Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Mar 1885, p. 2

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in Si W3- MARCH New A Factory Boa Cards A Heifer Astray Preston Boose to let PUdoi for Jo Weed Train Time a a ill is 01 ST L4- FRIDAY MARCH Our Toronto Despatch Era Toronto March rtrdjaferiicot Womens In Hall Fri day when an lojcLcdoa granted re- of Mr keep ft hotel Ton Hope her cigar store fined coats for print a at Wilson bit for Iter J- Starr as the retail of recent re vival topic of society week the of Roger a prominent with Mr of merchant by a majority of that if the City Council wiibiJ raiw en additional turn of for the hour It to a rote of the people Amendments to the Assess ment Law Hon Mr introduced ft Bill making very considerable amend- 10 the Act neccas by the new Franchise Bill and to make it harmonize there with Section that this Act may- be cited as Amendment Act Section enacts that wherever the word landholder appears in the Assessment Act it mean any who being owner of and residing domiciled upon real pro perty of twenty in or t least an actual value In cities towns of four hundred dollars and in townships and incor porated villages of two hundred dol lars if in the assessment roll of the municipality where such properly is situate entered or assessed as owner of said property of at- least the ler of or assessed value afore said And any person oily reidiiig and domiciled in any dwellinghouse as tenant thereof when such and the land if any held therewith by such person or such tenant is of at least an actual value in cities and towns of four hundred dollars and in town ships and incorporated villages of two hundred dollars and is at not less titan such valco entered andyas- Where a dwelling house as sessed in tho and a assessor shall write opposite tie letter H in addition to said jitter bo counted more and lists required by law for municipal pur poses and may bo recover- from either the owner truant or or from any future owner tenant or occupant saving his re course against any other person Section of the existing Assess ment Act relating to the of as sessing landholders sous residing with landholder is repealed this Bill and a new clause is framed pro viding that hereafter assessor shall insert in bis roll next after any landholder named therein the name of every son or stepson who is years of age and who been for months next prior to the re turn of the roll fide residing with such land holder within lo cal municipality and the name of such son or stepson to be placed within brackets with the landholder with He letters opposite and the names to entered shall bo numbered on the roll Four months temporary absence not to be regarded as a bar in the interpretation of this clause A new subsection to this clause provides that every wage- canter bona fie resident in the local municipal ity who has daring the preceding months derived or earned within this province income from some trade occupation callings office or profession of not less than three shall be entitl ed to bo and shall be entered by the assessor io tho assessment roll of the local municipality as such wageearn er and the assessor shall write oppo site his name in column four men tioned See of the Assessment Act the words wageearner in dition to the letter if any required to bo written in such column Another sub section also provides that in estimating the wages or in come of wageearners fair value of any board or lodging furnished or given to or received or had by such person as or in lieu of wages or as part thereof shall bo considered as in cluded Other directions are also given providing for designating of wageearners etc A fourth subsection declares that the word election should mean an election for a member of the Legisla tive Assembly of this Province or to a municipal council as the case may be These new subsections and amended clause to this Act gives all the newly enfranchised persona right to vote at municipal as well as Legislative Assembly elections but there is this change from the old law they must be resident to en title them to the privilege There are also other provisions di rectory to assessors empowering them to demand affirmations from earners where doubts exist and also setting forth what shall constitute an u- Tut Ottawa lb tfcs Facie 5 Sooth- be la of Clear Water Like and tie Manitoba aid Railway daring Both will mid tie of coaipaojf Jt Is that Mr J principal en Iba staff an appohitmeat as of the at Ottawa will no an cient officer as a member ol the Citato to be on The Gore ram tot proposition to make two beads for library todifle summoned for lut week and is now in afaiEon The to ajiUt local to Act a lienor Bill McCarthy Act a lice of alio one for tbe ballot tbe of better terms with Dominion SfSAHiNO of a deputation of Sheriff opon Hon Mr but to hit sympathies for larger Mail of the who tbink they do from osfortucate waited on tbe Attorney ek the be amended as to permit of ibem aecnriog more The AttorneyGeneral them that their was in vain of Factory Act in be the Ottawa Fret ili in several features from one introduced last year Alt claoiea are struck out to a if relating to cation be dealt with by federal par- liatstnt In connection with dropping of the education relating to halftime and altenute days for children are an dropped new bill from same prohibits the employment of children thirteen years because in Ontario cation up to that age Ills Honor Boyd imposed fob losing sentences last upon prisoners tried at the recent General Sessions of John two months in gaol William a pistol at P pi or thirty days in for committing an indecent assault upon ft In August one re in the Central Prison Wo Hall larceny sis months in Central Prison Lilly who was of on the 21th August and to appear for sentence was brought up As he hid sot shown good the interval he was sentenced to months imprisonment Kr J If Rodent en to old of the was Town over P who is from her recent aoTrre lltoeas J in Town Saturday and was tbe of John Stokas Esq over Bonds He represent If cars A of Gait Mr Fret Case aoa of toe Mayor who u an to bo con gratulated on reofiring the appointment of Assistant Medical apellate odea la In sane Aaylam at Major Lloyd Wednesday to attend the Board of at Vet erinary College Toronto stu- deots wilt present for exaxolos- the largest somber crer known at While assisting in the manufacture of one day last week Mr Bailey a bad poke In the with a long wocden handle while standing too sear the baker who was working at tha Of Mr- Bailey was obliged to wear a bandage bar- cangrht cold In it ha alright again Drops Sriog is on Jtct Tin next fool of J Saodij Card At Store of the King tomorrow fopea for Nblp The In lit name of such person in the roll of the municipal ity wherein the same is situate The word sou or the expression land holders son til all mean and include any male person a son step son or grandson as the case may be of any father father mother or mother who is a landholder local municipality by this Hill is hereafter made to mean elude a city tow i incorporated vjllag or township as the may be Wage earner means any male person of the full of years and a subject of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization who is actually raiding and domiciled in any local municipality and who is not Otherwise for property or in come so us to entitle him to vote at an el for a of that of Ontario lho dwelling shall hereafter elude any part of a that part separately occupi ed and resided in as a dwelling and also any land where such land Is sep arately occupied or resided upon as and is part of premises belonging to and used with such dwelling zpreiion houwholder shall here after any male person and or entitled to bo entered and in revised roll of a local municipality as and be- sole tenant and occupant of and resident in a dwelling- in such local municipal ity but etU Mt mean include any who Is so entered or aessrl as who la actually a joint tenant or occupant of such dwelling with any fraon Mr it include any person who is lodger or a the word father Include father and word in- and fiat of voters weans al phabetical list referred to action of Voters Act of the Act la repeated by tups Bill and fob lowing assessors to wageearners or land- holders sons etc Alto some penal Act is to come into force on and after the 1st of January It will some important in assessment rolls but there is time for officials to become conversant with the measure before it comes into operation Editorial Notes Federal Bank Bill has passed both now the of Ills General to make it law The Jonden that the GTrrnorGeneral accepted the inal- of the of to the in city on day of September nest Tnc celebrated conspiracy case conies on for on Monday before a special The following are the names of the sixteen to be summoned oat of which the first drawn by ballot will compote the sir Browne broker CI street Alfred Sandham A Secretary Prince Artbor avenue farmer Whitchurch James limb St Wei Brown Wellington flit lobu Wen Parr Armstrong builder The Men- ton farmer King IxiHiaibusy Thrclketd cotter street Charles Brown fsircer Frost street east Frederick Kitcbiog iirchaut Holland Lauding sinegar iuaoufaturer street of Wales at the abject of a noteworthy paper In April llattVEU in Win the veteran war correspondent who the Prince hi tour through India and well homo life of the to British throne To Is set down as the earthly desire socially of the to bo by the it a good deal cf inter about this Norfolk aaMe from its who when there ar to leaJ an and wife gives an account of the really hard upon Prince by his agocddealof lug detail as lo life Local and Other Items Houoats The Northern will ltaro it a fire tod on third ith of April good to relora rip to on Good Bio The this of wha lb pork er at b- the of ill others Ac Meeting Directors of York Afr Society next to the on with Whitchurch Society via for next Pall Fair We are Ahead third aborting match Aurora and rairkct took the flat and la a victory for the latter 4 by poiut the aeons to SO Aaron therefore bid the aappr Sunday of the usual re tew School should occur out Sabbatb the hare decided to hold a temperance to be of the the to bo appropriate to tbe Viiilon will le welcomed Tort Com One by oar A we the panning of a at the con baaIaeL At the of Mr we had the operatic thle ard thoio torn to the trade It quite a In the of re iotrej a great of and poinded then tamed and a Dumber of between iron to the proper where it rati iron aliens for Of court practice perfect but Mr cHIiai to eail in flarbr to op by Christie while the of aaJtacaa at office that iniavfl si arttcJr Society Tho LQtfUDjt of Society for the quarter took A committee appointed to for the of the It was decided to which lut weekaYeport mak ing it all of School shall consider tbefflwlrea to attend The will take place on Monday April 6 the Town read on Character followed by the Open Door by Kelt a reading by Holier which entitled the hie of Content debate oil that the character of worthy of oar qaite interesting iTewri and Millard for atga- and J Martin the two latter elected to fill a and won The critic wonl that he had gone op to kept A fcwscrapi were read and the meeting elated Of held another at of the Ida and a rf pieced tad and git were present at the lut Mr Webb a short timely general in- of tht farming The sub ject announced for dbcusiioo The of inlroduceJ by Mr lie should with the before rotation of crop fall wheat barley then hay for two plow ing in fall and light a top a solid bottom for It is thought about for thU oca will now hare an opportunity to for and adrcrtuementi In on next The Era wilt distri- Tbaraday are tbe are weary watting for more wiatber Tbe next Uni form public Promotion on ho of April it would be a good plan to put a pi titer on the of winter It draw oat the cold if Spring new eoon be faihlonable The contract for the Home was awarded to Mr Karanajth at per lew lut Saturday of oot milkmen wai in baring anopMtin Millard about lacteal fluid A letter ChrUtiaa of The Separate School board a net face put on The Coloration for church North are plated and cumulation next meeting of the A place at the of A ju venile of Hope is talked of Cot PrayerMeeting at Smitba tonight It fa j weeks tomorrow the bear retired Won tier if he will come out to stay and giro us a chance to go to work without an should take extra precaution to pjereut the dipbtheiia In this Spring It in the Tillages Little laat at Mr A couple of bay era were at the Royal daring the past few days but the prices hare been so high that tiro were purchased a full of beautiful from bulbs The of Mr John has been secured for a and workmen are engaged the new on comer Mr Brown his workshop upon new cor ner lot Timothy street la fut being deposited on the for a new residence Tea teams fornied a bee on of at week and a quan tity of to the Presbytery of SI Marys Church Mr- has extended or or applied will fire relief and a euro quick WtLaasho Hatter lo toil Im that WearaV me Well bow foolish I a It cared I always toUF In boose a lsjxl for a cold I I a question often oot seldom factor illy an We to tha satlaractlon of all Iftbay will follow our adrico try Ba tiara a aafo and certain Sold by all til A Valuable Patent most modern times Is best purl tier kldtioj known We refer to Blood making so many cores bringing to so many people Afflicted epirrow of Toronto will ILNowoiarketForiylha 2nd each or of all forma lie parties bare bo op by other although of years of sucb log put IS rear does not entirely If yt will as It la lo irwv tbowVhobavo up or who after long fatt ed to gel Till Thursday F ITS Cured An retired from practice ha toy In bis bands by at lodu missionary tbo formula a simple vegeta ble remedy for speedy and cure of Asthma all and also a positive and radical care for Debility and all Complaints baring IU wonderful curative In fell his duty EnakeJtkoowatohlsaafrerlngrellowjL Ac tuated by this and a desire I will send free or WallwbodealreUi this recline lu French or Eogliib with full for and using by mall by with stamp bamlng this A A ere of of March a of aod of CbrftUau Church fifty met at WJ to they cherish for After of tea whfch hid been the ladies an of was speot of speeches aod Mr occupying chair aod performing creditably Mr in behalf of company si Mrs with a a sum of money aoMmpanled with well chosen remarks to re- After a by Mr the bis family lhr srers fcl a Mn More Fighting in sowed peas tttta with the hi to in which place Hill is of the of this change the iarks Tory la now hang op caps A ahosrfag of P It Company was laid Harnett hit week all there are some the of the Prince df Prince A lit it Victor virus and the pic- turn of the Prince and accompany article which hi In of the of Prince Albert to this country Personal Mention by Mr fcr aKotlhniubtrUtj4 In the Ordered tie a writ Ptwebcliou directed Mr ltobuek The aitl take pUce at lint and on the of April next on Act place on th Instant fa tit city of St TlMUa Counties all three placet Act by detfilra- majoritlea An on the day the Act in Jiie wis held it was by a P- nd a with the the it If Sir the waters a gtffri Ion a about time thing by purlous to the last the A to carriers by la Mr McCarthy was da fested In the Railway It appears hare thjoao oat of the railway but If Mr- McCarthy gets to be a he Ok for of Mr Rill la against I and tenant or stall within on lb roll shall of the Itttw P and of or tenant th T and shall on roll for of the a The Piemlsr with trenchant wilts his Works de paitirent Hon Mr strong thaSablath the dictates IqI the Sir Well Ilogayt artUt leaves for New next Annie at who hi vMlfsg Mrs- for a week lias Mr has purchased a at to which place he Mi Skttry and Mm a of a short at Mr P la tere Jaw and return Town weetk aaafSffp fonnerly of has out tha bakery of J aw If J is low with and stten ling Mils Starr Mr Will Campbell of arrived In on We on a of very Weil Mr ijnt a vtslllnxfA to the QWCIly on The officer Army are Thoy are lady and liked Mr Hugh the young that got ankle hurt with the as Cane a time ago wm at week Mrs John of West a few hi- stater Mri of who Is very HI with but slight of Mr J PBslfry at to on ffattirday owing a rttip Ms father which has very low Rery htm Ia and la rtllt there of QeW his riillin here for a couple of eft for by Jliai who Intends spending election of for Engine Company No of Fire Brigade should hare place the Grit Wednesday in this month but to the limited attendspce it postponed till next which will be on Wed- svext at the Fire Hell It is hoped there will be a full attendance New OrtLRAKtf II J Hill Secretary the Toronto Indus trial is forming his third list special excursion party to the Or Exposition- It will start from Torou- to on the 9th of April and those who would like to join It should communicate with Mr Hill at Toronto He will accompany the party all the way and will send full particu lar to any one desiring them Again and John Con- charged with robbing James were again brought up on rtmaud the Police Magistrate the city Friday but as nothing had heard of another remand waa made for a week The men are out on bad and both they can establish their lsbtcKsr particular of an appears In Saturdays l Edgar a living In Eaat Gwllllubury was brought Mr Shield J P on Tuesday charged with decent on Davis a girl years of age on Monday The waasudiclrnt to commit tho for trial last Sunday largely attended Halt being lilted Mr occupied tha and stirring ajitcchts the of temperance Ihe Scott Act In particular made by NJ Beckett Terrell Jacob It Johnson Williams Mitchell Mr Kills Hughe gate of courage roe and also read a very ate of and ifiotbcin for killing thistle Mr corrtd in Mr views and added some remarks Mr advised barley sowed on follow and then wheat giving his therefore The discuutoa which waa very waa continued by P SouJes Clark and Phillip Mr toko then the meeting in an able and accept able the admiLility and of tree planting the substance of which we sbaUl endeavor to give in our next lasae Ieunt Clark Webb and Hose also spoke on this subject the creamery be profitable to the milk pro ducer is the subject fordiwuuion at next meeting Trie Dont bo in too big a hurry io expecting warm weather if it is Spring An old in this Town of years experience gives the follow tog in formation as the of of phenomenal to those that lat tbe Northern Lights Sabbath evening the of the Sun on Monday We need not look for oar cold winter weather disappearing for two or three week yet put your Iambi In your root houses to keep warm No doubt people ready to to the winter which been an one and are prepared to welcome Spriog with the followed by green field trees and flowers Although extremely aold advantage are derirM winter ing remarkably goJ for several which firmer luuibermeu and other to make tepid head way with their work which iu an open winter has to be douo uiler dillsculties We Lout J wait for and to what wo bar for it Is well to remember that It takes more than the scorching summer sun annoying and Alea to render us supremely happy The thermometer during past week as follows morning he has opened a flour and feed storo along ill hams and bacon May he succeed in his venture A man named Wabb Vaugbsit about years of sge died at the Home Saturday Also a man named Fred Williams about year of age died at same place Wednesday A mortgage sale of a faun takes place in Town tomorrow in a Lane yesterday the abafts This is the second supply van that has come to grief while serving customers in this part of the Town week Mr is bound to make somebody pay the damage The special meetings held iu Christian Church are being attended with interest and will be continued next week Sale Register April letMr AW Hear will tan Important ailo or stock- lfnptcmeiiUetc lot No of credit on sum for bay taruls or per cent per Bale to commence at oclock sharp J Auct April John wilt have nit Important of stock on lot In 2nd kin of months At twelve oclock sharp- Jus- Auct Catarrba Yen the moat extraordinary success that been achieved In medicine has attained by tho lfxon treatment Out of WW treats six njlly ninety per cent have of lifts mal ady when It remembered that not fi a per cent of pa th regular practitioner beneatted the patent euros a cure t nil with the cdlm now generally belle by that doe to living the a adapted hUeoro to their IhiiaccoinrlUhut practically cured and Is cure arretted htm four still No alt has this treatinent ha ever euro I catarrhs Thaappllcitlonof Is be done At present of trie year Is the favor aho and cure ttie majority of Ihe cases at shoud correspond MUh A A Kin and ancloM stamp for their AVr IT curia laf to red ay IP Business Notices uttderfAfiAriJd per Voncaffce for Pro Lows recJtajmcudiU erup tion chafe chapped Worm flea removed worm from IS toll feet In It destroys all Hind Of WOfQla for Wo uuderatand Cook has stcuivd for the which The Is pronounced by all good Judges to be lo any tencent the All lover of a should not fait him a call try Juitly celebrated brand lmJl Kim Animal On Saturday of Whit church sold a thoroKrcd Durham Hull Dixie weighing lbs to Bond of Town for 90t7i- live He an of what we In York and la now way to the Old Coautry Includ ing animal were Monday we are that it was the finest lot of that left there parti for yesnr but we are to learn that Mr Bond out of a sale may a fall In prices The returns from the Couoly of Vork for the three ending ltteflrch were puUUhid in last week and They way l3 as foltowai l ft The flues u were of which were These appears to bare been orders for Fire are Aurora 3 from from 1 from and the from and West York- to and our pars led brethren regard to the of the world a High Mass In St Church la this Town Tuesday for rrpose of soul of Mr Baldwin slater of the of Father fiheahsn celebrant of the IS of father wihlte It Mailer of Thot Power and P Toronto la the Division Honor at the Court hero Friday which was very attended at there being scarcely room There were 16 Special Id Judg ment and Sum on the the at 10 oclock all when proceed rioted at cue stood ad pjuiutd to futuro Court The legal frater oily present Included J Hill MHHgao L Woodcock a number of were of The that occupied any Irnglh of time that Wm Suth erland of sgalnt Cry- alerxuiui If I of plain tilf was to the value of Mine shingle ujton Ml The the were cut of bis lot and there no evidence contrary The defendants alio claimed that when found they wire nut un lot although the had sgretd with him for the timber that they to the land with him which he to do alio do were to place any value on timber sapped to have been taken from plaotitTe lot and Judgment fender for defendants A Importance one In which money oyer In J belonging to David by by of Bradford It retted mainly on llnla law regarding Iiyof a ttemotoil certain The mow Jovial fact than any other suit It appears that being not faadaset- aod Anally turned op that led to any tnount of bickering and hard Judgment for pFalntlff The ault of of particular to farmer The plalu tiff claimed for taro steers bought byblrn from at an advance of he for The defendant claimed that would not hive sold cattli at the lime only that had a note pay on first of which he proved that he did piy 4 rtonfor4elllDg to the agent at the lime sals but not sending for the animate sold them sgalo the the purpose for defendant National Act upon the liver regulate bowels ami a are itilld thorough A Plant of Stare Virtue I Hie the and thecninpcund tera blood liver If Van icTiriiKsr try but one dollar will da Incjlcuiutle good 11 will with that llrod feeling Mciae Kmulalon or ViltoCi idvcrtI with In Incipient eremt reruedlnl rovreraofgrott It beal lUelrrlLullunf the pure tin I her inroads by beau Hern or in anyway and heat It la AlarkoaCarbollctVr ate having anil ho you get A Cerate Trice gen uine They and euro to remove nil variety Kimilloia adapted the that mini- ftu In many of be to their ex Alwnysaak fat PliosphorlatHl and sure you get It Jacob A that he with lingering and adla that ho gladly rommtod It to all a tough night longer re will soothe the lo allay litoflmnnilouarl re moreover speedily heal pulinouayy organs give you health Yellow OU touches fight every lime or It is equally fallible JaaBrayUy gor Cure and ftmud that I not to go to New York or toned llvljag witnesses of IU valuer we have pleoty of right to prove It helped Indigestion wy one be I have taker- near wtapd sal any without may that am better thaaavr impeded lobe News from Holland Landing Baud practice ThurIay evening Huge time at the depot Thursday evening A of bays the Landing are troubled with a very bail We tocorrivt a atiteiueot mil in last week a the party at Mr In the first place it waa on Friday inatwd Saturday secondly present was full and if Mr W returned home In that condition he did not get it at One more Improvement for the Landing that telephone lion It to bo eitablisbed the brkk and the Hotel It will ment the old plau of calling up the boys will save sh leather the commercial traveller struck town v a seal plush doing up Mr of Wishsgo has rented premises formerly occupied by Mr Ha intend carrying an eitenaire nod shoe We that the mill ptoperty been purchased by a Toronto who intends to thoroughly refit the and to do a next aiou f returned home last week her holiday at Mr The contracted Is a severe through a little which hap- at Mora Park March Stth White Will are all the Mr to had provide a sbrtapilc People for hiving latiVa in they think too Inquisitive Mr Hairy spent Sunday at Willow A to he hew It ia a to the whit be to shave the additional have teen I reef ed In Church the attendaiuv has very laeieawJ- AH title I rot to accommodate the rig S T Items Mr John uiit four yea in left for on Tuerdiy A lecture of Interest h is to be given In tha Church night The subject la John Wesley Ms life and by a pictures shown the aid of a powerful The of Ancient Egypt A of places of public Interest groups of comic moving figure etc are also to be at the close of KM Is to occupy the an overl ing of pleasure sod profit may bo Anticipat ed Iter John Lynch is not getting any bet ter Charles very all being given up by Pearson libera Stephen to la very poorly but li able to bo around Mr by Silver been buying horse Mr Peter Belfry for other Mai got for team John McMillan for 125 for liornr Mr Aoderwa was In this week resi dence was Mount Albert The rtiiiiislershiaelSer circuit white our minister his Jottings from Day id town a fttmatkt Sharon and TV lhddK day evening Quite a nonber present and rpent a udHsi The reading of the Scraps by Mrs IU Phillips caused mocK merriment j and Muter maiden speech received lections rodaic iaatrameoW by Mrs Stokes end Mrs A Willson helped the The member of Society Intend giving a public 10 entertainment on Saturday the April Items th 1 A was gletwa the Methodist Sunday School lay evening The chair was by Mr Marshall After a te had partaken of and the coo to entertainment and Mr Jaknaof New market was called to the platform and after making a few brief remarks on the character of the program already of proceed ed to give an to climes of the South He wound up a pleasing and profitable dlsaoourao by giving entitled THe Modern Church Mr Ik his sister one the We ate The morning he started for home the train to him to Churchs Fall and being informed that be must wait four hoars for Ihe next train he exasper ated and starting out on fool at bis residence the Old Survey on the evening the talk ing Mr who now 00 years old mutt surely reclaim sotus of of endurance for which his noted Crist Mill la undergoing repair urdcr the of Mr Lloyd will be ready to do good work March Sutton Items AVj The omehat celebrate investiga tion to which we have several times referred through your columns has not yet coma to a but waa ailjournedto the A new given to proceeding ley as it was found on reasifmbling of the thit hid to to charge of the matters in his Mr wo Is prosecution pro tested under these akel for aud granted ad journment for one day in order to give time to procure on the aide of also the both parties appeared wilh gentlemen the ordeal of again en tered open and continued for cue day whru again until the aa Ou Saturday the the Iter Can on Kilobit for many years the esteemed pas tor of the congregation here and entered into bis rest si the advanced of How stilt is summer wave How gentle is throbbing its breast The it jtt reaches to lava Then links on Its bosom to rest Thus calm is the action of deatli On the halcyon mind of the just A gently he rifla breast As gently dissolve a them to dust Mount Albert Items Filial Era Judging from the quantity of seeddrills that Mr baa becoming better with farmer Kite of and Miss Cain of have at Mr JackMus lor a week put Mr our had a rehpv and to room for the put wo verks Mr started a and Mr shop and Mr Is a class no doubt he will work up a The Church has purchased a new from ilr John for use of is generally acknowledged to excellent Mr It It McKinaoo piiaUr a big trade dtring coming with hi little brush and has Urn engaged into since In the- finishing touch on Mr brick of the village which now pie aents of the and un- hi business thoroughly no doubt he will have Ms full Mr Mows of has put hi stock of this winter and making things hum around Wake He hasalfewly takea forgetting several frame and recently aJded to his stock of machinery a tew matcher order to be in a posi tion to meet the rf of his Give bins a Irish Inhabitant of Hill are log for Wind mill Pump and Tub over never failiug well by J X at the Oak Hotel The supply is con sidered suUVlsmt all the of that part vf the tillage house will be supplied with pip and taps which will inakoa complete system of waterwork on a scale In cave of fire it Is thought by attaching the water can be thrown over the highest Loose John Anderson who has leen ployed la Mr It storehotue fvr a number of on Sunday after a very short being bed- fut day- lie aontractcd a bad cold which Aa a Mr Anderson well liked the farming com perfect confident in Mm and as a and neighbor very highly rstierned He Iravei a wife three grown up children to mourn bis wntiuielr end he left assurance behind that ha wu to a better torn called Arabs Killed ft Buttle JOi disss ia British a rilj flcllr it ia i it a The dciperat with a fcf bat to tbirbAbQtr Tha oclock and Iho J The io Tht t7 whole force Li I SaiMtniag followers were cot op scattered about the The jelUng ft w itf- a tbe ssreba hopeless aeen was iy fired sod crept all The bush magic sad all aide The win for the a were killed fiiends Toe J sod M and fired lie ft of the enemy The also held llirir at were able being suable tog fire a irj all to arms- The though ly force which watch I Iltit The uVjI dJeJ direction loss- mast be lb or was prepared for a was March is Grahams with am t til place day or two The Arabs around Sasklni hue da courage of their hare experience 1 with sorties fion are pioring a more their in the by Stewart aod Grabitu before Gen ilVt2u eotreDched a ern west of and ieU been sent him The rebel are quel general attack at is now The GritiU killed a- sixtythree of bays women toil One killed inside tha The troopsare i of the alsin Arabs to bs A Kens preatftxJ Ik corjs and hirers are with the camels The end March Gra the of andaantro among the troops will at iraopt heat l and at Carte I of Fort Uprising in SiAdrW front Albert anil rising of wan is a swat r3 They have largo numbers of Indiana insurgents of all Car mid and threaten the Over hundred j have one from Swift Current scene of the trouble Mew will out from point Sfjuadi fitatioiiwl litre morning lino baa cut west of and to be that point by messenger Kiel baa openly the He lays he the Indiana entirely undo He the North- is a mere and 1 slrill not of arms last they remain themselves Queens authority A us- is to mid several if the Government will f strain t to unco if only for women children in Mar ions have with Col Humboldt last with Mounted on Js Mayor at t men with expected be will to fort Ninetieth of i march at hours Man March ordered ten oclock ready to for the scene bell ton One h leave early in ho morning remainder in the Field consisting a with two guns will also afternoon The total jUJg about ton is expected to the wf on

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