I NEWMARKET ERA DEC 1 idler Ixii Death in a foi if the body of dereitscd won taken Dr It Pearson be present requested to inalto a The il complete as I M li i on murder I W lh rpliol I hurl led uld nil and to the I Kind hearts wore outre of Ki I- Iho miss my llev Sir followed milium signally something of the same lull ihwi and blessed lluad be especially ir I tending to one to particular work of I T result alluded loin the text effort in this country Our limited a st ClON Of III II nit ill the text effort of deceased where cv concluded by space lorbid id all night according hearer and pro- Vote or thanks wire then relumed of the daughter of Ihe pertinetil qiicalio they would Isj on to a person dayofflnat rolitulinn thought and valuable Thcro ir and j lo w i llolhune to Dr the I going to call any njiliiaaap day aril Noble ion the Lady Collector also to the Choir fur their kind the ami of Hie suggest CEO with no question but iho service- of the lernal consequence Would they choir added much car tho commendation of good nil faithful servants or be cast off tho Atilhe ring i The J iho mooting manner in wore iinfiiinm ttfit servants or he east off tho Anthem were executed was In hi- death creditable to fheir music latent lothot will inlent lllu bis I the melodeon lfcHIHdafrsiiirrwrklrril lonlatilp If tl the Mr I ohject any at tl bo until all bmn llif I- iii 1 Hi- ltilliI think that ruoir I must you Dr to to the box luwcO at nisi prim tiou of I by by them to With him m 1 they not 1 that I an he did ho Kinjc I mado i mooting I bolio Dr I hull only call il rvrtpmdent prunxiti Mr worn To Dr Miuhacl I di made Mr Morgan liad no meeting a to tho chimed did not directly or indirect- Ikultbee and contradicted ly any money to anyone to upend was pleated to call life on David not employed by me in way to for- my argument- gi want that oleetiun remember thorn with me down to and contrary in proved o to I wont to addro Mr i identiotdlJSJ meetings which I had called my own there It i- pro vol lliatifoJj 1 up and ho offered ordered the tint drink I might admit M fcjl for l every did round only pointed and thci Krban four the moetini I thmk I it it regularly called nox organijiMon it usually had in at ii- idat tho Bat it that makea any violated that or the rebutted by Mr bowed that peron oat of tho room the agency If should ho order pcopiooit meeting Then there in wan Geo at think I boom ordering Mime one in Morgan to go to a at nil poll vote bow ihm wont with my party a in aulliority tk and Solly offered to a- however it thai Mr Bji and they went with my dm hoc act null v wrote this iMleirranlm loft ihwotberpolU to their fate Mr in llurk or oilier did not Mr b Inn I whale tor to my knowledge no dollar wblmuujit about of it was tor printing Mr Mr my lunla any hot Iioomh lot hen 1 deire thai authority r say that llogBbooms acta da re Pie election of llogaU the Ifcwltlvc Idcify to state that l ilo An very inroiiilh mid itxtl in Bet up not io the but the pint explains at oven no to lira he I that be had no your Lordship to and the in an net in m geii3 pniraij boon to bo double and elect delegate tt iwn the to ehillivn to a tb- deeeaMdhnu beep down the line to the iiiauve power n been sinppeil the gnalet leal an I it the proceed bo toigb to tin- tfie above meeting re Juv being sworn of the late cortical ban I that while chopping by the side just kind reaction of the roid be saw driving and several I in a slog with John Travis were in prisoner silling beside him on duced vow in opposition to tin- the left side of deceased that party I heir to the alter lley eisel be JT fctatrd a gun and meter ir I il 1934 Judging I The not forget the lei ing before tho by Mat of ill greater teal than bail ever J J heard a pistol tho electron of gun dicharged tho road about I the spirit muni- and in Mb on correspond doubt to the locality jprcviom wilne- Had I in direction and bearing lined had been a slight fall of and could only ill bo illustrated track If others had Id plainly have been I tho ly of folnling I go into all world and the in glory to by the sureewfitl triumph of the I Christ Tbat by in ing lh anoot then sung ner which Her Mr ley led the in or and closed with the true frionda of Institute tliit favournble to claw leclOre will exert fao full fircil T See advert ie men in another column that about We would advise lalies to be lime sworn lo he heard tickets onlv SO els If the J jj an hoar niter the fairaex will but show the example leave Aumana bouse and we bare no four of future of the proceed aero tbo them undertake of lot and in the Con Plrcnlly hurry fortne disposal of tickets and year- r aflcr in in jrayer J he iben sang They have much to gain by anpportl proceeding ing tin enterprise husbands ore ward a thetonceasion lino down which better and lovers more was driving Saw therleiglf and faithful J- in Soon at which is Aclsj tao by Binds trained lo tbedoors of o side mad East of thoN- of the line and was told by Mr amuscmcnla of gowipaml that her brother who of pub In the evening imineiicei the by giving out hymn mark a vojuntary Mr by redding for an ng lesori and Chapter of the to make the Was the Then followed the only arrived and whom witness saw approaching from Concession bad abntdoccaa- lie proceeded on the the tracks of prisoner with a previous hero tho prisoner must bare out sleigh as there The brief particulars wo received no other track lealing to this oint an I only one sleigh paMii by on Thursday of Ike JJ j I John Johnon of East loijl brb been than tho track would IhiIoI confirmed a Coroner Inquest distinguished witness the other to the held that at the late reai- mans house taut but led lor done Mr 0DeHini- i a a previous was this difference Jackson and following Jury- Th about oclock in the morn- bluings of wore David foreman iki i Edward Smith J Hum who that witness at John m wood Walton Wright Win ingllit allowing about an hour lo Joshua John jr travel two across the ficldi a woods confirming testimony of and Wright a witness also swore titled having loft Johnson house to go In tbo Rev to a traveller starting from and whether ing forward or backward would iniitely roach so in lines of thought regarding and the i ferred to be to in text term restitution implied restoring of anything toil former condition Ho then alluded the stale of the nation earth when Almighty revealed his will by holy prophets and step by step James John and The young man John I charged with murder of deceased had been arrested on a Magistrates Warrant issued by the ffni Cane Esq Let ire Coroner arrived and had been broogh to the house of deceased Toe Con ner received a telegram from about requesting h ballet mould arid immediate attendance and in com- the erson of prisoner after f lo that period tbrawitb proceeded to the J JJ k- -ii- I that shot power of of deceased JSl lire eonMbnt ions of A precept mapre to oik Jury to the aide prisoner oiw Hut look- how had church through ages the arcbal tlm prophelio down to lh is dispensation reasoning and logically that the Jewish when Travis was arrested people in he into of Miwo for in- Prisoner did not deny tho charge in uile unprepared for tin- the warrant but said he bod Ids introduction tbo gospel a revenge and waa now and proclaimed by Saviour An- found this il referred Rbt Mr Da of this place was next was ismcr of the go- ovate tho race of mankind glad broad platform of with his Wesleyan fVijnds and the nearer Iho ih ami sects would lie Jfk bat literateil Ho told the story about wit ne asking another looked the Mono illustrative ol this idea And which loniuod Tift- fcrs is answer was equally lie- she could not look through Si I If as christian wo I lisik igh ortr prejudices bo they would only charity by them His remark were applauded Mr Hunt Episcopal i dial was next iltnlurrd Ilia re- marks wore very brief but ome He expressed the it afforded him lu meet them on the platform on iho noble work were lihing and would lake to make in order thai friend here might have an op portunity of listening to fiorn a distance Apduc Rev J was intro duced by the chair awl forward amid applause not pretoml of bis speech it to ay it was full of ineinietion and Tie reviewed early of ftwtose ad This steaij assti StpaVd the dSkoiiSuSw to bo iou ol i Wo hoi be wanted mo to attend me the meeting was held at Ikgganl a loyal Hotel did not makeaspeocb there in Garlic Mr was there I didnt know others wore about there wo talked over elect go and canvass small Cherry I and another dike one township Mr Cherry is perfectly correct I read evidence in the Qtobt Mr McKonzieTho eh Take rare you will I Laughter I was at meeting at after tho nomination before tbo poll Dr MuhatToy chairman there was no sorrel ten wore presopt Mr ad them v Mr explained be might ask protection as to the question he was about to ask him Witness I treated after that meet ingpmbnblj they were m nrqiiaii treated then To well loll is the treating to he the Art lie goneral and wilh a view ion I think individnaU may drink inneh a they Witness to Mr I did ton pull iBickago of silver out ol ssket I did Rot ige fnnn Ve to treat did mil treat gain popularity know Kennnlv to him know hi never ism versed with him the know James be i- lid him to ing him and went lo John Muck- for him bill be not wo him a days wages but we would not give it to him and ha did not come never paid or lis any in ding with him a to pay for voters to polls no money from any one to spend in the cannot mm I ho election nanf nothing the is so canal painted in glowing color rand already and as with vision pictured the hole I and hotel op tbo pirn No liquor i no at done in Mr Dr But he ha I rstUjt much io I shall latnn Ime of x will he seen by or robluttnl Bel ie rnpt it diner- Act By See til irniing i- ithngal nisi pnhibtl the to an That ever was only a judge as he derided eiiMoundnT lo Mr Iklhune The ground The bar statif mooting called MO was charged for drink think by my think I met fat per glass won and enl losomo psrtie- in village glasses If only fifty or sixty p ami wrote to some my object to were present that would out my standing in tho riding hard drinking bout but n these I sent and wrote to two hundred wen pnwnt iMfrsons friendly tome bad been another thai re coming asking mo to fully during ktcin be unlit j probably bund reds an iilier meeting I it a though that would no lixed fuel but it these panic hud naM represent they would not support me j hard drinking When think of means whereby to election would not make a canvass I had no other awi thal I know of from working for store by and could nut nch but he did what bo could his fluono is not very good he is a strong Conservative I was told that aking him to would injure no and there IV against mo but ay thov wont do it again 1 think wa nt iho meeting at the It ynl I of persons at again at tbo other meoling I the most of these meetings by a messenger who was to take them through the riding here staled that he would call a witness or two more JafM sworn To Dr I was present at meeting at I remember liquor a low of friends met together there Mr ordered nil but his friends out of the room the liquor brought in after that action take place it a view ol ihv say in hi work vol ireiiling rM in tbe giaal leling and keep the party seal of who bo In Iho interest i I refer to Dr Is ill winch Judges was time drinking should Is- put down and my Is is time they were pat down i country and I call i to do what you con mem of il i a corrupt practice a for from it would appear stranger might infrngo the A well as agent Mr Mr Ikilmne Cut lows mo my lnJ will lako I question I now pnweed to if These lis ortbeUCth section or is a most wie and i vialon my and imio that of the lie inference I light of lection irderesl in liqooi any heard id give an order Mr that no shall drink Hi Lordship That also was not there I understood except supporter of Mr Dr You was not there then not all Inflocnco vole mil- were ordered is that all persons shall refrain I liquors on that day itundod lo keep public minda run I and calm on thai It imaed order Mr I i lie McIctiMH sworn I wa at Hewitts at tbo meeting wa iltr when It dont know tell ill but friends lo leave siverrl peoche were d talk lb We Were Hil ono loll IVmllUe there I Mr only onhml one drink run out inure Mr MeKeiixieXo nv only not 1st sold or given on provision a- a regulaiion anev ami qoietnev- sure I on dav Mr as fur a thai goo- lir ur again to -lilule- a prat lite it Is an gal and prolibilwl act loubl and therefore is- relcr to the Edward case Hi- Ixnlship I have the best for raying thnt there the Il that election should bo on ih- gromd rote to tin- not lied an on hin g the Mr here read tl east and or the South lire elect also of some ol tho alienage next all tour urt liio M of ilm alter liquor lOt I stated until Hear the last Dr MiM lostimonv on this branch ol ease my His hall laKin Isel Or that i a alll lo ihe other ilo pro- Mr IVlhunoll is In laule I an I the o untile all ur I tsinupi voters and had I may and hau and in we will reply slat Mr and Mr ho my I Ti- nr louhly wore genu si a- to on Waa Hi Moult ihi lord iUeesal I