rr ERA A Grant memorial held in on Satur day Tkertfsku ell in up after being funk to cheap A little put on grass where it grows up in the will destroy it Mr John is getting everything in his large the west end of TosoTrfpfwiaeaSrl for occupation this At the fiftgistrirtes Friday last Webb was fined with tor of the Salvation Army Bradford Witness Alexander Grant and Joseph who were convicted of stealing timber from Senator proper ty in were sentenced to the to pay timber taken Wfi constitute A strange is playing havoc milk suddenly dries and they lie down and Their is gating and postmortem examination fails to detect any lesion or adequate cause for the mortality Eighteen cows ibis in short time g an old twneryVbo hid charge of one of the successful Square Garden pedestrians i j Only Friday Michael the bridge over hW Station hay when the tipping waggon and throwing Mr into the water where about one foot deep and burying- him underneath He strangled to death before assistance could Ije Was a farmer about years of ago and highly respected in the community where he resided- the three months of probably affect naiJ lam sore It would beat him was tho reply A long experience has taught the fraternity of trainers that- tobacco is an enemy to muscle and a greater enemy and en durance whkh no All accounts from the Cana dian agree in stating that the crops are without blemish- coral trade at U at the lowest point it ever reached owing to the disuse of the article a fashionable adornment If all the railroads in the world were joined one to another they theearwftpIono circa more tharxten tunes least bead of fat cattle ready for export now grating Texas prairies tliematferof sheep and wool Texas sr The cheese factory was burnt to the ground the other day building was owned by the Driving Park Association and valued cheese building and other property- of for SiRKxiOnKAng testing of on the line of the of It is going ahead under the charge of Mr A depth of feet in the soil at thoriyer bottom shows that the tunnel is practicable So far the testa hive given oon at this court before Mayor and Bird J P for absenting himself from drill while at last sxbleireerarrfste4 on Tuesday after a diligent search charge was admitted whenbe was fined five dollars per day for 20 days amounting with costs to He paid the Qaztltt clothes to the aatisiaction of the has a right to reject them if they not suit Where there Is no such specific agreement the implied contract is to the articles in a workmanlike manner in which case of coarse they will fit and they may be rejected if they do not But it is a reasonable usage that a tailor may have an opportunity to al ter a garment so as to secure a fit and if he offers to do this and is de nied the chance the probabilities are m that he will get the better of his cue- in a lawsuit The of our public school with their parent and friends under the of J I our worthy teacher held a very en joyable picnic in our beautiful school grounds the other afternoon Swings and other out door used on such occasions were amply provided In the evening a sumptuous repast was prepared In the school house the desks being used as tables on which was spread all the delicacies of the After tea the amusements were again Burned and kept up until late in the evening Aug 7 John Lennox of Windsor colored got drunk at Emancipation celebration the other day at Brighton When he came home his wife mot him at the door and a fight ensued The woman cup from a cupboard and pounded John head until she broke the cup She then took the largest of the broken piece and continued to beat her husband Each blow cut a deep gash in the drunken mans head and he soon fell bleeding and ex hausted to the floor The irate wo man kept on until neighbors stop ped her fiendish work Dr Coventry was summoned and dressed the tunate mans wound He was nearly of beating Mrs Lennox was before Magistrate but her husband was loo ill to appear and she was remanded to jail to await the outcome of her brutal deed Re port this morning state that Lennox cannot possibly live he die Mrs will bo brought before the assises for murder l5lThe beat for a tired workingman is oatmeal porridge with a little milk A carpenter who worked for mo frequently talked inu very unhappy way about his stomach could digest nothing his food all turned tour wind came up in torrents there is a big right here in pit of my stomach and so on It was indeed a dote to hear htm I en quired about his table habits and learned that at night he filled his stomach when other parts of his body it was tired with pork hot butter and preserves I said to him I will cure you in a month If will follow my prescrip tion faithfully John replied I will swallow ten cats day if it will cure me proposed economy cats and that instead he should eat for supper oatmeal in hot milk month the other men John was oat meal and hot milk that thought these for supper would take a man straight to heaven It will euro many dyspeptics among Work- Levitt The arrived again They have brought their bag- gage and toothpicks along with them The warm weather has rejuvenated them and caused them to come forth In numbers They travelled air line and iu numbers as to cause the atmosphere to avsume a cast They are quarter ed at the hotels and boarding houses and many of them have teen ed In families They have evidently come to stay till Many of them are at rayed In dusters and palm leaf hats while portion wear In summer bald beaded man already recognize the familiar password sees an leg he tore off in a paroxysm of rage at his familiarity All of old family are accompanied by sisters They stick closer an brother or a woolen shirt in warm weather and to to the butter sample our tea With our on u with both in short tht fly help the or gay grinder make life a burden f CHEAPER THAN EVER FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES at ROCK SMITH OILS Boiled Raw Machinery Furniture Oak Carriage I I toe all kinds either dry or ground in oil mixed AND j 1 ifsHfel mm TICKET AGENT FOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY AND OCEAN STEAMSHIPS l FOR CHEAT VARIETY r NEW Summer Prints both in Color and Pattern EXTRA VALUE IN SUMMER DRESS GOODS IN PLAIDS OTTOMANS JERSEYS KDSS is intelligence iff the families who- deprived of privilege of reading newspaper femily paper is an educa tor cannot be with with profit The pittance that is weekly paid out for this visitor is small when compared with the benefits derived Better leave off some other expense than tbe paper which children learn to peruse with avidity and cherish continues to make an impression on their minds and instills into them a love for reading thai will not be in any other way The inquest on the death of John Warden Toronto was conclud ed- early Friday morning On the previous evening after the charge had been made by the coroner the jury retired and rendered their ver dict at past four thus tak ing eight mortal hours in the dis cussion of the matter The verdict That on the 29th day of July GROCERY DEPARTMENT WE ARE AT LOWEST GASH PESO WEEK SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS AND SUGARS TRY OTIS No COFFEES NEWMARKET TICKETS ISSUED TO POINTS EAST AND WEST OF Toronto New York Chicago St Louis Kansas San Fran cisco and Western States Winnipeg and Canadian North West Scotland England Ireland and Continent of Europe J- ROBERTSON NEWMARKET N Fares to Manitoba lower than ever BUILDING all BUILDING Tar ftp Carpet Felt Pitch Coal Tar Pine Tar Spades Port Shovels Galvanized Wire J and Barbed Wire BAR IRON DRY JiitS is Berkeley street said John Warden came to his death in consequence of a wound re ceived on the day of July on his way homo or during a row in tbe Gibson house or immediately out side the said house or at the door of the said house OaiLLU Aug 6 Hon A Hardy Mr Dr and Mr arrived here last night and with Deputy- Reeve- and Mr of the township and DeputyReeve Thompson and otljera this morning were driven to the Shannon farm and afterwards to the Martin farm both of which were carefully inspected The superiority of the Martin farm was soon ac knowledged by even those who were at first favorable to the other and it was therefore chosen as the site for the new buildings The purchase will be completed within a week and work commenced at the earliest possible moment Barbie Aug 8 On Friday at Mr of the Town- snip of Flos was gored to death by a twoyearold thoroughbred bull which he bought his brother in the Township of King last winter He was leading the animal water when it became unmanageable and gored him in a horrible manner Mrs ran to the assistance of hus band whose legs were in a rope attached to the hull As she approached the bull tossed her away but again attempted to accom plish her object and succeeded in doing bo The bull then again to attack her but a dog came to her assistance getting between her and her antagonist A neighbor observ ing part of this informed the adopted son who immediately came to the rescue and succeeded in driving away the infuriated animal Mr died as he was being carried into the house He was of the first set tlers In the locality and was highly respected by nil who knew him The human body weighs a pound in water and a chair will carry two grown persons that is it will keep their heads above the water which is all is necessary when it is a question of life or death linger placed upon a stool or chair or a small box or a piece of board will easily keep the head water while the two feet and other hand may bo used as paddles to propel towards shore It Is not necessary to know how to swim to bo able to keep from drowning in this way A little experience in buoyant power of water nnd faith in is all that is required Wo a small boy who could not swim propel himself back and forth across a deep wide pond by means of a board that would not sustain live pounds weight Children and all others should have practice in the sustaining jjvrer In nine cases out of ten the knowledge that what will sustain a pound weight is all that Is necessary to keep ones head above the water will better in emergencies than the greatest pertneas as a swimmer A person unfamiliar with buoyant power will naturally try to climb on top of floating object on which tries himself if it is not large enough too keep them H entirely above water This often occurs when pleasure boats immediately want to get out of the water on top of the Overturned or boat rd all are drowned except whom the wrecked craft will wholly bear up If they simply tout the water of the weight of their bodies and the disabled boat they might all under most circumstances An overturned or halflilted wooden boat will sustain more people than St will carry it would keep the heads above water of as as people could their Mi the gunwale Tntw easily and may tome your io LET r TO RENT BRIOK STORE lately occupied by Mrs Apply to fiMITU BEST- -AT- RESIDENCE- That home on recently occupied by A- gooj rooms jc tic Apply to TORE TO RENT- DRESS GOODS PRINTS COTTONS HOSIERY GLOVES STRAW AND FELT HATS BOOTS SHOES AND FIRSTCLASS TEAS SUGARS SPICES CURRANTS RICK CANNED GOODS GLASS AND Farmers Threshers ROOK BOTTOM PRICES I J A DALES sail MILL OWUBRSI Save lour machinery LARDINE MACHINE OILS by BROS CO For sale by J ROBERTSON North The to A CO FOR lit the lot No the 2nd of Whitchurch known ft ihi soil anil goo- J Apply on to J A nosy For Sale 1 Half of Lot In Hit East acred about W In good Apply JOHN T acres for Sale Post Office for Are Closed ftllbllOmce Aurora SO ft on nod Fridays fii KINGS EVIL the given lo of a that It could bo cured by a touch world now nod SCROFULA bo cured by a thorough of blood- It IMi after in development are Cutaneous Eruptions Cat Phy sical etc- If to coo- Scrofulous Ca tarrh Kidney and Liver Tubercular and other or tttoX product by PROF Baking f- Powder Hoodpurifying an alterative that from and the kindred of WDtaouidUeaK At tb etuio and tho blood wilon to great Regenerative Medicine competed of with the of and and oilier of po tency careful corn- pounded formula generally to the but Absolute Cure For all diew the blood to practicable tor beyond any other for which like effect Is tie u aa bat llri In the Sarsaparilla BY Dr J Co Matt Analytical Chcmlata all tor Made- The Actlva la VnU Acid lo tuna- It in lend ami nod to araliwund principle ami all lUiUtIL wheat flour m flilrt Ihr the lif and the a of aattinM of trie and of JowiJer I thin riYltAii tint of the mol It It certain that the vulft of It lncrSfVd perc- Jl and refill itmimufnhrerUmyofiur lind ly lht It Is Put Up Glass wldtf to a apoon to aathoy Hie baking a AxofUi tot Ontario A CO Bote fox to WORM POWDERS to Contain Puiatlvo Is aud effectual of norma la Children or Adult MalUArrlvlnar At due a follows Aurora R Km- lo In Canada a- United cent for cacti or to liuMlitiidtireiit each hull thereof iitiitlantid tho may be Ageuclca at Also Card for any try reply form Rl- firoiilxoprnvlded cent carjwltn mi cant I iMfI III erf JJeoO nor can ho putted or attached to a for Town cent for half or fraction thereof he Mt4ffttiitafDP ted wholly iiiiiuM they he forwarded but vui not Hiaij full rae double of the win bo charged on delivery ltKHHTKltK In- tended ho when Canada do prepaid by to the rno In a i ii orchard good lore aioflll home to purchaser or will exchange aa ia payment a larger farm on lot In the to PO SAM5 of lot I In 2nd of Khitf Old Urn other roll for to Iu Klnjf on application to proprietor on If Wowmarkot P a VRSI North Monro chard or farm to an or Jacob flotNa8 known us New or lit and two a loading within apply lo Building Lots for Sale is Town of Newmarket- tots are altitnliuU don hi block or fcepnnte on apply to i RELIABLE -AND- LEADING HOUSE i Largest Best Stock of York Willed I VERY LOW in to to Iva mo call I Fend and free f which win If Ipycu than in of sit At 1- 13 WEEKS III use rare World will ha ft lonuy on receipt of rlKcoitit lo ah order to- Sporting World New York r lit- in Niwmtrnel and a rftfili AMllsTjItClUJ d the Mow- will ii IiI- lli4l at M1rUaUtel to DR lv up tilt a if VMM I illdevf llito Town Practice iwttkt EVERY FARMER L B Arllclo IntheMiirlcM Open a If Head for North all York County North nfueenvHie Alborl for worst pctUco ant wo a royal boa trow Hi win put vim fa way in a few than liwicht wiliii k any an live home ami wutk In afire all the I lent Klti nil OTctnla IVKcailly wMjwaiit wrk may teat wo itlako IMa To ail aro not well a 1 lined we ror the trouble of w 14rtcolaro re memo all delay fONlVrttatid To United each United letta mutt ha ftinl by It ration which are not abtofor of Alt prated the hour of tho On all and other than in bub- A than unco it IhoiatarfiirAlc in jut nuttcca which prcwld by NewapitpeM lo In the by tent per or of PACKKinot exceeding Iht lo Kltwdnm rhullmUof for looK Tucket Canada la lb rata cent lriK Manitoba VlcUUaaUVa PnKcriinndNntiipto of not ox In when In NowMundUmh prepaid by pmlugu the and put In In order maybe by one private Individual to not being actually Irnde pattern or ait plot A SALIC iff n HI limber on vlctlon Apply to 200 ACRES in KING Koranic or to rent for a ycar4 of lot In the yrd Con and eltltho Con Old Harvey la two other a wheat an 1 awarnp well biee Ilia rati hi For 3 mt sale Iwllllmbury UNlTKItftTATfXratterntAnJHatopiei for place In United aro to the of by and not wolght cannot rt to place beyond JJomlnfnu of Canada pircclbfrforvfardAd in which In irtJxhitho I of 3 rhfen linn raaiba jjrihoalid2fcet in length ana 1 The rale per our or Traction of AtMt reduction bcn road In for order Up to St overftand up tn io nlin to hrlialnaod up to tuned riwitierJandt tthJndta on which allows Ml if bo ft tha and to he had on following Faun and J WacrcKofUitHn North Sin w am Ml 1I1 id la aim a All 9 lov t AUoHoveraUotflntboTovrnof el lo ASUsNH HARDWOOD JAS ERTSON BROS NOW FLAK a EXCELSIOR BAKERY CALL AT THE AND Hotel AND SEE Cheapest and Best Selected Stock of IN NEWMARKET Undertaking Special A W EVANS WM CANE SOI LUMBER LATH SHINGLES AUK NOW TO SUPPLY WITH PfiOOUIXG 8IDIK0 W SASH TOR SOLICIT A CONriNUAtfUK OF SAME Ala TURNOUT GOOD -AT- POSSIBLE WMCAHSS5 will win Of of large wrk Hint will money torn IMagSUolaAtusrlca Wn1- Bfywhorffrr of an site for work for hi own For lime for ill snored ply at