Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1871, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC 8 1871 An In 11Mt law and I dollar ha I her t la any i a boiler thai hilt J aa Soma amuetincnt NEW GOODS Fashion MRS LR BOND Fall and Winter Stock k Millinery Mantles 11 afar tos naturally I market iry II hi Ire Willi in it A papa put it ihns to hi Iva Jim if vi want Iu vu ran bin bar but I dont wont yon lianpw round yon mean It you la marry lior hurry up I cant kept awake nights lnjvr J 1 1 ST RECEIVED FRENCH MERINO SKIRTS QUILTED SKIRTS BREAKFAST SHAWLS Who i aba jaat faalattarFail tu iVlpii a Ab 1 KIP CLOVES all a hy in lad 1 l- mail to ho of my step mother hut I ran hou lately aad I man made another change An heard of the Yankee for thought ha would loat the natives at REMOVED STSSaglSTSR FURNITURE ROOMS ilinl ton any larger America Anybody might know thems currants A Hiram appears be a wan knowledge of con tiling a with one of his neighbor David Hughe and by his honor whtulior he guilty or not guilty Hiram bead and remarked deliberately Well judge how do you mean Why judge you known long enough reckon lo know that J done anything lo be guilty and never will be guihv in my whole bom life I dont koow what you mem by sautt but you mean as I licked David Hughes licked him good too 1 say at K CHEAT CLEAEING SALE IS STILL GOING ON CONTINUED Until tbe Stock is Disposed CHEAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash Buyers At the Goods MUST BE SOLD It SMITH TO IS IN Archibald B Orr Village of Newmarket JJOTICB IS GIVEN Ua Archibald to i Uah as wUi two frees due lb fart re ibereto Ami is exj ressly given that Ore ITU is Upper i a Vlbftro akU JOHN KERR Cttrt treat lb Ki VALUABLE Freehold Property SALE THE STORES STOREHOUSES TENEMENTS etc WITH THE LAM ADJOINING SrrUATB Slow mi 1 la lljitlj v I ranair will it Ma la law la aall fiataaT aaiUtaUia Wit 1 MUlarda Black JMILLARDcCo CABINET New Brick Premises ErtcM la ON MAIN STREET PUMPS POMPS T urtwlili nit it A if Id brm lmtair ROGERS CO NATURES Vanted CASH ON DELLVEBT Apply at AT Preservation of the Sight FIRE INSURANCE DYESTUFFS Lancashire Insurance Company C II SIMPSON Chemist Druggist tb M f CUb SPECTACLES EYEOLASflCS laiLcrul Pure Hard Brlliant I a M MOST PERFECT SPECTACLES rim IBB Ibt ad IBPROViHEST OF IRE a So lb ara lb LAZARUS MORRIS A CO If iCj ISiaira NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET Jut Jewellery Goods SltVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods POCKET Fancy Goods la la lb Iroojbl la VtU ad for PRICE Childrens Toys i ibaa ai Tcmoto ech be ii of tbi Mi btJloi WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Is Eoliir Hi orb of far tlaj CALL AND 8EKI FRESH DRUG STORE SIGN OF THE Bronze Mortar Im taw Main St Newmarket WHOLESALE A MAGENTA In ANILINE COLOURS ildihler Lac Dye Solution of Tin Indigo Compound REFINED SPERM OIL Prepared Glycerine Foe Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes PERFUMES Paper PAINTS OILS Cattle Medicines for Duatraf Kail hi a Color Mfa iU On dan aiM art oil lb m by Beatify Remedy all iW Wind aid of Hot or CKAHEtBIU AND Insect Poison A af io by PRICE TWENTY FIVE CENTS Ague Cure And Vegetable Tonic it with BaUaka la baa aad frvia Vafftabli will not bat Cora II a 0 TO THE TRADE FOR SALE lots to suit Oatmeal Cornmeal POT SPLIT PEAS Buckwheat VEGETABLE BALSAM Far Caajh Iaeiplntl A lar alrradj la Pre pared aall U RYE F10UB fte BRADFORDS St TORONTO Liberal Advances on Consignments of all kinds of Produce or Ml Bala LIFE LIKENESSES MR J NEWMARKET tad MMrj libera tapper LifeSized Likenesses I frit la rilaily freer li real LIFE SIZE n Mm or Tber are 1J eoJ in la remind denes ibrir For Hiprptlce Oat feted lanJaa- alto Pill lo Price BOTANICAL WORM STHtTP Rabat and moat Wo a ttr Il lb in one gnat i mi all Wars Bfflb liM Price TEUGRAPHIC REUtVER Tba beat la Belief el all tbe of TaMon aad IaiaRMtice Par to Bead all aw COMPOUND Extract of Blackberry For Summer Complaints Cholera VeiUaf AaaasMll an MJ at AaUiaaaata eait the a AD all aetioa Liter Tbe ratee ae prepared rtaea of the aad leak A It eeaeaiallr adapted abicb la It la dan TO OP proved ia all H aiU a related Mate boela ted donee tamer boa Id be kept la to are We tad J Ran- far ibe try bare diteelrrc reob bottle par battb iUji reetphta ttork D bo I collect tratera pee aad St i ihia 91b da af a D al tawaoAS CAPITAL Isolated Bisk Insurance Company CAPITAL B IT1SH AMERICA INSURANCE CAPITAL Territory for Lancashire Count ef York Co Kins Msrkhsm and Ysagban Albion and Gore of Toronto America Newmarket vicinity baring been appointed Agont for tbs at Ihe LICENSE AUCTIONEER for the County of York THOS ATKINSON Hew Market July SMI J PATTERSON AGENT FOR MUX Something for the Public A OP Firstclass BEEHIVES I -AI- Johns Planing Factory MILL ST mw THOMAS AGENT FOB MILL North L0CZMA1T MACHINE If TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At tbe Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO Hoar Im Col it a by Ue la of liver We bare aire Ukra rritre fall at be Coamy at Iort Pane Ml awl lapreatl PRICE OF MACHINE bed wit- Plata Reamer Vew llemi Self it 3 Look Key i aatractiae leery WILSON BOWMAN GEO NUNN Wholesale Agent Mia IT IS -A- FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Sail Bedroom Stoves LOWES THAN TORONTO PRICES jour ifmi It your and Pipit COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At that will A Call will thai u al al that cant dm I a aary la aaaaaMtaaad la far Produce Skitt laktn in Exchange or bvea Stara J A J HODGE Ml Insurance Company mHIl old and Company la Three Years Policies On laola tad wan DWELLING HOUSES Rates are Lower Oat I a SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES fiewb k liberal UaaboTebaaiaaea lolly prepared all ay bo lib la bit liae Monuments Tombs Tablets Heat Stone Posts Crosses Ac ac Short 4k Ha souaWs I ST Apothecarys Hall l Sewing THE OSBORw NEWMARKET DRUG STORE I a KELMAN and Apotbecary g I awanwlir IU fitfully CABJiY ON THE BUSINESS OR HIS OWN ACCOUNT The Stock Drags Chemicals PERFUMES BRUSHES COMBS FANCY GOODS Patent HORSE A CATTLE MEDICINES DyeStuffs Of all Colaat James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES BRUSHES And Artists PIPES I Finest Tobaccos CIGARS CHEROOTS Ac IN LAMPS of i he and anothjo Us NEW STAR SHADE far Chapped ftyxsah and In Remember the Place i So Commer cial Block Main Street Sharon Looking Up Cheap Goods TBI BtrmCRIBBB far kltd Pureaaaa SHARON lad la deiat to bag to kit paMic eeaerally be it aaei receipt a a SEASONABLE GOODS Late la tba CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Will be fcaad Bread Bilk Miateree will told by Ue or 2Cade Up to Order I la tbe Beat Style AJaa DRY GOODS Of at Law rrtaaa Groceries Of Baal Carey Western Assurance Co 3BAD OFFICE TORONTO fl00000 Hen J RtSIaiaHa Villa at law adaaata aarataa adjaaUd i I I Tba aabrlbar paalataall L E A L It A- fcr a Illlball la SEW1N MACHDJEi MreatUaadduiakliiy The Machine rival beet of reuariV7 Guaranteed to be as represented The Guelph re tia Back J A A Car Gun Ha GROVER A MAKER I SEWING STILL Re Tuckers All Stylet of Grocer Baker Mat nock An- Newmarket Comer Prospects TUB eeUil fr peat eaW lereijaad rrefwcfal beret oca ting factioa Well era AS wbrebkeUptl at reUetariaf THOMPSON THK tart be baa kept M Mr lead la keep a llooee The Bar and till be reppltbrd U redj ford pxd la betae lea AttaaaMH THOA TUOHPSOB I MS Farm for Sale BIINO aaaiaaarf SI rf a aerra aad laM J UaaabeTlBaTaaiiVaaaauaaa TJ Sad for Hide will lea all klada wbiab 111 a JOHN

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