Til IA STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER WYE ME THE LIIIKIITY TO KNOW To UTTER AND To ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JAN 12 1872 Terms 150 in Advancei Architects Civil Engincc Card hi TO HORSEMEN No Humbug I The Dost- Circular Buggies for Sale II I DENTIST TUB ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Co Davison House Infirmary VETERINARY iTiilNAPY SUBGEON I a of a ol April i Li L flr to the hotel ii am in bull wink- liie lomlv were 1 an I- ir ilium to DM dreadful death Monuments Tomb TEETH Dr Robinson LDS fine feature net in pallor rigid her silken ok iris trailing over carpet and glittering with jewel clenched upon loppcd The other in her mis garb the mora shabby by of llio poor prctonceoflinory that Led it here and there but lode- gnu Ml ndorn her shamed fate sunk her breast halfhid by neglected en ringlets of which the used to be so fi clearly and of them al tin This is a horrible story lo the diningroom n Amy Marsh Think well before you biscuit tS ril0 K shall sift It to the and and drink try to proofi than your word droop- It Gertrude and lb ho tray a wor He mo Hum ill fir l IIU a word left me bo turned into the streets 1 was and lived there led the luxuriance of wet show yon note I dishevelled remembered ill pity thnt hat had fallen bock nnd the ratty rent y little ieh he I and nil thai and two littlo wrote mo while he was at the shore summer before last she hod employed ihreu veur before whom She a dingy wallet from her he had liked nod pelted until her pocket and handed some her for fumiliariiy pajHjr to llbyl read win it creature of lower order ihcm one one critically and thrcatcned lo from the out flinching house if her daughter tarried into know handwriting well on her project of her ho finally tings besides embroidery and these with me Jan 1 1 p thing despatch It was nut evening papers that the Howard would taken ii arraigned on Monday ascertained to thai if an attempt would bo to the negro If tho wan killed all people would to Mill tied but that would tint have been the end of it Innocent part ion ihoso of the law would alio killed The authorities realised thi and every occasion for further shedding of blood lias been Howard is not In the cily at this hour severest jwnalty of the law lias been him ho in now out Of reach of the mob and those who reck A jHipulaeo will awake tomorrow moni- to learn fact Howard crime bat refused to give ho outrage The tide of good feeling ranldlr running aide of military in a butter condition than they itnud at present The military will bo duty to morrow morn Howard eying for I A has leen in to tabic linen to the joint of lie Lbe United Stales with a view re duce the In it rates lor The residence of A Woods at by on Chrialntoa two servant were burned lo death The on House insored eight and lost night factory was diwovcred to be on fire The main and greater part of the valuable in of of firemen were entirely consumed The Iom is about lour thousand dollars An Iho earner Black Diamond of London wan proceeding I will will unreasonable -Mre- I J must keep during her tile hept ihe I argued jood pniTnl when tier- kind of i that Amy quick Hits long because I i I did hav i In learn sho knew iiulhing night I been silly as well world or could J wnkd 1 know the negro win Court this evening at half- past Ho was arraigned on in dictiocut and pleaded guilty Judge to twenty 7 vearti In Auburn Stat The was immo Hate- and quietly taken from of Sunderland harbor i tide on Tuesday she fuuled her pro- and ran on the North- quay Tho crow wore lima afterwards When lido ebbed the vessel parted ilh a loud report Jan A Official advices from Ispahan show that the famine in Persia continues and the and are undiminished diittrictirorthe com try hitve been depopulated and in cities Is terrible The of to relief are un availing The says man to Conservative a jotiRliefirit called ComllnatloH or Coalition Suppose a man to leave iho in Catholic become erf the would be be a MtMdtl Rod Methodist tinder Mich a frd flppreheod that it put III i PHYSICIAN Accouchsur A Watches Clocks AND JTWElIEUY iEusical Library A O N MARBLE WORKS llio of iinpriMHttiicnt linlji Thi name lejiiblj llpi radrAll way Willi him Mid rnrl lor he over nJ over bed tlo end lore he true laj matron Iran Thorol put out her and abfl looked well lo the ways hand in her hoiyehold while ho a I you I would not I world But ho had gathered two year ago lo iaued Mail and at ilenl itingpegrt I heliil apiiiiiil he American Dentistry ADAMS Iiri A iioADiitirsi CABINET MAKER vliii had been wiHlum tfnr lerlee known Just her lei Amy loft warning r other farewell ban note with and with ink luck between dusk and daylight pun her young mistresss Unhion Gertrude had or UN her since sho fell With In ink- that there Ibr tell slory id brace CixcirATi Jan special she went on I from to the laL that a band ruid night of righted earth fgnd a raid upon ear that plat hi lipping An ind ii iboftW know and iUi in- ml to leave neigh- ugh ly thi- tn an- on panj One Innuer was nuuned imno but white sThu declared the of these drive negroes from tho country ire Jan 3 In iiieaiiiin Virginia a negro took by ily thai force her a she loved him deeply and fondly spectablo young white gill when she phghlcd her to him thirteen yours and committed upon the most admired person in the her person Virago KM her inadithiseseapJ but a party in in Which of the plagues most like a hat nay be felt Van never gains anything so a a good wife nor anything orne than a one Home Took when asked by III why ho played at cards replied I cannot tell a king from a knave The word state spelt lack- wards Is in It is not safe lo learn ply by back on the Queans OKI ladvtoher mice Good gracioos but it it how that is These were tho only bit mortal car ever beard lips of the pure whom votary of plei In Hilit such agony of Shu hud said of ll 1 i4li SUIrilMl ft PUTTER AN0 il V j I J Da rtii Srtatflmimal f ItfiaVjnhri IKnrl Jimig snU THOMPSON Carriage Trimmer Stiiiro I i f i A k Repaint on Short Notice New Harness Shop T IK a ris la ibSalMUiU of yi lianas Shop in ii enters lbs Jlftr- Ik NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Collors Trunks c sank Wright CsitUs NATURES OWN CAUTION An Irrn Srs l IUO I J Si was known all And if in men pre Mm with moiling res mnimi ion thai foil wol the betrothal him If cap Amy got up crept to the table lo law will robably be en and drank the wino down ihe I iheir an eager gulp thai betrayed an and sentiments questioned within Sam Jan ad- kindled gly now vices from Fiji 1lands leisrt that betrayed ly kindled Mil 1 cant say it although I tame she said her eye alii I east Ill go away and never again 1 lo as 1 along that iwaa my duty to lei y Syrup of lwT lnst scull in ssJ iiivmuai mIt ifc l iMUiaN is shiel lifsirtlnslosf Ufa is J It ll ran ssiiius Il HI all fret asi f u rviW m a I Id be got justice done all than because I wanted questioned j7lllirt a aim whether idealistic n- of womans had not blinded her usually when she said tie my king my per re- jvotrSeV he was sacred than He bad in ninny things than in conversation night yet the charm of his igalar renncment of t about ball siji now since prof he he was Mill loo dear Ive been so kind lo no- just as to think- of breaking bond slv i used be that il Was more fori considered sake more out f hope ihul the tiled her ud If that ia so mast speak out hesitation answered Gertrude low sweet that lent decidcdIV- For I to help you his lightest saying his nay Amy I am mistaken you in need comfort end aid sorely at woman did Wiry did yon at first Why hare yon not applied to me for assistance before matters imagir came to this pass I always liked broker and tried to befriend yon to the boat while womanly instiml and d the ill that ha I won for him in world of fashion n a spell about her heart and linn that was not to be easily She owned its away of my ability I cannot tell you how joined in urging hci I am for now if Amys ho of deliberate seasuality grief burst forth anew And you the absolute cruelly the consummate always thai kind to me and I hypocrisy manifest in hie Bat be told me the Ant When letter was penned and from Fiji Inlands iesirt that bile a puny of Solo mon conveyed on the from to tacked a at ie men named Fijian planar who had them- in charge nnd hopped nil to pieces with hatchets and escaped The and sadnr of lie barque Cam bila were murdered by li lo crniaing among the in March of Jan negro Howard who outrage on a white girt in lew days since arrived in morning and look his in the State under a service of twenty ycais He was very happy pulling bis iliiimb his nose an I making fan of his finger to crowd as he went up steps to the mail hall Nearly one hundrvd wero used in making a pie fair Bndipopt a few days aim It was biggest chicken pie over built and baked In the nutmeg Slate and required men to more CI chattering Loving Niece Well dont let thorn chatter loo much or they may tell where you- av A indent tells an anec dote of old wmian who when her baa not yon in youtOafaPfcfc No sir have a very good appetite still A littlo boy having broken his kinghorse the day it was bought Ins mother began to rebuke him threaten lo box his ears He silenced her by enquiring What is the goal till its broke A man who was for a miserable looking horse If hi fedUrn That ply lies g Ted him Ever a good nn was a bushel and a hull only he aint time to cat sra A preacher custom it ras to preuch with one who only as long usual or dismissing iho be- go nut This continue all Lad left when I We had it bug as ho Id walked op to lliu preacher in a whisper you have grit lock ill ywi and lavo the key at my next to church Boas thats a line horse yon have there how much is it Worth Three hundred and fifty dollars Notsomuchaa that of it and another fifty on top of Yes Id swear All right What are yon lor Merely for purposes I am assessor of know