Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 14 1873 New Advertisement Train Time kick will lb Yea totally collapsed nil buried Sir John A and followers including i prophet Oar Mood upon their hatched and grief at Colli umber of that lo by Sir J me ana thi le the fray b ooplc No a I 9ZS KEyr Sunday Services FRIDAY NOV 14 1873 Our Toronto A for Mr ssst The dealer it afraid ajeun sad go for the reprints nf l A u at the In hi liitur f the old I Mr II fsroili lb Old of In of the Ml ut Ad mm rat ion it mil Lr and plant rill taw print luwda than forth for this are all lid net boo The mar want Jo I probably luring to It u Mat Ontario scat lTpUlanr ago an noon to hi Mr oMintstry by reference to the following lit is somewhat from the telegram published new Cabinet ha Van into office and of requiring reelection are tore Ihcir constituents Itaakenla Minuter of EdwaeJ Blake nithotit portfolio i ilnilcitknul the- Comarl In thenar rJ by Mr by Mr Ram hat Mr paid tba Mm of pair to anil bill on Mr Hawkiaalodajapplird for an i hearing in t until November r lluo of atrtnl killed and tbia TV Bait and City of Pari took oat to a York and 5000 in bullion rrtlTrly TV atranihij John Not Tbr nitbdrawal of in from the Liverpool branch of f England for abipmrat to New York tdya aWamrr tho comae in now The ntatu of in tnrriiigtho Im i eat of The patron Saint of our cot- been end thp nun wreck of matter and rah didnt how folly Herald in nan bored Prophet were of little wit ibis modern Fond to an the of in agar to a father l ihoaghta bo now alroot rot 1 thai of mil l W by Mr i John will I 1 ffrirntl Perhaps thinks ditTcrtntly lam bat how horrible pain of moot office at Ottawa that In by aw men an and riraKioa Ilirr J St lummrauoi m Ml CvlBn of Interior moat liable Mime may yot be in distribution of fur on the talent of no iiiiry ia concerned it will com fuvratiy on the will combination of men of which of tho late govern went Not only were aoctinnal country conaidered- and religiona tree to our dinlike to ilcMt even of would bare been batter to have Men all tbo office with in or acted with tho leaden of Iniou and Prog Party At tin tiuio it ia equally unfair and I f rracu the jng 111 from Iferabi by can of called the by an editor acal far late fallen the Corruption iata Party be by hia faith in Sir John parity He baa bad bis little Hay from we make the following Thirat Reform ha by MaMullen TaM HI So the tfaaa juat before the meeting of I but the fiatco on lb theory of our araoxinfrly mil demnnat rated loo for dealer- in thai he badly nold inlead of it Reform Party can the Tbe OtUwa in another of the clans of journal British coat of irm at the top Of Goeemment Right or wrong Sir said or done Timet rtnlv la wear by or endorse Ho loo was among tbo braggart hoarse Great is Diana Great ia Sir John at Ottawa And lhi way talked lrillt Tbe Prophets In fa laUtX It In really amusing to read tbe newspapers of two weeks ago sop porting Sir John A in the light of events Tito bumble pie bey are called to eat now in order to explain things to and that let themselves down from Pegasus flights and tall prophesying is astonishing Tbe Mail and Leader exhibit a fever ish state of excitement and through- oat the whole corrupt ion camp there weepiejr wailing and gnash ing of teeth Montreal Gazette j administration egainnt the Istu who according to Mr bad are infamrn bar- o far fire thousand aabntanti- party whoa It has been led How about that defiance after resignation on the Ms out daring to risk a Tote A made of In tbe party be led in the Boss when Timet that ho preferred charges of ignominoua surrender and the SJr Allana give contradiction to the aaer ion not to be mistaken Tbe Mail and were daily in he spirit of prophocy the Grit R speculation in speaking of late meeting of The has seen and roader bar tm how fast the rtekUa gmnihler fuc plan- rid trod the downward onsen Let the game of the of November when Sir John and his colleague ignomini retreat ed from the Goeerament and retired to lee shades of daring to risk a of House impeachment wit- ness who gamblers are and point with onerring certain to those who are treading tbe downward coarse Again the Gazette o The fair man mr new nmirchaJ by ta nnmUlnd eCmntery of fid their hireling Leader of a faction I Ahem I faction eh Who erer heard tell of a factum in Parliament compos ed of a majority of the whole Come coma Mr Gazette yon are smirching lite fair fame of those whom and the country Already moat proclaim to be to hold keys of office in preference to man f wbo made saervfaamiisa of railway Tfm order to herewith to bribe and Dose the Gazette take tcbool Turn in at or of Board for I be nam then sdjoaraed Gu annihilated and all Canada with load pasens to Sir John bat like a good many tbin world who trusted In a broken reed depended on cisterns broken they were doomed lodaappointmenL tikmbm Wluila pari of naid t a ii of Nona baa triumphed I A blow has r fty been to corruption high j tad Cam places honor and credit of the country been vindicated political ha been cleared of the foal contagion which at one time threatened the and prosperity of the and the people breatbe mure A new era baa dawned and we a more honest if rot a brighter is bo Whole Cloth Stories E of the la saa km sad lost Brother member of Portia- oat while be traducee Boa Mr bit paper ha to do so in the of where be could bo mot We clip the foregoing extract from tbe London Herald of this week and on enquiry at lha Capitol w learn rfth tbe whole is without foond- We challenge the Herald to give a sinfle of a discharge em- place boa been filled by referred to ia too above extract action of is legitimate field for bat to slate a delibsrato an troth and shea proceed Ho too too manager of coadopt that sett a great regardicj troth is a of said creditable to Tithborna application was Proaidency of 00ealled Cuban The fire has canard a Republic Cuba today aye that it i- Mis noose a anybody more ao than lt that many who make ostentatious professions of philanthropy but A Community for cannot do less than approve of the energy displayed toward all rebels of a and particalsrly those whom the till- iemniuiily He liinitnof bantering steamer Virginiua brought of about 1 el a willingnesi kid Reform Parly loo to secure its success and Wo with much confidence tbe new Government for a brood the j air Christie and Sl 1 mi all the guarantee of the of Ontario and Quebec aril quire The lide of baa stemmed Parliament has pal its mark of approbation and atampod th disgrace the trade and I J public con tracts for or the political I loo country will be all tbe purer and we may look forward to the of promote the material of the nn try ami contribute to goner of tin- young Dominion Newmarket Council and to be paid from the committee of and Mr Case reported in of paying latter and the former lha party who deposited the Strand to the city the embark by morning sad will Mag lire teal ratal A mdoa say raoirned however Tlrilr- him rf reconatrnction Nov Tba Aasambly today by Mr SS on the of ihaelectieaatofilltbe I in the Assembly within the time by Thursday next for th iaUrprrUlion A for ptedlsdU on th form of iiriverN io introduced and will sapportsd by r throe of lag main of the Committer on prolongation until today M Lean sad Uboo lave all of the left Thi the majority of on In th Coss- result rise to intense It said the Right which of Aasambly President McMahon ha a of debste failure lo order election in to Assembly ot Th ream today say not only agreed to limit MseMsnon ie ta ft yrnrs but hare consent ithrhall be designated by ths President of the the Right have gained ever Meeting sevrpt of I member sad bow bars s majority the in the constitution of in the Committee on prolongation of Presidents p Turkish man died yesterday All Ministers tendered lay but the President declined to scrrpt them J dag It sppeorof I Ths sabjaet of the Virginia to bar been Nov ass in th Proviae of loan of ths very grant and inluded among the killed with the sad the earth on isUsat Mr boggy being Irft in at presents Report adopted Committee on of I to reported hi sad hence they had d a genets ByLaw The Commit r reeommeoded that th Clerk sad the i prepared a by TW reported of OS Report an has arliat and wUI to aakl the election ordered be held in th week of December TEE Havana Not On the not the captain and of the crew the steamer Virginias were Id at Santiago de On day tbe twelve more of the Cuban Volunteer on were nung the latter was An yvnat from Art Alao a pnpoaai of Asm secount fur ss a Also from Mm flUrrnson fceV bloody war in Cuba I rom Nov be rniing and Manhattan have been ordered to first building tin bo put in commission end to win nil land be officers are already assigned and far a tbo man re fnnrthclaas screw vessels iron- of tl I I i tone and carrying each two These vessel- will la join the NorthAtlantic Squadron of the navy have boon neb red need in number that it has been found somewhat djffieult to promptly reinforce oar squad of emergency the course a few all that can be made be sent to Cuban waters accordance with determination the Cabinet yesterday The Gov rnment seems to be more earnest hen heretofore in protecting raters between United States nd Cuba from Spanish molestation Tbo Madrid Government being unable it authority in that ofthe mill be compelled to assert lis power in all cases where the decisive action The President all members of his Cabinet are in accord on this suojuct Nov Order have been received at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to gel the sloops of war and Junnta ready for sea at once At noon today under press orders the torpedo boat Admiral Porter was launched and will be made ready for active operations in a few All the officers about tbe yard are greatly excited over the news from Havana The New LieutenantGovernor A OATHS OF The ceremony of formally ting Mr John Craw lord into office of LleotenantGovernor of the Province of Ontario took place oclock Wednesday afternoon a Governors official roaidencc Among who witnessed the ceremony were the Hon Messrs Mi Kellar Crook and Pardee membci of tbe Local Administration til Hon Chief Justice Draper Ho Mr Justice Gall and Mr Justit Senator Mai A ikons and Smith J Metcalfe P ComcmnM P P James Booty P Hon J Robinson P D P A Lauder P Rev Rev Principal Coven Knox College Rev Father Rev Father Vincent Superior of Sl s College Very Rev VirerGon Jamol J and Rev Dr Green Hon John Sheriff Jarvis Aldeirman Thorn- puled to loal lie sjhsd for rue- i with ft giniiiiig and In riig mil where full fneilities are lor doing work on a large aid money into this lima devilled necly village by A Unit Troy though they are not women and not in be reeiilonht The site of village i- a and it all manner Tho cnmmuiitntr i- Womans no mica I Horn stead League mid it by the act of the Statu Official Appointments Ottawa I v 11 a extra or Ibe Com in Ml 1 a Boncb for Pi Una J pa McKay and to bo lion on tbe of Vermis- Francois Montreal is View reJgnwi Henry Prior end tunnel Cm of of Learned in Ii Samuel Tiltev Si John I to be Li Governor of that Province Hon A whoso office ha expirioL John Crawford of of On P term of servi has expire Hugh of Ant ft In a Court of said Pi Lyon ot hi Judge of the Court of the Coon ly of Carle ton Mayor Manning sou Mr J Wo Jr Principal Cock burn Upper Canada College and Mr Caw Mr B- Homer Dixon Consul General for Netherlands Mr J A meant lor the Germanic CTLSbawU S Consul Col Major Denlaoo Major Goodwin and Ac At about iwo oclock Mr Crawford waa intrx lured end having op his position In front of the desk gentlemen present formed in order around fh room the of and military pnmenl making a semi circular line linn in rear Ills tho Chief Justice stood at r left the Hon Mr at bis light road Hi Excellency ll Oovornor I i I hal tin al hi- n lla l or Her and lr J on- Clr J01C ben of Uior duly aobaenbad ahor con Tla aa completed J Joauoa Dnper Mr fi all then offered tbeir J pmaimn J mLrilu I bam of liiical To Ilia I we leave in the find In when a boor waa I ctcnionl or tin- Oloic the cannot he ape ly op Tl 0itn on ay mc the Alter lha inaulation load iba party to luncheon boar waa Conflagration at on ho 11 rear of ibe world 1 1 odd I i adjoanwd It Ta OTMUital rf ha a a Bead of Mr arm Mr OjaaaUa data of far a KIM Baal nport taTbaCaaaoQat tta Bear that aw work aa Tee Hoe baaed Cauad cm fa a Moral Mr lawn iinalil Mr that tba bread a pay the of Carparaaaa of ioiotty fir many year firo Clan It will now nee lol been cawed by too the pttch Cuba ami her r a will need the night watchman men Have pilloXamon and the the I whole ablaze in a few momenta bee fire tpread rapidly to lumber ye yard and adjoining and cant of Fry will the which were made to borne to malty here be j the State There were about foot of motion f which ware firit hen T M rr aUuKbtored u the American daatmr I laJlbouh moat or freight The trocttybMbeao iook be or to the company od the I n all hare jocompan by a genaral or horror ad l0 1lt J princilly owned y roearniani l L brick hotel waa 1 a abort an and iSi itialmpcalbUlo get Ml particu i I to be the in or the Virginia and twelve a eitrom here about aii 1 morning with our tire ear The Torio of bold a lo a Randolph a mill at candidate to run in baa proved one of tbe mnet the Local in phta In Mr They will dal rih I Alia alri Jarinr iliatobllr aw hi lift TrV IT- thai no i property 1 v m mm otbarwuw bare boon daatroyed Senator for Mayo liical Ta Aurtwu aw lorday when the rowlntloaa Slate lack drawn ore hi are being cat exported that ore lo iimedataly and the miner Nov 8 The only Onoition paper in he tT iva- lo a motor thai owing iwi d ho reogh Sir John a ng pom n adiiog Hi- Ire i lalwl I 1 Mr I

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