W trio It paid To In postpal ft 14 10 entitled In on color nod cannot he purchased at Art for lew than to offer Kill only remain open Iho ft p III bo at lb for I pant TO Tbd man three mootha on trial will find marked on their pap the of tho llmo paid for and they wish t JPlJIsrll return to Hill I thai tie tied will bo J a may bo Be The Excursion of lie Season NEWMARKET TO AND OWES XPAJC Committee of Management of the above ri ON FRIDAY AUG 1873 FIVE AT THE FALLS NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS according to law THOMAS It MCLAUGHLIN 0 and dlj I i- TAUOli Practical miVcloMevI v I I Vl known affinilywilh he has long joint to ihii suspicion It is that Iho Glottis in tbla being party to drive them on be furtherance of Its own cor have either the or their organ aver hesitated lopuriuo without any k their own Interests of those either of country the Investigation ihnt tlo Government way tfittt they hare meet care fully guard ed tho Interests of country then no langungo loo some- for llioso who In the interest foreign or for parly purpose is Hid jcopTirdiEo a notion JULY 31 Editorial Kculcpj of tU that 3wTilIo A m hero on initont on Mr fitl Kttileby and QUnfilh tho former loithwist wind blowing of had tho In fitor but ihclr opponents to bo best winning game lifter an hours of for thorn to win tho tho third fol lowed In minutes fourth In thrco John I of Huntingdon Charges is regular or this proper tribunal with proper authority have hut little materia upon which to found opiuion At present we have nothing before us but the voluntary and evidence of a man who lias apparent ly been bribed by Messrs Huntingdon other betraying entrusted to bin in strictest confidence Wo are to tlink that those who would pander to cupidity of a rascal like to betray for mere greed tbi in the th revolutionary war tariff of tho Toronto cabmen bag en regulated American reapers out ahead in great trial at tho Vienna Exhibition has been appointed pal of Agricultural College at Tho Canadian team have carried off priiea at Wimbledon meeting They lost tho cup return of Hon Gibbs for South is to bo protested llio The cholera lias used up giving them too much work and druggists of other placoB have beer Bent for The London Herald remarks lhatli is to bo Georgo Browns Bow Pork experience that makes him bo proficient in the raising of slock The of Persia has returned to his home account of the death of his mother An insurrection is reported to have broken out in his dominions Boston has a debt of yet the pcoplo arc not contented debt is considered a municipal necessity which ensures tho future prosperity of Dr for nineteen years pa Commodore of Toronto ltoyal Can Yacht Club was with a A of flit Board Id oil Monday and The ntu- coram report which was tender for painting building wis accepted Mr account of for whitewashing and ordered to bo paid board then A man lamed Charles employed In had right arm badly Injured by com ing In contact with a also his hip on Friday lost It that lo threw himself up backward on to table inking that taw was in Dr Forrest of Mount Albert dressed wounds and hopes of saving tho arm from the amputation to Niagara mis arc about perfected for to Niagara Falls by directors of lb Institute The trip will bo address and an KxCoi s badgi thoo n of his retire Win Lloyd ho Jolin On Friday lott a team of the lacrosse club visited this no did no go from homo to bo beaten having victorious in mate The first gaipo was won by Bradford boys in thirty minutes which stato of affairs put our boys in mind of Richmond Hill but most an of a better account of ihemielvepallhong the roughness of ground prevents good play being made on either but allowed performances to be gone through with promiscuously and generally which was rough on tho boys as well lis on their at the conclusion of the however none of the players were ready for a state of the ground evidently contributed lo the sue- Bradford players the first game who were used to it for during the game tlcy were kept actively en- iu defending their gaol but inules gave it to Newmarket The third and fourth games were also won in one minutes respect Our toys hod undoubtedly jA innre liar with the ground At the con clusion of tho mutch which was witnessed by a good number of Bradfords residents including many of the fair cheers given by the Newmarket club for their opponents who arc a set of jolly good fellows which were heartily return ed following the names of the players who participated in match 5o Between four five hours will excursionists at falls The rip oil from Toronto will be delight of It u little bet- fair iufereucethat goods would steal yet judge of Prom the American papers wo learn at the genius who figures so prominently the Pacific Railway scan- in sort of secondhand Jim of the redeeming qualities of thai gentleman We understand that Dr J J Hunter ready lo conic forward as for the in the House of Commons DESIRABLE like located I in the village front and c loo by plenty of apply to WELLDIGGING It THRESHING MACHINE OWNERS The undersigned having secured the right for York County for the sale of Threshing Machine Equalizers with on terms BOARDERS WAITED accommodated with good pur week by Applying to BUGGIES FOR SALE himself but the whole matter there arc points that imprccs themselves forcibly on our notice First the of the charge made by Mr Huntingdon was that had into will certain Americana to sell them the for the Pacific Railway for a stated sum Now as far as we have any evidence from or otherwise it irreaistably points to the conclusion that instead of government having trafficed with Americans as to the awarding of the con tact the firm action of the government and especially of Sir John A com- the entire withdrawal of the Amori- from the business that this is the absolute truth will be denied by of tho scoundrel rendering himself a tool easily pur chased to join in a plot for the injury of Ministry Secondly would be a worse thing t allowing of Americans to pa if the Government lideration whatever hud awarded tractto Sir Hugh Allan by the for any which the interests of the country but this is not alleged by any m on the contrary it is held by thos best qualified to judge in a matter like that the terms of contract are so strin gent and the interest of the carefully that capitalists be procured to enter on the work without further concessions being thei all the clamor of the Grit about The Americana were not allowed to have contracted it was let most to the country What more Others spoken of but gentleman dont be in hurry Mr Dodge has not yet resigned Petitions in regard to tho way affair seems to bo all the parts papers praying The sabbath school picnic was held in lb beautiful grove on the Waken or Inst and was a most affair A leaters am were provided to occupy the tion of the parly which must have num about person DOTS Secure year tickets for the Tbi Sonkrvllla boys log operations on nasi on tld tTeaing of Aaron preached In Church evening Mr I Silver offers for sale his dcilrable located on Mill Stmt Mr George Mortimer druggist of tans of bis famous cholera to stgnint waters in tho bed of the creates unpleasant odor and judge unhealthy ones Mr has removed office lo hi residence the formerly occupied by Dr HunterTimothy Street Star Is still dresied in attire Gorgeous and gay clearing slill continues Harvest la 0 Homo thrashing as on Main Street Saturday lore binding to bo done by the Reeve Tho Rev Thompson of mducta the in St Pauls Church Sabbath next at Usual hours Division Sors of Temperance numbers members twenlytwc ones having been initiated during tin of of No took ledge on Sat tail resulting in foIIosjcgsUffof being elect- think Woodcock Franklin Alva A of Mr Holland Landing run hy f inn I- Of last week Join tiro the Pest position and Brother Mark appointed A Bee other wcro not made bat it is wall M pleasing to notice that a better and more saliablo staff could not been selected and I think lodge to see the necessity of efficient and Tbs of Jo to the of which should have been given to new member of to the office of commend itself to every man with cause In this section being old In Temper- although not to in years prompt and puih to carry institution to as successful an iisue as has been inaugurated by the of Worthy Chief and having on his thobeoefilof Single no doubt will add much to attract the ladies in the good cause Warren per and killed all of Other devoted things filled to liberally provided Messrs- Jacob John run Guoig Hunter and others pass off which they The presence of the Newmarket band added On Tuesday of Inst week the employers at sawmill held a picnic the supply of toga having been finished cutting The scholars of St Pauls church sabbuthsehnool has presented Mrs Ramsay pie of pieces of plate a pot Rest top WKABr The putience of suffering humanity at least that portion which runs potato ought to be and those till deny eve day after day con- we would say Secure a dozen a them up for a few days or a k until they are hungry cuouh to eat broken planter for Chrlctir P II Hall Our boys played In the positions during the Me match ploy- ig homo with his usual ability Messrs A Sutherland and acted umpires Commission to investigate charges while in others they ask that the r bo investigated before the House clubs dined Lams Hotel the as usual keep ing up reputation of the house and is needless to say full justice was done nt edibles- The Irrepressible EraBtus Our neighbor is at it again Another joke at our expense has been attempted The week he announced ply in the field brought out thefolli extremely witty paragraph We give it so that our readers may witness the ex traordinary jocular powers of the editor the Era who is the respected Reeve of jarket wouldbe of North the handsome and the other membi the endeavored to make our at home They returned in the evening pleased with their visit Last Friday a friendly game of cricket is indulged in between the club Aurora nnd this village which resulte victory for the former by 5 runs and wickets to spare The following ore from the shameless mouth of himself that months since he with Sir John AMac- and also where the STRAYED OR STOLEN view of having his silence purchased that his implied threats were treated with and the adventurer himself set at defiance also amply evident and nothing we should imagine could give stronger assur ance of the complete rectitude of the Gov ernment in the matter of the Pacific Rail way conlract than this action of the Pre mier had the intentions and conduct of the Ministry been as ascribed by the Glols it would surely have been at least easy for them to have purchased iufbrroers for the Grits to procure his York We apologize to our readers for not giv ing them warning that we were going to publish the above but we hope they will survive the shock as bravely as we have done We presume his own readers are used to that sort of thing ere this But seriously speaking we would ask our learned and witty brother to rise and ex plain for the benefit of the public where the point lies in the humorous item quoted fat that he From the premises of the subscriber W lhc ligation mil tint the parly supporting the or about the a small sized red Government used money in the elections white cow Any person giving such tarn of Information as will lead to her recovery views and whose policy waa in harmony the will be suitably rewarded July Joun L It BLACKSMITH SHOP AS HOUSE BEST ON STREET either do t like around been the echo of his own voice which heard and the laughter of the little boy- was evidently provoked by tho lates joke iu regard to the firemens excursion The originality of the Era editor Is something remarkable mnch more s than his profundity of wit an instanc Iris article on the Pacific Railway Scandal in bis last issue was simply a rehash of Globe leader no new ideas or points But then that 1 THE SCHOOL BOARD of ECllOOl llOUIJO mi th way those will die Best remedy out Who is no rest for the weary Echo with field Rumor says that they are becoming very proficient in the game They think nothing now or throwing the ball from one end of the new ground to other and when they put a little extra send it so far that it takes a boy hours to and bring it back boys generally lively when sent after anything bile it keeps tuo ablebodied men busy of greased lightning is hardly a eon lo their rapid movements from part of the field to the The is said to be nil burnt of close to th ground through the friction cause by immense speed in running Whether not Newmarket Council A regular meeting of Newmarket Council was held today evening the Reeve in the chair Present Conn Roadhouse Sutherland d Minutes of previous acting read and approved Mr Cront before market hours was referred to tin Market Commit lee The chairman Committee reported that a loai chairman of the Road and toward village i Conn Roadhouse gave not Charley Barry of ran a yard footrace with I Jackson of the place on Saturday last for lc and won easily A North Gwillimbury toper drank some Bell whiskey the other day While drinking it he a torchlight processiou was going down his Tommy Gardner son of Mr T Gardner Hill who had his arm fractured tho other week by falling from a fence nearly recovered from the effects of Mr in this being sold Market way Call at the establishment without delay The of the building at Bradford is although edifice is not finished was built in frosty weather last fall A few days Mr J of thia village killed a which weighed when dressed fifty pounds This is what most peop consider a preltv good lamb ther day a man from the THE AX FATAL In the Cleveland we find the atory of the two people who met with their deaths by being swept over tho Falls last week We as of tlTese couple is ap pear in the Buffalo papers doubtless taken from the marriage found among their effects were John Elliot and Mar garet The latter name is John hi father lives at Euclid creek ten miles cast of Cleveland The father of the girl lives in the town ship or Willoughby five or six miles of the Creek The young was nineteen years and perhaps a year The family to city from Canada a little more than a year after went to Euclid whera ployed on the of Mr sprang up between id young Emerson ied It Rl OS Cakes the Mechanics the The entertainment held 11 on Friday evening of Star Temple wa fill the attendance being limited How ever the and pleasantly Mr Alex Muir pied the chair which he filled with ability his opening remarks 11 appropriate and pleasing pieces were played Cook and Mis Harriet Jackson art J exceed pianoforte by Hoi of iu expecting too much of human that men would sit idly by and suffer themselves to be systematic illy A lt bought out by their adversaries The mtutlei by is made by the of w Iter mat candidates through the country was well j known source of the supply is I Q recklessly not so well j it may be wore tho books of Northern Banish papers a marriage to Railway American we should definitely Prince Arthur ifinda key to the mystery The determined of Great Britain and Princess and syslemdtio opposition over given to Thyra and hat the bo J our own scheme by the Grit leaders to- made public fa umpires were Mr Jackson and Br while Mr A Muir and Br noted as scorers Tho clubs lunched between innings on the grounds Horry supplying the where- withal to refresh tho inner man Stab The following arc the officers elected tp serve during the ensuing quarter T Wm McMaster jr John Cook Ohas Simp- son Robertson John Howard Elder Garhutt A W I Patterson G W A Alex and Mr latter giving on of poetry fritlid My tpn i iur original piece gave a Mist accompanying piano and was encored Mrs sweetly sang Loves Request and received en enthusiastic encore Mr Walter Roe played the accompaniments Mr Muir again treated the audience to laughterprovoking the entertainment concluding with the singing of the national anthem The event of evening was running off of the election generously given by Mr Wm jr for the benefit of the lodge during of Pine Orchard going through the till in store Shoeleather was imme- requisition We hope maybe a the fellow To see a man rushing frantically around his garden bareheaded and the air filled with brickbats pieces wood member of the tribe has been igS potatoes without permir- John Holder of Aurora caught a in picking the till in Mr ire the other day Mr Hold promptly held htm the who gave George Sutherland from Allandale and on being brought before a J P was committed to gaol The other day some person borrowed but forgot to return a crowbar belonging B Morrison who resides on the Frank would be willing to let them have the use of it at any time if they will only return it In regard to the attempted burglary at Mr Hanmers hotel noticed last week we understand that we were slightly in error in stating that Mr retired to bis room but tho contrary that gentleman endeavored to catch the fellow and acted in the coolest manner possible although unarmed at the time The cricket club are now their muscle This afternoon a match game will be played Benedicts vs Bachelors on the agricultural grounds and to morrow a picked Eleven goes to Aurora to play the returned match This tim they feel assured they will victors at swinging the willow mote it be The way of the transgressor On Monday an inebriated person fell from the high sidewalk on Timothy Street and narrowly escaped having his neck put out of joint High persons Ehonld not traverse high sidewalks unless protected by a high railing This is item all about a fellow who had a high old time The Banner continues hammering our village contemporary on mutual understanding arrangement it gard to celebrating holidays In touch of copying municipa reports it wants the more testimony promised produced but doubt he will able to give plenty of it that A train was thrown from the track of the Chicago Rock Island Railroad the other day crushed and trampled under foot by flinty- hearted parents of flight for all lhat seem ed worth loving for and of death in each others cataract to be added That John broke open trunk and stole fire hundred dollars of hi fathers money to give himself a lift ii the world with The parties last week taking si a train for buffalo on the Jake shore Rail road Miss joining him at ffil- loughby It is ascertained- they went to- Buffalo and either there or in Canada procured a marriage though it they had not yet been married when they embarked on that fatal trip Rollinston had an aunt liring near ills in Canada and tho couple had visiting there a day or two A young brother of was alio staying and he was the boy lost in the boat rent over the Falls accom panied the party on the excursion When they went upon tho river for a pleasure ride they were warned to keep- the shore and as they valued their lives to keep out of the resistless current Carelessly rowing fioataug along their was imperceptibly drawn into and when they realized their it was too late More swiftly each they were hurried on to the verge of the cataract and then the fearful ended their young lives Mis Gertie was lively for for each candidati are At the of the poll votes stood The elect time the canvas doing his bast to of the poll the Miss Cook 168 Miss Miss Wood The successful candidates turned thanks to tho electors for their bind support each making lheirrseiden speech of course robber and the The engineer Mm The old Hotel Ottawa built in and at one time occupied Sappers and Miners as barracks troyed by fire a few nights since racing horse Bi Thcbellsused as a signal for closing the Vienna Exhibition every evening having bee found insufficient an ingenious- has invented a steam foghorn this trumpet is eight feet long and pro portionally wide and with a steam the metal of some fifteen- pounds the performers can wake up in the exhibition Oc- for diversion they put on 1 pressure of four atmospheres which rouse deaf old ladies thirteen off The New York Tribune cities two re adable cases of cholera The first case year whose was welldefined Asistlo cholera pan examination it was found that after hard days washing had partaken of corned beef cabbage green peas id whisky finishing her repast with the eater part of four melons first this year was that of a man and 1Mb as also a welldefined cue of Asiatio cholera It was found upon examination that be had had the sickness three weeks and tost on the day before death he had been eating cucumbers and ice cream ale 1 of