tfmtmtttmma NEWMARKET ERA JAN only Ike be 1 mure of the inner net eel down to a inquencle Mr plied in loeling bin thaiks fur the gift and ing that the anon might Im long spared lo enjoy IV temporal and iniual of eternal id Mr Hull In Fence of Vn eu ran and in I rjth I- they id Carte lit liter- earl third paid wing miotic ration for log of llo lir Bell oaf fay Mr I i and Police luspectnr Bell a- by iiLnw No J Phillip Rogers CSS 13 ami other sLitatoa nod Joel voted a with the oar the amedmem be- f J iv lingD fell if Mr Bell nay the ain- be- By was tben read a third time pronounced last Bylaw htm ignod by the Reeve and passed On of Pinions for Bell The By law provide that tbo aaso Kinging being presented il was aura conjointly and pot ed by Mr scconiied by Mr separately aa formerly the bill Win On motion Hugh Peacock be paid and that heard before tbeOoonoll ami stated the Reeve do iuo hit order for the ihal when on hie way in by Iv Sollv ituukct do JAN 31 First the anJ that the isae of which At the- ijii I of the Collector it la mm itl Mr l Mr that the Cull no fur making his full mum be tended until the day of ants iniLniid and thv it i and agruvublo i all legal id dearly plan- I J Ini Mr I n preached 1 J and the with- atieitlMj julpjioe1 1 the the reolc- 1 i the an 1 ibe Hotel The follow to the of office via iuld Henry no jroceedcd to I by bat Mr bo ii- I lii AT- illMI to road municipality tint On the Council King Council A meeting of lbs above Council held at on tho luu Tbo of thia Council are a lay year via William Joel and J Jamea Rogeti and Jam llell llaving duly made and the and declaration of by llovve taking the chair of mooting read confirmed Aftor receiving and reading bills and petitions on motion then resolved into Cm- of the wlmle Mr J in the chair and reported fullowa 1 With relereiicu to the of Patrick tiavin al- of otw Cook a pet your Committee doclintvl any farther payment in tin Con through doffta of a a ay tbo road homo on he then riding broke trough and fell rind he IT and by bo fall had hi- bona broken and receiwd and lo the amount of he also mates that be is a and baa a family of ton depend up hi him for their support aodmaw baa lost three months work through nam fortune 1 1 was decided tier over lill next meeting of I in order to obtain further in formal Moved by Mr Rogers St- rood r Bell that the treasurer be and hereby and required pay the Township the of lei Marriage Birth and Death tluring the year andi the 31at day of be in Ml by Council TdWNT aid a the County Council of yea tenia afternoon at he and called er and read over the and Deputy several Municipalities Canning John Clark Deputy McDonald Isaac Mar Joba of by j The Council bet adjourned North Gwlllimbury Council The above met at Bo on Monday the inst and after making the dec aratioua of qualification and loll wing members took their scat I Dan ml Wllar1 BonoeU trtJ George The roll bei called and Bills were lai on From Deed Kaq with mad No is Con toe Tow goods furnished rt of North aimupci From A P Dodge P Reeve North Hit Bofve William Cane Wlllson Henry 2nd Deputy Xing Munaie Reave Joel Deputy John Phillips 2nd Deputy Reeve John Lane Deputy William MiHikin Sad Deputy Scarborough John P Donald Deputy Reeve Thompson Potter 1st Deputy 2nd Deputy i tcb John Randtll Jones 1st Deputy Philip 2nd Deputy William Tyrrell John P Bull- 1st no 2nd Joeb 3rd Deputy George Leslie Jon 11 John Severn Reeve Samuel DepUiy I Newmarket Reeve Holland Thome Reeve Aurora J Raere Village Speight Hill- Wm Law Reeve The Clerk lo the of Warden Mr aecondod by Mr thatilr John Lane elected Warden fur the current yea Mr TtMZLL mat etoiiocj by Mr Mr nominated Mr Mm by Mr D a being taken fifteen were Thome and the Clerk lacliirod elected taken to this proceed- nig it- a of be Council had o record their vole- in of that election waa legal and in tin- 16 hat umt which waa lo lutn half the Oil moved by Jacksow that the proeaed to by ballot seven te strike the various standing cos for the year The following lb tatlhaatJ l Maple nr mhidI kta In iil lint the bisoffire v ac Plot of Koawiok Mr Xm del lined to allow tc lhv would the Clerk of be Counlv of i im that the bill from F Re a ii uit the which had been by the sum of 2 piued by the Council of the County wriHMV in ih and which be lie irk icc Reaming for of and a Wank lD l B y lomaiderel bad t t 1MWt bo tiu and also the iu the Aiembly of On- ofeicciii Alter jffill of J i praying amiid the sum of for av icos a may bo made in the i it to Cooper be officer in th month of Jaia Act sVeaiia ri d waaagriej A Bill for Von- Resident School Tax to Jul wera agnis and November in Mr Henry moved thai Mr Thomas Pitkin be confide rat I Episcopal Social the amendment obtain aoconders for their resolution ovm jeW wMlwW in lljlil cd die the j hint the 2ih year Carried r nnrtntdnai l moved by Mr iml i 1- r I lltat SKay be ap- w by the ladies of t Taxes lor the naeeajog I Mi by IVrkm- f practice pre- 10 ita lo the chair Chairman maleu few re in- in J thanking the audience for the Me the attempt honor they had conferred the statute both J and Carried private intorosU It i it him to attend evil in thiaj neial He then I fa fid wo trust I called upon Choir for some moved it Scott Ho In- Reeve to Jas no flour and lo ibismuuieipaliiy- have under j fro the application of John for additional rema for the care and Keep of one Ilaitley a pauper and that the sum of per month be granted from thia dale for said pur Report received and adopted With a resolution inalruct- ing the Reeve to grant for tin i of the set in tLii repirl Moved by Mr J Sec No called Mr be old f wellchosou ieiiarka Ike of the wet John Archibald on John a barrel of fiour ly is in Mr moved socnnoVd by Mr All charge agnimrt ti jiirg that that he Mr I a who ha knack uee bat VH W I a oil lo It en Hi- in on llw M the tho i the Hon t next Mr r Corner I hat ti tbbcoadod by Mi by Mr Bell and reaolvod thai die sum of be paid Jfhn Clark for attendance aid fbiteral ox pencea of Mr- a pauper and that the do an order fur the eimo- Carried by by Mr J Phillip that Collector for the Southern Division of Town- be credited with the sum of laiing dog lax which he could not collect as be owning add g have left the Township Car- by Mr J Phillip by Mr Bell hat the time for the re- of the limber Handing on the sklernod and 2nd Con of old Carried other email Bill I uti utrr 1 Moved Mr aecotJc1 n by Mr the aevtra r t- Mr iluso with consent or Cominuiiicationa be received and I mover and oomler withdrawing bis taken up in order I J g saw will Moved by Mr seconded mT t Intimation by Mr wit TBitoiia m Mr nominated Mr Jack- No I Dec be re n No and that the BUI from Section No ho mkJ ittl ox- caption of accruing on the evs weal of Lot No In tho Coo and also tbat the Bill from J School No 1 tat bo paid Carried ft itMt and Mr seconded w Sir ij a Law prupnaed Mr J a 1 Mm if ia Laatii fee i s T for servieea at and Election amounting to S3 and the Bill of Pearson for the use of the Hall for the Municipal Election amount in be paid- Carried Moved by Mr by Mr lhat being taken w for Mr Lane for Mr roll for Mr Jackson and 10 for Mr Bull All of the raolinna were declared lost as none of the candi dates a majority ol the Council Again be same gentlemen were with the addition of Mr Cine by Mr by Mr Bull and seconded the of Mr Thome y receive the sum of per Clark Ih for the of H Mar- wabsaatllUMllrswja d1flJ j nd and his wife faring the present kg Moved by Mr seonnd- mff Ho i 1 his and the Mr Watson printed t on the Weston High School lLtrZ Nol report 1vnt it n the largest number of Cane Lane Ball id Jackaon and Mr J D Philips gave ioriiorruw Wednesday ha move the appolntmentorCooniy At for the current year Mr gave notice wonld loroorrow the appointment ot a Select Coev of five to take into the new Municipal Bill the Legislature and to task suggestions as they may necessary in reference thereto The Council adjourned until ten oclock this morning American News Wabhihotox Tuesday National Theatre la now oa Are and the interior thmnghout is la a perfect blare Miller front of the seeoaa story a room be finest fa the city are moving out The Imperial Hotel adjoining lbs National Theatre is in great danger of dcjtrnction and in fact almost the entire row of on each side of theatre are greatly The entire Fire Department baa beta called out the engines are on its ground and ihe firemen are working vigorously Jan p Tbo National Theatre baa been en tirely destroyed with all its etc also Billiard Room aid Mil lar ft Jon sample on the tin floor Fortunately when the lower part of Theatre wa- burned the entire roof fell checking the fire thereby and adding greatly to tan security of surrounding buildings The Imperial Hotel was at one turn on fire and the to vacate the and ibe ll furniture but I ibe roof of Theatre felt in in at hour to total Iowa a wooden building and height of the excitement the in full the fljune rolling up in great volume- an the surrounding buildings on prevalent hat the dm had reached Washington The Tffe truth r dawning The iMriu in lot In Mr The Rue Mr Ud- roso Nays Mr Henry Mr nabe a low Urn boau and for tlinLtitnlonljyii bad been placed up devlared thai he Twen a pi J la grssl reaon for so t the inQdqoi ibe London by a of lo I survey purchased by Charlea Lloyd bo and is hereby l and be la hereby to all ho pine timber or saw t for payment for Read by u for road in the Patterson Mr J that when the Conn- Con of south the j for this lhJB do stand river to he aide road ftiumcd till the third in between nJ of iiloxca- mnro1 by r next then Mat at prQeeedof rood J that l o Hotel and make returns to the Council re tlsry of the Clerk of this Township i j I he day of Seplombernext run with Mr filled iheaomof by Mr that the sum ingjallod focby lbe Mary Moved by Mr Glover by Stewart and that said amount be I Mr Prosaer that the bo in- ssn plaeed in the hands of David Rogers to lbo Jbr weM bo sahmltted to be by him for her w the nmonot of axes wrv ItaMiueil fir the rm within named wits itmri he trnstod they would be able awa and ex of men and children had gathered from all parts of the oily The employees of ibe War Navy and Interior depart rushed out lb oily in danger Jan 20 A paieh from today a baa just arrived that place from the headquarters of Gen commanding the troops in action against the Mndoo Indians A severe battle fought last Fri day Tbn troupe under the com of Gen of regulars two companies of Oregon volunteers 2A California commanded by Capt and a few Kictnoth Indians altogether about three hundred man bat- lie took place near the eastern shore of Lake Tula On Thursday Bernard went around he north end of the lake to ibe and to Tvrf P- En La fcss- i forces ibe latter of the Urn of how t- night such a dense nvelopud the country that the could not ee forty yards The lorcee worn then about twelve apart though to itb each other it was a much greater diet a On Friday opened the battle had about warriors among rooks along the line length Whealon hoard and Cad r alternative but M bid of Captain Bernard fire fought unseen foe till dark under a during which on and conducted hi Tnoaax on taking the chair time which b second to none in the of York He trusted the ex perienoe he had gained during the la I year him to dis charge duties dorolovlng upon him with himself and tho Council During the coming some very mas rfaiw w how Reform jonrnale worn Miller after the Prow teas Jfondboiise ii ibtn prcaeiitad upon urn member for In- lite been vindicated tbe in- lbo Pastor of lbo printed cake be following paragraph1 U of the i advisable lo liter in dtpnuurnat to las disposed future time At i rare the pnsdsvuings Honry cave notice at rr-ctii- this Council be will iLnaloee a ByLaw remove John ly Boyd from the ffice of young and ihiiI a new Treasurer instead Lot in the Con On mm Mr John and Lot in Ihe Cm north Allen wu then Coon j hair of south Lot Cor oil in reference to to heir Income for acres 820 Ls 4h Con It appears that P Lot nrhJVa pose of J the l before itanew ne7thair acres quarter 511 ndTfcnTtoTKWurerna removed U Newmarket Iheir with a copy of reflationCar- ihe Uie hour of oclock a mod partner Holland Landing Council banded in ilearlv This Council melon bo members present except Mr time preaeribe by law ajilulu and the same should be completed con- having lbo seqoonlly the Council declined to re- the amount of taxes paid niarket and ibeir In- 1 wjth a copy was isritd and taxes levied and collected at A Br law waa tben paaaed appoint- in Kiigtaiiieninll asked to t q amd Ibe amount to King refunded Graham Auditor to audit the A faieiiium purtrlitg to for William Col lias le from Ihe r Newmarket and Edwin Tavern an tanklw J and iii Cvojicil atthTDftiinra a wiT ll any might think in itu there Wan no srsr i hat the would give doe ass Sled tin to the Chairman which lie read lion was called Rev Mr Alia der by the Reeve Mr Tbomoain d Mia Miller pre- By introduced for the Court of Revision therefore On motion aoment and ibe The following kvtbeaddmac or Mr a J seconded by Mr McOlure the Council wonlimocnm- woded by of wbede on si Dickson in chair be and hereby ex- by a J seconded I lo lbo 1st day of February by McCluro that the ByLaw for next Carried fekST appointing for the Mr asked tointroduoe JiW asm sees sea in sens forth with and Inspector of f and leave be thel the rue be for ing granted Bylaw was that purpose The ByLaw being and read rewl a second the On motion tho Council went and reported the By Law passed with into Coomiitee of the whole the following amendment Mr J Phillips in tbe nr The D Gregory and Committee having risen the chairman roioried Bylaw with amend- for the yeai Ink ins uA swwirjai I I3F No lnribcr is needed 10 orusUoa Uld Keeper Local Summary far- A meeting conn 1 Tho Dominion Parliament absence of the editor at the filled foe with the tames of Millnn J and Donald McKay this morning that a steamship been diecoscred anna lbo senna of the off on Wednesday night The is becoming general wbioh ran into tbe went dead with all bands the English ship sunk The owner of the Spanish sleainsbij who Landed at Dover two liters before the onlliion occurred believe It was bia which in iollwvon ibe AortAeef and both were LonDox Jan The Queen baa Uie fund aid of he Uie Aerfnjitct disas ter might prujMtr Uslcr would Up far eon iJaralioo was the of House of upon which a nominee bad prepared a report liKh on Id be submitted to the J had been expended in con irk Bond and it even found impossible to one Bot the liad not in first class condition and tbo would be uru so loanable them to givaler number each year Again ho thanked for placing in that position Applause mated lhat The WaaoxJf the usual order and be called those having petiLiooa and pafO to present to do so following petitions were pro sen ted By Mr Bull from Troateea and tale payers of school No for ibe of a ioramittee to By Mr Ballfrom Mr for leaf to make aertain fencva in By Mr Cane frata and others to dispense with tax on doge or troops forty killed and wounded The lose of in unknown The troops were finally obliged to retreat to their forme bore the brunt of tbe battle and cavalry so Among the killed are frank Trimble and J Bnwn trftjrsgon RufcerUwas mortally Peary of ibe regulars andJieuuKyalgbity leaders asy it will take one- men to dislodge him Tiw for present will only try prevent the Mjdou raiding an setilsnienU and await refeforoo- Jan In the Court of Oyer and Terminer this afternooa Counsel for Stokes prose prepared In snnport of the bill to exceptions affidarila during trial one juryman went lo ihe Central Hotel and poawssesd also that to get formation a clear to him further tbe trial prisoner counsel and waa absent while lostimony wan being tehee Also that once Judge too and absent time that sums of tab be proved been with boaiile prisoner and Judge the order returnable Friday morning