NEWMARKET ERA 1873 at n oclock Franklin by reading Bjlaw Tillage and notice calling meeting for nomination for Rear and lieeva Speight and A Barker For Council Cent Milne II Wale Hegill II John Kobinon 1 A Willi llambridge I llr and Jobn Sierr Geo lie twothird damage for on killed dog or dogs Carried 14 by Mr Bennett second by Mr that the Clerk be to notify tho parties whose ml ml IM us street now offered Tor I by Council in Town lot of hut tho price such streets will bo per aero Carried that the order on the Treasurer lo Henry Draper for lectin jurors on Juno Minute Ac o and Mr foreign ana Colonial Mm whole FRIDAY JAN 3 1873 Our Toronto Despatch Day Wednesday very gen rved an a holiday in this place Ait of business were cloned ex pi hotel Divine service conducted some of churches while large engaged every kind of sleighing rig to be got hold During foroooon largo crowd ssecmblod to wit- race over the New a gold- Jeff Davis and a Ben Bolt beat three After some little delay both horses were got well together and when witlin a fcw style a blanket could bulb horse A sudden 10 Moved by Mr teniolt second Wilder Mr that the Bill Mil f William William Treasurer loi bonbon Stationery and one trip Council- Toronto amounting bo paid i Carried bit- A for I tbe payment of the member of the Council and Officers ByLaw passed through Municipal Matters It i that the port the old I are all pMlUoni now held to divide them appears to I Several of gentlemen refuses to stand for the and two Mr Phillip named for that office virtually Mr Munsie is without opposition Tin may be raid with regard to Deputy Mr Rogers having declined running for office and through the chapter The Re agin d by Mr Windham that Coon I do now tour hi place ou at oclock a re Carried The Council then adjourned ho Jeff ved length ahead The wry victory Hilda Ben uu disjioailion to ward rather than forward and moat distanced On the 3rd beat Ben Bolt boiled square from tbe track and Jeff followed suit hi rider tho crowd cheer ed and the excitement grew In quick lime rider in bis place and succeeded in again reach the winning post first this tak ing the race In the afternoon the usual new years calls were indulged in and young ladiea held their St home il parties took jlnce in Newmarket Council evening last All the member pre Reeve in the chair After fav refunded wrongfully a dog tax and on motto lofUr Sutherland seconded by Mi Roadbuuxc91 refunded Mar I caret Cane reni ion collector to collect il for dog On motion the prayer of Mi Caldwell asking to bo relieved from lax was not granted as to his sister Mr Sutherland from the Finance mending tho payment of account Report adopted Mr presented a llDg th for tho North GwUllmbury Council The Council met at Bet haven on Monday the ltitli Members ill Tbe Reeve I Marnlt in Minutes of previous meeting and approved Two communications from M- limns cm losing account for Printing Stationary amounting to A bill rum George Hair fur gravel amounting to and a bill from gum Moon for gravel amount- to was laid the il and also several verbal applica tions were made to Council ask ing to be remunerated for damage sheep by dogi a propria la By the Atlantic Cable ban on nasi Sudden Death On on tans Burning of Barnums ael their In a aoon under control TU to break them open and will foot up to about total before the In following two WO the free animals It a long tin flume which were raising within thre oioer after four oclock on made their appearance the Ande Royal Commercial day morning fire was discovered on building There a glare North British Mercantile the ground floorof the and around but it proceeded from Provincial Hartford and A North calls building in fourteenth York known of late seam The walla of building thin corrugated iron which from tin fierce heat the roof and the windowa on each North America side of the building the flame fire yet unknown but there grew higher and strong auspiciona of an mi A wnoS fierce heat at their base heated rapid- fnirUr they 1M waiting for trial and ineteed of opposing ceaaed altogether said that tbe A To bravo to the last waa still heard only helped them to with when all others had ceased and it be- gas on for taeTC greater rapidiiy and acting I came a fact that all tho animal with exception of three had been roaaU ruble beat which made all efforts alive It was a fortunate Jjjj ho United hi the firemen to enter the that all the valuable ncreaaed ounces per perfectly futile belonging to tho circus proper were Elijah a colored Kan In the meantime some ninety or a aved They were not stabled in the lander a SB hundred animals were caged in circus and but three blocks building and they already Street night the fire and ahowed signs of appro- when they bad done their for the fire and day are taken away and In tbia not one of gradually bears and horses were lost though the tigara showed most fear but it was raals which did suffer were far mere fear in which rage waa strongly valuable than In J 11 aH k Letter from Toronto laid before the Council a report as Pound Keeper Committee A informal touk i lace Mr McMaater m llo Council regarding work jvcrfimed by which was to have been allowed for but which he afterward allowed to run in consideration of certain rent of street The matter waa referred Road and Committee and Council adjourned Local Summary ssjT A meeting of the Director of Tbo Wheeler and Redmond cant offices Messrs Movcxl Mr Travisa and Tbe lv Mr Bennett that the several bill contest we understand likely to be ftnd up in order Carried lively The Ural two named were y Mr a- onded of the Council in 1672 and Mr Bennett that the latter two lo be running bo paid the sum of eing the as an Mr has duo in him for 1 loads Traviss and have served 3jjovcd by Mr by Mr Bennett that time for the Collector to make bis returns bo ex tended to the 31st day of December Carried Moved by Mr Willougbby Mr Ramsd pew man but stands well there is no calculating on till vote arc all polled tbia Township in time forpublicatioi last week ware as follows For Reeve Isaac Merrill Esq and Dr Montgomery For Councillors Messrs Bennett Pros ier Alfred Geo Glover David Joshua by Mann Friend Morion and John Fair barn It is rumored here that Dr Montgom ery has no intention of contending for the and Messrs Fail barn and Joshua declined on the day of nomination others will go to tbe poll At one was thought Township would a peaceful election by ace fora but it baa turned out otherwise and now crop of Councillors appear to bo on ih We publish a short letter elsewhere from this Township give us all information to hand since the nomination Dr Hunter has noti fied Reluming Officer of vil lage that he not a candidate for stating that bo was named without authority and that he claimed exemption a medical man Mr Jackson therefore standi unopposed For Councillors there appears be a little tussle between the oafs and but the latter appear to be gaining There Celleot material named a Councillors and some temper and axe not fit The people how ever must make the choice Matters have not par ticularly changed since the liable Some con canvassing going on One gentleman baa a regular ad dress and card asking the vote and interest of tbe elector Big thing The Return- lag Officer J J Barker Lot No 13 in for back taxes be not collected but that time be given tbe owner of said Lot to pro duce receipts showing that said taxes have been paid if said amount ha not been paid to be still Wtlart MM land Treasurer al low said amount to collector in making hi returns Carried Moved by Mr Bennett seconded by Mr Willougbby that the bill of M Binn for printing Ac amount ing to be paid Carried Moved by Mr Bennett seconded by Mr Proaer that ho School Bill Moved bv Mi by Mr Bennett that the bill of Wellington Moore for gravel fur fur Road Division No 18 amounting to be paid Carried A By Law was then introduced for the closing up and sale of certain Roods in the Town Plot of Keswick which was read a first second and third time and passed Moved by Mr Bennett seconded by Mr that the sum of one dollar be refunded to George dell being poundage charged for geese impounded and that tbe Reeve grant his order for the payment of the onded by Mr Prossor that sum of one dollar be refunded to David Graham a being paid for dog lax ought not to have been paid Carried Boyd held News Carrier The CarrierBoy A Masonic Concert in aid of Larceny On the night Another Death On New Years Missionary Mis At a A public discussion qui to Moved sec Complimentary Concert The by Mr Prceeer that the Reeve of is grant an Order on the Treasurer for the sum of fifty dollar to be paid to Richard for support of George William an indigent blind man Carried Moved by Mr Hrtu onded by Mr Proeaer that the Reeve grant an Order on the Treasurer for sum of to be paid to Don aid Colder being the amount of dam age done to four by dog or dogs 13 Moved by Mr second by Mr Willougbby that George Axdell receive the of being Osapevo us day a rri apsrlal direction 1 him paid it holiday la minim iri sod sag American News Yota Dec am No mails from any point have reached the postoffice since yesterday noon causing much disarrangement to man A few stage continue to great thoroughfare but rare intervals that care on Slreeteleaning iterday engaged a force of labourer to work today in cleaning and approaches to attention la lo be the cleaning of Broadway on it is snow lice feet on the level The entire cot of cleaning this itreot for dis tance of o verity blocks will reach None of the Sound boau left here last night The only boat that arrived here yesterday tbroui Sound was the railway travel in New Jersey is it ponded Dec Montreal express which left New York at pm terday reached here at this morning witb four locomotives and north at 745 No eft here going south noon terday There are over seven passengers snowbound here and but It thought all will get through to New York some time to day Salt Lam Dec Tb afternoon an avalanche six hundred feet wide and twelve deep down from the mountain crossing stage road and carrying away ing them fifteen hundred Cotton Wood Creek Three of the teamster have been shovelled oat alive but four more known to buried were not rescued and it thought impossible to find them be fore spring although from one to two hundred men are nt work shovelling Dec At Eureka 80 miles from here there was a considerable Christ mo gather ing of clans of outlaws on Thurs day and wbile in a store negro stole a number of locks and secreted the in the pocket of Andrew A Strong who was charged with theft by clerk i Win Strong denied having taken them when pat bis hand in bis pocket and About an hour had been drinking ordered Wilson to leave the country swearing that if he found him there at oclock be would kill bim After saying this be turned to leave store and as did Wibon picked up a gun and discharged the contents into nock of Strong killing instantly Strong was one of the famous Swamp Ansels There was a standing of outlaws is now left via en Salt Dec 27 But little additional intelligence ha been received from Cottonwood respecting developed Evidently I later and flames hitherto the position if thing they lashed P within buret forth from the top their flanks with fury and ipruog the building and ihortiy ifler the witb terrific force against sides of roof their as if in an endeavour to at your lately fir Inttb I a food suny in Ihst art bard ic am or A The St Catharine men tion case of a young men from wbo recently got intoxi cated in the city of the Saints and for borne on foot after dark track the racecourse and continued Iking all night around tbe track Toward daylight he thought there was an about the road break thorn open Unfortunately cages bad been constructed for the express purpose of avoiding possibility and the efforts of the brute were impotent The lephanu were peculiar in their man icr of taking things There were wo full grown female elephants and baby elephant The mother and tho I I of fearful speed and force Men and male with waggons and sacks of ore were carried away like wisp of straw The body of snow where th shovellers are at work is eery lam and excavation proceeds very slowly On dead body was recovered today I the ritb rain here Dec 30 Steady rain fell down last night whioh has softened ice causing large quan tities to sink and greatly lessening the danger to boat The floating states that the ice gorged there feet high and that a flat boat con ning seven persons was drawr it and all on board perished of being stranger from East Three bodies have been carried but 18 President Grant runted the Capital this after the Presidents where be held nates occupied i that the it is inferred bad reference t Exhibition It ia know pressed bis desire to bare American productions largely repre sented feared tbe appropriation of only as proposed by Committee on Foreign Affairs was not for purpose That great engineering feat tunnelling of moon- tain has been accomplished the dim of tho Canadian the Shanty Brothers Tbe men from both sections met a few day ago exchanged compliments amid great cheering The calcalatiooa made with each extraordinary that the boring at end of tunnel deviated only a few inches from their respective tine laid by the engineers a way Finally it lay down on it ki was when tbo building bad not imbed to the Several rushed in to see what might be saved and mad an opening in cago whore elephant were fined mother and little were led oat together and obeyed the keepers with docility though old elephant stilt wound its body closely around the body of baby It was not with tbe third one This one which had been imported from Europe only a few days oince continued to lay obstinately on the ground and though every means ere employed even to burning It outd not stir an inch from the place and after futile attempts to make it move it abandoned It was already too late to save giraffe valuable animal property in tbe beasts and could number They also bow- the greatest uneasiness a increased and gave vent to low moans as if suffering morally more than physically like elephant were lying down on their knee as tbey are so fa miliarly represented in pictures of the desert with the exception of one seemed to be all excitement and unable to maintain quiet attitude of tbe others keeper soiled by tbe bat tin crash It tbi moment the re port waa otarted in the crowd that and on rash of tbe people looking on to the two end of street It was a general skodaddls with but one ob ject to get far from burning building a possible It was said that the police had the intention of gelling the masses of crowd away a to draw a cor don more widely around the burning Many seemed to be of this opinion a few moment later and came back to obtain the tame favor able position than before Bat tbii was impossible The polios bad al ready established a line about two hundred yards from the building and prevented any but those privileged from going through Yet in spite of all and cold also would not move away and every few mo ments there another ruh and an attempt to break the cordon of the police but held firm A bout an boor and a half after the first alarm fire was everywhere around building and was bam fiercely in spile of huge of water which were being poured it Indeed the water seemed not to slight est effect upon flame and only feed them more fiercely to no small to In which corrugated hich composed the building place it hundred drink An inebriated man in Ottawa on Friday just for a lark off some gunpowder in tbe of his hand The doctor thinks will get over it without amputation Small pox is alarmingly I lent in town in Nova sod it ha accordingly been deemed un dent to close churches schools mod other place of public resort in order to diminish the risk contagion A despatch from that tbe steamer Geo mania waa wrecked last Saturday night on a sand bar at the mouth of the river and thirty pas I were washed oat of the rig and drowned A fear is expressed by the paper that Silver Islet sad I other localities on north shore f I Lake Superior owing to ties with navigation closed are short of supplies necessary to carry then through tbe winter die and led tbe others could an inch and also of building bad been boated and the water which dropped it in huge masse only spattered and foil without the slightest effect This continued for some time but at length it was percopiablo that raised it and against the seat an explosion occurred that shook the building She pressed too heavily on an air cushion bustle is no romance bat a fact WIT Prussian Government hsvo allotted thaler to re- tho most pressing need of the sufferers on shore of the Baltic A much larger sum however will lo required many millions worth of I property having been destroyed by the along the mile of coast visited by the gale Three engines got off the track at Mark bam station Railway on Monday causing much delay in getting then on The heavy drift and late storm have seriously impeded the working of trains All trains were can celled yesterday until this Thursday afternoon Economitt V Persons entering Germany from France after tbo 1st January will not require loprovide themselves effect was being made But it was too late Already the flame had I of reform for ha a- caught on each side of the thin count whore tore But it had not done burning P supervision has been maintain- material in it enclosure flames unsubdued still went lappi every new of woodwork ly burned ash wpi material and left behind it Two hours after fire bad first broken out not a vestige of what had been the New York Cir cus or Barnums Museum remained except a pile of smoking and smouid left as found The two polar bears ausss net meanwhile in an agony of tor- Tbey succeeded in getting former existence of the place waa an their armthrough the bar and with hit mound whereon the their immense Pone endeavouring I V dislodge as to make opening lo get oat But bars re sisted and though the huge paws worked convulsively to pall them asunder it seemed to be to no pur pose As the fire grew nearer and nearer and and hotter even those animals whioh shown tb least concern began to manifest the strongest symptoms of fear Tbe monkeys particularly which bad quietly sat on their haunches looking on in evident sur prise at tbe scene around them began to hop about chattering and jabber and palling at the bare of their cage every moment Tho great os triches stretched their small wings and half ran half flew round their large dens The Llama Yak Elan trembled convulsively In all their members looked piteously at the effort keeper wore still making to rescue tbem Singularly and very none of tbe men bad any key of the cage else there ia no doubt that a large number which held the was to no purpose and the animals were kept still closely confined and were evidently doomed to roast alive in their cage Bat at length it grew too hot for the keepers snd when the flans roee up from tb floor and darted oat spitefully from little cran- in the carted around posts and pillars and all saw WAS HO OOP for Museum then a If the caged animals had become conscious of this at the same moment where there bad been nothing bat the roar ing of the flame a moment before there was suddenly set up a vast thrilling tremendous scream of ter ror a if from ten thousand human throats Tbe greet roaring of lion the deep growling of the tigers the sharp spiteful snarling of leopards tbe bellowing of the pbsnt the chattering of monkeys ng of the deer and giraffe mala possess or despair an united in one great chorus in which no sound how ever load could be distinguished It not so however as it sad to know that helpless as they were was the last cry of dy ing brutes One could still bear every now and then the mighty ef fort of the caged beast a they still in an agony of terror threw them- meteriee and a some jet of water waa thrown upon them Cuba Havana Dec insurgent attacked Magari on night of the 12th inst The town wsa in defence less condition the regulars and vol unteers being absent The man of- war landed her marine and sailor drove out the insurgent before they had Becked iccoeded in carrying off their dead and wounded On the night of the during the absence of the troops on an expe dition insurgent under Garcia entered the town of and cap tured Fort The volunteers had been previously order ed to march into fort to replace the troop withdrawn and a they approached not aware that it had fallen into the of received a heavy fire from insurgent Tho volunteers and a few regular subsequently attacked the insurgents and messengers were de spatched to recall troops Oper ations were suspended until daylight when insurgent withdrew after sir establishments and a number of private bouse Reports place the total loss of the Spaniards high a sixty killek Tbe troops are moving rapidly in pursuit of Gar cia Seventeen insurgent surrender ed at Trinidad on Friday General ha established hi head quarter at Puerto Principe It is reported that Goner will return to Spain upon th arrival of Gsnerjd Cordova over the actions of all individuals native or foreign An action has recently been in the by Lb incumbent of St Marys Church of England of bis pans honors for alleged bel and slander in passing certain resolutions si a mooting of the vestry end printing snd publishing them action is for A Halifax brokr who au thorised to sell Prince Edward Island Debentures having in stated a an inducementto the Island would soon be- part of the Dominion the Is land Government organs have bad to explain that Government are not re sponsible for the remarks say It staled that the Bishop of Rimouski baa issued an ordinance to resident of bis diocese enjoining Tas Fire In Windsor Dec 27 A destructive fire broke out at tor Oclock last night in jewel lory store on north of Sandwich street and spread with such fearfu rapidity that in a few minute the bieek wrapped in flame igniting the buildings occupied by A Grant stationers spread ing westward as far a tin- hop At on time it waa feared that the firebrick threestory building recently created by K Clerk would succumb to the flames As the whole eastern portion of the town wa threatened the Windsor fire brigade deemed it necessary to send for assistance to Detroit and Detroit brigade nobly responded to the call After their arrival fir this It I Three Riven support the latter and Bishop Bourget Chat Lake The Ottawa River at Sand Point widen into a lake three mile broad when It name of Lake On rday November a man paddled across the lake in a next morning another man walked the lake on the change ful element having frozen over during the night On the Tuesday week fol lowing tho first team of season crossed the lake on ice and the regular thoroughfare from one side to the other Tin Aooidikt Tbe Winni peg Gazette has the following In re- to the late accident to Mr Walton Il says On Thursday last as Messrs Hyman and Cornish were returning from a shooting excursion at Point whilst descending Bad River at St Boniface one of the gun were in cutter exploded contents taking effect th right arm of Mr was immediately taken to the establish ment of the Sisters of Charity and on the arrival of medical assistance it wa necessary to amputate tb in jured limb below the elbow this was performed by Dr assisted by Dr Bird the patient bearing the operation with great for titude Up to the present time he progressing favourably and has 9rry care and attention Newmarket Markets ffltggS