Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1871, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1871 i n ft I Mr Dccllr from lined the York The bit 1 Summary meet-in- Newmarket Conn ssfissrsirZSw Ontario Legislature MS ASST njle ami hi re- lTo aiuloN ml mid onliiMili lo the Tim Speaker called upon the mem ncral lloninlal tar I linn Mr Minn r iiiiin hair motel ion for ih i But John UK tint rtijfn want of by oven that Ho land would not ioncnl to the until vacant cat have all been tilled Doc On Monday u ly the which had lawn the itiluliii Mr Mai Blake But Irarjre In at Iho reply hinted not a lord and John avBniial to con oitld to Iho con office ilolto ciiionc the a to adjourn which aevcrnl pporlcr ol emended policy tlty- openly let tared should hno Ihhiii mid ditfnlcl with their Irion the North Am- their ileum inn Iho to appoint additional III then 1 On Friday dobato and McKon i Mini- I ido refined South am put nod carried i rehired linkIon in tho vole of In That the Up ii and in order the carried a or want of j Cumberland iitjeted an in by adkinnimcin ill order to the ninjnnly of obi the delate a aceno Hon Mr Wood Treaurcr oil 1 l he imply IVi plod ml Carried- lie then tha ordinary the now writ oily of Ottawa in room of Mr It ilcelared hi intention give the matter a Sat Blako anhmitlod ho look in view of denial Sandrield contended that the ucr Iron Hi Excellency lor evident atrenpth of the Speaker of the a vote olerrdil until Ineelimalca for and the inipoillily in and Imunl lill even vear be paaaed the lhp of country anutES tairen load ing to lovedby Mr lake and Id aaa rant ulj on the to Municipal and award and thi ifcauW would not hen JJ for and hi defuuee hculd la undertaken by pri vate number The Speaker aid he would the matter no further but would make a denial llio Supply Br Pardee Ihoi could anon be matured for medium or the public pro Mr a vole credit of the partly settled dialricla Irineo to make a iKriial ox Hon Mr Blake roainod hi justice to old planalion bin amid loud of or- for South Bruce and thai a pillod to Mr I writ ahonld bo iaiued for Kklint I as- St dis pllta but ho did not think lie the award wont into Committee and in and Blake announced he had iiiyin to form a Mr Mmaolr a of Council ThnncJ he lived not ho would rcin and allow I to pars il hcn tin The County of Carleton an humble bo pro- Ilia Excellency llio Iiciilcii reprcwllitinjr bo roeive1 Ilia reply the Hull- adopted from Co I had boon do u bar over who want rata apply 11 the Mi him- baa no complicate are the Iho Tho loyal old not k bc hoodwinked but that will Deo At ii lor County a Hedcraiion v Corner today Mr Monk Mr xyo of the Council Senior and only of wore praed Mr Monk announced A bill ha inlrodoeed jay lra Mr micd hinwoll a npporler of Mr I Hit- i- ho followiiik- actondotl by Hon Mr the nlo 1 I liny alalia lard That Iho aid motion ho Mr said ho wo independent oj oil by adding the following but would allport good them wonl after now id by while thi agree Senator made a tolling pooch re lijio 1 dcaroring belie ply which fromwLkl Hon Mr I- under Hon Mr ia mere unwary Iremiei in the House on and clearly act thia ma will bo aeon by the M A Co ported combination of holding of to form cilhcrwithontnnypofi- or on a policy formed tbroub the on id of ome part of iM principle The preaont Gorcnimtnt an- that Scott whose a 1- 1 to tlio Cabinet ha provoked the did in ma in Parliament in a a pledged of Mr which was formed without a policy Hut having noon become diauliafied with tho tho Administration Mr rv- fulfilling his pledge made no of views frequently staling that he would rather porl mo than Mr At the late election he declined to himself to tho Gov- condemned many of acts and was elected as an I momber On approaching him I found that his viuws wero in cordince with thoto which tho party had loen advocating iir opposition I not bare offered him nor would be have from me a scat in Tho Hon could not be more explicit and notwithstanding the wanting jeers tionisls are tho great body of Reformers the country will bail the above frank and candid explanation Publc A very large sic place in the Hall on night la- I y to mum tors generally more to allow candidate far the make known their Addrws in of the or iialiun jmlicy of Minilons nml they in the f the debulo an thcfevlingiiflhclloiiv toirtinUthetn Ministers defeat ed in each of the divisions which taken placv and have never had of That the Ministerial policy on a important Ium rvVetved by a deci sive tin Inrcd its want of in HID SlIllllK iSSLStSJiZ By the Atlantic Cable t at in tii- pmAn i- existing tss That supplies voted this citation i-n-n- lapse on the day i iHrtim idr n- JVcciiiLht iiwtant am this House llTJnJikKljnw bo wanting to its doty if it tfatyitssJairt should not that time as was i jfrrtnwtncn ih tJ ties dnio under liko last gl a fitt I hi ttlit ditnre its 1 m4 Knit i irrv1 imtsr of the monies itrt tsii iw to bs iiirry on the until the i- hi ri t for the ensuing tf lbs S have I nri Wir touos in humbly pelting MillkMx il help but that had a large majority il Willi the the member in Ontario spoko inlmuonn Ilruio In sent in the Kxo- terms of Mr policy of thii a an- urged a fair support for tit iiuin in his in ilry itin a thero- and Mr liy in rtling the or iht raiil retired and Mr Monk And Mr Lyon beyond go llio Wrd Act Con red and such increase is West Durham pmpo Hog lluy on liliyii on Opposition Ipntnhy they and belt nil 1c lalivo null mini the tin fa Alter debate and planalion by Mr in n- Hon J I lie upon the of loiter en lot Oil Van kail- Cnrlnr Crut Crnijr I Clemen llnWMn Ilea Farewell llibb Gib tl UMKllia Ma doimld Mrriek 1atlclvili Prince extort Grey Sinclair Smith Sprinaxtr ebb Ilurh Mr Jhi Mi UI I rcclo led llni laal and up No ie A poli fricc cue I wiuieii of me ha been Mnl to for lo aaa The Prince of Wale ia ally raining innyih It Ihnt of the phi Irian who allcaoat Gull to In- made a Itaroaat llr Lowe idly woman Tho Grand Duke Deo the iiiianimouly and Toronto A from Ex ulmitlinr tho climate m lor public r Iho timaic for the year The ad- in and humbly l will lv gracioosly at S50 Dee Slmcoo Mr Mr A Oliver P P Mr McCarthy Jr I and Mr present this Jlitling in the Ial Leg islsturu The four latter withdrew Mr assumed an Dr Ramsay advocated Mr present Ministry and Mr Scott irttMni legtl The ii mill Isle Are A Uil fr one having Isen American News will be graciously p The was di- reprcseilitio con- Tho folio Mm- h bis as immnccu the languageof this rosoluiion I at three Stormont run trono and It alt On i 11 iiiii St A telegrni Mo says that Chi i ma Dav n Klux at Marshall v i Wnlto language of this ii certainly Tory strong and its objoc iniild not bo doubted In amendment it was moved by the government that tho urn until The was tost on a of l The was chief topic of diMiision ami this important trnth WW developed two of the candidates for Councillors have withdrawn viz and being unopporetl j SaT men tunic liegnss in the any ncgnes were killed but a 1 Ml at oclock saw dead lit- lies of live by neck and lliroo by tho same Tin- is the defeat yet and will the lii ToaoMTo lKc The state of tlio llme hour lor iis assembling rived at of more list it riunee was on the eve hod hardly struck three when took i In and a large number if I ho House Mr Bake Porlfolio Mr Attorney General Mr McKellur Agri ultui Commissioner of P South Wellington Tro ll Secretary Mr Treasurer having resigned the Provincial Secretary ship A l Ibo open ami Mr Blake suid thai as Mr John A line was called by of iinxhonrgh hi axData 27- Tho nomination for look place at in the midst of a driving storm and intense cold Mr Colqoboun was proposed by Mr David Brown and seconded by Duncan proposed by Mr Lieu of made lands it was speech in which he tried lo elect a school bill and rambling for his Imv His Ex- 1 the oath after baring vol hick Ho II A butchers do business in the market This is what wo gathered as tho tenor the speeches pro and I parry gov and on Tbo SxiiDriKLD Ministry was essentially tion because composed of men hold political principles a owed I v an tagonistic but not so with regard ti the present Cabinet for the Premier emphatically ho associat ed with him gentlemen whose trtre ia Hum tht IAbtral party had in opposition There ia no mincing of matters in statement it it clear and comprehensive and Reformers throughout Ontario have reason for congratulation no person al knowledge of the course intended to bo by the member tor North York towards the new Minis try neither we presume to die tale ia the matter but knowing as Is most sympathies of lb constituency ami judging from faia speech we are fed to the will give Mr ministration a fair trial lot as the will be generous and mad impressions In peel the meeting wan an advat but so far as altering or chunking ilc views of electors most the Tutors left the Hall as they wont there Tho proceedings terminated a little after eleven oclock by giving three cheers Tor the We hate not room for a foil report and us it would be impossible to do to the parties by a brief epitome wo refrain from attempting it thcr There was a good dual of petty sharpshooting and pointed question ing going on and answers were elicited from which a good deal of merriment Considering tho usual strong feeling manifested in sharply mooting onicrly and we trust will bo followed by good re- soils At any ralo opportunity rrwsiuiiny for explanations and the I wit or false was iiJisMwwiNn icnt compensation for the trouble of the moetiDg and tout re- iVfe in h lo lit fhl llnu roatr- mama nil then viit the mors which rniw The Duke re- till Thursday MANITOBA FoarGAur Mr as Minister of Works and Mr menl to the vacant gives pretty general ami makes ministry stronger and more popular as the now man represents the Eng lish as Well as the local There will not likely he much change in the sin at the meeting of the rairtlrntl fsJatureou tire 16tb weather is inlenely cold it was degrees aero A man named Shepherd tinlit on that business being rapi Mr Sundtield Mmdonitld lerd into a review of stances which had led up to iho of Monday Tlsuy were le- tho quiet tone a man feeling deeply thu defeat ho hod most dead briefly in repl Mr d rfaslrioT from Mr McKciitie bung what thoy di1 orthe docon of The fvw 4aari from M lly Cirrie and h to the Hoiim would of tin high to which he leei elected to the best of his abilities Dee The IIouso one oclock Lieut nod took his seat in thu under which ho hod referred in debate to case of Mr the Chamber that Mr BlakoT ffg g J1C 0 been com i regulation o he ifaio A rince ration i of the take a position of neutrality in the Dominion There be nor hoslii- Ontario should not interfere with Dominion affairs or with the affair- of any other province except when rights wore infringed of was lhat thuia should bo the tnry control of public funds hand such to the ilivo would be n alsuidonmont right port or the of its most 1 fund iis week a party loft for the district below Woods and Fort Will The recent midnight attempt to com iheaiUlttciiin of 1st- th the of tho of jstrliamuiil would be Dec eleclioti When House met he speaks LieutenantGovernor took J A io secure extension to refute the bis departure franclne be bnmgbl down made to him in the Toronto Bill- Mr To A schuino amend ami combine Lake of the graph amounting to a of amend Arts An courts or law and equity would be ma Wry when J in J Mr- William- Durham -T-ln-or- as mi- and lupine by the has not resulted in f the they will no bo taken withoat bloodshed tho room to TUaraph Speaker appealed to the Hols ay genu ad mi nut ration would rcbmhl energy in of immigrslion any mat I chiefly to secure a large influx of ffecting himself as he mere- Prince To consolidate and laborer to the of ihc The amend lass for ihe existing throughout the the House bat game and fur bearing animals To- There lives worn a hat ring any kind his On winter day lie wi I wmpjinnell tomftrtahly with a huge coat etc as a proteelioi against ttie biting fnwl culling winds hut to say will have his cranium uncovered And goes in all cases and under all From a notice of intended fir an Act appear that the Charter St twretice and way projtoeo to extend- their lino from the capital along tats north of tho Ottawa Portaged il Fort and I Lake and tho Georghss with jtfopiirsed lino from Georgian Bay Mr Brown owns in Bow Park I acres in block and l extremely convenient noticed one stable of 114 dairy and another of thorough bred I ranges of pens fr pigs pled be al ity of water teams and All there in the Park and lhat lour mou wore kept daily drawing water from tho Grand for supply of the The dry sea son may however account for that- Courier asm BiswTweodiC4isohagjswti or ho has of the luxury and iring joyed by an invalid ring now stopping at St CiitberiMa Ho Is not to bo foawl New W at least by proeciilioii ami rtJe that ho hit slipped away Impritonmenl inurvty lst igmi III gntdoally wiihJiuwing they lor and cast into goal inminalius of can dilate tor place in lour at has Mr Losl an returned Vest lv and in Mr Mliwi Mr to give Iho now a fair and honest In but all reignel Dr ami Mr between whom smtost resta Mr and Mr re the of the electors of Mr Macloauhl the nomination and adveasl the of Mr but With little

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