NEWMARKET ERA JAN 12 1872 I Auction Sale of Land Periodicals IN Couiity of Simcoo North Riding of York GTimUH I Here We Are Again MISS SMITH SABBATH SCHOOL I I TV Gold Pen Lost If A General Fifty Acres more or less LOST PUBLIC AUCTION At the Wellington Hotel Congregational Mark ham Village ITKSItAY CUTTERS And Pleasure Sleighs EXHIBITION CHRISTMAS J u 1 It AT THE BIG Parliament s K iiivEx Agricultural Society ANNUAL MEETING ttlYKS Heifer Astray SUHFACB Sawing Turning WANTED Shingle Timtor UNDERTAKING Coffin Mountings FALL An Excellent Hearse GEORGE WRIGHT it fc V- MnAJ I- I T- I i niiw FESTIVE SEASON I Teas Coffees Sec GROCERIES Fancy Goods Lobsters Sardines 1 Rare Bargains TEE AS General Groceries C H Just Arrived A Splendid Id White Fish Herrings Trout Etc LOCKHARTS ITVle raj 7ra A Bundle if v List of Letters Court House A ATCMDAY A IS I I It II Timothy Hay for Sale Berkshire Pigs A TEA MEETING vvii a 1 ft a Church Pump Works w SfM BV7 Prop v i Thui3day 18ta insant 23 Cords of Wood k Yard the A Newmarket Cemetery Company oil Hi p aXXCAI A ii o v v r EAST IMtllRY Agricultural Society wirtrw ANNUALMEETING Koticc Wtq IS HEREBY Metropolitan Hall r 1ltDA 182 rs Confetroriera 1 1 1 ii i rniiKna SPECIAL BARGAINS AT HUGHES Double Warp Lustres for 35 cts worth 60 cents Ladies Clouds 25 cents 1 s fe o Hi M SE45 J a Sa t t CD i- V sfei Pi CD fc g 9 hi S p and VERY fiffi BEST GRAFT APPLES c And Cheapest Whiskey I Malt Whiskey I fe fe Vh fe I Brandy Rum Gin Port and Sherry Wines GO TO CHLOCKHARTS An Is talon I THOMPSON DRESS GOODS Just Received 3 J Staple Dry Goods OF COUNTY OF YORK I to felV I IK- Canadian Tweed cents Scotch Shawls worth FISH I WHITE PISH TROUT p Barn i a it i I ii i I SUby the J All kinds of Produce at AJuritl Price I not to bo Beat J it SALE AT A BARGAIN SALE CU I I 114 wlbl fcrfrrn mJ R o I a 5 Reward Family Groceries Iblpj Mr Hardware Boots and Shoes c c Cloths Clothing thrjr Vmlui rat in 11 I f Li itfVuf I I- ij in il- j TWo Cordwood Wanted OX l AT THE BIG T Nrfk talrrHniB Mil Immense Stock GRANITE GLASSWARE SI CLEARED OUT I WILLIAM Barter HairDresser c aaicvx NfiIAaKT Velvets Ribbons and other Woollen Goods FANCY GOODS ic The Show Room WILL BE ON TUESDAY tl5 3rd of OCT Dress Making li l v Til First Prize in 1871 Organ and prizes awarded at the Late Fall exhibitions t ill mi M T J DALES pi i Musical Instruments ALES PORTERS I In Only per At Lockharts For Pure Bottled Wines Brandies for Medicinal Purposes A ASSORTMENT OP tea CHEAP At Lockharts Cannr A Fish and Fruit It Hotels Supplied i LIQUORS WINES in Ill ICES At Willi LIQUORS WINES CIGARS mi mil TORONTO Ill ICES Bbl and Bag Salt liantl at C II Cash Paid for Butter Eggs Bacon Vegetables c At C Lockharts NEW FURNITURE ROOMS Liverpool London GLOBE Insurance Company Available Assets la war f it ratinai lj New Brick Premises Lately Erected by tkrm 01 MAIN STREET PAPER AT roUciu Ml tt IlcadOfce Canada Montreal CM DrlFHI tnVl Two Houses to Let IN ALMA TERRACE