ijillftBDlf fol Tweeds returns convictions Before J Peace for the of York to tills office by the Justices whose are annexe published Statute- J mm 0 LIST LETTERS lflisbell Hunt Mich Tier CI Iicc Jim It John Kiel HiJil inc Holer Kind Will Iluiikell Ionics Edward Price Henry J Mary J Charles Jehii ThomasIngles Tifetigi Willi 0 Cm Daniels Co Con Co Con Co Thomas Williim McNeil TIop- Robert llsr-tir- Joseph 1 Nichols Spears Dillon Murphy Itrui As nil Injury to property Abuse Nonperformance Nonpayment of Wages Statute Leaving employment December JO 1872 11 1873 131873 251873 February 1873 131873 181873 181873 1873 1873 April 1873 Juno August 131873 1873 August 1S72 May 1873 I Juno July September August o III Mm J Stole Go Hugh Did A A I A J It i A li II le John J Edward CO 1 1 Not Paid Not Yet Paid Not Not Paid 00 ontl810diwrjje Paid Complainant for Duels To tO els to Township ire Why I LAZARUS MORRIS CO Celebrated Spectacles vl ore to allaimi tbyte round to el months Bound Bound to keep th 1 smart Bound to keep One in of York Township Complainant Tor Damage Pino not yet Paid days in Compliunl County Treasurer Sent to Gaol Treasurer REMOVAL MRS BOND I lis I I Millinery Goods A Styles nf HAT AND DRESS MAKING MISS it of- April of Peace 1 io ie iii J TOST ARTS AN IJiJlEXSE OF AND E MARKET HE AT E E I FOR THE FALL WINTER TRADE THE Arrival of Seasonable CO LEE Spokes Kims So SPRINGS AXLES WHEELS Sri- flrinl In ami Slot BELLOWS ie ITEMS AadiCJiloeUiiel 1110 Rev ouod J ll I- It lie bh little relioiv was in o lll It 111 by lo able liorto Me above reiUlt Dr was called In and set the fractured limb flu sufferer is now doing as well as could On day as accident occurred near lonibip Rao ofllietowiisliip above mentioned valley with bis si and several other parties and He ho 11 they acre on the and whocl passed over dim of lit y Dominion at Aurors is its Erst the Free del La ramily ALSO FIRSTCLASS SEWING MACHINES CHEAP FOR CASH AT A CAMPBELLS JAMES Chemist and Apothecary sod and I a in his back riding showed bo one the leading members i profession is of tho most graceful end skillful in th ly Josephines equestrian its were good The Livingstone Ureal and gave till satisfaction to the audience performances are exceed well executed and in a goner lily of performi I Ml He Of till r Johnny Rivers make provoking they are from vulgarity The trained dogs under his supervision performed several amusing feats The young acrobats Jean cud Willie La Rue require to be seen to ho appreciated Their daring acta coupled with their op 11 present Payors o lop is alone worth if dnit loo end his equestrian act worn Willi no oat Several Una little loved Up the link Blight 1 a speciality Silk and Data Par and lily and Equalled by Surpassed by bought large they great worthy of inspection by those who desire ooj MRS BISHOPS Caps Ladies Fur Sets e dmr etc lire forth i in olalaod olutlcl LAMPS IN GREAT VARIETY CLOTHING AND TO workmen the Mil is welcome lb one wbonill cull in and view tho goods at the SIGN OF THE the outside- will he given produce CO that 700 of the Alo wis hue iUr JAMES i