I I NEWMARKET ERA DEC 121873 nTwHETpot whole forming if of of hereinafter j total of Mht portion of of anuif on tith of mills sisly I Inn mill and tbir hundredth particularly rat milt and our StatMftatki Ma of Forth Jailer on the f of mill I I ST Mint of UU the nun of Ml th om of ttWl of thrwntof3Mlr ISH of ffMW 187 urn Ml nmf3ir3t ISM the sum of iheumofM71 I mills am fift v eight hundredth mill I dollar For th raU of mill and hundredth of mill 1 tin Bylaw tab ta from and after the third da of February I the of mir Iord one thouaenJ eight hm and arrrnlv four taturj a aforesaid are to turned and 111 I within tint law in that say a of aud dln tuna in the to the aunt of I lire thousand dollar shall be delivered by Lid Trust he aald Company for each I- of railway to the northward of aaid Trust to Company tlte nalura of fi the production to J the certificate aipt1 br the Chief I that ftLTn and tha of hint afomaid the Trmtev i Jed war the amrxxnt of the whole rata- Ue the of York irTmjiev- brt pfaJiy future of the tall or dividend from the work any trk or in the apoo whjh the money In la an part mat be tr am the aaid County mil- and forty three thousand and dollar alixmnt of the atht f County of York twenty thuoaand dollar for and eighty and forty dollar for and hall until Company do to tha id until IT to the of On effect that Con will at any time snfafnit a By law of a aaid Company held and the rule- of portion of the County of York her elactora of described be taken on thi fly la For the Township of the part of the I l debt of the County of parable or I- UcDssuUda Hall Sutton be born- by the id dribed of the said Tow of the County of la two jj eight and right three dol- atJ Air ruU for and l For the Township of Gwilllmbury At Hall Bell For that portion of Towahip of East Kpl iiiatinic debt of the annual special rate it timrient for the At the Hotel Sharon On tha third day of Januar one thousand etfht hundred and four morning and losing kali due and payable- to be in ianaag for th sod of the of herein is SB follow ait or a mill of a null of two mills and mill on the dollar mil It and dollar null and Dill dollar wo null and ai t the dollar a hundredth of a mill lot of annl the rear 12 a rats of I dollar day and that the Re aaid si Wast era Ego For Eastern Division of Township of two mills if a the ISSi a rata of I IMS a rate of two Mr Draper For that portion of TAKE NOTICE Tb is a tra copy of a pr by th Council of County of market cation in Newmarket En of York after one mouth from the first I 1S7S 1th day of that HI will held and me of the aaid uolW 1 aid a ra audi and threo I of a mill on dollar For On Saturday the third daw of January of two nulla and sixty ban- jimmeneing at nine oclock in the forenoon a mil on dollar For that year and closing IS clock of th same day at rat of two mills and atity on sat out in and filed by th of a mill on tha dollar For the ninth clause of the above true copy of rate of two null and huadtodth pnieJ My law J on th dollar For the year a GEORGE dollar dollar For MaaaaBSatnl as Brick CottfceTo Let TUGlBLYaitnatad til of County of 1 That it and may be lawful for that A asid County of York above Kailwsy giving the Company a of dallart repay able by the County Man twenty ream fronr day to by of principal with inter at the rata and at County of York to be mad aw un of easy be reuird for lb not than twenty dollars ark and not icding in tb whole tb amount of forty five thousand dollars which debanterea be sealed with the af County of York and signed by the or other head of the said by other person a nay be I ana Cannes to teraigned by the Insolvent Act of 1869 An Intotrent la that a Un MU at Hotel Holland JanxlltKor the day of WILLIAM V By That the said ahall ha made We within twenty years from the day mentioned for thia Bylaw to at Bank of Toronto In Toronto and I have attached to them coupons for sent interest at rate and in the That the aaid debenture bear la th date thereof which be hie half yearly on the third days of Aug rente in Toronto That for the pu and inter tb following sufficient to dl of paying the said thereon at tha rata dollar to diechnrre dbt when resptily payable addition to all other rates and all the ratable pro- in of County of year 1174 a rat of two milk and of a Mill on the For rant rate of two and sixty af a null en dollar For a rate of twe and fifty of a mill on the doUar Far Fear a rat of two mill anal of a on the For the rat of two nulla and sixty on of a mill on the dollar for rat of two mill and sixty on a null en the dollar For th a rat of two and aixty two jiMllha a null on the For the Clratenf two nulla and sixty una J Fat rlUlaratof on and sixty nan- HALL ONE NIGH ONLY Monday fee 15th MUSICAL OF THE SEASON- Gnat Star ROSA R tared Seat REMOVED REMOVED HIS SEOF HARNESS MAKING Ciller Trimmed jcibata to mid do wdi u mot km a ASTRAY Three Head of Cattle Three Sheep One Lamb ODLIN CARD Ih of BOY WANTED JUST ARRIVED HOLIDAYS FRESH GROCERIES Which will be sold for CASH WINES LIQUORS ar of in brand WOOD LAND FOR BALK ACRES Ihohtit Paid for Form PISH PISH has his Aral eon- rtmntofLkellupertor White Fish Trout Smoked White Fish J WANTED Mai ear W to ASTRAY A RED STE R old The ta required to pay and ask TEACHER WANTED to Til- Trust DISSOLUTION COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE ta hereof t last the Co- part eon Jonsnes anal a M IjxtJAsn of t MAiTtASU Newmarket Mow To the and parti requiring Jonoeon Seeder mmumTum Mp1tur of urn ASTRAY Dark Red Steer pro nuy and safe HUOH Friday Dee A at 130 P filled op Insolvent Act of 1869 In the Matter of JOHN DENNIS An Insolvent Allah seen La file tbelr ALLAN LOOK HERE ROOT CUTTER In nj In Market rr Oct r Boot Cnwr I kn to every termer buy an Root CM I am owimoD the Empire imratltatalr on rsasatnt a mo Furs Fun Furs BUFFALO ROBES LINED UNLINED WOLF RAILWAY RUGS Pine On JjOB PLANEING FACTORY sj fsnUer ribeplnc Maw and Lain j Dwelling and Wareroom On Wellin and a Irenqaanut at will be km Mwe tor naab FRENCH BEDSTEADS ONLY r TO Tits Corporation of New riajulillan no Battel CtarkVlltatfWo JUST ARRIVED Trout While Fish A Mo Aeatfeea M HOUSE Watch Clock Maker JEWELLER MAIN STREET A foil JWIW7 Jtt tad MM taftMUM NEWEST STYLES EDWARD Blwy q REWARD j Christmas Three Tears Old Bull mm opatuo opposite SSSSrHSj done on LADIES FURS I iir Seal German Mink And Beaver t MINK SETS From to 60 Dr set GREAT SALE CmOInlTWlEflSl BLACK LUSTRES I S1LA PUR CAPS IMITATION IN GREAT VARIETY SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE Tailoring Department First Class Workmen J SIMPSON as ten Greatest IN CA ERS CALL AN GET THE Bargains IS EMUS AT THE- MAMMOTH HOUSE No 1 Millards Block THE uodenigned would inform the public generally it be daily Motiving hi STOCK mm mm FAMILY GENERAL BOOTS SHOES ALL OP WHICH HE OfFKES FOR SALE TO CASE AND SHOUT TIME BUYERS At price that will C0MPAEE FAV0EAELY with any home in the trade An Early and First Call Respectfully Solicited HAS AN IMMENSE STOCK or CROCKERY GLASSWARE Which he fa now at GREAT BARGAINS Sent 11 lt I P FOR THE FALL TRADE THE BIO B SEASONABLE GOODS HARRISON SHEPPARD ft Co BEO to anuria their friend and Patron and that their Stock la new in rrT and which an to offer at such prices nut IN DRESS GOODS Silks Bclaisn Euan- Lustres Coburga in Black and Brilliant Culuurm STAPLE DRY GOODS FAMILY Tor quality and nalld by lew by none AND GLASSWARE I In larte boots shoes M Silt Broadcloths Tweeds PLAIN AND FANC1 A Urn and wnD at low rt S CLOTHING Readymade an By sneriencsd Workmen under the supermundane of sir 8anoar for style St and workmanship A hearty nil to i will nail In and view the foods at the store SIGN OF THE BIO T Where value will be firm for table CO September tf NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE LEE BASTEDO A STOCK OF And Cutter Stuff RIMS SPOKES C C SLEIGHSHOE AND SPRING STKEL I wattrsi w HOME 8HOE8 AUD HORSE HAILS CIRCULAR CROSSCUT AND DRAGSAWS Carriage and Cutter Trimmings PLUSH FELT C Ac CELEBRATED COLORS TURNERS TRANSFER St to Mala Street Newmarket RECEIVED AT SIQN OP THE rt AT at lata at ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES I And CM known or from foot to of he si WfflCH DEFY CALL