I NEWMARKET ERA JAN 24 1873 New Credentials Messrs Hugh- Qui bull McDonald aod Borngussar John- on mar and Smith Report adopted and in absence newly elected Priidcht Manning called to chair A short then spent in exercise after which market Sir nun- llio VI MCWHVJ in col with our public mo or taut a dull Ik fun Oanl n No 1 i then 1 I Mr Mill The ho Strati llr ubjrvt lev M Ii Ml ii noun i ll mealing Daniel Chairman for tha active ha taken for welfare of slablca of the County Carried A Tola of thank was adopted to Mr Forsyth for llu a House Ire in which to Tba meeting then adjourned Report adapted and By law read third time and passed motion of Mr Rowan condd by Mr Moaior too Clerk waa instruct cd to notify nonresident who da Resident sired to It placed Holt by advertising in tha paper and on motion of Mr by Mr Raid ho farther in to hat- few handbill- Council printed containing tba earn Moved by MrReid by The above Monday Mr Rowen thai the Assessor be paid noon viz the urn of for his service a As- devotional and prayer Sabbath the ot read Hum d by Mr with the uto I a Blackboard Tin Piciiont having arrived called to the pot Rep John Esq Re Jones Philip Reeves and Messrs and Francis Riak Councillor at of whom and In the Declaration of qualification and required by law and took iLcir seals the Reeve in the Chair when following communications Insjieclnrai of Public in North and South York Miwtively i reference la the forma From the Clerk of the County of Middlesex wnli copy of a petition Legislature Ontario to amend st mules in reference to feo ff Registrar Philip Gower and other relief fur Mary and ElixaUlh God nearly Mind and I No i payora of School of bo made in JJ h Tor the OfflVo of A and A or and of Joror for the year Carried The Council then ordered that the members thereof bo appointed and Bridge Cuinmiltoo for the present year Adjourned till the February Aurora Council The marling the Coo for win bold in the Com Chamber on Monday the day January A 1873 All the member were present and of and qualification Mr then tho Chair and mad follow Road and Bridge Athlon Omnor Campbell fMW Campbell Mr introduced a Bylaw te t auditor lor the id By law waa then read the in cir ni Young During it had tendored ii a Friday and the v from I Mr 1 not c1 oral ilrIi till iii it lay night three daM been tend a- Mr tlu of the on the then duriig ihe I tho when ii Itfin Alexai Olivet i liirnu wit YORK ASSIZES I THE FOUND GUILTY Jamc and Riddell who I will he were mine ago en a charge of a quantity of wheal from the ttillmrpu were placed on trial at now held at Tomttio on found The Judge in up the art grvat I the local tie- ihcir judgment and ii contributing to the detection ami York Constabulary Meeting A meeting of the Constable irk convened the Court wmnrkei on Monday ember ihe forte a baer I in Pry and fidied fr Spilton Ihe dH nine her and thenentruai the lad- Combination Conn i Land the thereof- from whom Sir Job grinder obtained a factin and frame engraved for I of read of e JUbBX the bubble ha an Mr part he placed York S Halt at the Tern morning at M Rev Mr Hall in the Chair Alter the devotion excrciaea Mr from the Nominating a report a follow Preaident Mr P Irwin VicvPreiideiti Bruce and Manning It It Auut A J Cjntmittet Jack- son yjiUll and JotMn Co Miller and Halt of Carried he ring bam Jvuomou Moved by Mr Mr that the of tin Mr IhtmeUnf chairman staled th of the meeting upon an inereaed Tariff of fee for constabulary service and upon metbd of bringing tl rcMilt of their the and the Lg for remedial legislation Several member preeent opinions that the amendment as fee now obtaining were fixed price LI- r ruling much below The then took up lb several item of fees in now governing and made much alterations a a present for the nature of the render A to the Legislature by Mr Thorn tec ned by Mr Bat ho that rnmorml and tarirTofconKtablo fee- together with name of ibeconsl blew of County of York be this mealing transmitted Consubleof the to bo him to the proper quar ter lor consideration of of of Ontario for then Moved by Mr Thorn seconded by Mr J that the of meeting be published in papers that other vo the action taken and thereto follow in the wake of tbe County York strengthen the of raising the Tariff of Face Carried Moved by Mr Bach seconded Mr be the member to receive tbe memorial for presentation Carried Moved by Mr by Mr that a Committee of fivo be appointed to draft a petition Council for the payment of Constables fee certificate of Justice of the Peace on the oath of the by tbe Treas urer of tbe County aod also to ippjj each with a badge to pay PI Guwer five do to be expended the I Mary to my the Returning The consideration of iho ofSehijl No 3 Markham was lad user till li meeting f Council and the was to obtain legal in reference thereto report th to hate tbe of he last Roll grant ile his Ae- A By was passed Miller Audilor and eon fanning the e s of the of Starr by Com by G that now read lh first ha read a and I rule of this Council id lor that purpose Carried Read a second time and Council went into Committee of the thereon Mr Campbell In Committee and reported aid By law with the ram of Willi George inserted Received Moved b Connor seconded by 1 Thai ihe said No 100 be tow read a third Urns an pa and that the do sign cause the of lo be Carried end tbe third time passed and signed by the Roovc Mr Connor gave notice of a By law appoint for year also fr tl- better of the f Bylaw No relating Wher the a tat In n the ISlh East Council The Co I elect for East Monday las and having the qualiBeatioi Of file folh Wa lee re and lAqr Deputy Reeves an I Rowen and I r i riled I be whole a will vn by refe made by Mr Jo lot reaianeraiiou fu killed by dogs and the witficase examined Moved by Mr Mr that llic sum of be jmil John for Iice destroyed by two thirls of Iho same Carried then rewlvod into cm milloe of Iho on etc- Mr in tho chair in it tee and reported a fol- 1st That the Treasurers account fir incidental for to bo paid 2nd That the communication of J Reefer witrrrogurd to salaries ol and Ear Infirmary bo 3rd That Clerk of North in reference to making a of Council on the Town Line North be accopted a satisfactory That communication of Clark Gamble in the matter of roar of taxes on Lot in be deferred for conadel lion adopted partia wre hoard before iho Council in regard to road mailer for confirming and settling a road to the North of Mill also in reference to work done by Mr Doyle and a survey in the 2nd Con Mr Pegg presented a claim foi one heep killed and after the examination wa ordered to b paid being twothirds value On motion of Mr by Mr wa placed in the bands of Elmer tor be relief or G to be paid at rata of 250 per month Mr Raid introduced a Bylaw in blank to appoint certain Municipal Officers which wa read a first and lime Council raeolved into of whole there- on Mr in chair la com mittee J Ay ward and J- Leek appointed Auditors Mr rt Rowland and Mr Inspector roe Ac A by law No re- pectin Ibccived for liture eonaideraUon Moved by a by John that view or of car Eire Brigade a la in their report iherw be a lallaytaf and two whom ho may for th urjio making a may deeia for the m Chiliad Adjourned to meet at tba call of Reeve North York Society following is the annual Report fib above Society adopted at the annual moating lat week and tu which we reterrad last Friday Of the of the Fori Ag or the year ordinary pleasure your Board j ou on the proseil isjras iU at iho revuii of lit past year A sequence of commercial ion the Board experienced consider able difficulty in maintaining the usual of glad at being able report di over friends of tbe lively interest than anileild at Fail si ion held on the Ml tbe and dajof is 1 the I the largest i had it nut been which pre a largely in inai i exceeded any I in number Exhibit l InspecU repec table Show ilfsaif in th history or this Society Financially t-ar- mark a improve- motit in the return it the same gratifying iitcreasa ha marked tbe oars in depurmvn except year hundred dollar from 4 bale show ware paid on the account of property iuiereat paid but in view of the importance V maintaining prue list to than aurplu of ltfll instead of being applied to dia- trbulod in money Aa tba party from whom the Society obtain ed money for original not careial a lo whether a action deea- d wiser course and in view of ha reaalt your Board is now aatu- with ihe w dun Lbs noble friend o the i merest of late donation inward lis lueotioa Ihum will be Mr jr Mvvr A paid A A A iioedlbao Dr Mr Henderson Mr Hold of To ruito Mr Andrew Dr Lloyd VS your President and Secretary and yoar feel fled that stimulus given by prize largely contributed to ibe result year of a exhibition of yoar have boeti and certified to them a balance on band ill reduce During Fall an epidemic pre- throughout the bound of Ibis among home now Tho of weather at that tunc being favorable although pmelratitig liale and retarding farming tions very for a time was not fatal in very many Yoar Board can now conrratulat the Society that happily the epidemic baa ceased entirely For the firt time any conaider- extent the Colorado potato bug ha made it appearance and al though the crop or poialoo last year wait not materially affected by it their prosenceioa large extent bast fall indicate that il ravage may be looked for with considerable apprv tensions of fear for tho coming TIi appleworm known as Codling Moth largely affected the fruit tart season to the extent in opinion of your Board of near ly one third Fall Wheat considerably winter- billed Spring Wheat good rather over yield Oat an crop Your Board have Inroad witb satisfaction thai lb Township my of East will probably form an Union with County As sociation the yaar Believ ing that fewer shows larger premium liu more extended competition your hails this action on the part of East Tho report from Towthip have been received and in dicate a healthy progreaa in Submitted J PHILLIPS Adopted loth day Jan 7S The foregoing report having been adopted lb meeting proceeded to the election of Director for lb en suing year John Cook Lukea and Jame being named by Chair a of ballot vol having boon taken Chair announced the following llemen were the choice of meet ing Meear Peckhan Pearson Sutherland Irwii Millard and Howard Auditors John Cook and J Dav won On of Mr ed by Mr a vote of thank tendered Board of Director f year and th meeting adjourned Preaoatatlon On the Mr A Barry resigning her position a in Public School at Land ing ah by bar and with a Mi Jwtery and BraoeleU wnh following ii Newmarket Council Th Council elect for village Jackson Esq Reeve and rlau1 Rsjdbnasc Hutch and McLaughlin Councillor having suhscrined to the of office and qualification proceeded lo to railing Roll the Reeve mad a few regarding the gen- ral principle which should obtain n inieraooraaaa Ooaoeilloraetc by other table AAer rollcall Reeve aaavad tba following Standing Committee for and Bridge Road Sutherland and and Sutherland McLaughlin and Im- Tbe Reeve and and df Water Utmrm and Market Maw McLaughlin hoo nd Sutherland A ByLaw wa then introduced in blank by the Reeve and read a first Moved br Mr Sutherland second d by Mr that Bylaw Audi nod tin Commit Carried Mr In lb chair In Reave named Mr A J Hughe a no Auditor the Council nominated Mr Lloyd a the ol her Committee rose and reported tbe law a amended Report On motion of Mr Sutherland by Mr forego By law read a thirl rsiMed rale of order lb being aaaeaodad The uxiKr MsClars Mr Barry mad- a lettable reply her re gret at parting wilb so dear and thanking for the Ink Drops Comatarf Cs Tha aaaaa of the Company or Monday evening and waa largely attended Preside Nelson Esq occupied II Smith Secretary annual report of Director a Notices III VlflSW I CO at Public St It si luiiwvi sac lo lis bee ToaUirroatUB Ontario Legislature lit s Premier mo raw up an upon hi of if spoke of Govt ability aad to popularity be had in auch abort tin Mr motion read and tor want to Lieut Go snor to tsj tattled His TJa on the thai Speaker Ic eh air and Hon of Supply Mr Wood Victoria It up the of I sal of by is Mr Cameron that the were poor ly paid and woatd to salaries advwicau Bolter and in ase air Wood that short I officials war wall paid all ability lion in any industrial of thaeoBDlry Moo r Scott th i and the attorney bad aid Goverua i be of Tb lions went iais I l Mr Wood Vis chair Mr of the to disavow generally current it lb person aba I picked up speak now pi i loon He got U Cameron who picked up Iron i raj- I had enter d into bowing that previous to the of Bouse Mi Monday Hon field Id had told him wi gone had van llw Use war ftSUow Toronto Corraapondence M swing r ear svsautd car airW ss Tlstlsvassseatsofhrti 4stltn Uu signa felt that as to and act ha liked Mr Blake bad a perfect right ton a to lb most im to aad as in- dependent in adopt or ra that advice thought At Mr no reason for dlacuaaion on sorb cad bar subject Mr M Ml Ferguson from obloquy tin up frag of apeak now document Hid and En lttr and The discussion was rs Mr JJiadfr Mr Boulter Mr attack noon Mr- Wood preirsg thir at Mr a the jeiralor of such a a the searcher of mem bur daaaa and asked again Mr Calvin motion m timber limit in Ontario strongly by Corby Scow llChmti A Dr Boaltar arnd alter which motion for th passed Hon Mr brought down papas w in the Atlantic Cable Ihst pises an fuSMbj bo as as HI St rtlLX Ttts but Hoo Wm McDoagal leave his weak en for England Ministerialists a the cap- have no that ha fill join Cabinet raeet- f coming Parliament A bill was introduced into llinois Rous Of daflulog of utts to punish for com Ik action of any hall under no utrud con of