Morning s lis MM AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE HI THE TO KNOW TO UTTEB AND TO ACCORDING TO ABOVB ALL Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JAN 1873 Terms in Advance I THE Book and Job PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORD Print lag prom TO r MdrMMd lo lb K a tbs MMrHM rv IXXSB W LUNDY MI Physician Suigeon Ac Offer lb tits Rot THOtNt iM p irvt May It UTS IBB ik 2Kb Hi MONEY TO LOAN A at lb of a muulthIk BIBLE DEPOSITORY upon to Ji B n lb AIM PHYSICIAN Accoucheur btp Solicitor Slat ISTO HUNTER A Surgeons c TIMOTHY STREET wrfLHfaiAfMn May D P CdUWS cokovktt op Dr AND ACCMICNUIK Coroner for lie County of Ml if ifc Col lag la if of t ak Coil Load nm art fat lb lt it Mr flwn Til IMM M STRANGE IN0 or tube STREET tuitMaN PHOTOGRAPHY A THE ABOVE BUSI NESS THE occupied by Ml QT or uj raaf4t jU r aiw OLD PICTURES jmuu taMex MM MRS SUTHERLAND rt to rbi11 fc AND FRENCH MBS At the En Hot I 171 T J LANDY Solicitor Attorney Dm- Sin DAY HORSE HOTEL BmiLtrnBD Buggies for Sale Of Sttpmur Style At A J SMITH Land General Agent Accountant Commit- HAS lttti lb ikt Cart JAMES Civil Engineer MITCHELL Barber hi AkMr N fj I Insurance Company Tooir fclw I Three Years Policies DWELLING HOUSES at at of Ntiupm It la ha only on AJJaaa J PET- wwaauaiaa nr a mane War Save Your Money I Book Account or Note OF APRIL NEXT CuUngk and Machinery Repairs for 11 dWrijAkM L ED TO I ST Akri1 A Ik Md ia Ik tU 1 Dm RBJOY Barber Hair Dresser c SB it A T Ma 1m am ki M d Bind Skop Corner of Main and Street GraADd aI M Skwt Nov 2Uin and Simcoe AT W BLACK SMTTHINOLyJ And Carriage Work SEWING IHACHIaIE STILL AH I AM FIRST PRIZE TlTHHBiraTl7ikeM AH for one Dr Robinson LDS Mr Murray Scott Of ADAMS SlTBOBO Street Toronto SCOTT Aocoocbdr ud af Tk GmhII kit I lUvttoi PhUaaWpkii Lie kfaail a rtjUiM lad of IW lad NEW BAKERY JOSEPH SON MMttN to af st7 l OPENED A BAKERY Ud k kAAd A nt7 At BREAD CAKES AN A a At uUoah AW iGOS IN iiiAfiiUr waujaaj C ANNO DENTIST d will jlriketo dtaMter ltafaa4aMtk ill it btvtka dinsntaa aid aid TmU raaiad a MONEY TO LEND THE HURON AND ERIE Society LONDON THUfc Lav IaUmaI Ik MARBLE WORKS I Stones wtlfitiif dlfljto J J Solicitor and Valuator far Society Palace of a stock or Seasonable Goods 4c RAPPING PAPER AT TH irk IKS PUMPS PUMPS Western Assurance Co OFFICE TORONTO Capital U0000 PresidentHonJHcMurrich I lAA -ruur- a Wort far lb Dlgbt Wot lb Select The Country Lover fro his fellow called him clodhopper and try chap rather harder ll ordinary ooapM of fkrin it might be a leave with her And to tfaepraetnii glance what had hi menl he been elf to being in the glance The old wooden clock in the kit chen had just struck two the great now ball tree toaaiog white of bloom to and fro in the air and a robin In the green depths of large old cherry tree warbling oat a drowiy roundelay to answer to the chirp of Mm Perrys blackbird cage bang the kitchen window Dinner wm and all the diiboa cleared away j and tbe thrifty ife had down to her aewtor iti pair of pectaclu perched ot for whose sake be had dono and dared lot tonight he would call on He tied on collar after collar and finally adjusted a sill neck tie for which he had paid the rapavan Sam f fifty cents It with a gaudy mosaic pi he look a farewell the glass that on von wonld know me for a country illusion on young aspirant lighted a cheap cigar Miss Archer lived at No Revere reet an aristocratic locality good deal of polished and plat ed doorhinges and Miles Perry pre- himself with blushing and throbbing heart The servant a young damsel in blue ribbons and a smart alpaca looked at oar hero as if she rather he bad mistaken this for the basement bell home she admitted rather grudgingly Cant you leave your care and kindness Wont yon marry as Fanny And when Mr Perry came io bringing tbe scent of wild grapes soft appealing tone and Mrs Perry her in bar arms Im so glad said Mrs Perry So am I mother said contentedly And SO Archer was for gotten your errand with me young man I wish to see Miss Archer and maid showed him into tbe library an divided from the drawingroom by a drapery of blue silk curtains hang be fluted pillars of variegated mar her Roman nose Fanny Clifford sat opposite a trim pretty damsel with a sweet face and great grey eyes with blueblack flashes coming and going their Irises Her pink dress and white apron were freshly ironed by ber own hands end the bow of ribbon at ber throat carefully pinned spotless linen collar baa really gone said silence and left disarranged fold In silk Miles caught a gllmse of the in a drees of lemoncolored crape trimmed with rich black lace and tape ornaments swinging from ber ears And close beside heron the sofa sat a bald elderly gentleman with diamond studs flashing in bis linen and a doable Miles could see the blueribboned lass advance to mistress de- liter some message baldhead ed gentleman rose and took a gold- knobbed cane from comer as If If have other company he begun testily Bat Antonia laid her little white band carressingly on Fanny after there waa a little that the mother fully comprehended Yes said Mrs Perry stitching away diligently at anbleached cotton shirt she was making for hi husband snd pretending not to see I the flush on Fannys cheek be has Will rA i possibly prefer to yours It only opiniSn Here be is with as nice D as there is in the country and he only son and possess go to the city and clerk it In dry because he thinks Exactly To think of bis having i77TTT77 a- away in mS Goldbeater promptly and reap as his father and grand- and be fan will be as empty Miles Perry bad sited for a more formal dismissal He walked home feeling if a ttto of fiery indignation were SSSaiiEtt J ho 1 -ndl- iredTTe u of iirth between end elderlj gold end lo it And fa klSiSi be hi garret which ebe lAboed her needle inate- kt the deer He it the eicklj- there by Scratch A com- ite And regret for Giles Perry renting hi wiling head on hi bends gerret root woolniTllrVriiVlW beet The ickly from a If I tboogbt he woeidn I And I oar Mile i one of the tart Hell be beck I expect when be find oat he not tbe only poor moth wboj wing eoarob- Mile me window when opened I re oldened rr ft morning kept- Sbta and sweet a rose being left to a A j -i- bind girl while my l S fiolde home which the beginning to bine mother only here to pot mphor on my heed thought wonder if I om going to be idle in the out room I I do it would drire me Bet youre Dot going Penny to tee deer end Ill mix pee of light ted tome of them trtwherriet At would fit nat for Stay Peony I j rt of company for me to hero j v tree wee leeree of And Fenny Clifford poor- r by lb end garden ympelby yet or Mile Perry mother And yellow end Tb Jen eeeeet ftding in oeb tender of end end gold y bafr by ttbAxlcopeeofthold fena islel r Cli brown fingers had prepared long time Ive been nek Broadway it waa Saturday afternoon and Messrs Scratch after getting all their store and put their wooden shutters And Perry tired and weary and aching In every bone bad at lest the opportunity to harry borne to his garret room la a thirdrate boarding- Lire In was by no means aodelighlfnlethingae honest Miles bad supposed To work bard all Must go now Bat Fanny Yes Miles Dont tie on yoor hood just BOW Fanny I want to toll some thing I want to to marry roe I know Ive behaved like a brute bet I think Ive bad santclent lesson now One thing I am certain of j I never should have from this fever without Ontario Legislature Jan 21 There was not practical done in the House yesterday there never Is on Monday A good many questions were asked by members with regard to Government inten tions and numerous motions ware made for returns on a variety of sob Mr made an admir able speech on the question of northern and western boundary of Ontario showing great resea and thorough knowledge of the sabsot general opinion ssemod to be unfavorable the system Mr amend tbe Act respecting short form of mortgages the held Upper Canada thei business ready to proceed with Toronto Ian Among tbe petitions presented was by Mr Welle from Louisa Good hoe for an Act to determine an- relating to the dUtrihu- with reference to tbe manufacture of of the peliUoi On pi for the prohibition of intoxication liquors Mr raised an ground that it a question affecting trade and com merce it not be dealt with by this House The speaker ruled that the petition be received after the routine business The Hon Mr Crooks moved tbs second reading of the bill respecting the University of Toronto Aa a In this involv ed an i crease of the Bursars salary Mr McDonald raised a point of order similar to thai of yesterday that as this involved a money grant it be introduced by message Mr E Wood said that If the decision last were right Speaker must ale against this oral contended that it did not Impose any grant but merely a differ ent application of the same money The Speaker ruled that Bill was order Hon Mr Crooks tbs Bill Mr Lander objected Bill It made the University close corporation and gave them the control of public money which this House should have of The said the Senate would have only power the It is not changing a money grant bat regulating the intern powers of tbe senate Tbe Bill read a second time Mr moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the taw of to the ef fect that in any action forslaoderoos words spoken to any woman or her any Immoral or chaste conduct ft shall not be ne cessary to allege in pleading or prove at tbe trial that any special damage resulted to her from the utterance snob words oat she shall recover damages may be ass without such averment or proof of special i age Mr K Wood regretted measure a departure from the legislation of five hand red years He thought woman be a of Justice a character It would on trivial A ttoney General replied to both and said the questions were under consideration of the Government Mr Lander whether or not tbe Commission appointed to enquire into the propriety of amalgamating tbo Courts of law and Equity have made any report and whether or not such mission has been abolished and whether or not any action has been taken by the Government regarding that Commission Tbe Attorney- General replied that the have not made any report that the Commiawon have been abolished and that the Government has taken action Mr asked whether the pro perty situated in village formerly need a Branch Lunatic Asylum ia held to belong to this Province and if so whether it is not the intention of the Government to make use of the same connection with institution proposed to be established within tbe Province or far any public purpose for which the said property may be suitable The AttorneyGeneral replied that the property baa been held not to be long to Province and be had no reason to dissent from that opinion House then adjourned Latent from Fort Garry Man Jan 16 stages between hero and More- bead are still off on account of the mails are alow and irregular in consequence Tbe latest date to hand ia tbe A heavy storm prevailed last week which broke down the telegraph lines Captain Fletcher of tbe Provisions Battalion baa been fined for a police officer The Provincial Parliament meets i the School bare been established four of the settlements Tbe Liberal has entered libel suits for each against tb and Gazette ment is on foot for the tn- of Winnipeg A com mitts has a coereeof draft Th Synod of Roper fa Land sat last beak Tbe original of Ruperts Lend was divided Into four dioceses Archdeacon McLean de parted today for to raise an endowment fand for one of them Dr Debew waa ordained to priesthood on Sunday last in St Johns Cathedral by Bishop of Land A public hospital baa been ed by subscription funds The people of High off pros Lied the with a con gratulatory address last weak Col Dannie is preparing for an early distribution of the halfbreed land grant The distribution will be by tbe spring settlers are petitioning on the lypnvilge The Manitoba a Presbyterians have for Manitoba College Ths Court of Queens Bench open ed Judge and preeldiag York Winter Wednesday Jan Court opened at Hon Mr Justice Morrison on Bench C Crown Jeans Williams reside on Lot Nineteen witaeasea were examined for MrBlevins bed proceeded with the examination of several witness for the dsieoos when one William Hall gave snob stamped the defence a more tissue of fabrication Mr who appeared for the prisoners drew off his gown with the simple remark that the last witness bad en tirely his theory of the and It would be unfortunate because the words would be a complete actluu a crims Mr de fended the Bill and said it eras a disgrace that neither AUorneyGene ral thought it better not to pass the Bill at present while at same time be thought it most that chastity could be away without a remedy Bat car ut be taken lest the remedial introduce others evlona Tbe Bill then Mr moved a second reading of the Bill to i the Upper Canada Aet so W J Carried ft Clarke llmgton asked whether it thenntion 3 Government to that wore v shall be to properly or- J enniaadBortintnr in- Tbe evidence wa- altogether villages to that now if bat it was stronger in town and that leaving the born Mr TooUyVnqaired whether it the intention of Government to Intro- Court then adsesTwal- the present session declined to address th jury Hi Lordship addressing jury aid there waa little left to determine There scarcely be a doubt or the iaoners guilt He gave great cities intention of government a bill to to th with regard to re- Law with One place divcing the number of grand to be