W Every Friday Moriilb LYMAN a JACKSON AT tfll STEAM PRINTING SUBSCRIBERS I I ft- j n IH63 MS fi SI NORTH 1 written Iniuuwoiula VOL Single Copies Cents Each Ont Friday a Cash in Advance or end of year Allow a to lon prom NEWMARKET INSURANCE AGENCY A E ROE Success to P LEE first Class Stock Companies only Represented DOOR SOUTH OP HOMES TIN SHOP TO TUB ft t by Mr A lllV or Marts and in Ontario ana by Compute f u rf iu JKAbKIt IN URAL Kie or HILL UmiHTtillATlAW KTU- fiutrj yucje Mutton Ontario A lKVUIlHTKIt- e TORONTO yiOIIICK J If W WIDOIMEiVD Public Kit jLlirnUUKUMAllUAMKKiWiARHET to wak ft una onriwn- VnftiUiili JHIII1TOK A liTouiuloHUeeit tttninng mil Jl k juh y Pa A Blount Ilia Firm lint MAX on MUrEBTY Fir tQd TO AT Of Caucus w aw me Loudon Ann Wellington bill J- fcturo A Of Ttrai My book open tor my bowl ANXLR JDRKVMAKINa P AlftcCtv ftud We lo Jiiforin eland la tho cut br UK CO a fltid A ftw food Iccii A FULL RANGE OF IN WIT TING SMS The Made All Silk A Pino Block of and FANCY l I MATERIALS Aiao DECORATIVE GOODS flood to Order in First Stylo REAT REDUCTION IN- TRIMMED MILLINERY FOR THIS OF KIIS SEASON CALL AND SEE BECKETT Canada Adieu n of the lowly Leo fair I J It or my do Ft far from land that I Ob of childhood Tbrotfgb chinks of put gitalin And III flood Connie liud of boyhood cod I My hod la a of tie a that will Tomybeaalifal land- J roam or I do tUl cling lo that parting j alfccllooi of and njajutlc dub on to iIhj aa Jiu Nature lurf Wfc CaMio lied pride I withdraw heart from ibeo ffbtraw wolherdMr I MO tfawroarkot roomi tor fiurn Ml JUOLDKKKlaPfop JAftlf County of York WyoniMto QtiBKisievirXiE ii ORE CONFECTIONERY mQTOdfrrm to J J A CO AMERICA Montreal 10NEJ corner Vlcwrin OYSTERS HOWE A Mill fltFata A I If ilea lo the of Timo thy Jo Accident ynaurnnco Pol J A All flvo yean R3l 11 Agency for Aurora His Aurora THE SIMPSONS OF CANADA A la la centrally kitoven OCR CTOCE A rtowfOrX6l ffllroui Oxide times CM A sod iUIAOG INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS DRAFTS ISSUED OK CHEAT UNITED STATES AND POINTS IN CANADA Notes Discounted MARBLE WORK C0HBK MILL the MONEY TO LOAN yi J MBOBger AC Ontario Northern JJ lo jllpolitW ItefcoW J iTiVtilJJ tioajpiy to kcjt up Id Druggists Sundries Wo fcaVoalrnUvry our TOOTH BRUSHES FANCY- GOODS the wo have a At- Of STAMPS FOR BALE MRS Ii dig J riving t pro loans on real at Clio anillca roonoy It a borrowing frUcrhere for lock iiRtnoiy ft ANUU8l2tit The Era BY iJLfJP j CALL AT THE AND lid Cheapest and Best J Stock of Furniture IN NEWMARKET Undertaking VV NEWMARKET TTBAILEY DA KEI1 pfAjjiRlN- FRUITS cakes MR WhoUaulliurlrol am him will I leading PHOTOGRAPHER Mai To NEW- NEAT ART GALLERY Door North of Royal Hotel only In iti lb By I bo Hid ft and crlw do fcUe to loju bo M offer every w SEE aillerjenirftnCflooItBixott loo of vio A Little Candle PJeaw stay home Jack Altec brother row from and for the- Why demanded Jack its aw ful dull You know why slater in a tone You know father alio stopped I know said Jack more softly But you cant expect a fellow to stay up at all tho Now look as ho tears into yea you neednt fret about mo Im bound to caroof myaelf but I must a little pleasure nftcrworkiug all day Good by HI bo homo by nine But he was not homo by nor by ten and tho clock struck elev en Alice hurried to the door to let him in Ilia was flashed and bis breath alas reminded her of her fathers Ho excuse and hurried oil to bed and Alice tank into a chair in sitting- room was shock ed Abo was This first time Jack had showed signs of loing under of strong drink and sho felt if sho could not bear it A month before they bad laid fa a drunkards grave their father and over Ma deathbod Jack had promised his mother that he would not follow in his steps Yet now so soon ho has bo- gun tliought Alice sitting there alone in cold And how can I bim poor boy went on when it is so dull and stupid for here I no wonder bo prefers the pleasant warm room lights the gay company the games that be gets at Masons Oh why arent good things as bad ones the cried out in her distress Dot what can I dot was question to which her thoughts over came back must save Jack for hes all mother and I have but how What can girl do without money and without friends almost thought Alice with a shudder that a drunkards daughter is apt to influential friends Alice Ramon clearheaded though young thought mat ter over daring next day as went her work fit the house waiting invalid mother mak ing tho cottage tidy and cooking their plain meals Its no use to talk bo to herself Jack means to do right And its even worse to scold or bo cross to for that only makes him stay away more Andsbegave the pillow she stirring op a ago to relievo her feelings I know too she went on paus ing with other pillow in Iter hand that when bos there the boys its awful hard never to spend a cent when others do It looks mean and Jack hates being and fho flung pillow into its place with such spirit that it went over on the floor What are you banging about so fort asked her mother from the next room Oh nothing I was thinking mother she answered And she went on thinking What would be beat would be to have some other place just as pleas ant and warm and freo as Masons some good place Alice at the thought It cant bo hero at home because it takes so much money to it and light and besides bis friends wouldnt free to come and it would be lonely for are you muttering called Mrs- Nothing mother Im only a plan If I could get books and papers went on closing tho door and starting for kitchen but Jack is too tired to read muck Suddenly a new thought her and alio stood in the middle of the kitchen like a statue I wonder I do wonder why a place couldnt bo fixed room Some where I I believe people would help if they only thought how good It would bo for boys That would bo suppose alone said later as the plan more shape Its and tbatli help me talk peo ple Im re and at least can try She did try Without her mother with her plan for she know alja would be worried and think of a dozen objections to her delicate state of health Alice hurri ed through her work put on her ant went to call on Mj Smith the grocer happened to know the back of Mr fimitha store was a room opening flidp ho had formeriv rented for a cobblers shop but which was now empty AJiooa heart fluttered wildly a mo ment when stood before the gro cer In hit private office where sent when asked the clerk an with Mr You daughter Mr Smiths greeting Yes said am Alice youll I am crazy Im when I tell my errand went on tremblingly Bat oh Mr Smith if you remember my fath er before I do child said the grocer kind ly supposing had como to ask for Then youll not wonder went On bravely that I am going te try way to save my brother la your brother in danger 1 naked Mr Smith And what con I dol Ho is in dancer said Alice earn estly of juat as father did and so are lota of other boys and what you can do is to let mo have Johnsons old shop freo of rent for a little while to try an experi ment if I can get help added warmly But what will you do I dont understand said Mr Smith What will I dot Oh try to make place as pleasant as Masons saloon that cost anything and HI try to get boy and young man te go there and not to Masons If they could have a nice worm place of own Mr Smith dont you think they would no there sho ask ed anxiously I dont know but they would said grocer but its an experi ment I dont sea where get things to put in or you fire or any thing to it rival Masons How- Over Im busy now and cant talk The village expressman who handcart had nil services to the plan and Alice went him book hand and gathered up the gifts The floor was covered sawdust the butcher bod seat Conservative Gathering BasriroRD March The mass meeting here today to celebrate the formation of the Young Mens Lib eral vat Association of Brad- curtains wore op I ford and West the full of books was arranged some were covered with and others with a rousing was built in the place the teakettle was grandest political demonstration ever The weather was In the extreme rain fell at and tho roads were singing away merrily nod at a side- in their usual spring condition of mud with cups and coffee things find Yet despite all this Hart When Alice asked Jack town was thronged with to go somewhere with her he consent- visitors many of them coming over though a good deal surprised and miles to take part in the proceed she brought Mm to this room At a the regular asked Jack as train from Toronto steamed into the tbUT they turned down street A j depot A crowd there to meet sign over the door Mr Dover it every available foot of standing of cop- room on being crowded with friends from the town and coun try At Aurora and Newmarket crowds assembled at the railway sta- This is something new Yea said Alice lot a go in Jack was too surprised to reply and cheered as the train passed followed bis sister as she opened through- At the former place the door Aurora brass- hand boarded the cars There sat Smiling Hart and accompanied party Brad- fcer knitting in hand delightful ford to teke part in the deuionslra- of coflee in air and a sign J On board train were her table which said Coffee number of prominent yMidimen two cents J and their appearance on the platform Lets have soniV Jack How good it smells I Wince you went Alice said Mrs Hart poured the two a big packagn of coffee tec and after the usual bandshaking ten pounda at least and another and congratulations they entered carriages drawn by four horses a was formed Inahd by the Aurora brass band and followed by Bradford band and they were driven to town the entered it was met by the town and Bond Head bands which of tho train as it halted at thou tat ton was signal for cheer ing visitors were a dep utation froiu the and youre in earnest and cause is good Tit let you have tho room to try plan Oh thank you cried Heres the taking that arti cle down from Iky no more child I couldnt rent it tins winter anyway as tried to speak walked out with her precious key feeling an the thing was done But it was far from that Her next visit she had carefully planned them all out was to a man who sold wood for hi that village wood was tbo only fuel wan Mr William had a son who was somewhat dissipated there fore bo was ready to listen patiently to pleading and to help in any really practical He listened in terestedly and promised to cord of cut wood to begin with end if it proved a success to give enough to run tiroplace there all evenings of that Alice vent the finest in the village lived Mrs Burns a wealthy lady whose son was wild and gave her anxiety must pity mother and me thought she walked up the broad walk to house and Im sure shell help She did was surprised at Alices bravery but warmly approved of her plan Youll want books and papers she said and you must have hot always ready I hadnt dared to think much said Alice- But you must have coffee repeat ed Mrs Bums or theyll miss their beer too much and you must chargo enough to pay for it say two cents a cup I it could be for that- But then wo must have to it said Alice thoughtfully Yes said re Burns and think I know woman Hart She is poor and I fenow will bo glad for a wages which splendid I And she looked anythlrjg statue now for fairly jump- and down with delight at r shall pay to spend her evenings there making coffee She is a jolly sort of a person too and I think would bo just the one to make the boys feel at home And Ill do more said the kind- hearted woman 111 give you bookcase I have up stairs and some hooks to start a library Other ladles will giro yon more and youll have it full no doubt After leaving Mrs work was much easier for that lady her a little book in which aho entered Mr gift of the room rent Mr William gift of the wood and own of the biro of a to tend it a bookcase with a doten books and two comfortable She called at near in the Village and almost every one gave something- Several gave books two or three other agreed to send their weekly papers when they had read then many gave one chair each thro or four gav plain tables games backgammon and checkers and two or three bright for the walls were promised curtains for tbo windows and cups and saucers for thy coffee came from the village storekeeper a teakettle to hang over fire and a tin coffee pot came from the tin shop cheap plated teaapoons from jeweller two of the of exchanges from editor of only paper fact a sort of enthusiasm seem ed to be roused on subject and when Alice went home that night her little book had a list of furniture enough to make the room as pleasant could be desired The day was quite Tile woman Mrs Burns had came to put room order after it Lad ft thorough mi mi of sugar most mysteriously ap and she nodded towards the grocers part of house to indicate the donor Why what have yon to do with lit asked Jock looking sharply at Alice exclaimed Mra Hart Dont you know She got it up her doing everything in this room No no Hart protested Alice I give a single thing Except the time the plan and everything said Mrs Hurt warmly What docs it Tell Alice asked Jack and Alice told him And room is for you Jack and the other boy and every even ing therell bo a bright tiro and hot coffee and Mrs Hart to make it and I hope oh I do hope youll coma here and and have a good time every night she ended Jack Ally youre a trump I And Ill do it And ho did- At first when the story got out all tho young came from curiosity to sea what one girl had done j and after that they continued to come because it was the place in town and all their own irksome restraints were put upon boys and there were no visitors who to give them tem perance lectures or unwelcome ad vice no boy was asked to read book or paper and no was told how much better was coffee for than beer This each found out for him self in the best way vis by experi ence Every evening before it was time for the boys to begin to come Alice would down to see every thing waa right that fire waa all rigbttho coffee ready and Hart in place Then she would open tho hookcase select three or four of the most attractivelooking bookstand lay them around on the tables in a way as if they were acci dentally left there Nor did sho let people forget about As often as once a week sho went to houses of those most in terested and received from weekly papers that had been read from another A fresh or zinc and from a third some new game or a pretty print to put upon wall Coffee and the things to put in it Alice had no need to ask for The two cents a cup proved to be more than enough to pay for it Promptly halfpast nine Mrs Hart gathered up the things washed the cups and spoons and as the clock struck ten she put out the lights locked door Books and papers did their work and before Spring the young men grew ashamed of owing their comfort to charity so they among themselves to pay a small sum weekly toward expenses It was not made binding on any one but nearly every one was glad to do it and by this before another winter the coffeeroom was an independent es tablishment Hie power it was among the boys of that town could only be told years Afterward when it was found that nearly everyone who had spent his evenings there had become a sober honest citizen whilo those who pre ferred the saloon filled drunkards graves or lived and a peat upon society On Jack himself the effect was per haps the most striking As Alice had started the thing he could not help feeling it his business to see that boys had a nice time and also to keep order among them Mrs Hart soon found that he was a sort of special policeman always ready to settle difficulties and make the boys behave themnlvra if necessary which it seldom was Feeling the importance of his po sition and influence brought out in a manliness of character he hid never before shown and when he be came a man in years no one could have the slightest fear that Jack would ever follow in the downward footstep of his father AH this he owed to the fact that tried what one girl could do Mr Milton Hughes has leased the fl mills Mary Cowan years of age of township fell down both arms She may recover harness shop of Mri John Hargrove was entered by burglars night last week and a quantity of whips stolen l distress among a part of the population of Aewfoondland many families being on the starvation is stowed away in the heart like rose leaves in a drawer to sweeten everything rftH iHpid and to bring hope to the weary heart ed open mouth is sign of an empty heart as a cheat open a sign that nothing is in it When money or jewels are within it is kept locked- The Russian Government has taken steps to thoroughly develop he oleum of the of Apsheron on the coast of Caspian FrenchCanadian sbip- who were induced to go to Detroit to take the of the local workmen who are on strike have to will return to Quebec at the of Mr Geo Thorp of was the owner of a ewe that gave birth to four lambs last week a total twelve in year Ho has of tier to Mr Procter The rain of Saturday a sudden of the fell into line and accompanied the at cor pi to their hotel where the j inundating the villag- and entertained at luncheon After away a bridge near railway e- the procession reformed side doin eons id- Mm started for the town lisll which had houses and mill been decorate for the occasion Above centre of the pint form a picture of Sir John Mncdonald flags and graced the walls on every side- As the speakers entered they were greeted with the mokt which continued until they took their seats on platform The hall which was built to scat six hundred had fully One thousand persona crowded into it They filled the anteroom crowded upon the front of platform tilled the stair way leading from street white there were several hundred will who could not gain admittance Tim inn first four rows of seats were rocrvMt drcl fur an yrat by Knights show the men when brought into union flivy have generally and their coming danger is that ility may I by or intcjxicated with power which Can you tell im- we may expect a rob a farmer to the editor of eotiiily paper It inv tint for ladies and with representatives of the fair sex who manifested the greatest interest in the proceedings opening meeting the presi dent welcomed the multi tude on behalf of association- Stirring speeches were then delivered by P McKay at P P It St P M P of Essex Dr P P a White P P P and Mr meeting cheers for the Queen fiir John a and Young Mens Liberal Conservative Assa very much r- whtt Mike a boilermaker living on si killed bis wife this afternoon has been arrested MA March In addition to the ten negroes were instantly killed in yesterday three since died Only few escaped the Window The teaparty and entertainment given by the Baptist Church in Daleys New Hall on Monday caning was a complete success both financially and otherwise Tea was served in the basement of Hall after which all hi the lull and a well arranged programme of nnd music took up balance of Freed pastor of the church Occupied chair and iiislrulitir addresses by the Messrs Freed Mill JCixon and Sherman and amounted to On week our village presented a lively and business occasion the delivery of thirteen binders to farmers by Vatizut for Messrs Harris win Co of delivtVyteitplace and after the arrival of the Goodwood Band Mr Vanzant mad a suitable address lotlie farmers and new accounts of the ries made firm After which protcssioii wm nnd the village headed by betomL After returning a photo was taken of tho hotel crowd by Mr and all dispersed Salvation Army vs Graham at Information was laid by against Chis Graham and Kemp for disturbing their meeting Sunday evening Inst caw whs heard before Justices Dougherty Saunders and Jonea defendants by Mr their counsel not guilty fine of and with The magistrates stated tbafe ibis fine was imposed more as a warning for Others and also to others who attend the Array with idea that laughing and talking is Mr Meudic the case in behalf of Crown A serious Socialist riot took place in Liege on Thursday evening which was suppressed by gend armes who arrested several hundreds of the rioters March A sen sation was created Georgetown this morning over the escape of Maw who had been confined to the over and who was in charge of Search on bis way to Hilton for trial Maw was accused of having stoled certain goods from J merchant tailor of this place goods had been found on the of hut December the old paper mill He was brought before Boston and Mo- but evening and committed tor trial at White the Con stable was taking Mm from tho coll this morning he escaped no since was driving at when he d of he word ih tent a postal order at March IB was driving the It track on Victoria avenue when an train came along The locomotive struck the Horse killed it instant ly Evans saved by jumping from the vehicle Omaha Neb March gorged at the Union Pacific bridge over the River yesterday caus ing the bottom lands to be overflowed for four also a portion of tho town of Columbus Hundreds of people were obliged to leave houses and safety St Thomas the deputy postal aster yesterday on four different charges of stealmg letters was this brought the police magistrate and sentenced to five years in tho provincial peniten tiary on each charge tho sentence to run concurrently March A time ago of suit involving 0X This so preyed upon the mind of his wife that she me derang ed This morning beard a noise in bis wifeabed room forced entrance and found his wife dead with her throatcut ten Albert years old also found with his throat cut Another son Arthur was if not fatally wound by a blow on the head with a hammer Mr of the concession of King vety sud denly on morning last From what we can had Eomcwliat unwell fcr some days but ho was to attending to bis and it was thought nothing serious was in alter On morning he went upstair after which bis wife heard him full en the She- ran but when sho reached him life was Heart is to have been the euuso of hta death Banner Good humor is clear blue sky of the soul on which every star of talent will more clearly the sun of genius encounter no vapois in his passage Til most exquis ite of fine n redcemfng in a homely one If like the green in the landscape harmonising with very color mellowing the glories of the bright and softening the dark like the in full concert of instruments a sound not at first discovered by tin ear tilling breaks in with deep melody P arrived Ohio one fay hut week after securing on a forged check proceeded to do town Thu forgery discovered and the town marshal arrested Howell fast night HeV the bur the latter finally succeeded in getting htm Into cell Just as the marshal released his hold tho fellow drew knife which he across the officers face The marshal fell to the removed la in adaugero con An attempt was made disarm the prisoner who a revolver and a knife but wit out success Great excitement vailed and fireTlepartmeiit out the ceil nodded and V III