the gang were Charles and Brown who amongst the killed- It to get anyone to state names of any persons in the mob and it will be difficult to ascertain them as nobody- in noticed any person who entered Courthouse No have yet On lost a lady drcswd in mourning called at office of a Queen street undertaker and ordered an coffin explaining that a Now York man bad died in and woe to bo buried at Mount Pleasant cemetery- After ar ranging for to call at of Rev Mr for farther instructions she romemberod that in her hurry she had forgotten to bring her purse with with her and as hod to telegraph to the of tho deceased she would bo obliged if undertaker would advance her a few dollars til ho arranged for funoral- a good fat contract before he readily banded over and lady din TO DANFORD ROCHE COMPY WILL SHOW departed Icara of Borrow for deceased out of to under taker running down her In to to lay out corps and upon reaching tho found four other undertakers there all of them bound for resident of Mr who had of course heard of a New York man dying in undertaken do not about tho so that if is impossible to tato how much money a got away with Toronto Newt A between cowboya and thieves is reported from Upper Missouri country It stated that a party of cowlwys upon a number of bono thieves on river bank miles after the of sev eral shot the attempted to es cape Charles and Jack OBrien two outlaws killed Four reached river and out on ice Two horses broke through with their riders swept away Two others thiovca returned to caught them tied them on backs of ponies and took them to parte unknown They probably been lynched DRESS GOODS In the Newest Shades DRESS TRIMMINGS An Exact Match PRINTS In Combinations LACE CURTAINS In New Designs MADRAS CURTAINING In CRETONNES In Quite New Patterns and Fancy on ho nit wife of J- ViAKcr of a daughter tho of Mr of a On of Mr maker of of tbo of Mr itomtAta daughter of Albert on Wlhlnit- tho of Mr Henry con fit of Mr tt by iirTboro40D of to Hits CLOTHING- Boys Suits a Specialty HATS AND Newly Imported English Make BOOTS AND SHOES The Choicest Stock in Town GROCERIES Special Value AT THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE I ROCHE CO Now JULIUS MADER on William bll rClldCDCj Co a Of KLDffon Jcrc Bell on Illchnrd Mr of CromplouACa ol Ibis W yaxt irticU of And of i Qnd tbo lh Ohio On he to font Vlrgi la sitter of Mr Alex -ftitdycrs- TowaofcwD3Mkcf on of Hot W ftol he MldcaM Toronto I father of ibo W J was J and ito Iter- W- of Out oa March at ona Cbaile will Friday IhoSUb B Best Price Given for all finds of BANKRUPT TOOK a March The Mu ter in Chambers judg ment atOfgOOdd morning on of isr3 for which respondeat rated in vvyistniit roll and owned wife and the coatthtion wis that leasehold a chattel real and by Married of all right of in property swept had thorcfore no interest In right of upon hub could qualify It was admitted that ho had no other property Muter upheld thia contention overruled other liomrftUcd FURNITURE BTILL BEING SLAUGHTERED AT- S J ROflDHOUSE Bedroom Sots AT PRICES AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS FIRSTCLASS HEARSE will prompt EB To waWo Bale Specially Atteclivo we aro adding of ill WHICH WILL BE OFFERED AT- PRICES PONT FAIL TO SEE AND FAIIj Aft it SECURE SIlME OF THE MANY BARGAINS NOW IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT THIS GRAND CLEARING iff TUG IN LOW i SOUTH I STORE OLD

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