Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1885, p. 1

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rf JTj A J jrV affefflBHasfc PW va t -f- H fivery on TO TO AND LIBERTY v it Vol Single Copies 3 Gents Each 1 mam ADVERTISER Powder 7 r iif3rtiiitiM Aa Cash In Advance within trios on at end of year a Dun INSURANCE AGENCY Boiler E3 ecE gwib LEE f P London Co Wellingtons Nursery BEAUTIFY YOUR I t Exciting News Encounter at Duck great in that Art Needlework Art Embroidery on Satin Killed and Wouiided Toronto Regulars arid Called Gut fc SATINS PLUSH SILKS FILOSELLES I ETC IN joaitT to I V Conir7anMt V of a a niiii Botteo A fife TO AT flriicl Tit OKAS Embroidered SOFA FIRE SORE8NS TABLE to order Call work at i MRS BECKETTS STORE MAIN ST NEWMARKET B0BI5BON fiulinjloi 4e it errCoaT97incr4C to At Jj Wrtl7o5Bds ill t flnt door factory T i ST far Mum vol on may lime to gOUCITOR I At Other Picture Kate Early Price VV ALBION HOTEL beg to notify Item J Albion and flnlcliii bow iwIHb rtBnd fl0 j J 1dr Atbtoo pHANKINOmyanE06roofrIndiforpit 1 1 tins left be I Block LAWBEXCE Solicit Teredo BulMldlui Block COOKS IARD PARLOR LITTLE BINDER OUTS or AW EVANS Millard DIRECTOR Royal It Calls Honey to A CI0AHS AND TOBACCOS CIQMITTCS PIPES A coOhOP Vi ft ff REAPERS AND Mowers CUTS The Threshing Engine HIE 1 SOUTH OP OH AH OK DR Etc Street ONTARIO BANK CAPITA I 100QOO REST 2500O HEAt flftyTAL Ditching Machines mz i WISHER GRAIN TOOTH HORSE RAKE WHO WANTS IT Kail of ire ftpw very or in t lit iliufi FOR 8ALS OK TO Kim A OK ih- iff a am A Intret Allowed on Deposits AT IflOUKKT DRAFTS ISSUED AT k Uni tin It VIcitU Proper Klclt Money rf TIX f HEAL TORONTO Mini JiwBtrketOotirto ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS SIMPSONS -DRAFTS- -ISSUED- OS GREAT BRITAIN UNITED STATER AND AlL IK CANADA Discounted J A VINO the at public lit for In Pure Drugs Chemicals Itrfurnery lic4 A j TAKES THE LEAD RELIABLE -AMP- HOUSE OVER THIRTY Rest Stock TH Family M HORSES CATTLE rd WioulJllfftC Ml In rtfrtt midi up Mr in Town kOirrr IN FANCY GOODS TOWN OP NEWMARKET into J ami fii OH tit si us iin- id In ah If lie Itl of a will or A he in excitant rnnre by ikiiijf t ftr 111 MIL Warren kuo of Largest Hotel Enterprises of ArarrtM from York J tin rlyJAJol or of tit lifuttlfdur1lbt of by lb UM I It arid In lvAnto j- Hotel Org biutthMtfrf1 la TIt tiArt iftl lht mI la AH llit Vi I Club nJi Slipper JVHi corn lo to on a cad talk WBt Wpea yhitji Boy ore the arrival alKit I ITn klnri riendlucantt U i I iW tAffrt lh a few fly i W for i fr all OF IB iriMpHr any Y at Ac a pte niaonlyo t All of a gjfiWlyji it iHl IbU a t tic tot U1 lVnl Sicca I a4 b kaa er of III a Sett of LtMSJfl IruhM ltg bad blood on Hoi tittt of iba lift atiott lutolcrbla leg ofilg of a 2o IrtAlaout vti of ao until by Mr a ditto aa implied b 8ktrA- la ibi Irritation limb to for Uh J add In la l0 In ibt world 10 It for of ilia affect of high Salt Sort Kruptlonti of blood Wabaia Mr forUlMTldcWa rtfftiil A tea a to ptrtoiv ally Occto at Inland fcJutU tttUrjIro of rditor of blood pltodnabliKIo loUcra icb Burned and ft- Ordered to be inlleadinesB 12tli Bat of York Rangers Among the Number OTTAWA March 7 In the of this evening Sir John amid read following despatch from Col Irvine tho Chief of tho Polity who left for fort Carle ton with men clays ago The was sent from but bears no date the Winnipeg date being today A party under my just arrived here When nearingFt I found that with party of had a short before gone to Duck Lake to secure a large quantity of supplies there stored Ho was met by rebels who Held an advantageous position at re- serve and endeavored surround the police and civilians- The rebels fired firafc when fighting owing to disadvantage at which he retreated in an orderly manner arriving at the fort at the same time as my party Ten civilians of Prince Albert and were killed and four civil ians and seven constables wounded number of rebels killed is not The police end civilians act ed with greatest bravery under heavy tire THE ACTIOS OF TUB The Government force is now safe and as soon as a con sultation is had and a plan arranged we way expect decisive steps to bo taken to crush the rebellion which the fanatic has instigated for his own selfish purposes The nit made by Sir John of the number killed and wounded was re ceived wtlr bated breath by House The Government held has ty Cabinet meeting after six oclock at the conclusion of which John hastened to in Form him of the contents of Col Irvines despatch For some days Sir John has been preparing for the worst Arrange ments have been completed for the transport of A and batteries to NorthWest via the Pacific Railway Harry Abbott has collected sleighs and hordes and all in readiness to convey I across the gap of seventy wiles which is all the distance between Ottawa and Winnipeg on which the rails not laid In six days the will In at to Inigir their march of miles over prairies to the South Saskatchewan No one will now regret the rapid construction of around north shore of Lake Superior by which thoufnnds of dollars lo the country A despatch received at midnight from says Kiel frightened at the serious aspect of affairs has re tired from command of rebels to save his skin All will- lo to proven his March news from the seat of North- iron hies is to some alarming The result is that military with unceasing activity Gen Middle ton arrived this morning and was a guest at Government house Attended by Deputy Adjutant Gen eral Houghton iiLHpeotcd the stores clothing and plies Fort He lis- with condition of the clothing which ha lain the hst Kiel and is fore unlit for service The rolels were at cross- South Saskatchewan yesterday with lIOOriued Kiel has is sued an order not to molest white men but in seizing anus and impris oning of the Government everywhere Governor de nies the report of having tamp ered with telegraphed yes terday at sta tions were however seized is Inrtwccn Duck and Prince A it with GOO armed men Wig Wear who is to gone to is still at Fort Pitt Musket chief of the fifteen miles south of has men to aid tho police has Indians under arms Ho has also three pieces of artillery Hues are working along the main lino till the road from Winnipeg but branch to Prince Albert is fit down A despatch from Hat tleford just receive says that they organised a company of men for service -CIi- of has ar rested a emissary of who Was agitating the halfbreed at Oak Lake west of that city on Canadian Pacific His name is Louis prisoner Bays ho left Kiel six ago and that he had then six American ami that ho joind Indians Major Crosier and his men ho have been prisoners is The prisoner was brought to Tlio tho Field and Cavalry troop were inspected at pm and told in Wgo to front for which they left ftt horses were purchased The city has a warlike poaranee hut cheerful and that blow struck will shorty sharp and dec- was excitement when the troop embarked west this evening In charge of Gen pother regiment here and There are relired officers enough hero to command twq regvideiitt volnteera civilians at Dock Lake are Lave nobly under fire loss ii to bo large the not known on account of the police having to Fur is awaited with intense anxiety as it is believed rebels will follow up their success by attack ing Carlton where Irvina and Captain have effect- March Peremptory orders era received by Cotton from Ottawa tonight ordering the immediate despatch of men of A Battery to the tfcena of the the Northwest The or ders were immediately acted upon and a special train will leave the Palais station at 1 a with npeo under command of Captain Peters and Riv ers necessary ambu lance and with them be sides nine horses cr field The men the of spirits and ready for a had been refieived filtered into the the word pasaed to like dame People coming tho various places of- heard and wavered in their purpose of going to their homes stopping on street cor ners to discuss startling Following is a copy of the despatch to the Adjutant- General the Troth for inmieJiftle Sign March The re- service has been inter- been left and- an immense crowd via Duck and of whom tDiny ladies and up Albert The last mail now detail and will probably reach destination with the military now about to move from opposed lost mail from Edmonton and Prince Albert escaped by a of mail cftrrier who upon arriving at Duck ssw crowds of Half- breed women excited lie soon learned they were on the waiting to intercept the mills junction of Albert and trails not far Ho returned to Prince Albert arid resolved to proceed by thtf Carrot River settlement to Hum boldt the reaching Winnipeg in safety by rait on Friday night In spector has now resolved to Bend and Edmonton mails by rail to Swift Current by courier to their destination All the Hudson Bay supplies and being freighted to the NorthWest from have seized by the robots at Crossing freight sent is at Humboldt ASSISTANCE before moving to its destination A special train with the second detach ment of troops from Winnipeg reach ed mile further north The excitement here is and the orderly- of the Sabbath fa disturbed with crowds hanging around the bulletin boards of the newspaper offices and eagerly buying up the Sunday editions being issued- Throughout the day in surrection was referred to in the pul pits in many churches today and prayers offered for the the troops- Quebec March A detach ment of A Battery strong with two ninepounder field pieces and provisions under the command of and Peters and and Rivers left here at oclock this morning by the Shore Railway en route for the scene of the troubles in the North- West in consequence of the peremp- f tory to march burning of Carlton Ottawa Shortly after dark last and its evacuation by the Mounted detachment which held Police are con tinned by a received by Commissioner of tho Hudson Bay Company from chief factor Clarke Cob Ir vine with police nnd volunteers left the en Friday last after burning the fitoiva and supplies likely to full info the hands of the rebels ltd evacuation was rendered from lack of provisions to supply tun increased force and the exposed character of the post En the event of an by rebels from tho surrounding hills forces have gone to Prince Albert it easier to defend and larger settlement requiring protection means of news now from Prince Albert will bo by courier to a of and then by telegraph to Winnipeg following addi tional particulars have been received of in for the purpose since not only feat of dm for the of the to fall in of them had to form op in and infltifrowp in order to ind outside party hid to bock the crofid rifles then parade great arid received the im4ercJ6bingith which the city had provided them after which they received orders to at 10 oclock Monday morn ing in marching with TWO DAYS COOKED their haversacks The men of and tome of whom are leaving fam ilies behind them leaving lu crative situations and all risking- their lives in service have been put to the expense of buy ing boots and articles is brush es knives combs for their kits and had it not been for the of City Council have had to of Infantry School are completely rigged out at Governments fix they behind them and it seems if the Of Qaeeris Own andOrenadterawho are going on should received liberal treatment at their hands At all events when they return ample com- should them or the outlay to which they been subjected V V I have been or- do red to be in readings the killed at the encounter at Duck Lake is brother of the unfortunate young man who was recently murder ed at A company from the Ottawa under Todd will be ready to start for North- West Monday Colonel Gray P P telegraphed to Ottawa on Saturday offering the Toronto Field- Bat try for active ser vice in the North- receiv- and which was origiuallv to bo composed of hfMnyno force The THE AT PUCK firing was Ixgun by rebels holding a with Bell truce then was brisk the mill vplunteeiH having with a vigorous fire The rebels reported to lost killed and wounded cannon of the Mounted Police rendered effective service in covering tin retreat to Fort and but for them disaster would have latent from the indicates that the Indians expect ed to attack tomorrow and their families being transported to Swift Current Station Great is being felt Telegram has interrupted fenia are that Indians cut wires Following are extracts from a letter just received here dated Prince Albert March is urging rebellion and ho only preventative he has to carry out his desires is llnif- who say they will not go into anything unconstitutional and will as long as ho loop within tho bounds go hand and hand with him and his French followers The gravity of the situation lies in the fact that this has been a hard year with both na tives anil Canadians as well as with country in general The failure of crops has destroyed every branch of trade and many hard time tales could bo told of WAY Tilt HAVE this past cold winter Bannock as block as ink and as hard as hardtack with black tea has been food of tho majority Thus see that Very little over and above next door to starvation would make them des perate Further have been re ceiving letters continually for the pail eight mouths from chief of TUB INDIANS COUNT BY yilBU IIKtP AND This is what makes the situation more desperate They olio in constant communication with of the most deiperato of Indian chiofs in the country with at least 1000 follower One man a Scotch native old Kildotian stock states that they ail good shots both and Indians and he was also telling that should any rising take place ho propose getting out of try tends In a iqeMuro country ana both natives and Indians arc hostile to Government Some ho iota that could bo mustered to a prominent part in movement At and about five or ten thousand Half- breeds This is no exaggeration Some even up a Tows of of the leading citizens In this place seriously Jviiabity of sending their men was joined at the by volunteers from short course men principally from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia attending gunnery courses on the citadel who brought up its strength to 125 men with This number in cluded members of the Battery Band Tho order to march was re ceived detachment which is composed of the picked men of the Battery with the greatest enthusiasm and but it appears to been otherwise with their wives and partings on citadel described having been extremely Oitawa March Before the at of the Mounted Police Force were stationed there at Prince Albert at at at at lWt 50 a Edmonton at at Fort Pitt at Fort Walsh at the end of the Pacific track and the at other posts Nearly the is no moving toward Prince Albert- The last report upon Indian shows that thirteen embracing 1790 persons are superintend from agency aii1 on liauds comprising pop sons upon the around TIiese Indians have pros- pored during the last few years The crops on the reserves were good last year and they are well supplied with hones cattle and grain band at Duck said to bo specially industrious and enterprising though still unconverted to Christian ity Big Bear was reported souio- in Villars received notification thnt a provisional regiment has been called out to be composed of the fol lowing companies company each at Port Hope and Milhrook Battalion com pany Battalion one Belle Battalion one company Battalion one company Battalion company Bello Bat til lop one company Portsmouth They will parado at the various quarters tomorrow con- centrato in Kingston and proceed with th least possible delay to NorthWest March 291110 city is in a state of excitement over the rebellion in the North- West All city volunteers been placed orders hut there is not a corps that is properly equipped for KixostoM March was great excitement in yesterday when flattery took its departure for North West About people Assembled to sea them oft and as tho train moved away there was lusty cheering The at barracks will bo a memorable One prevailing excitement remain ed As early as oclock vicinity of Prill Shed was oc cupied by throngs of eager sightseers among whom mingled groups of mili tary who although no parade had been ordered for forenoon on move and spent morning completing their preparations In afternoon crowd increased It is to feared many a Sunday School Class not only Itsschol but teachers as well for at three oclock it seemed if tho pop ulation of the city had turned out matte and congrogatul around the Drill Prom the foot of Jaryls and Market streets up to King and for a considerable distance along that thoroughfare TUB got abroad that a was in order largo doom of tho had were out the Government would bo happy to avail hi of fer The Grenadiers and Queens Own ore armed with breech loading rifles of range and Gibs with bayonets The enemies they will have to tight in are armed with Winchester repealing rifles of shorter range And without but capable of firing at least three or four shots whilst one in being fired from a The range of the Winchester rifle fully covers ordinary fighting dis tances and bayonets are of much teas importance in modern than they formerly were Part of the Mounted police If not all aro arm ed with Winchesters Col pi Point received order on morning to hold Newmarket Aurora and Sharon companies of the York Hangers in readiness for abort notice Government will probably bring down at once a supplementary estimate asking for a million dollar to the expense of suppressing Bails revolt Mr Scott P has received in structions to raise a regiment in Man itoba and will leave for Winnipeg at once Ho has telegraphed to Captains asking to Com panies of men LieutCol Williams P baa also undertaken to raise and A number who have seen In the Zululand Afghanistan war have offered to join him Mr J Bailoy Chief Engineer of the Northern and Pacific Junction Railway who was up at sing last week told a reporter on Sat urday that there was now at least four feet of snow along tho track of Canadian Pacific Railway and that there would be considerable trou ble in getting through Mr Bailey is well acquainted the country through which the troops will have to PAW and considered men would exceptionally good if they got to Winnipeg inside of ten days From Winnipeg to Fort the running will bo cosy enough and distance can easily be covered in hours as it is only miles It is- our pleAsing this wesk of Richard Park of to Barry daughter of our citizen J Barry Esq The was per formed in Trinity Church here on Thursday afternoon last the nuptial knot being tied by the Rev Murphy- Incumbent of to the bride A J- of Newmarket and Rev Bryan of Bradford Both the bride who was given awaj by Her father and her attendant bridesmaid Miss pretty and it goes without saying each was beautifully dreased- happy groom was manfully sup ported by Mr Barry and ap peared thoroughly to appreciate his enviable position The choir in full force supplied appropriate and the customary joyous strains from tho church organ greeted the ears of the happy parties while entering and leaving the church- Laving and skil ful fingers had at work prepar ing the church aod the way in which evergreens mottles natural flowers blended betokened the af fection and esteem in which the was held by community large horseshoe arch in- tho aisle is worthy of especial mention and was a decidedly unique design The affair created a flutter in society circles and the church was filled to overflow ing with citizens old and young all on pipe to see learn and and foe event as a matter of course supplied social pabulum After partaking of the wedding breakfast at Tara Hall tho of J Barry the happy couple started oh a southern trip the objec tive which uninformed and we can say that never did any ope leave our village fervent well wishes for future happiness the estim able young lady whose marriage trans fers to Newmarket one whoso pres ence amongst us will be missed In tho church work in the Sunday School in every good and noble social movement Barry active and earnest worker always ready to render her utmost help and wo congratulate Mr Park on Ins choice of a partner and sincere ly wish the newly married pair a long and prosperous and the choicest Messing of heaven Bradford Wit- The Supremo Court of Iowa has unanimously affirmed tutionality of prohibition law James a has been arrested charg ed with instigating the recent theft of Scott Act ballot boxes there On Wednesday evening 18th about oclock villagertfof were by alarm of fire and it was discovered that Dr Robinsons was all The was torn down and the firo prevented from spreading With great effort doctors beautiful mi- nee and the adjoining restdenco of saved The origin of the fire unknown Insur ance on stable and 200 on contents of the boat at Sydney Feb for has just readied here Clifford first to grip the water rowing 34 to the minute Cliffords work at the start all attention but gradual ly drew up Clifford made a splendid race for half A mile theu dropped his stroke to and the old smile indicative of victory settled on his face Ho drew quickly Ahead when Clifford spurted but put another length between A they pasicd Sydney was lengths ahead Ho thou slack ened and won by lengths being loudly London March Tho Hemp stead Liberals invited the Mar quis of Lome to be their candidate for Chicago March Ryan an nounces that he will go to New York in April to make arrangement to fight Sullivan a Taylor a Montreal lad was stealing a ride on a pilot train yesterday when he fell and was fatally crushed of a Toronto machinist took oil tansy and died in dreadful agony Friday night She leaves five children Two London detectives who wero sent to United lo work up testimony against Cunning ham and Burton with important information prisouers seems groat trouble between the head of the High tho second teacher ft resolution lewi passed calling upon re sign their positions Charlea old man who attempted suicide in Toron to about ten days ago by gashing himself with ft knife was he fore the magistrate Saturday on a charge of attempted selfdestruction when fr explained that the of tho prisoners recent attempt that he had been swindled out of the price of a span of horses which ho had driven all the way from Parry Sound prisoner was discharged and Mr instructed him to an information against Mc- for obtaining money pretences Anew invention in telephones made and is endorsed by Prof Bell- By this invention messages transmit ted by telephone token down automatically upon paper in the same way that prints alphabet upon paper This telephone improvement is being kept a close secret only two or three per sona having been given a knowledge of its details Prof Bell is working to perfect it in order to it pat ented Those who have a knowledge of what it is to do declare that it greatest improvement of the tetephono since it was originally patented St Catharines Ont Mar 20 A farmer forty-five- year of age living in tho township of Grantham two miles from this city met with his death during a quarrel with his young farm hand Win by name who twentyone They had been- to spend the evening at Port and returned about midnight On their arrival at the farm they were heard quarrelling by Teabroeck son Alfred aged seventeen who ran out to the his father strike at with apiece of board- Tut- tie wrested it from Tenbrock and struck the Latter a murderous blow which felled to the ground Af ter in a half stupefied until ho expir ed Two children survive a boy aged and a girl of eleven Tenbrocck was a widower and a prom inent man amongst other things be ing a member of township coun cil cause of the quarrel is at tributed to jealousy on part of who it is believed thought was on of undue in timacy with his wife Both under tho influence of liquor

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