Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1873, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA AUGUST 8 A llftil thai lu speak Tor the de Quebec thus tb Royal Com mi 1 an price Thr curt I drank ami now thai they rind thai ihey themselves they dig up In w throw it into a ii a 1 IjiliNtii hitiJrr Iar that It the bum of r load of gravel for DM- Moved by Mr arconded by Mr lover that report or Heft Line adopted and that lb grant to John Anderson fur aum of it bring amount of wn I allied lima by Mi FRIDAY AUG 8 1873 Our Toronto Despatch by Mr I libel axing lb dan Monday thr 19th relation have ajirrj during wek in onset lion with and l7i th of rTWBit- la on letter i ttd If had taken th matt hand and as TV public rah bow how far to f in anything thr Mm- Thr of October been agreed upon a day of to by Indie in thr Ti- many friend fa Mr of tlx tropditaa Church will sympathize with Royal Commission and Petitions Tbe M minimal pre it largely jot now about the pouring in from all quarters pitying Ilia the Governor Gen eral not to prorogue tin- Com on the intt till after Parliament ban had an opportunity to deal wit the grave charges preferred Advisers The Mail Sir John special organ feels very bad thin and says that by these petitions Lord is asked reject the advice ot bis land at the bar pleading not guilty If it be true that Executive hat tendered advice for prorogation fore Parliament has an opportunit to deal with the case the intentic of petitions is correctly staled far as it goes ha the Mail does tell all the story Tbe Executive stand as criminals at tbe bar plead ing not fruilty and now they wanl to have appointment of their own judge and jury and also to frame indictment upon which they are be tried Inasmuch as Pari amen High Court of people and that Court already pronounced practically on nature and charac ter of Enquiry Bis Excellency bas advice from a power superior bis Ministers a power which makes and unmakes Advisers of the Crown a power too we are not disposed to believe Lord will either disrespect or ignore Under the oil to act upon advice Sir John and bis col leagues woo Id be to act upon the dictation of peached Ministry and give the color of partisanship to that course should the question of a Royal Commission be submitted to and a majority thereof decide the Enquiry should be taken before such a Court Ilia Excellency would be freed from censure but in view of the action already taken by the House and without further di in premises to forestall Parliament by tbe appointment of a Royal Commission Would be a stretch of royal prerogative closely bordering an infringement of the powers and privileges of tbe Com mons under our constitution of res poo The Ottawa Tiwvt speaking for the Ministry says- the Royal Commission will be in every respect satisfactory to public This may all be true j but objec tion is not so much to who may be named as to the nature of iheCourt it self By the appointment of a Royal Commission she Court would be charged to make an enquiry on an indictment framed by men im peached but if by a Committee of the Housetbey would be tried on the charge aa pr by the a very narked difference as very body knows at all acquainted with criminal prudence After alluding to the indecency manifested by the Ministerial press to stake a of Sir Goo Gutter Home Politics During the post week petition have been sent from this riding ly signed praying His Kxcellercy not to prorogue the Commons until the Pacific Scandal been ventilated Hundreds of es been forwarded through P alone including y Conservatives well as Re tt have it on pretty good ty Mr A P Dodge has writ en to in this Ridingannounc- his intention of resigning very shortly Indeed a letter bracing announcement has become pub lic property as fact is slated in a communication on public business to one of tho municipalities of the Rid ing in whioh bis proposed altered re lations to toe constituency are referred to We do not wish cause needless trouble but apprehend the Reform party will be remiss if they long neg lect taking action towards securing a candidate A strong feeling obtains to rcunito tbe entire Reform section of the constituency inono solid party and now is tbe time to accomplish this desirable object aura of for labur on by Mr lroasrr atMndrd by Mr rthat bill of Winch so a for thr repair of rosd e I paid British Templars of the of ia at lonr through York JTto Intirring on Tmi- American Correspondence- llowaat rail up my mind that if lb itarlf in a I would onr of sod ao thr dual and that rnah in at firry on thr or on a warm day thoar modirat you and thr watrra of in more worthy so far Pine urn ondl by Mi third of abrrp by or dags Carried by Mr by Mr that John reowlvr thr of pay Tor loads of per I Movrrl by Mr by Mr that mm of bring of lullnl by dog or Movcl by Mr Hough by by M that thr to gi required by Law for of a on line Lota No ft in thr 3rd a by Janes P in iUX a report of whir a strd to thia Carried by Mr Glorer by Mr that Council do now adjourn Lake Junction By reference to our advertising columns it will be observed a Byli for granting a bonus oft in of the Lake Simcoe Junction is now before the ratepayers of church for approval the vote to I taken on last Saturday of month Not being a resid of the Township it is not for us to do more than discuss the project public work which we shall endeavor to do before the polling day With the ratepayers of the question stands in a different relation as the are asked to the substance towards the under taking If they conceive that a Rail road is actually needed nad that nol only the country at large but their Township in particular will be bene fitted to extent of the bonus they are called upon to grant then they should sustain it but if they that with a Railway on the South reasonable facility is already afforded to meet the requirements tbe Township they ought not to n Bylaw All these 9 advantage by tbe employment of labor and the expenditure of public money but they bave their grave disadvantage if afterwards they do not pay working expenses by becoming burdensome to tbe people and a drawback otber enterprises Tho people of Whitchurch are sufficiently intelligent to judge upon the merits of this enterprise so far aa it is likely t affect themselves some thoughts the general aspect of the question will endeavour to give in a tubas issue North Gnilllmbury Council Holiday the at day of July Member ail present J Re ia the casir of jnrriooa meeting were read as approred The following petitions were laid before the Coun cil Communication from Provincial Treas urer Department rationing copy of of the Act and Lioentss Prom Ego the let ai prtitioo from sad others asking far the erection a Bridge serosa the Cwaceaaian Lite Prom and others Cameron aaking a It was then mowed by Mr by Mr that the and prtitiona ba rereirrd and taken by Mr by Mr that the of Joseph Huntley sad other be the of this Couatil sad that on Roada sad Bridges the si la for Bridge sad report at meeting of Carried by Mr that Us of Dark sad be granted sad last Walks naked for in the Moved by Mr Proem r seconded by Mr Glover that the Cam wis and others be referred to the sadjridge to be exaraised by said rasa sad that to let any contra sad report at next storting this CoaanU Carried Moved by Mr by Mr Glevsr that the to day Cricket Match The return ma between Newmarket and A thrgtimndaoftLrlatt on Friday laat and irwilte1 in faor of market with four to wrlluied to the fart that ibr of Newmarket than by thrir but rors eras decidedly beat in the field The profited by the J Hughes T Mies Annie Sharp Alfred Love Charles i Martin i M Mia Mini John K3harp i ii Miaa I legem Mis A- Hughe Miss I T P J J Hughe called Star of the Forest P T Colo T Mi- Hannah Tress Henry Johnoumr Cole Edward Johnstonr I Libert Joluutoor named J P W C P Psttersosv P Deputy 1 i iiiitt Colonial By the Atlantic Cable WH annum Ihikr sf tbe of hie ram up today for third reading Sir Ihlkr a long against has been given to noma Mr Sin hundred short traders witness to their undertaking New Vow August all ll ftf the street reports of Vendor bilt being seriously ill hint ks bene tbry ianir and what rrally of Tlif hrer such retch field break on to the Turf prorrd that the great rare of Cleveland were The variety of on the way up the time rapfilly Aftrr entering Detroit I beard -riti- in on Dominion such a dull place a grant many about the Dominion Thr Detroit a body of from half to of and to the f Mr AnderamniemlierfaeJgowtnovedar praying that in the of tin Duke of to the by of the annuity further I City really beautiful Your most to couaidrraWr at the citified and metropolitan of thr City of the Straits Bring that tower of the City Hall brat for a view guided by anme 1 met on landing I repaired to that elrvsted position From point wf command the entire Detroit in all its at fm no dodging or biding behind hill as Isrrl s floor it away in all direction making a picture that ia Dot and that the people of Detroit nerd not be aahamed to show 1 say rather of notice if time and rpscc would permit City Hall however aperial ment It a splendid building model of rfgrwye t fumiab iween Detroit and tra minutes making the rirer both lively and The visitor to Detroit will find what may probably be the moat interested Is hotel II conducted ami moderate sad bat not least number of fine churches With thia brief fragmentary dracription I decide that Detroit has Yours ft Ang occurred thia nrar to Tweli reona re and thirty Among the killed Sir John A nam Many who of the it in cimcOjenr of ommitted by thr and tbe burning of by Many building ii r the city i rued In The comfort of General it hording drfeneelc towm an reaction throughout the country favour of the National Thr frigates by the are rtly manned by galley alarr Thr baa received intelligence from Malaga that upon the arrival of an insurgent frigate in that harbour the and German suuadroi a conference with Geu in they urged him to order the return ariird war to Csrthagriis Th cm flit that On the Munici an sent to the ItegiuUican Valencia to in tlie liniment of that All Madrid sad Si tie In been interrupted by A HI I providing for the of introduced into t Temperance at Sutton ass deliver lecture bat could not being takra suddenly ill Sunday evening bile la pulpit However he informed a in tun to telegraph to Toronto sod J J Bice f Toronto to fill place That gentleman came and done credit himself and the cauae of Temperance Thi meeting convened at half pact seven BibU Christian Church sad pro- clock by calling the He Mr to th Chair Chairman vary appropriate remark after which as called upon the Mr Meredith from Cold Water to address ths meeting who vary telling remark again King The Chairman then called on Mr las then introduced who delivered xoUant The best order d while gentleman waa delivering hi tec- are- The choir accompanied by th organ and played soum beautifnl piece daring he craning thereby adding to th veiling At ths close of audience heartily gar a vat to choir sad organist for r la which they accommodated than Also s rots sf thanks given ffnraas lecturer for sate the worthy Patriarch Unary Tntosr then railed the Divkaoa Id in which that th was day Advice frotn Valencia that the troop attacked that city this and bar driven the InsurgenU in they are Ijraeigei Aug Don sad de are fortifying that town Tl also prrparitig to a levy is in the Pnrriace fatty ml north- wet of lUrcrlona July 3rd General Sickle had interview- with The Cortes ha under s for dividing Sjwin into fortynine It i that the Federal will amend- The cldrf Juatice Jf Almanaa be sakrd the Corte forJjjori to the The of foreign power in harbour of have iuterpoard to prevent the gent from attacking the mat to in- announcing that the Porte military and had th Tarkish raioiatrr now in New York ayi that be den re in it of s warlike intention Governments are pace with the pragma of thr age in th character of their armament it the Porte to set with for very purpose securing peace fire Aug A fire Expoaition building thia morning and was ant before the Alssoe and psssaat dwrlling destroyed TV agricub building was threatened with tion bat was eared by the energy American News all together ack taking a great inter ia th cans of Temperance The London Bays toon at that Royal Commission is pounced look out for a corner whitewash tmW An Ottawa despatch says A good deal of sport at tbe expense of the defendant in the matter of the Pacific scandal caused this after noon by the publication in the lion who in the 1q- Of Ministers aro rapidly dt- a4nj in number thousand persona were in attendance The first nee for 224 bono started Nellie was favorite in the pools and won three heats in beautiful 23J 24 Second race for entries Brother Jona than waa the favorite in tbe pools with Castle Boy second choice Cat tie Boy won in three straight beau 225 CaicAoo Aug 3 This evening a fire broke out in fourth story near elevators of the livestory marble building corner of Washington and Bute streets and it still horning with a prospect that the interior will be destroyed the building being fitted up for retail dry goods store and nearly finished but contained no goods Loss York Aug A Herald special from Khiva dated June 11th says 40000 slaves have been and that it probable that an will be tent to chaai Turkoman tribe Chicago July excitement in the Board of Trade it over The wheat corner culminated to day when the July wheat touched Set tlements were principally made on a basis Young Co Canad have cleared imaad and have the credit of running the well provided will successful in tho history all tho necessary tacklo Theyg of Board A good deal of chagrin aired to get behind sheet or wag- felt here over fact that on which thn- come pouring itive tho Americans should without much difficulty but to be to tucoestfolly overreached The from thin point and roach tea lecetstry Saratoga thorn up for la I evr and tho new el the Winds one of of Naw -iotk- August They went far a tea known man was beaten and kicked along the death tonight in a saloon on the nport only as rner of Spring and Green street the of the Borraui Y Aug The- sec- 1 nature It was I dark in tht meeting of the Buffalo lork toV toed day was fully up to of tho most sanguine weather delightful A bracing from northwest made the atroos phero charmingly cool From early rning the railways loading to tho were crowded wilh passengers an early hour every vehicle that Id be pressed into service was crowded with human freight anxious for tho great purse 40000 Fully per sons wer on the ground The display of private equipages was itwo walls of further they would require they had not at hand aai means lighting the cavern An Exciting Scene In Detroit From thtDttrbit Free Press At a hour Saturday evening discovered a man disrob ing himself near tho street cemetery yard nod when ap proached him be attacked thorn so vigorously that they were glad to retreat They raised an alarm and some men turned out in search of the stranger but they failed to find him On Sunday morning hit clothing was found on the street by a boy named Phillip living on Clay and soon after tins tho man wat discovered in the cemetery YoungPhillipe and other boys entered the grounds and approached the man who jumped from behind a stone and fired two shots from his revolver at crowd ono of bullets narrowly missing Phillips The man then shouted and yelled until a crowd of men collected and made preparations to capture him Being afraid of bis revolver they ap proacbed very cautiously sheltering themselves behind tho Tbo fired twice at the men and then becoming afraid bo leaped up and ran oat of the yardholly pur sued He had removed every and aa be daubed up shouting and shrieking and bit revolver ho created no little excitement- Some of have overhauled him but whenover they near be turned and pre sented hit to fire and they dared not come too close Ho was panned to north end of ttroetand almost surrounded but bo gained the woods and escaped all further search though twenty or thirty men were looking for Sunday forenoon Most of the ing left behind wat old country and from fact it ia IntVd in this country from Two Blacks W Scandal brought upon Dominion It the fact that the Gov instead of trying to redoerr character by either disproving the charge against them the thing their seat are through their accredited organs industriously at work throwing mud at air evidently thinking that by a certain amount of exertion in lino they will succeed in public oblivious of their own- rascality What Mr McMullen that people of Canada should care for hit antecedents All they 1 build a Pacific whom the latter ass in him in falls Me nek r Another largo from bank of the the spot where the Rattlesnakes are found iu woods north of Mr of hat one in his KWeenrioa nearly three fool long The Canada Southern Rail Company have in contemplation construction of a new I bridge across tho Niagara at Clifton Mr of Montreal hits the con tract oi erecting a monument uA Savannah city Georgia to the jubliahesi two I letters of Mr James ir Mr Smith of CW M show how the at of Fort Garry despatch bail been refused to Hoy and for kid napping Gordon and he pritofg wore commuted for trial at term of the Court of Qatar J Bench has been admillaf in bail to appear for trial at editor of Manitoba Liberal baa on his invria to act as second in a duet tan one to an Indian hunting raid a pan in presented by pound nugget of tickets Postmaster and J and twentytov And liter A Sal Lake City nnd case of Ann wife of Bri filed today la office of the court Complainant damages alimony and counsel fees and pending 000 per month be argued before Judge son being a a tear for bis health on August on preliminary Otber tails of a like nature The Globe says that Mr whose name bath before tbe public for i connection with tho Pacific hot commenced an aetion against the Mail newspaper Mullen retained Mr and Mr Harrison aa his counsel la chats Mackenzie J A Brooke are the attorney for I dtntiff and Mossrs Robintv for the defendant damagea are laid at 50000 expected will be the York Assises when Mr Mel and bit accuser will confront c The tayt name have not went oat from Petal Cbene to cat hay and while storm laat week Allan in a ache Railway- relied t- money and capital to forward In hit killed They wore not Sir Hugh find hi friend no longer for ftw of use or advaotago and two looked for falling oat Mr tear aaj behind their sunder veil ezpoae to the gate old friend of Canada and that of world corruption of ruler and repro ve in all it naked hideous- That is all of Mr McMolh the people of Canad him at much garbage from kennel of Chicago a plea at it will make clients bite- nor diminish by a feather eight the exceeding gravity of the charge against them The people of Canada or at least the wiser part ily a policy an -out- pouring of rage by a gang of robbers against one of their number who ha turned Queens evidence and exposed their deed All the splur ge of the accused party will not avail them in face of these fatal document for and acknowledging receipt of occupation money and geouioeoet none of their de fenders had the hardihood to deny Wit nest A New Cave of the Wlnda The Suspension Bridge Journal new wonder in nature hat boe dis covered here Last Saturday John Mom ford and Thomas for many years have glided visitors through the Gave of tbe Winds on Goat Island determined to ascertain if thir not still another cave under American Fall Tbeir ex perience led them to think that from formation Eolua bad a second den under tbe north end of Fall The task of proving whether their theory waa true or false they knew would be attended with difficulty and danger bat like brave of old who discovered and brought to light secret of the hidden Crypt search of them when their were found a horrid position and partially by snakes The details of their are too revolting for farther ii tion Their bodies were found I Saturday Aug A I years of ageoamod William eon of Mr J School Montreal was i and it it feared fatally this morning The lad was si at Mr 0 for this tueV and learning photography Ha alone at the house this from negative Mr Hara being away from teems that he attempted Ore Id stove He moat I been pouring oil from the i the stove when the flame a caled with oil in the can plosion which blow the off the can and immediately the boy in flames H mi house screaming and fell Some men who happened to nnants of bum clothing off the boy a speedily a he burnt in a manner from foot to head 1 the lower part of hit face offerer was carried into com bos residence placed in bed where aid could do to alleri- JJJj in town ct lie in a and it kitchen where tb took place was instanlf ahd have both as been often proved They re paired to foot of Ferry stairs scorched bat by ort of those who first beard alarm and rushed UP spot tbe was pot out 1 Edwards mentioned in mornings despatch form villa having been burned by Oil died oo Friday at midnight

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