Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Nov 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV Us hoped day not far distant grand central fair would held The dinner tonight w way worthy of the cloth Chairman called upon Mr liter Dudley Secretary to the I Managing Committee to read letter of apology from gentleman who wore expected to be present on the Tbe Aral waa from A Ml who hie warm sympathy with at lion of J the commute in honoring the Board Jojtwt- I people of Old York of Director but proa- in the sentiment j any similar HI- by previous on the The Chairman then riropeead highly Hoard appreciated thi ten then referred to let of this Dominion the nature climate and ib vast and almost boundless and pre dicted a bright and happy fuiure We have not room to follow him through lengthy Ho a a- listened throughout with marked tent and concluded by saying the ho would happy to meet with lb of pa banking in which been received and the Mr Alex then tang in them by magnificent The Maple Leaf North It worthy of Now Mr of Newmarket Mr S3SA of Kin market and worthy of fGvoigins and Mr Cane of El Canada Our then sang In capital been received lOwllHmomre also responded i boon I Then followed the toast of under more ntendenco arrange made So marked an expression of Educational ftw A Kaq in appreciation of their efforts would Profession Agl aahjeeta the With greet itself against The La the Council of InMrocUon wan arbitrary ml to Sunday Services icli he thank tbo Committee for stimulate Board to mill grei invitation buttle pressing or- to deeervo their private bonne and awnwaxBBi iPjati led the financial of tbe several volunteer toasts oat wo bare alluding to the land purchase 1 j not room for a detailed account granted by dinner waa provided by mine tiosi of Newmarket coat of the Royal Hotel and waa commodiou Agricultural every way creditable Indeed it waa lair and ground together with j remarked by many present being the properly hieo acquired Up- Mho spread ever at out in been paid village We congratulate Mr lite and although their upon hi success a bo thought of year this off he ha made up mind to tender hia resignation a Member of Par- liaraent be hoped reaaon would be accepted a apology for not being preoent Chairman then rose and few happy remark propoaed first toaat one honored who ever and wherever on public occasion like the ho then gave The Queen with all honor led Save the Queen Tho Chairman then gate in plimenUry term Prince Wale and other member of lb He need not name thorn royal family which duly honor- were well known and on behalf I tin Board he would take lb proven i Hand Rule to publicly thank The Itiiral ltd Pre Managing the demonatrallOD and iftor which the laid be devoted to iho pnze then alluded to fall exhibition by the nuni ipeeial prix offered by true friend of the Cunada Chi St Patrick day thi npotibo General of largely the our fall Mr Jackvoo tba led by remarking that he aorry New Railways i tlr we Utter from iJ Bail of llnuborr with total i robmbUitite of that lie do Alert So ugh nd la conn f two at bap to able to furoiah oar li full of favaraak auk bat that row Beau I regular from the I the intend ho Lieut- Governor f by of Newmarket by d was duly honored He ilh lo I I r fiorof i Loyd rwpondod j th lira not Rid- Band ftod ing Show would beld proper- The Cbirmu the be bed to offer T I I the of the evnning end id f would with few remark i lit bed to joe of our Mr J Wilkin briefly NOV Our Toronto Despatch Tin- of before a itv aunber of fatal cutlr to in tmmijfraii of ran Unit Protection Society An of thanked Director- of North York aad done Board Northern Mutual Protection tho of felon the Foray Hotel Nwmar M that the ocoeeaful effort pot I ponded and expreaaed hi grt6c on Saturday faata majority of i v l at option the peopie Hoard being ant the Dhwm of the Society to further Th Cbirm1 thee row end On Mr wi the out and Mr A worthy of They bad to him and he HUM labored failhlully and roealt of aienllemanhereeowell I The Chairman elated object of lb ebbio tht their remark had been tb h of I with marked Correapond I MeKellar Drank with all the honor nglv wiih the aoccfea a certain by tbe Band mount of had cned to Hfr 0 l j t loud ap i Newmarket and tha te- thanked them for toe tight but of our honor they bad done him an iovh to a mark of appreciation laion to their banquet and alao for owing waa agreed upon Inasmuch a So1 be manner they had ref That tka mtet had united tho ba toaat with which hi name j ln it i to fort bead of had united the MM year parent Society it deemed fit- no Dominion tie audit more to unit the orcaent to for the ajfrre that ui all of Mew of the to how the The toaat proposed without any ra of Tbe Chair- MM aid the gathering hoped to be pardoned for making I night a altogether rtiUdo of iTL I at of lU JrmNld trusted in thi kind where of a politi nrTrd l0 rf Id the more carry oat of tbe good deal of igarding tbe nature of Public in here Work The Loral nil tka prerc of a 11 aapplW A of of A public dinner waa given to tb Director of the York by the of New market in tbo Metlemc Hall on Thursday evening nil with out exception pleeeing of the kind we attained in ibis village About 15 Were prevent on as ion The Chair was occupied Eoq and tho Viev Chain by Donald and Dr On rurht of the Chairman we lion Mr W of Ontario and on aid of the Chairman were Director of tbe Agricultural the gucate of i he occasion rector of Society who daring peat year were with the County in holding an anion exhibition At the table we noticed Iter Mr Canon Bee Mr Bruce and llcv room wo noticed 0 our men and with Director from King Whit church and Georgina I M Ag So Councillor from moat of Municipal in the Hiding and other prominent gentlemen intereat ad la aad welfare of of the County Tbe Hall with a pnduaion of flag But it waa capable of bell end banner while a eery kindly apirit in whleb it cal character were thrown aaido and waa It ha been thought that to dii m proved by lo ecuro uch an union reeiv the from Mm m of the entire Riding will enable Secretary to bo prwaent be J J rf the offering more liberal at once determined to do ao Mi rf Board to and more of effort audit did jngfelt deaire to meet with Ihei Mtnnid to him that by greater com- taHo G I they would MOaro finer adverted to the proper- then adtporned aoimal and a more extended of the country matrrial at oor much valuable made and in depart- Public School Meeting In King i that more time and aaoreo I t axektoV able ban in agriculture up- Meeting aaaj t street Hot ward Of ball a century he j K and by watched the pmgrea- of event in for thi country Ho had grown manhood before agricultural wero in exiatence in the Province r by Parliament and took part in the drat Provincial Ploughing I and great object in view by aaoociationa more compihed With the obeereatione ho would give them of tbe Gueau Drank with all Tbey are Jolly Good John Randall Em of the ice in the alaacnte of the Levi through After thanking the manner in which the bad been received and regret at tbe una voidable absence of Preaident remarked that be bad been with Board fur a Long time He believed the in all their labor never had any other motive than the beet interests of the auoioty at heart and when be witnoaoed to night the mi in which they had been the of quel to their honor be felt the Newmarket fully appreciated effort There wao one gentleman of ihc Board to whom Society a debt of gratitude not only in the is a Secretary ting th of the with position of the Board String Band the leadership of r Davidson discoursed sweet at interval was being served and also after toast to the of all who bad pleasure of air 2nd ml also roapondod He con by observing be only a young of Board The was in a and prosper and lata he regarded creditable Riding Hot it was capable of being sod improved and if tbe Township Societies would only unite in holding s grand Central Fair hs could ass no good reason why an rivalling that of or London could not be here bad the weslth they country and had faciei wasted was to take bold of in ttttar IB tade- OB lis removal of of local or Newmarket Council Mr in A petition from John that the I Jr nar for the Hotel sow held by traosfomd Jarae lloitee and Dam by Mm si tnittee for authorised by Mr hereby bat a special the I- Market Holland LandlnfJaCouncll Council met Thome Jurors D Gregory and for I Moo Iulfbtd yrari Urns John putting McClorc I paid order for Local Summary Beautiful Stic tolerable oat fainter than they u is any of member Cabinet docs not strike argument Such addition said of r liaraent iielf JjUb mailer of a mem bur can aid to be pur clinaod with which it tire brabs brick By the Cabin ijjo with Hiual trail in Houie in this fa the Cabinet which to no Wednesday bight last Not A plot of prominent officer of Intransigent force Cartagena to snrrsodea the city to the force a day sine a all military leader except were 1 sole ruler A terrible and I tbe element effort to liberate iheii belled by forts which Nov Count Com Italian Mis at now on lea of arrirad H has received British Goremuwnt warmly thanking for the able manner ia which be dewhart the of umpire of the American an I Joist lain Cuntmistaon The Grab Game Ottawa correapondent of Montreal Herald thus remarks the raid made 00 all unfilled Hirers by the outgoing Mm here recorded planus Sir John on political trickster over since the adjournment In May laat I taking 1 ronwdaratioa varies On that oucaaion off the second prise Ap plause He recollected well when lbs Provincial compare with numerous Township Snow bold during the peal It waa fresh in hi memory of the implomonls by our for were imported from tbe United State This was all changed now and our own manufacturer bad dnvsn ths Americans oat of the market by the production bettor article at borne Cheers bad been toads to number show held in fall of iho year close proximity to each other foil ws had too many socielie many to offer large prizes Each Township appeared op its distinctive bo smaller flair greater good would be re sult and much valuable tun farming community eared the duty and privilege of farmer- tore tod St audi gatherings as tboaO Gentleman book farming and objection urged again referred lo batted iho agricultural work tie re- isclod reading of a farmer objecting to bis children learning bat be believed the time had when moat bare education If occupy that position in the law a pertains la ki for this mat by J D Phillip Ksq by J Esq I tkl It sdrlaabla of Ontario at to lew Move by Jaa Belt Meoadedsr Mr Asela- too and that a spaotat- d to drafts report to lb of the several rsqairrd law aid to of J Jobs J Hall anl Jaa with to sea their Carried for th sir its report the by adding thereto Wood Esq Tss is lb That be sfeaatetstt petition to Local g via I to lb to 1 left to TosrJarr AW to V John TV Jos Eartwond sad Jos Wood 1 lowing resolotioaa won pot aad by seeooded by Roger sad resolved that this inviting otter repudiates th ale of Township The lit la country their interest demand He hen of Local Board of Treaties did not wish Ibsm to understand he by Jaa Bell I fnvored bookfarming exclusively I reoc tad isehad the sda of bet be thought theory and practice of Cosset of was desirable Tbe Hon in gentleman then referred thoi 1871 tka of far Berth of an York Is College by the Ontario Government and benefit likely to accrue by adjourned our young men an ly ring avion practical demonlrm- tion experiment seournad Is ia on rsport Ac appointment Ira therefore len kepi going a manner for last six months expectant prvd for rewarda and great men were to in the cold tin wore ciniiing caloric keep up the best Imnnlhip si capacity of anvmg th era hen inu office they a large jib rather force The ingenuity displayed finding fault id Minialsrs were belter cm in urging iho ffles ot President Al These a necessity of ol in that When that lbs salaries alls nod Jo thorn fall to Ihedutic- id Whig M Tweeds j Tweed After Mr Tremsin that the bo sen- earl count in there was a n he Court and Tweed look Mr Sharks Clerk and sand up by Mr wh judgment should upon Tweed aid be J read pleaded innocence Judge then the Ill n the indictment One year dieted for each four of first imprisonment in tl Jail in Ludlow was sentenced to a fine count of Alexander iter of tbe I at honour and ilr repreenttiv that mem of tbs country hsd juo- nomination look place in of the House James loft Jr of la County at led and having read the writ railing tor the election called for the of candidate Mr J Mackenzie and received with loud and other made the electors be was convict- n amounts in the aggregate or stands convicted until it is paid Tweed received his sentence calmly in removed in custody Tweed years of age be will there fore be Hat the expiration of his punishment of Tweed is already inscribjd on marble slab in main gateway of Ludlow Jail where it was placed when Mr Mint years ago when Board of Super declared elected by visors of which be then a mom erected the building New 23 Tweed passed day in cell No of tbo Tombs ThU the condemned sell in which era placed awaiting execution It waa assigned it ii move being near a stove I The question waa how them sod slth ugh I have not been informed as to the principal adopted I think it not difficult to gather the views which bsvo guided the decision red of the there are flrt Jmigos who whan once mads cannot bo removed except by a certain process second Lieut who are removable but lo horn it is evident that wa intend 1 lo giro a tenure of office free from effort of mere political thirdly the ordinary l wbt loft the of the adv to prisoner except members of his on among them were hi who a tin pale and agitated than yesterday part of the afternoon waiting the attempt get a stay proceeding which will be Much interest is telt rvgsrd to the commit by Davis of Tweeds for of Court The Vlrglnlus Nov 5 Work Brooklyn Navy Yard baa brought a The Spanish iron clad it lelt the Yard yst but was painted today and laat work upon in the dry dock will be done o- morrow Everything in the ysru rss going on as usual this afternoon liiough several reports slated there bad been orders stopping the work Havana Nov The Marina has an editorial today of tbe following is an extract American Government know today and United Stale- will know morrow justice with which the Spanish authorities have acted Tbey will talk of national honor without Buffering thumel Warden ol the seconded by hill- of 1 by John Wat by Ira Hall Mr a speech of an hour which it to by the 1 officers of the Govern 1 institution guars Government first itagvs conferred asm see rest have rejected Your readers will no doubt learn lib surprise that the outgoing Mi try knowing that they had no Jure p ion of office not only some fifty official bat salaries right and left all over lbs Province Will it be believed that in one department alone that of the Customs only before resignation so order in Council wa passed to increase nearly thousand dollars Thi exclusive about a year for salaries for newly appoint ed officials These I am if formed are undoubted facts I do not know for certain whether the servant of all tbo other departments were as well taken care of as those in the Custom but I suppose if One provided so Nov other Minister were not Great Republic brings the behind in the like following intelligence from China steamer brought to Hong Kong the newa of the seizure of of who know not what there Cuban patriots are Far from minds li feeling of arrogance Farther still bathe feeling of debility From our hearts we neither seek noi shun peril If the us to fight tight Mother Country can aid us wo will thank her bat mast contend lone there are enough in Cuba to keep oar banner eel will sell very dearly that whit wa once the most brilliant flower lbs Crown of Castle Manitoba Items Foe Nov The ca ass for mayoralty of the new Town of us Without Portfolios The Opposition Press ia making ado appointment of gentlemen to iho Cabinet without portfolios and denounces the pro as danger tional That il every one act Political history be some latent charge that it i dsn paid Cuo No I Iho rose ig against Ashantec- are icr W miles the recent war I have been defeated lor killed and wounded ana tne raxed to the and will probably rally SB the paed to frightful Sir bar last he October with only Is fur the purpose have been reirssl 011 ibe this is a to troops from Cape Coast assail English force llovor on lbs right Sir Garnet is making tbo est Work ssbm irtakon a Valley of the Volts collecting Hureiilua be and I thus Sew Loo to Manilla Tbe crew of the were liberated Tho sapor cargo of the Maria Louisa managed escape and tbe Spaniards declare that will be treated a if their tb in the consalates Tbe but those claims Hid protection of the yet Consul and ths Captain that of apparent Tho Tho latter slates thai the mot oifl or we mile off l- Is too large and if tehee c atl ibal possible be rnlncod bat lie ceo- to iho kali extend 9 graphical in it a J tlseeiah I hushed up Pre nooi the ex likely to put the reJuct on Nov A moliugi the of bo held in the Cookslown on Friday oclock select hi he Liberal bat it will be the largest meeting of bo kind ever held in the 1 Halifax ft are foil here safety of Her Majesty now day out England a of nearly men tt ben leaving port lhecartainexpr- making the passage in ahirteigbw igiitiow hero l i Kirni lie r pi lanl

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