NEWMARKET ERA JULY 1873 and ftw in mo a t p Newmarket FRIDAY JULY Our Toronto Despatch Da was celebrated In this villago by a grand dramatic en- given in Brill Shed by Sutton Association The popular farce entitled The or Jealous Wife and rick Boy were ally represented ba ilie different Member of Com- i nd iho aadionco numbering and testified their by long and continued I ted red public IB by Mr Hubert of Mr Geo of and Mr Walter Moure of Jersey wb contributed largely to the success of the evenings amusement object of the above entertain oteit was in peg ing lhsj del I incurred in ing improvement to the Drill Shed and although in of nnforsecn circumstances not quite as much wan realized as an ticipated yet the proceeds will go tar towards assisting the Company in their laudable desire of getting oat of danger by gelling out of debt This Town was the grand of attraction along Northern UK and was the only specially favoured by the Managing Director Heretofore halffare ticket were ob tainable on the Northern between stations on this holiday hot year the reduction only pertained tc Barric Of course it necessary encourage races and this arrange that effect Barrio full to overflowing indeed was never so thronged by strangers That dis tinguished individual the oldest inhabitant had never seen the like iihon- tonibod and refreshment stands done a ing trade and did not forget to make lien I sufficient charge On the race course the crowd was large the Ladies ops Stand was well filled the space devoted to unwashed not so crowded as anticipated owing Itatbr he high price of admission to rf grounds Judges on the were Messrs and SSI Piute was the most exciting and created ibe liveliest interest following races were scored Band again favoured the with music Mr Jackson was nest introduced presented a few thoughts in op position to the views presented by County Inspector on the forma in of Township Boards of Trustees was not particularly interested the question as ho resided in a but as it had been intimated the would shortly be called upon to pronounce an opinion with regard thereto ho thought it would k well to consider both sides Band another lively Mr Junnison wan introduced nd a few remarks Town ship Boards He thought they would lie an advantage After another by the Band Mr Seymour- followed and slated bow the pic originated and that the two subjects ho and his follow had in view were those al ready discussed Ho was glad both aides had been presented Elder followed with a few very appropriate remarks on the theme of social relations vote of thank to chair man and speakers brought tho meet ig i in ration took place lay re on Dominion holding the Queens Birthday As a consequence it was very quiet here all places ol business were closed and only for tho display of bunting in various parts of the village and rushing of crowds to and from the several trains ind and departing had the appearance and order of the Sab bath day In tbo evening somo of our citizens gave a display of fire works the wasjjy our townsman Mr Lee A heavy shower falling early in the evening caused those who had visited Hay and generally to seek parlour amusements to clone the days proceedings HOLLAND llMIMi This village had a lively time The morning train carried largo numbers to join them their field sports while hundreds from surrounding country drove to the io private conveyances The village was gaily decorated with flags but the public park where the games took place was the chief point of attraction Holland Landing has reason to feel proud of its park nature has done much to adora it while the improve ments made by the liberality of tho people makes it a retreat A cricket match commenced the days proceedings by the usual field of such occasions A large and commodious platform was erected in where the gay Public School PicNIC One of the largest held in took in Mr and i tbomscl to excellent music famished by the Band It a big day with the aod congratulate the attending their de thing occurring ws mar the proceedings a fall report for this not yet reached us understand We expected No public celebration took place in this Tillage but the day was gener ally observed as a holiday Quite a large number left by morning trains some lor Holland Lauding others for Barrie and a few lor To ronto and Richmond Hill During the afternoon a couple of ware organised and ear- Had oat Street in connection- with the Iublic Schools of tho Township were given to understand some different represented together with parents guardians and visitors As en tire party were not all In one at any time it is diffi cult to form an estimate of the total number but we should think not far from the mark After re freshments bad been served to all who desire J and of which there was an abundance the assembly was call ed to order Cane Esq Reeve being appointed chairman Short addresses were then delivered upon subjects of interest in connection with Public Schools We did not reach the grounds in time to hear the chairmans opening remarks but understand that after thanking tho meeting for honor conferred he alluded to the interest be fait in the education of the young of oar rising country and expressed hie lively satisfaction at seeing so targe a gathering on this occasion He concluded by catling upon the Band for music Mr Inspector of Public Schools for the Northern Di vision of York was then introduced and after expressing his gratification seeing so maoy present in connec- on with education bo gave the eating a few statistics of an ifing character connected with the public schools of the Township Me also alluded to the question of Town ship Board Trustees and spoke ol concluded by saying he bad alluded to the subject now in order to give ratepayei I time to consider matter as be purposed calling publio meetings ii the fall to decide the question took considerable note of the speech but our limited space this week pre vents us giving toem place Band followed with mora manic Rev Mr Bruce was next Introduc ed aod spoke on the theme of com petitive examinations pointing out the advantages to be derived there from and also the arils likely to arise anises property conducted The gentleman handled his subject with a good deal of A short but very interesting followed Mrs Benjamin ard and Mr James Peregrine each presented the teachers of schools Sections with targe three story cakes and the latter in turn presented them to the Sharon and Bands Suitable expressions of thanks were returned by the leaders The pres ence of these two Bands added much to the pleasure of the South Ontario Election This constituency has again in favor of Mr and this last expression of the electors titles him to a seat as an the Crown and coadjutor of Sir John A- When news of his first reached the it became a question with reformers whether they would allow bid reelec tion to go by default or again run risk of another defeat in their endeavours Co overcome the undue influences and characterizing the two preceding elections in that constituency They decided latter course aod although the result has been a defeat the contest was a vigorous and affords ample room for encouragement for the future un der a more stringent election law That franchise of the electors was as openly bought as sheep in the marketplace cannot bo questioned and hence we to bribery atone Hon gentleman is entitled to his seat Having bought his way in he may fairly consider it legiti mate to tell his way out the country eventually however has to foot tbe bill Under the provisions of new election law this state of things wilt bo changed whan South Ontario as well as North York may reason ably hope to again take rank as reform Ridings The following is tho Globe telegram of the result the Mail gives the majority for Mr and now have one known throughout tho length and breadth of the land Of course he must be Knighted MaDougall to Parliament as a Reformer afterwards turnod traitor supported John and got Knighted Our has a right to look for simi tar distinction without having King papers poking fun at him Setting Matters Right And now tbe Lindsay Pott han dles the P P for North York after the following fashion It is vary naughty of Pott to tell public that tho P P for North York is capable of misrepre the Premier of Ontario or is reckless of the truth Tho story is preposterous everybody here knows he is like Caviars wife above suspicion on that score Pacific Railway Scandal The Committee appointed by the House of Commons to investigate charges preferred by Mr Hunting don again- rd- lOgthe I Iltt not Montreal on Macdonald A A Dor Blake the the Hon James i Mr Hon Hon milieu all being the proceedings be bad been notice that BUI to suable the in On T Inv DO ichJ rt Our boys The youth I0 be Accident Wo regret PicNic The Belfry family and Mat d- Limtow Among the many noble served With passed last Committee oath had been disallowed aod this was followed by Mr Macdonald ring a resolution to the effect that itoesses could not be before committee till further in structed by the House A mora barefaced attempt to thwart honest expectations of tbe country could Dot have been If the charges are untrue why not allow to proceed and if true tho country onght to know it Tho result seems to justify the con- that there is something rot ten in Denmark Postal Saturdays was blowing a very heavy gale from vote and declared lot aad the sooth west and all inflammable clause of the report was adopted matter was as dry as possible Tho The other were j whole village was fbr a time in great the rose dancer the fi elsewhere But for the of water from tho river greatest efforts to save ph York County Council Continued from first page Mr Cane remarked if this granting of fi00 would be an end of trouble it might bo worthy school at Weston in School No I Mr Jackson said be was than ever convinced that had the Council I acted on advice of those who had the good of the High School at heart and not repealed tho Bylaw they would have actod wisely If they voted this was it going to relievo them from the dilemma their friends bad placed them in by liabilities which It would be unfair to expect trustees to meet these liabilities t ask the whole county to sustain thoi own district school contribute Other schoolhouses would bo equally contribute building of other schools would bo wrong and a violation of every right He considered tbe Committee on should be asked to arcond Ayes noes 11 Mr Stephensons motion that the report be adopted was declared Committee rose and reported On motion for the adoption of tho report Mr Jackson moved in an amendment seconded by Mr Speight That the report be not adopted bat flying before tbe progress roofs and build- On motion for adoption rf tbo report by the Council seconded that the report be J- adopted but that it be referred bad to Committee with instrectioaTS ilio ami The amendment was declared lost aod the report with schedules adopted Tho Council adjourned unlit pj SITTING Tbo Warden took tbo Chair Pm TOLLS OX Mr Ieslio moved seconded by Mr that the Council go i Committee of the whole on the rsa- of which he had given notice proprioly of abolishing toIU iho York on the Sabbath Bar in moving the nsklcd that tho county would find themselves pay for the site of the Of Knighting Kingston Whig is responsible for the following- as that journal is issued at the of the Premier of Canada we take granted that there Is some warrant addition rrportsd r Tilbury Near is too bad I Why should common people Ilka the talk this way about oar member Why shouldnt North York have a lire Knight wall as any other part of the We hare fcaea sa by jam loaf Agricultural Ground direction of Off and on for nearly two year SumasnthsTm there has been more or less talk about was a comma planting trees around a Grounds in this village so as to is probable locality a place of pleasure- Hsniw or York and resort as well as add to the nUm for ih comfort of visitors on public atjaass sasa iuu This is a much improvemeot and too late to do it now for this season WO trust errury bops Vary will Ihc approaching mm will not be allowed without to be a grand tbo work being accomplished Had the park been planted five years ago by this time the trees would have ft considerable proportions and thrjs only added largely to the beauty of the grounds but contributed to tho comfort of visitors during the hot of summer on public occasions i The society would not be backward doing its part but wo think the work more especially belongs to New market Perhaps better plan will be for a conference between village Council and Board of Directors in order to secure end desired but we are not wedded to any particular long as the work is done The necessities of tbe village comfort of visitors who may resort thereon any public occasion alike demand that steps be taken to bare the grounds so ornamented desirable shade trees and shrubbery as to be a credit to alt concerned There is public spirit enough i locality to raise the entire fundi necessary for work by private subscriptions in ease of there being a diffidence applying public funds for tbe purpose Tbo additional comfort this improvement would add to those attending our fall exhibitions would be worth the entire cost of the work to say nothing of the pleasure it would afford our plaoe of public promenade daring the hot days of summer Local Summary war The Templars are to serve a TauaKs We are indebted to J a anil Colonial By the Atlantic Cable American News June 20 Jesse Grant father of President Grant died at his residenecCovington Kentucky of general debility about oclock tonight Tbe President although expected in a special train d arrive at tbo time of his health New Yoaa June dated Hearts Content June says Tho Great Eastern having paid out all tho deep sea cable to within miles of Hearts Content at 9 oclock this morning cut buoyed it A heavy gale was I which made it imprudent to pass it to Ilibernin fur splicing to tbo shore end It will bo spliced and run in as soon as tho weather Wyoming 30 Sentinel of today has fol- parlies of have for time been at and about Itawlins Springs 110 These Indians were recently of accused of Saturday from camps when a quarrel ensued in which the citizens kilted ten or twelve Indians and took sixteen ponies and a lot of blankets saddles Ac Tbo Indians are very much ex cited and a general Ute wnr is feared in consequence which will seriously interfere with tbo timber mining and other interests throughout re gion Yoaa 30 About two oclock yesterday morning a body of masked men entered Salem Indiana and pro ceeded to the gaol demanded keys of the Deputy Sheriff hammer procured ritb which the mob forced its way into the cell of who murdered Hat- stead a few days since watched the progress of the mob and prepared himself as well as he for a resistance with pieces of furniture mob knowing desperate character of man and that first that entered would bo killed hesitated to attempt an trance They saturated balls of twine with and tarpon them into cell lighting it ip and showing whereabouts of prisoner Some twenty shots fired one of which bis another broke his arm This iocapacited him raising the which hold a chair that be had seised to defend himself A heavy was thrown at him and strnck tho head knocked him down and before bo could recover be fled tied and dragged out of the gaol to a covered railroad bridge about two squares distant where he banged Just before tho rope pat around bis neck asked for time to pray bat tho lynch- rufused saying they had not time The lynchers dispersed immediately after the affair and no clue can be obtained as to their indentity BaxKPTOH July Four parties re brought before the Magistrates here today finod each and coats for selling liquor in their booths the race course yesterday ma July A named Glen was ran over by a freight between Warrington and Stay- in the Northern Railway this afternoon He has been greatly mangled apparently by being drag ged along rail as the left lido has been cut the wheel and in its progress lifting him over so as to take the back off bis bead which Is In a complete smash and the right arm off Out June A des tructive fire occurred at this place about three p In the inside the lower fiat and almost in an instant enveloped the whole in flames the wind referred back to the Com with instructions to amend same by recommending the ini and collecting of for nigh school purposes Yeas Nays Amendment lost Tho report was then adopted EQUALIZATION The Council we of whole on il of the Committee Property The following into Committee report Equal i show assessed value of each the average per acre the equalised value per acre and total equalized of each muni cipality also tbo assessed vslue of iflsges and their equalized and capitalized value as bad been throughout the country to obtain the better observance of the Sabbath incidentally that the cil might bo roado a parly in a pro- seem ion under statute ho thought The Jul follows That it is the opinion of this cil that collection of tolls on the Sabbath Day is illegal and a of Act to prevent the of Lords Day in Upper Cansda page Statutes of Upper Canada That the Clerk of this Council be instructed la notify keepers to cease front and after this date the collection of tolls on the York mods on iho Sab bath Day and also bo instructed to notify the lessees from this Council of tollgates that they will hereafter collect tolls on Sunday at risk of prosecution under the above mentioned act and that they will not Sunday I lost SCHIDtL TBI ASSESSED VALUE or VILLAGE EQUALIZED AND CAPITALIZED Cap la i aiiai isDwo jsajs tots Sauna Mr asked bow it waa that Committee bad raised the assess ment of Aurora on capitalized value 6000 since Saturday He did not complain the other day bat now he considered he bad just reason to do so for the unjust manner in which the Committee had dealt with village of Aurora which waa assessed very high in comparison with other vil lages He that the additional per cent pat on be struck off Mr Speight complained of tbe as sessment of village He contended that the village not so rich it waa last year but tbe pre sent assessment was simply an in crease on the asses roll of last year Mr Lane asked what fresh light bad been thrown on property Rich Hill that they should raise tho unfair l wa third thought people of the village would hardly stand it Mr Jones said the representative of the Tillage should consider per sonal property welt as landed pro perty At Richmond Hill the person al property waa assessed at 11 500 of this four persons paid In Aurora the personal property waa at 14400 of which five per sons paid thus leaving the amount so small for rest of the village that they had no right to complain II they bad a right they should not be assessed at all Mr Jackson considered that New market should he reduced twenty per cent compared with the property which it be contended the villages stood in an unjust relation to tbe townships Wr Wickson pointed oat that the assessment of Yorkvjlle had been in creased 94664 over last year The amendment was put to the under t The ASP Tho Council went into on report of Fit Committee which by Sir Cane Mr tbe chair Tbe stated that in reference to bill for wood from J Pearson the Committee cannot recommend said bill to be paid Committee recommend jirfymg of the bill of Osier Muss amounting to 19 also Messrs Kerrs billof180 In reference o report of the High Constable the Committee did not feel justified hi recommending the badges referred it in that report Tho re commended tbe Council to authorise the Treasurer to issao pedlars to Samuel Watson John Book Henry and Michael McNear free of charge In reference to the petitions from the Boys and Girls Home Protestant Orphans Home and be Sunday School Union asking aid from the Council the Coav do not foel free to the Council to return to making granto county are about 5000 a year for charitable purposes and poor of the county are not yet by any means well pro vided for Committee cannot recommend Council to pay thai bit from J T Jones High Constable tbe Committee have nothing be fore them to show tbo issuing of and the cost of such In reference to the bill from Brown the Committee are of opinion that said should have been paid by Govern ment and they recommend the Council to pay said bill and whereas tbe Treasurer has mado known to the Committee the hard- in to the county constable arising from in which the Government deal with the accounts of the coaeto bios in respect to following charges For executing search warrants and mileage when stolen goods are possession sod when the parr court at trial and pro duction of stolen goods for dis interring a body under warrant Ureal tbe Coroner and for watching and burying the body after inquest tneesoe for mileage at In quests on first on which inquests Committee are of opinion that heal charges are purely criminal are essential to the enquiries therefore should be paid by Govern ed of the Warden Messrs Jacksem and Wheter be appointed to lay few fore the Attorney General the justice of those enrages and press their pay ment in future Your Committee prepared a bylaw to assess the county for county and school parang sea in accordance with the Treasurers On the clause respecting tho grant- ng of free pedlars license to Jackson said he considered law I had arrived for Council to say that free licenses should not he granted for more than one year after they most be paid for The several clauses of the report were adopted Tho rose reported progress The report was received and adopt- I Tbe Council adjourned until nine oclock this morning Wednesday June 25 The Warden took the chair half nine this morning The minutes of the previous days proceedings were read and confirmed comiciricATioifs Warden laid on tbo table the presentment of tbo Grand Jury of the Court of General Sessions and communications from keepers of tollgates Nob 1 and introduced a bylaw providing that bylaw 33 changing the High School districts