Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 21, 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1873 New Advertisement furs Tan J Simpson Co Teachers Hodgson Astray Am ha Trams Sunday Service GEO P ffht Eta FRIDAY NOV Our Toronto Despatch mid Mr Wanning hi rejeellon alter tbf defeat for Centre of but own BIOS if Ik becomes a TV wedding of Beatrice eld rat daughter of rtwfard look place Owing tu lb ftrt that Mr Watson the a Protestant J mar look TU wttVswg psr the ami among the guest Attor Judges and other Th whit mm two ia blue yellow and two in altar was gorgroody decorated the Mr Edward of members of lb Jnd editorial w withdrawn from all wit IB the of county frlhr Ho Cart aright ami baa withdrawal for all fatorr from dl Party shortly bo convened will the agreeing a com mo to ail and of trowing compromising opposition to all deal era in railway charters as a mean to secure place and power We tru i the call will be heartily responded and that will crown lhu r rf forts A Hint to Our Weir bar Mr re- lp from tho Ontario and place to be filled lry Mr Prater of Granville admit I Reformer of integrity ami oHUty ail semblance Jul Coalition ha beta and as Mr we the groat bug the Member for North York could not now anticipate found on the side of the j tna approaching on Mr reform fneodi very much disappointed at tat he bee deemed it his duty in tbe peat as represent live of North York end were hi again to for reeleetioii they wonld that disapprobation n an unmistakable manner Seven who took a prominent part In Mr Boultbeo return hare in formed quite recently that whirl they supported him in opposition a resident they did it in faith that he wa a an would ad inch bat his during last and during more recent election in Brant am removal from the Riding com forfeits all claims upon thru further sapport or consideration Tbe part however might bare overlooked had hii consistency a reformer been such as to inspire future bone and donee bet it baa not and hence bis beet friend are now for support they accorded him ii opposition to an admitted honest Ito former although a nonresident the other hand Mr fan and loose conduct on Orange Act I his beat and moat intelligent friend side Hod declared to ilii- nun ore from conscientious 1 Orange fraternity wuuld hare looked but by ratine for and with the view pieae both In tnconailem lias made him obnoxious to as wa intimated now that r Scott no longer hold a Mat the and as the ii member may In Union of Reformers As the season of more letaere farming jmmonity ha arrived and in viu of recsn changes in political we lime opportune for a reunion of tin Reform Party in North York The old adage United we stand divided we tall been too pain fully illustrated by the result of the last two elections in lb and it atrtkee the favorable for a reuniting of the Great Liberal Party of North York During the last month wa hare bad frequent with met section of the liberal ranks and and de sire baa been lo forget the differences of pant by uniting into one solid phalanx in defence of princi ples for which the party baa so long and faithfully struggled bile re formers have been contending about manner and coarse to be pursued win prise our enemies bare seised it their prey In a reform like North York such a of disorganisation ia not tabic either our patriotism or in telligence and immediate steps ahoald be taken to remedy so an evil The Great Liberal Party of the Ruling is strong to bear donn all opposition unless di vided by internal dissensions moat of the time during twenty long y this constituency baa struggled for the triumph of Reform ia tbe cold shades Opposition and It exceedingly mortifying on the ere of triumph ol party that through minor we were enable to enjoy to the fall extent that mede of praiae doe to victory We treat generally for getting the past will early opportunity for closing op their ranks and by oneness of effort strike 1 Here we atari ling tact about one hundred who been to of entering their cases feeing and sen ing witnesses hare to wait till an other term for the of their and again be mulcted in fees payment of wilncsse Mo t of the criminal cases the time of Court bare en furnished by the city while the Mime tunc Jurymen from the County have to be in attendance and the County compelled to pay an on due of Court expenses by the legislation of the I Administration while j llo1 the prvjadfaa of has I worked upon with the view of hi ling lbs gross wrong under which we suffer by diverting public lion from the real grievance tbe peo ple reason to complain of One hundred deferred demanding is a better argument in favor of necessity of a radical than all the sophistry of writ ten pagos of theories and crude spec- Mali- it rise This ray I has sagb drink go doom and tar fai a thousand hilts Far with iiifliwnro This and our land with heart and rid We have not room lor the speeches delivered on the occasion Suffice it to say they wore by an and doep solicitude worthy of Govern meut seek it or retiuu hut in jasUee to A reform com a man shonld either do so or give phsri the people to send who will fairly and preasion to the political hold by constituency They Want Hlin Mr Ferguson of South Sim just previous to the Ottawa Pacific appointed to thu Port Col I wood but the that suburban town feel indignau- and insulted at the action of Sir John and his colleagues in iniquity at an a fraud upon an unoffend- ng communify and are now petition- Excellency Lord Dominion Government to pare the town an dire a calamity as infliction of Thomas Ferguson them petition act- that inasmuch as Mr Watson accepted the position of Officer on distinct understanding that be wae to be appointed Collector of the Port the position should bo conferred upon that gentleman We deeply with Colling wood the inhabitants are to bo com- and it be gralitiyint to Mr Watson however to find Con servatives and Reformers uniting in declaring they will not hero the P P for Sooth Smcoe if their voice can be beard at Ottawa But it come to this at hut that hero of acre toes notoriety is cum polled to finally into a Cos oatport at a locality where Laos whom he to amongpetilion the authorities them from preaeuce Of tempera Division of County Por some years we bare contended that the interests of the general pub HI demanded large and pnpnlou- County of York should be divided and every sitting of Assise Court furnishes coo tinned and repeated deuce of necessity On day last after a lengthy il Assises for York closed another ton three in a rear at that and this i tbe way the Globe alludes to it This team closed on Sal kail sr Temperance Hall Dedication According to announce ment tho Christian Church lately I the Templars thip place was dedicated to the cause Tcmperante on Tuesday evening last The Hall waa filled in its utmost and beat of order pre vailed throughout- A managing previously appointed bad b towed much labor in preparation far tho occasion Tbs decorationa followed the ditplayvd much and the gurnl ceremony was interesting and impressive Mr Wm McMaster jr the acting W C of the Lodge j el the chair Proceedings com menced by the Choir singing the opening ode This was follow ed be Bar Cesson read ing Scriptural lesson prepared And onto and thirst so mot then called upon lead the congrega tion in exercises after Mr 1 Irwin and ma some lions in rwfe to the edifice they were trembled on that occasion to dedicate to the cause of Temperance A Mall of this kind had long been wanted in tho village for public aa well as more private meetings of the Order for which a church was on- satiable This want had now been supplied Mr Irwin then gave a de tailed account of the expenses for pun and removal of the preseni Hall amounting in all to The principal on purchase account able in three inetal menix and bad no doubt lib and seal of the true friends ol cause would aid the Building He then delivered up the keys of the Mali the who hoped the bo forever dedicated ip In cause of Choir then sang Temperance isle then Whitchurch Council of Ism ting rrsd and Id of I I at Mrs Eli Janas Is ths t of St House of Toronto although rulsa of 1 I Rev Mr ihih didst nssk tbr ni frirt th- fi iWrlvtd JUs r ha is facfora tber and baas to toy threat if thou be a fir a of bis Wolif ihy an- my Son and arias sad is way Ha not sttoog a HI Who hath 1 and without cause Who hath Th last tarry long at a go to sk win Look win it t its in cup it At last it a like an addrr m Ird hnt and aal otukss for ths flesh to fulfil th Th Arab against flah and Ibr thrr la 1 Drab cannot God Ik not drunk with wins la ivsa jikf is and past ya walked lu world wboa also w ufiTrrsstiuu in tunes past in th Irak fidnllisf of lb as and were by nature of wrath area a For alios is god their I and wbas their bo mind arthly thing as slrep aa do other bat let W watch and be sober For they that tb sight a they that be drunken art in tbe a Bat 14 as who are tbs day br on of faith and lore I and for sa the bap of ration I you as aad war against the know that Jsa Osraaa was buad amity saasah saw two Tbabuai for tb from tbe odium now attached through of see ha dodging rrfrUi To thiol end we an informal eaf j a gentlemen of of the reform party wiHwar triad the For d i froaa your fatba it anil of Uh idolstnrt not nor drunkards ahaU labsrit KingIon of God Near ia an are aiur- rrIlingt arb like of I tall you before as I hare told you that lbT which do things cannot inherit Kingdom of This concluded the Choir again sang the following By of p the pan of bis shall Here may little child s dnak joys life mar th young B sst inebriate Bars may th aa and fiwudahip i towards God Am Sow 1 invimhlr ll into too e lwl tbe There i While the peaceful agea last But we read la work by rerrrrd That those joy they shall know saala iy ths of wine are Eer they lssr below Thu skua foul that kill aad body by tea ssort Oh from lifeginag tills Where they thirst atrr Tfa It inipsjlaadiriB Tb drunkard of And priests sots erred through ads then led the Con in devutional altar which the Choir sang another tjlce A collection was then taken up in aid of building Short fotlowod by Rev Mr Roe Mr Mr J Cook And Mr J C Robertson tbe latter gave Mime in tenting in rwl age of I with tb Also years redpisPt aid from townahip and for last year an insist of said died mouth Tbs Committee in the matter of Joseph Hoghir a pauper report that th psor man dratitnts and authorireit Mr George Stewart to pro id for hi pi suit and Con sell with the hill of th all of which re adopted Pretested from Gsorge Powell Mr Jours arcouded Mr that Mr Jaatabt to ecu foundling car to ths I Toronto and four do allowed her lor ripens present illnsss and that all rrsolntiona granting aid l On motion of Mr waa granted to the of St Joseph fa support or child sod by Mr Jones by Mr rraolrrd that of J Pronahinal of tb ing acting in behalf of tbe interests of this Township that the tuers of this would not be requir ed until a froai the atid af motion of Mr Marklmn by fallowing asms were to he paid I To Tkotnaa Hi Max- sou J one a S3 S3 twothirds raise ion to sheep by dogs sod to Jrtrmiah Hill for lumber and nails the road in his diviatsn asd M Jones plank and the sum of waa Lots U bar on said road to upended under tie of the Beer Peter lUgeu and saw- Five weeks next A grand Concert Laki Last Sale Register I reah eSrWsTt ill at to Sutton Noticing in your paper last ek 1 tier wherein Joba Fowler suggrata Lake Junctina Railway Cotapany a rutted a By Law to dissolve School rortiou to No with Mark day of December Local Summary sear A mealing of We understand the Median V that was n ibury I sat gang taken through eeiitrr touching at Mount Albert a good bonus still he ency arising from thr of hi tcburcb could be mad up by a bonus from Acting as it aa seder thers would little fear but whs Railroad would render material aidsad length th road by being allowed which case stool of Mutton would Mjually If not inaamurh aa is likely to obtain this t would admit a loaded at batten being ran tirougb to York without transhipping and of the Legislature after the election of thai year Occupying the position of Treasurer in i Reform which followed under the Premiership of Hon Mr i Blake and performing the of bo office with marked ability I owi Par During i be first lie acid as Loader of Opposition and ibling in after the general elections of year he installed by acclamation Leader of United of all tho Provinces Aftar forced resign iionf the Ministry o November alter one of the dobale ii Canada a volu of censure mined by Mr be was called open o now Ministry long a public great popularity of the acquisition to lie is a of Ontario aunts in the rived Ho yesterday In portfolios Mr spared from office involving plonty work and unremitting With and bead of be has combined the manac ment of Department of which includes railway and all throughout who occupies a leading position Cabinet baa taken office witbou portfolio or salary at the urge- people who admire sacrificing service in cat purity and well being of the 1 minion Mr Wake baa no desire shirk any of responsibility attach to the new ad ministration but hi health is not any too robust and he could not undertake a department lit add lent from public 1 fe As an Mr Blakes history IsrtWj it to be found on the pagus r the House of Dun ami the as an and as one of best in the speeches in the House we the Commons Hon Member for South Bruce undertook me leadership of the Opposition In the so the Reform element in the that general election in ltj1 bis policy waa endorsed by the try and with largely increased lowing elected to support him he wa- to overthrow the Coalition Ministry of the day and a Government more in with the of people The passage the Act against Dual Representation be earnestly labored com pelted to choose between of tbe highest office in tb own Province tb a plain in rank or Opposition at Hi desire to work for not for py or place led order held of pol tica and October he the office of Premier Having led bis party to in the Local and securely In power be out bin splendid abilities the of greater riumph that awaited bim at Oltaw the overthrow of twenty year in tin dsir John A lofty ipeacbabio character i in reply disjointed His understand a fire occurred this place A subscription circulated among audience it was announced be fore the close id the meeting that the lections arid that evening amounted to about Tbepnding then clsw4 by the tinging the following version SAVE THE support of bisequal ly and single minded Mader have been becomingly recognised by cordial imitation extended to him to accept a position in the new Ministry an t the largely signed requisition of Members urging to accept a place in tho Cabinet purity of his motives have never been questioned and proofs his disinteruetednees ha been furnished by his refusal to la yielded only to the urge solicitations we daman is lis colleagues and ti en on condition that ices should bo accepted Hon Edward Blake Is i son of the late Him a distinguished juris ire of tho f in the House He Hod mid highly t ag in hd of the His present irtfieo is entered and a Liberal af Inland Is it French Canadian and a ui member of the tjielec Bar Porn ly edited Ia Nation lie ass having i from 18 till the Union ami lime in the Can n uxoi II has if 1 Premier I General of his native ids holding other lie linglol I the Smith la in poll great 1 He rcpreaenta for Parliament at the lait rsrSl John II highly Mi ill I ran with der of the Minitry is a of New Bruitwick fills th Adelaide also as born in only a few miles was educated Toronto University and God bar the Her Vriotwus ad God Thy gifts impart her heart Cod ear Queen Kay abe defend oar laws AadtrsrTueseaaae To stag with lend Bar tat bar aright I taper might Gel Bar though Miami The New London Advert iter A brief sketch of members of tbe now Mackonxie Ministry may prove interesting to the reader moat of Right Rev those position in it are Crony Lord Bishop of Huron constituencies but a i s Called to the Her in loon he to tbe of that Ipsaatbe most dislingushod apace in Informing of the Ilia long and inlen i of Reform bored with prde and in by every adherent of ibe party in Canada and his His family are Make of Csvtbel lo occupy j grove Gal way Ireland readers or the j SfiasntT T- Minister Mr J Cartwrigbt ia also a native born at Kingston in was President of the old Commercial Bank of Canada an acknowledged Premiuridiip of been hailed with J Parliament a Member is only rice 1861 if land trained in early f fclmimtr and follows ibis handier lb for many year- bis in Canada Subsequently be for in one years a Reform called Reform be took part In be Of i- or Slid Scotia and sal for the lHGhto and I when he run all parts of the his own ship- at of the 3rd IUH to the Lhtt 18tl7 and a in one of the Pi I opning id the pceeii a- of the tie new man in of great In of oullic Islaisl le times the of the litis and is looked up to as the head Liberal ia Island His speech at point in debate the of tho ability and In the Parliamentary lion as one of the adviei Crown is a Ilia selee- was elected y at the general the cat plih Reformer well known and throughout am and President of ibe meeting of Pari Canadian Commons for AgricoUural and to Mr rinhfa and reelected at Ihe gen Has been in Parliament since 18 1 I i in of the siaterhjodo Victoria will l- go to it Prince Alfreds marriage will be porformod by Dean of The Montreal hare opened the following In Ontario during the few lays Charing Morpeth Back- horn Milan North Ima Indiana Oxenden Btf Delhi All are point hitherto without telegraph fnciliiiei his Cabinet creating lis strength the next also and the Senate since representative for Middleex in Ontario Legislature in succeeded with Mr in the who has been appointed Poai I Hon Henry James lu- Ad General Mr General office General In the new ration from of also an old and walllried Reform f PI

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