Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Dec 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1873 Mr one of the present Hoi- likely seek raelec ill it in also ho will b by Mr Bowman bat we qaes- names are mentioned with all tlit offices bat not to a sufficient to give refusal of Job Randall Esq to offer for the diip necessarily make a change in Township We learn Mi Max eon Jones a candidate for tbat office and up to the prevent with pptMitiun It baa been Hunter purposes offering for linn tho magistrate of th Township but we hare been aaaured that such is not case Mr Phillip Macklem will probably seek reeleo as Deputy a position hi has held for years and has it that ilr Silaa Luudy will be for the same position- Whitchurch being entitled to For the has been said Mr Boake will probably seek reelection ant not know and we also hear that the South part of the Municipality wants a repreeenUtire from that quarter but who the man is to be we hare not yet learn Jilt Crn FRIDAY DEC 12 mi by -k- Leas ufll I d- I till dm lb Wit be by Mr May rill into all and rsdrs and illlrl to further 1fr by 0 this wad Our Toronto Despatch far Gren Municipal Elections Again tho holding annul is upon as Elections- take M the Monday in tbi month and the polling on the first Monday in January As is generally the rumors rife enough of coming changes in most of the Muni i bat how far they can bv rcpliod if quite another thing tin wih to the thought when predictions are given currency to hence all mere rumors mutt received with great caution and only estimated at beat by thu standing and character of the man giving utterance tfaereto For instance we have known men in this locality make a great noise upon street corners buttonholing rate payers and pouring into their ears the intentions and views this or that man regarding the future bat when the time of testing the truth fulness of tho rumor monger arrived reverse action of a decisive character manifested iUelf Promising this much we will now proceed to give the most current rumors in this Rid ing no present Reeve Esq has published a card positively refusing to allow himself to be placed in nomination com ing election j and Mr Joel Phillips Deputy Reeve also assured at the late session of the County Council that be bad folly made up bis mind to retire Two changes in the com position of the Council moat neces sarily follow baa it J D Phillips will offer for Rears and it ia also said tbat an effort being made to indues Mr Stokes of to contest lis Town ship for the same position King having grown to the requisite num ber rate aycrs will be entitled to three Deputy Reaves this year and among the candidates rumored we learn Mr Jas Rogers Mr Isaac Boiler and Mr Joseph Stokes sboild be rains Ear la Bin Wo under 11 the member of will Meek re election u fol- low Cane Reeve and Henry Deputy Reeve j Messrs We Rowen and David for If l bit turns oat to be true we make no doubt of their triumph return perhaps by acclamation No the Township will elect men opposed to a bonus being given to the projected Lake J tion 11 the more especially grouping system- The rate payers feel Tory strongly point and will likely appeal neighbors at tho North not to force this By law upon them on the under standing a like generous feeling will be manifested by Township should the promoters of any other terprise seek to force unsure spun in the beard of other names besides above as likely to offer j but rumour to any reliable Perhaps something definite may reach by next t Noam GwiLMHBtTBT Rumour it that Usual tending elections in Ibis Township ia likely to be repeated again this son Isaac Esq tbe preset Reeve purposes seeking reelection and rumour has it he will be opposed by Mr Councilman We also learn all the old Councillors will seek reelection and in addition wa Esq and another gentleman whoso name haa slipped our memory residing not from will likely become dates It is hard to tell how matter eventuate in this Municipality tbia year as voles of tbe be considerably divided Some electors will tote for men local grounds and others will on the rat I read bonus question J correspondent writing from that Township says Things are mixed just now and men appear likely to be in opposition another who have heretofore worked harmoniously together this may all be arranged before day Mr McDonald present Reeve will offer for re-elec- on and probably be unopposed losers Henry and Ham ill likely reelection as Coun- illors while Mr Corner declines honor Two or three new names an mentioned but nothing reliable iab hand- Not much yet c or two aspirants are bobbing round bat nothing definite will pro bably be known till after the public meeting called for Thursday next by requisition to the Reeve If erst there was a time when the people llage should ignore local ions that time is now and if ever there waa a time when its reeouraes should be husbanded so as enable village to take advantage of any likely to offer itself and calculated to increase its wealth and importance it la present No particular change far as we can learn If tbe entire council seek reelection a body there will be no opposition Holland The psople of this quiet hamlet hare not yet made up their minds what to do No opposition likely to be offered to the Reeve bat possibly then may be a alight skirmish among Council Ion Local summary Mr is fttS 8 sdrisss tiU statr the of Iais has tb t- all tba prisoner hut capture las I aamts In taw neat uuaixvnU lutr mm with lyjDbrnl lHOOtnen lufriil foOfit was ti is a I Hi- as Hit vdf Tin- tiaiab two I mi hi mi wrrr ty of n roofed Also I number of other building were mom or leas damaged December six oclock yesterday fearful gale commenced blowing which continued during day ing considerable damage in igbborbood A number of houses having had his off art of which fell destroying a reaper and and alno damaging a BRADFORD Hoc Tho heavy Jrly tbi morning by which has Kim Am day doing damage lencee lit and buildings it Luis vicinity the English Church llldy I- cold racr Sale Register Due Sib vote of ltta market building now I Where to prematura tor one I no doing much damagu to telegra wine Communication is between a Dec About oclock yesterday morning we w visited by a fearful storm and rain which continued with abated fury tor about four Signs were blown down and blown off but no very serious damage was done The telegraph wires broken and torn otf tlio poles for miles The train hen at oclock a did no until night owing to a portion of the track having been washed away RICHMOND HILL RlCHMOKD this morning about oclock a wind from tbe southwest done were unroofed burden would I care to throw sway that which after mature reflection might be found to be of the adrantaf to 1 that the rote be deferred for atima order arrive at aeme what kind and rise of a building would tbe of tie ViDags arrtaia- ad let east of tbe twaatrsetion together with estimated made Dec This Village bar to the raUpsjara n tbat been to- lay with a per ft rota inUHigvntlv upon tbematlr hurricane ploughing from the to do this will mora tme tbsa wet commencing at Six this be gives t that these who rati able preposition whoever tbey can be be el pledged to a By la fat its before axpeadiag on would fair to all it would there equally tbe may happen any it is lb coming a directions OaiLLtADec 9 A gale of unusual violence visited this locality day Tbe wind roao about 12 oclock on Wed need ay night and raged great fury throughout tbe following day Rain fell in large quantities daring the night and scarcely a vestige of snow waw left The only damage of which we have yet down or the Northern Railway Station wbicb waa in course of erection on grounds of the Lake foreign and By the Atlantic Cabk Ijr The bunt repotta tea Esfhah ragard to conduct Villa Havre u and eoatrsdirtary A the of tba loch Earn tuftsin of Villa da Haw awl tboaa against the left for New York in acca Das A grind fusanU tboaa who lost the atasmabip Villa Havre held this vastsfway fur tba aurvi- francs Dae I A apecial to tbe from Madrid that a Cabinet indignation ia and to the be deaputefa from I the returned oa tbe harbor Dae- at s la sbssaos of Itanri astiag fclaasedm placed to the of tender sad baas sat st Tea war by the aatberitiaa as ae sr ay popuba a tXaafagss rival with pti law Caartaia anal retaia sad the bsariagr 1 York County Council County Council House Adelaide noon Mr cbair There were Messrs Jones Jackson Lane Boyle Cane Canning Law McDon ald Stephenson J Phillips J D Phillips Porter Speight Webster Bull Leslie and Severn The Warden said dad ret a a number of of York Id in the Court Monday after- live J of East and North bury and praying the Cooncil pass a bylaw to be submitted to ratepayers of these townships fur grant a bonus of tbe construction of the Lake Junction Railway orrica Warden in answer to aa en said nothing farther aid be done at present in of a now registry office for North York Till Warden his attention bad been directed to tbe dangerous of tbe across on Lake Shore Road and he had or plans and spacificatiooa for a Iron bridge to asked for Mr Tyrrell gave notice will tomorrow introduce a bylaw to aid and assist in tbe construction of the Lake Simcoe Junction Railway by granting a bonus of and to issue debentures therefor and to aaflbrixe levying of a special rate for payment of said deben tures and interest r the Legislature to repeal of the on the the authorizing the grouping loet their live of municipalities for the purpose of rescued eighty granting aid to rail way a The Trim or pas and brought thai J D Phillips seconded by Mr Jackann moved that a of Cane and the mover be and it hereby Xintcd to obtain a legal Council hi tion of passing a bylaw or is prayed lor by tho petition aid the June A to whether kg of bylaw an holdings Railway Ixwkearn to Tbe survivors reached today is in Lon don over tho disaater The news paper bulletin boards are surrounded by great crowds is quest of prayed for Warden and a check gates and side rails on Street Also that he will move tbat par ties now passing through No half toll shall going through that pay full toll ii gate south and The Cooncil then nine oclock Tuesday second Dec Council met yesterday oclock the and Mo in the Cane proven Canning Law Lane Milliken McDonald Mosiei J Phillip- SlevOnson Porter Raid Speight Wick son Randall and Bull- The minutes of yesterdays meet ing were read and adopted Warden laid before opinion of tbe County Solicit or that it was on lb Council the recoipt of such jKitiiion as had been described he by law prayed for An i got up would be proper to take tbo knowledge of facts they posse seed The Warden said be thought it might bo first referred to a Com mittee of tbe Whole when if they could not decide on a course of action might then bo referred to a special read frot Treasurer respecting parties arrears for their of LAW Mr Jackson said he thought would give satisfaction to Conn to refer the matter Comroitte of of the townships named in the petition to examine pe tition and as far as they could on genuineness of tbi signatures and report to Mr these gentlemen could on peti a said Commit toe of tbo whole Committee Mr Jones it w to take objections proved the signatures w I ikto improper ill it was not The before tho cbi Mr- Lane begged leave to Introduce bis by law The War Jen ruled it of order Mr moved seconded by Mr that the Council go if to Committee of the whole to con sider the petition Carried Mr now that the County Solicitor had declared the Council had no right to pronounce Bylaw bo not intend to offer factions opposition He came there as the representative of a muni cipality and aa be felt tbe minds of electors he represented were to thia line of railway opposed under a consciousness that advantage wnnld be far from with the be felt be only doing his duty apart from his own personal views regard scheme in thus endeavoring releiere the ratepayers from any in attached holding this session of Council went into Committee Mr Boyle in the chair The signature were examined by Reeve of townships and by the twelve minutes after the coll occurred Tbe Lockearn immediately just lowered three boats which rendered ill service possible to do Fifty of the crew were saved ng the captain- Among the passengers rescued are ten women New Dec I noon The Havre formerly the Napoleon III waa altered and much enlarged last winter Sbe came here for tbe first time as Villa da Havre on the 9th of April making the passage from Brest to this port in nine days twenty thi With the except Great she the largest steamer ever entered this port dimensions being feet by feet carrying capacity 3000 tone weight and with marble three different varieties hoi taring compounded direct acting horsepower and were made by Leslie Co of Newcastle on the Tyoe Cardiff The du Havre ex perienced a thick fog until At time of the the weather waa clear Little wind blowing but there was a heavy sea The captain had retired and second officer waa in charge lights on wore all right Tho collision waa wholly unexpected PouoBEErsta Dec Tonight at oclock fifty convicts wera taken out of Sing Sing Prison and started and Walworth were among the nam Jbar pretended to be sick He did not Wnnt to go Ho intimated he would make matters right if allowed to stay said but little but seemed to feel gloomy Walworth was quite cheerful lie left hospital today Such pris oners no trouble if their friends will let them a one after the convicts bad quit a car riage whirled up to tbe prison portals from which Mrs Walworth and daughter alighted and in great baste said Is my son going to n Warden replied He has gone regaining their they were drien rap idly to the depot and arrived there to get on board trail with Walworth take to Auburn Napaneb Dec 1 smallpox baa broken in several families in this place since Saturday There are now fifteen cases in town Tbe School Board Trustees have closed up all the schools in town for the present and some families are send- children to the country to reside until disease disappears Dec A Reform Convention of delegates for Elec toral District of the county of Peel was held here today at which Mr K Chisholm waa unanimously nomi nated a candidate for seat in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario made vacant by the death of Mr J Coyne Nomination day baa been fixed lor December 12th and polling on December 19th Hamilton Dec A gang of btrglara have commenced operations in Hamilton but so fax they have succeeded in carrying a small amount of plunder away Last night they into tbe office of Mr Barnard wood dealer after laying on it back filled lock with gun powder and covered the whole over tho fuae The safe waa I and the burglars at once rifled it ant found it contained much to their cha grin only two dollars in money reward them tor their toil and Hi realwUTn the present Hon Jot To lb bond mark J lo Mr Pope Sir Jot in the nownpipen- at the We Mr Cm to ned a W eooghl for fonn1 i lorn fr nd lo bo lb n 11 Tory If Mr only be brought to ft- M C bin be Joes Mr luung lown t lev now per nam per prep rt lea at LAZARunaHoHRiesarajeiut The struck i midship and made a chasm twenty north of Scotland lost three of their feet deep and from twentyfive to children at Edinburgh Thoy tUEia thirty foot wide The exact position ped at West End Station intend of the Ville do Havre at time ing to drive into the town dino I ivoTiwor a thorn latitude longitude They got into a private that or Iba On if the collision the main and mnts fell across two large boats which ware filled with people and ready for launching boats were crushed pieces and many of occupants ware killed and injured In tho brief interval between tbe and tbe sinking of tbe steamer crew were able to launch only whale boat and The before slopping She then got out four boats to pick up the people struggling in water Meanwhile whale boat under command of Lieutenant of tho Ville Ha lc I and dr During dinner kb accidentally discovered aluSawsmToi children and their where to bo found and tendon packed in a cab bat given cabby directions where to drive to and in tbo bustle of streets he bad evidently lost sight of brougham Messengers were sent off to scour all the hotels and after a abort interval the children were die- covered busily engaged with bread and butter in the Douglas and bliss fully that the entire femininity of the city waa on picked up one load of those verge of hysterica on their account clinging lo the planks The Canada First party Is and tooc them She returned to the scene and rescued another load Captain who remained on deck to the last was by this boat Three quarters of an boar after the collision one bis officers swam a mile to the Lockearn and was hauled on board with a rone Tbo continued the waters in the vicinity of the disaster until there was no hope of saving more lire The cold Many flhe a thorn In the side of Scandal Party of West Toronto the canards of Annexationists Republican Know nothings Ac having been dis avowed and acceptance of patriotic sentiment of Canada first and party aecond dont suit the exigencies of scandal party wboaa motto ie party fact also Canada party OF YORK embraces jo its list many who reflect with shame the conduct of their former leaders NO or wttl as or the Jaaaaa a Co la JUIndoeileanlela Id i Hsu AL ISILEE HAS REMOVED ONE DOOR CHEAPER EVER immersed two hour and ware have now washed their hands of almost lifeless when rescaed The with that party lso sighted the at the Scandal Party thing la certain that the leaders of the new party hare and influonoe and their nit to the detri- of poor Biekford One steamer and received ra as before reported saved Tbey speak in the highest terms of kindness of Urqabardt bar of tho Villo da Havre Mr Mr t moved that the be received Carried The Warden in the Mr Tyrrell introduced the By law for to a vote for rail- of the sum of in the of North and a bonus the Lake Junction The bylaw was passed through various stages and read a first and second time and third vote order- to be taken in accordance with yeroflbo petition Mr introduced a bylaw authorising the Warden and County Commissioners to erect check gates side bars whomever may deem them necessary The bylaw waa passed through its urious stages and signed by tba Warden Tho Council then adjourned sine Fearful LIVES LOST American New Deo William King John Brown colored days since from nary where each had served a long sentence It appears each returned to former business of stealing and without concert managed on different nights t effect an entrance to penitentiary work shops from which tbey stole a num ber of ready made shoes whioh they sold They were traced and arrested today Sax rtAaciaco Nor pne hundred men wbowwradUobarged by whoaa surface for many tbo contractor on tb railroac I be- J have trodden n Tenco and Territory of sow preeeding visitors to the have armed and gone to tboandoftbtiwnad OD Thursday but the point Tbe franchise The Agricultural Mali waa packed on Saturday night and despite the fact that King and a large force from meeting camo in a late hour and by and which the Mail took good can report endeavoured to leave preseion the movement ia an po pular It nevertheless enthusiastic gathering St Cathaeikes Dee The rls of the water at the Niagara during storm of Thursday is said to have boon greater than at any previous period daring a quarter of Sister Island different ports of middle known Tbrao Of workmen that done until thai Forty work work shall be are settled ifoVlairway with iha except away feet of tbe upper portion entirely under ported the men are aiderable damage to the road by ferryTb Track laying was rntn lo stopped thia eremog fcrryhcmsa and Nov The news of relishing each an invasion moved an settlement of the Virginios i stairs The new Suspension Bridge between a and the United experienced a severe trial the first States and terms upon which it since the attachment of tho baaed received here with cable a year ago Although its excitement but perfect it by no means exhibited revails among the people and volun- serpentine movement witnessed tears The chief authorities of the in every little gale before pro- Island aaaembled in cooncil and have visions for additiodal safety waa faalo to the Spanish Gov added At the Suspension Law to aerial the Lake aid to the 1st IS i Wlwmt the of act laatitstiooa in tfca faaas of sad a- any I of whieTaiv la all III in the of a anj part of wbich or work Maaev be a ud or esse Cenapear Met war of bo or ether or aul of la seek manner and to hall think expedient provided that aid oa or a for ihe in with Art asal aassteu of the Second of sat of tJutano titled an Art to Lake suuUTsrCast be for a ipaiiMa any or el be in aeauring as the mid of which or sear wait seal or works of end Cow past to aid the Cwaaaasll wnyofbiasast or any of teens dad no ear aid loan basse skull riven Bylaws by the a rouuiml by accordance with twenty persons eack the asking it to wait until it wind unroofed a part of the shall have received the protocol about i Central Depot and played havoc with and telegraph LoMDOM Dae 1 Tbe steamship Havre from New York for Havre baa been sank st sea Two case which shows hundred and twenty six lives lost right of capture and the justice poles Tbe water in tbe Dec 1 The ship Tri- the subsequent proceedings The estimated at foot higher than from New York arrived mas of the people oppose the been seen for many years at Cardiff at an early hour this morn- of the and any yield- poor dog wbicb has had for bis bringing intelligence of a dread to pretensions which may habitation and homo since first of far disaster to tho steamship du dishonor the Spanish Tbe tone April a email island paused by Havre which left New York Nov of the press in in accord with tbe for Havre ander command popular feeling Extraordinary means At oclock on and resources are being created morning of the of Nov the Villi Joist any da Havre collided with the thinking people do from London for Ne j knowing the prudent York She sank shortly after Government few square feet for isolated kingdom as bin present at expect it visible at sundown It feared of the A men- the people at the Bridge have lost much famed hermit of the Townships that hereinafter gW bote femukx a County Municipality of lousty of Test have of the of County of York to peat a sTsstms a boon of DolUra loud and said Junction and it net far it ia far that the Ceanty of all tart port of the County Of York srlUln thehteiUritasso the sinaaadSVih deerrTtwd is a ri at Ml West the the last gag liasbnry thence the of Sees Caesstssa so tte of tars along the Township the Jtcrth East tbes South Eastern Boundary

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