Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jan 1885, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JAN 9 iSS Hew Advertisement At Koch of School Book a tor 3f otitic A Kotlas to Farm for Henry Newmarket Co Begirt Felt Train Time i IP P MS a I 32 I BE FIN IS gat Aramark JAN Oar Toronto Despatch to Toronto 1885 A highway robbery locck Satordir erenlcg As Mr of fcocct and ft few his own he men ford into lane be bio tad robbed Mm of watch and chain and a cub After robUog him be left lying and when at length aaea case it bit of in two by with be had thrown to be aod be now lying his id ft rather condition regain of Mr Borrows Raymond an old were interred oo noon after the taken oat of boose bis widow who apparently health dropped down tod ft fell fits Her life of A occurred children were on ice when it hem drowsed ere Robert 8 is felt for of the the tire lost fire were The Court of his ordered of Sfttker of to go for It will be remembered list ere of ft isicjt tbe receired by from the robbery aod which he placed of the Sjeaker of in of a nhib ihcy held SiQt gar on ground thst to Gilt held it of this view wis overrated by and owners of the acre of the land at j or they might place their on market they deem more to their advantage to do adopting the former coarse however the very fiction public rumor as as the of seeking thi new aothority the of the Syndicate would become extensive landlords in comparison whose broad acres the estates of the nobility of the Old World would be Insignificant potatopatches That the Syndicate can exercise a mighty power in pressing its demands conceded and although Parlia ment will no doubt be prepared to grant legislation in the of the company so long as said legislation does not prejudice thefatureof the country we apprehend rumored demand of the Syndicate if true will be more than peoples representatives will be ready to accede Of course it is difficult to the question without having details but the pre sent aspect of the situation so far as wo have seen in public prints does not prepossess us in favor of the prop osition The Syndicate appear to be in haste to make money and pre sent indications somehow leads one to the conviction that by the time the railway completed the principal of the stock want to be in a position to make their bag and baggage from the country alto gether We trust therefore parlia ment will enter upon any further leg islation in regard to the P and the Syndicate with extreme caution The Hue of halt must be drawn somewhere and wo think that the time has already arrived to ft now TpCT hit a lite taw firci- nnos of J J u tbi of Mr a Sen ile of Toronto Ink Drops Whit rooh we hire hid colds ire qailo Sfcitifijj might bo nnr Scott bang oat a new Id Town This the Week of Prayer bell Keswick 8 Editorial Notes Tin of the Hon Mr Mr iod Mr Van Horn hive left tbe on of They will go two hundred of to roid Tti OoUrio Pacific Railway in of in to for an of their char ter u to tbem to their by shortest route between Cora will and St tod to sell toy branch aftr The Toronto be good at tbe ia experience in ire the most the Sagirbeet be elected in Town Our soil hire bet tested with great w J CI 212 fr3 CO 5 iS it 77 227 The Men they Chose North A real old- time Municipal tight in this Township resulting in the return of the follow- ing gentlemen Reeve R M Deputy Councillors Davidson andWil- lough Folio are the figures CuiJiUtej No- No I Trim East Not mora than the ratepayers knew that there WW an election The Reeve brought word to Town on Wednesday of week that all except the old Council had resigned but Mr and that the were there would bo no election received the newt from a second par ty that would be no election hence stated in last weeks issue but Mr Cunningham did not resign and an election for Councillors took place his defeat The following are the total votes 2JG l Mr J It Stevenson was elected by a majority of ten DeputyReeve Peter Councillors John Kay John and A The total vote Corner Stevenson Park Kay Doit- Jones for was fought very close Mr Thome being elected by a majority of votes The elected are We on good authority that Mr intends a protest the return of Mr Thorny for various reasonsthe principal of which is want of cation Man ning Councillors Win Campbell Samuel John If it Reeve Win Councillors Win Powell Francis and Peter Councillors Percy acclamation 1st J 2nd J Irwin and J bolder Further Syndicate Legisla tion Homo little poKllcl circle now in regard to the of Syndicate ard the trip this to the North- Wait on a tour of inspection of the P It by the Hon Minister of Railway to confirm the notion The valua of tho stock held by that Company aVrJt ard rumor It that an effort will next Parliament to this worth thai by at- to it from lWilVM Individual at in payment for Should grart authority holder of stock will bo la a position to of no belter illustration of the and ah a than firm of Ferry Co- Detroit Mich From imU thirty ago have built by to of furoithiog the beat obtainable ill talent Canada sod icil to furtlitr tbe free of the Hi pi gts display order of ability I J IS General to exeriac loyal of raercy by a to 1olUrJ who for jirifyOQtd in intelligence tttegnp to Pol lard Kew Day a THEiiamiotioa for for a id the took place on ft Day when Mr was Mr u lote- The took place but we tre unable to a tato of poll lul at the of going to We to tint tbe award of arbitrators re City of County of girei on the Jmtkj and about cut of an negation of itiveralfle and ton to tbe City to the of County exacted to bare the larger TUB that tba firm of Co had a En that city recently to tie aintijtoeati of the Northern IVific Hallway As areault it that road Kill be for The lie- nil Parry Sound sod frtru to a of about Personal Mention The has op lira bill tionof the laogt If Scott hose a on tb5 Msrysbrisitbgith Mr A returned from a Tint to Ryan of Almonte new teacher of thfi Separate School Mr Thomas of Bradford late of was in Town yesterday Brown has relumed his iiaprored Mr and of Staynty are with his son Mr J OMalley- Messrs aodSWa on of the vers in Town Mr Shiron his op his reidt in Town Bo for the OH to his goods Mr Jr of the firm of J Fin- Norwood nailing at Dr Scotia Dr P P for the Mr boom but Sitorday John typo left lor to Monday morning to fill an In Angus Ego Esq Cluk of in Town yesterday He report big at- at Georgina Mrs Dr Nash was partially wjtb gas Monday owing to closiDg too tightly all the dampers the coal stove One of the Army drummer boy has been promoted to sergeant of this corps Hank in better marching order in future Esq of Richmond Hill Inspector of Weights sod paid an official eisit to this Town Wednesday Mrs Wakefield Irwin of Iowa former Miss Emily faros was the goeat of Mrs and Mrs Bond last Son- day Cbailotte Roger who been friend for the in and Toronto returned home on Sew Years Eva For two weeks Master It started id his fret bat affects bis bead and abo his entire Mr A Rogers Martha lichen and Matron of College and Esther of Toronto were Week at Kogera On New Years Era Town food at Station gave another valuable member of the who bid entered into matrimonial bits- Mr John of a to C for a Daily Sun of Dec 31at the of 1 noted in Win- daring a of its and a splendid of the New We would our readers food of to tend for a copy The frieudi of WRHar ris both lVote5ants as well as while at Ms will regret to tbat tbe ArcbBUhup has him of iluliftn to tbe of St He electa to be in on and will take formal farewell of bU here No doubt St Church will be crowded to exceai on that occasion Quite Dumber on the sick lia Mrs Wo Mrs A are from woK- of tbe who has autfering from inllammtion is or Mr is low with a fvcr Mr recovering from an ottck sore Mr little boy En an with a fever by a Mm of Mr It A Smith of tills been ber ability so wellknown beie it children for an She bis Infant Jiuodiy hun dred And item referred to aUles re etc of tboao entire Her many friends here will to trued to ltaro her excelleot is not dormant In adopted home The exports for the month of were 1000 eta of of 1000 bushels of of earn and rye tons of and feed of floor cattle sheep and 105116 lbs of general A man named the one thai wM burnt out at the Sooth of the Town lift walked up Fri day morolcg a his shoulder On entering the station it was thit both of bis were one very badly A couple of very kindly took Mm out doom finding some snow thus serious was about an hour before he lud con trol of his fiogera of the Committee appointed recently to take up euhscriptions of stock in Beet Root Factory to be in will be held in the Council in Town on the 21at at oclock or immediately after the close of Agricultural on that day It is to be hoped those to whom Pros- been sent will mskeageueral of tbeir localities at Fox fob There was net much tooth Shop the Town limits at the election for in East and buyers and a few others at the North thought weald go over and bare a little fan bat the right of the Constable armed with a rifle protecting the was too much for them and they hid to be contented with cracking a few and a good laugh Lent begins on and ends April entertainment takes place in the Church on 3rd of The prise In Gift Enterprise wu drawn by Miss Allien of Whitchurch and the by Mr Eck of Aurora During his absence on Holiday Mr his choice collection of bitten by the frost Mr Harry Wood has been removing and repairing bis dwelling on street this week Mr Rhine hart is buying lire coons at the North End at fair prices Newmarket Gun Clod A shoot ing match took place at on New Years Day In which Dr beaded tte by nine birds Immediately after the match a Gun Club was organized with following officers President Mr Vice Dr Secretary Mr Captain Mr Bailey Match Goffer A T and Pearson A match is to take place Xewmaiket neat Wednesday between tbe pick of the Club aud a team from Toronto in no doubt considerable interest will bo man ifested new contract has been awarded to Mr for half d for the half much better atteutton this week than for a length of time SOPPED annual sap per of the Carrier Boys to printer of Era office was held on Monday evening at of Mr It was quite a pleasant indeed the Mr are proverbial for their sociability annual supper of No Engine Company wHth their to take place at Hotel night A good program is being prepared by the Committee and no doubt the boys will all be band A regular session of the Division Court place at tbe Court today There are cases fa all entered for this Court which are new judgment summonses and S adjourned suits but only will defended and are cot served The will not likely last long Chance Having decided to reduce the stock a targe quantity Ware with reliable watches are to be told by public auction at Atkinsons Jewellery Stoic tomorrow This sale is to be continued each Market at oclock is a grind op portunity doubt many will take advantage of ANOTHER IWPBOYMEHENT The Chatham being for next season wilh a folding binder which operated by a from of driver and a difference of It inches in the width Mr head agent here of this selfbinder bis warerooms are removed to building opposite the For Hotel Look out for Advertisement next week For complexion tan akin use Prof lows lm Yo and Best On of Its mud great power Bar dock Blood Bitten cheapest and best blood cleansing known alt disorder conditions of blood and Fluid Li only core for and It does not take a day or an boor to curs Id but In less than a ah Is rone hare tested Its merits wltbtn the part year Fluid la also a cure for worst poetlbld casea been cared In one week Sic Store for Alt For all of the blood kidneys and bowels Blood Bitters It and is always beneficial Worms Often Tbe cam Is Dr Lows Worm 8yrUp ex Am two hundred killed in Andalusia pain by the recent earthquake English and European generally reported m being almost a total failure and high prices for Canadian exports predicted throughout remainder of season Jan The bylaw or granting aid to tho Niagara St Central railroad by guar Band At regular of the Town Band last Saturday evening the in new year the fol lowing officen were duly President Mr- Fred Trotee Mr Jackson- Leader Sir- Mr Egbert Cane Auditors The Leader and Trustee A vole of thanks was pa4ed to Mr Mac- donald for his and laborious ervicea during the past year and a on the part of the member to for a grind concert to ruuuiertte for his extreme and gratui tous SAsibticcc Separate School a meeting of the Board tut Tuesday evening all the members being present the following were for the yar Chairman Sir Thomas Secretary Mr Span on Finance Messrs Spen cer and on Management Messrs An count of Stephen Doyle leaning and re- piirs to school was ordered and a from Ed In to money borrowed by School laid over till next meeting The Seore- tsr instructed execute an agreement with as teacher for at The The are trou blesome factors Infancy to old age and very often attenuated with pain Last Friday Mr little child bad six through the gum of four more were badly JulUmed they required lancing The little fal low has been Ioit since but with signs of improvement Mr John Gibson was the subject of a freak of nature when an infant had fourteen teeth cut through all the frame day His life despaired of at the time enough sleep with child- ren cutting two teeth at once what must it be with fourteen I Clersrxnen speakers will And lusonaPbcepborUed groat- to where thero la any ten dency to weakness of ibroti or Bronchial tubes ai irritated gives full tons stroogtb lolbe Imparts new life and vigor to enfeebled confutation News from Holland Landing rts St Concert next week Election day was lively Many oka to Hand of Landing for their extreme In Mfe- people of ths village on the of Year The Landing will ha yet to any of the American Cities as our new reeve Mr Thome has expressed his intention of planting trees and many other I per cent for improvements We him twenty year on of the com- success bonds was carried here today Jan A mob of fire hundred men attacked Salvation army meeting last battered down tho doors of hall The po lice finidlj drove mob off There was also a disturbance in the but the police refused to interfere Jan coal found at Crowfoot Crowing and tested in a Canadian yard is pro nounced for steam pur poses The railway will six dol lars per ton on the western section by using it snowstorm in ceased ever known in that State fe five feet deep on ETh fttettl tody to will consist of i consist of cavalry screw camels infantry and To bo Ladles will cure any care of ftkio on either bands or softasallk nil preparation fall- Tbouaxcda bave tesledlt for for Parkas Carbolic Cerate anil do not be to anlblnj else claimed to be per box at Store honed vital forces aw strengtbened tbe system bout up by Bur dock Blood Bitters It acts on bo bowels Uver blood A Golden Allen of Acton Yellow Oil It best the world for colds sore com- Her opinion well Province of Ontario every year thou sands are slowly murdered by taking unsuitable untried mi com plaints as indigestion plaint kidney troubles etc might easi ly lost and energy by McGregors Speedy Core To wnvlnoo tbem Is will give tbem a free trial at Price and a ee testimonials from persons in own town Yet Tbe beat bloftlclenniur known to science Ld Burdock Blood hitters blood of all foul and give to the weak Aurora Items Special to Mr Wilton of wss the purchaser of the Cobb Estate on tbe 3rd Coo Mid by auction for The Winter Convention at Lloyd- town is to place on tho and 29th and a Special Conven at Keswick on 2nd add 3rd of Feb A meeting of Com- of York Association took place at last Saturday Kink is meeting with great is Arable Tub Following is the the thriiusiucttf fot Thurwlay morning above Saadiy 32 iluiily Notwithstanding thaw in wc our January thaw the weather really looks as tbough our tie tab ioi will be very this winter The rosvla bare been rough rain On a Ono of old Home draws a three month He went to the city Friday and got his portion on Saturday Mr was coming upon tbe same train that he bad been too freely Induc ed to Intrust ly after life Town he contrived to get tbe money from Mr by he wonted a pair of boots Mr went with him and purchased boots at a giving the balance The old wan walked happy but a day or we that he aiul jaunel for In a before leaving Town informed he Under every time he draws bis pension Tilt J Is day Sir John to be turn- tag a new yet Is not an stable to ale of Mm for once be ictt the on January MA repared lie public Now lli i jiit ai be and thereby aave money but wo cur the propriety of tendering Lin Jic to the where its would more at d for the same Tim of lut week to the effect that Kir JxioKofo accepted from to carry election TLt aaue journal It could tell where lbs money bow the country has to It We aball probably have aide to tbe story before week clous what a horrible dirty the politic of its country la getting Into we to a tenth of what Is of Local and Other Items The of Church bate de cided to Mr contract on Monday ViaiioiL Saturday morning four or five bad an chaw for a white or In tbe precincts of the Christian Church It would hare a prize had secure add re at was Premier of by city council of Toronto on New Years Day Is iztde to tfa prcreat by city Hon gentleman Alderman for Ward Io l53 to active pro public Career and coo- opa the that which have ao long prevailed relation to a true the of Ontario Premier wads a happy reply and ill a Happy and Ilio annual muting of North York Union Mutual Protection for the election of etc Is to be held the on the at oclock All attend Muldoons Owing to recent ajcctaea the of Tclda special ty to Town has teen poet- posed till evening ft to be a combination and they do some bill Tickets can be bad at or At reg ular raw of the In lut fifbten took of Mr Clark of Pino Orchard gars his experience on Feeding Tbe of manure Is subject for at the next meeting on Tuesday Jan A general Invita tion la extended to all may aa laths object of order the the Club those took tlcksli of to till auoag ihU following are name a of the candidate provisional ly at the fi at Ion at Newmarket High School The minimum for Is From New market Model School Mary 332 Mary 313 Clara Carrie Prank Millard from Carrie May Win recommended Hunter from Mount AlUtt Minnie Cora Alice 352 recorntctnded Kezlo from Pine Orchard Sophia Oliver from No Whit and King recommended Mary Walker from No KingArthur J from No King Walter 333 fronl fo Wo of our Town were lively on Wednesday of week and the boys determin ed to bring the New Year in with great merriment About the Town Band proceeded to serenade rcaldenta of Town was heartily it tended to by Lloyd Councillor Terry Constable llsniner and J A till after ten oclock when the Fife and Hand proceeded on their and continued fn their inarch UN after mid night About eleven oclock the bell on the Primary gave slgoal for a general Prom that till two oclock the Town bell bell the on the Christian and Churches kept up an op with the tbe fire alarm wbicb brought a of people oat No body would And fault if the ringing kept up for an hour but three altogether too to tolerate Then the toys that rung the alarm be prosecuted Then again the rope of the Town bell and oclock on Friday morning could not be rung la the second ytMi In succession that that has Attempt to Bob the Bank A bold attempt was made on Monday night to rob the in of the Provincial Heal Estate Loan Co in ihit Toko by expert amateur Citing to the of Flood Manager from Miss Flood went the office about oclock for the of opening It and discharging of cottier but on reaching the place she was to fiud the door wide On entering find the lloor strewn ith tools and door of safe partly open The dent of the Company at once sent for and an examination took place to the was by simply unlocking the front door A half Inch hole iu ibe door of the and the look broken by of the end covered with a piece of and a I oil Some other done to handle but the ihia only the books and another burglarproof cash- box with combination lock which must the burglar to in There were tool lying around in plans which the Jiight from Mannings shop and Fultons Car nage nil of which were broken One very thud heard by Mim Montgomery who slveps over and she thinks it was after midnight She laid fuf lcunlh of lime but furthvr nIw did not give any The hjoks and not In the if intruder could got the open he have hippy a a contained between and no doubt hut the is the work of Mini well with thu whole and a alight clue in hand of n may yet the guilty party and bring him to the moil aocccss list has been achieved In modern medicine has been attained by Dixon treatment for Out or treats J dur ing past six mourn ninety per cent have been of stubborn mal ady lest when It Is rememberoJ that not Ave percent or presenting to regular ore potent record a core stall yurllng with the claim now generally belle by men that duo to iho presence living ID once adapted to their be claims Catarrh la practically cured Ihe la by yeinato are cures still No ono else baa over attempted has aver cured catarrh application of la simple cao at home present of trie year la favor- for mid iermaaetit cure majority of coes being cured at one treatment with King street ana for their treatise on catarrh- Km cty Sale Register From any who will Jr try of cure all ImpttU destroying germs see thai J sack panUhW In physical Jtn of Moid will a ftiite of liouhtrhoMriimlturCteta on Weal Jluir MM lilt Whitchurch Halo at one clock Paul miction taloot genuine American or will take place at Atklnaonj Jewellery Terms cash Hale at am and p in and to every Market Hay mid nil ttock la Auct Business Notices per Tor it v At Mrs Hill Convenient the 1 1 rf a a good liv er regulator or all an ion dm Consumption cant be cured Cherry I aa proved by forty years already advanced beyond aid Bran tbcu very treat sleep The Are remedy Is not ftl IS can come from ualng IfagMU rectors remedy throat lung It la reliable and Etaaltlgn Is very palatable sto mach Dr y Wording of Newark plain oil and acid agree better with ibe and aWe better which Oil Is Jottings from Vciii or Era On the day of tho old year a gathering of guests took place at the of Mr the occasion the marriage of hit eldest to Mr Kavanagh aud valuable present atowl ujku the bride and the happy con pie left by evening on their wedding tour received to the that the man linker turned up in liuiuor hat it that Mr John Kavan apoiiitei postmaster of rou in luu of John fltokea tp resign ed A and par Look of annual dluntr at on day the Doc Keswick Items Vfwtnartr On Saturday the the in tins village for the ensuing term with the following result Atiocfc It Scribe Ami l Conductor llro Win MarrilL ro Silas a Slater Ilro fhoa David Con Sister Minute Initio Sent Sitter Victoria Clement lubtalljtlou evening The folka expecting good skat ing on bay It the entirely gone and the Ice nicely with water Mr and of Tort Terry have been vlUug at Items The annus of the Sunday School on He Years Day at tended with the Very little Interest Wis here in election Monday Through the of Mr l J Flan- Mr at old stand having been in the pur chase some hotel In Zephyr After union of the Methodists lut of the portion the charge cuiled by the Canada and In the fall services December they were conducts by Mr J McLaren a student of Knox College who laboured tbts field during the peat summer congregation tube congratulated while heretofore It In a tented building It now has one of and that too with no for annual meeting of the Co is to take place at Mr Wrights shop on evening of the 10th There to a atteodance to elect officer for this I ii News from Tbe officers of Robertson Lodge A A No were installed on The following gentlemen fill the offices Hugh Kennedy Wright John J Dr J Chap hue Smelser Moore Secy Bolton a Cherry J I Jacob Tyler After tbe installation a splendid supper was spread by hostess Mrs Standi The leasts were drunk and a vote of thanks tendered to Mrs for tbe excellent supper The Masonic Lodge is slowly but surely in this village So mote it be Christmas New passed off quickly in village On former day there was an oyster supper and concert tbo the proceeds were applied to the Band Funds Mount Albert Items Special to Era The Presbyterian Party was pned from Eve off evening of last Tea served up in good in the Church Dr Fore was callvd to chair and speeches were delivered by the Messrs McDon ald and with by tho Church Choir The Trustee meeting wis held at the north of village on Wednesday ultimo Mr John took the chair aud Mr J It was re to act ad Secretary ilr elected Trustee There was a little sharp the dirty of the and moving the building the village It to be general feeling that near future an effort would be to have the centrally located in order to accommodate more than threefourths of the pupils reside Mount Albert Tho friend of the Franklin Church pur holding their annual Tea Meeting on Wednesday evening next inst programme will rraJingf recitation and a of the local clergy The paitorUr will alio deliver interesting lecture and ahow a number of Steieoplican Views by the aid of bis Magic Lantern was little interest manifested in the Election at this polling division on Monday Had all the dates fctool their ground there wuuld have been a lively time but there teemed to be a lot of hole and corner after Nomination day the electors got It that after it was too late aud Nomination day over a few of the wire puller head together agreed who should be the in of electors lfiueu accept the they fight it out to thu Utter cm otherwise the should decline at once that could have the chance to nominate if they thought fit If the whole election bad been settled amicably thereby election it would not been so tod but have the coat of an election between out of place Mr Hold while the act of a Kit had the to slip fall badly hurting his aide He laid up for a few tut It now around as A of not I 1 country willed a farm belonging to Mr- Clark Hear on Con near Mount Albert and it appears things have moving as smoothly might On Monday night lite of the two took down gun which wai in the bouse and the life of and family who to a neighbor fur A warrant was I fur hit arrest tut the bird had taking with Mm the gun for Town Council mcHuMAor In the Chair Lloyd ltbcrtftun bills wore presented from Collector retorted taxes all paid but or or oilier and a ei tension of time Tenders fur lighting streetlamps wore re ceived from A ltlilncbarl Audw Hunter J and Trior ranging from to per lamp night On motion Council went Into Commlttco and recommending I That bills be paid Alex Motrin tbo Council Chamber for Town David Lloyd pottage etc and pro paring Collectors Itoll for J Thatae was no municipal election here the Clerk acknowledge rrtelpiof the communication on laxuaemplton That bo allowed till the Instant returns tho tender of J If ltaynor for street lamps at per week each lamp bo accepted for the work on of Town and that the north half be given at same rate Mr having been heard on lrC for the of Council Chamber or Jbavthouaeof room m granted at rate of each iayltf mooting Jteport TTne Chairman or theFIre and Water Com reported on the account of Geo and on motion ordered The finance Corn reported reeomrnendr Armory be not removed to and also that account of he allowed less which l chargeable to the County leaving bat Town of The was adopted On motion tbe Treasurer was Initructed to pay lo each of the Selectors of Jurors for the year than adjourned frwdf In Mount Albert on the And lnltaDt or Mr Itowland At Whit rows I lie- it ic on Lloyd of pairs to boy roil proof JSiTUOJi Whereas ft Hole in of ir m December at iba rvsJenceof brides by Rev J A Rankin Phillips of to Mary daughter of Christmas Day by Elder Prosper at homo Mr Hartley to JIakqa- daughter of DreKr all North CbrUlmas Day at the residence or the mother by tbe Iter James Sir to Ada Brookeall of on the Instant by Rev J Philip A rector of at James Cathedral Toronto Captain a formerly of market to Ada or Church Utile by Elder J on Years Mr John or of to of Mariposa market on the or January by Roy Mr P Merrick of to Maggie of Sir Councilman of Holland On the by Elder of the brides slater Mr Arthur land to Elizabeth Ann Knhtnll the of rather 00 ultimo by the Iter J Adam of to JANtrdftUajhtiT or Mr William of Kln Comb In Aurora on of Mr William 2J years and tunerail today Friday meet at M lato residence at p and Aurora at Strecl bury- on the 3rd Mr Jim scare 11 mouths and 13 day a Jr- The funeral service In Monday was largely Sunday of January residence the year of to this country from Yorkshire rented farm at Corners- yenra ho bought bobouieateadon by ton Indutlrloua be buying land In thlaaiciiou very when ho In Toronto be Is al0 to loiailon Hill at of death lo extent of mAfly dltdJu1 rtYc tothody UK rvintdus wtro rcinovid to Orchard aud Che of provide for distribution of ibeKtMoatnuntl hit two eland Bell At lilt llouo Mr lk11 of Mr Thus of this Town 31ycartt not rjulto one week 111 of bis fever and Inaatntuatlon with He a realdcutof for years widely known unit high ly by the funeral which followed re- from to Newmarket a dis tance by J BelriK a of the and Masonic Orders funeral near Corporation by Town number of other to Cemetery the tuna of March luHauL widow and relative have in of entire community their sudden And Co IH COUNCIL Choir to A full FURNITURE UNDERTAKING J ROflDHOUSET WAIN STN0RTH NEWMARKET Parlor Bedroom Sets AT PRICES FINE AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS in HEARSE TAT will rccelvo careful anil j TO LOAN or common I DAVID YD At per tiklUK or Mar for Ilia Queen of of Mutual alaoror Life Court r corner Main and Markots lift tall Kail l- Pofdoaon mil viUa if Apple not bag too 10 pair Mr IB I a lJ u a 11a Oil a a Toronto Markets Floor verbal re I Kail all Wheatparuahal Butt Mil Toronto Jan U SA at a a ON on a Oil a Q a per Owl Si WoolpsrVJ 1 Mr 1 ftattaii a 013 ffewmarket Jan Notice to Creditors OF 17 o lAVjfSK3 Silo von IN Town of Newmarket HA VINO to I ay Is by li Main St North newmarket ON VERY EASY TERMS led Jr li A iiiiiiiySitK grifiitiiii ESTABLISHED raIIK poulir Wcrkly to hilt rvfMihfiM of Itaclrcuiallfoi Mrly all Cither pat -f- Its Price Hi- loc- nil A Co New York IVj ami prpjrl iAit ftjppilfiVci t 1 the Harks A I I lrM iltlr many am other fat li lrfrrntHoii without A it entitle uch notice I to of ittoul A A rue Itronlway York THE A I h will luirUu liottiof unln which ft wiih iht Ju Jurnailfu the ixn loir UK for ttj 1m rpin in 1 C Art To of fMJitlfirrl or remote- ia or of tint Illttnlumin ftm lit to to lur or tbo Mat if J fttfiltlijYlltcoiitilhutr at of current Writ lllhvkt ihornuaMy Iltyr MA or i-i- ji fL J lilt jt jtulooiiytTJmiiiiaul NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL will Wednesday Jan j tar term bird feel llsal r will ad van tomtit J any bhtory anipnaanojonio in Unltcraliy lea French nod A J It acO E re wan an tf till bo rocrc family i

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