Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1871, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV 17 1871 nt use in t FIRE INSURANCE REMOVED I Preservation of the Sight Insurance Company llrown a the aUlnu of a natural All raid In are are and baa made tlrmrnt I CABINET ROOMS TOO Brick Premises when homo Ann ox main street loo dont ror think an it was you was a litllo An old nailer a pnr TUMPS Mir intra dead Id own Tort Hon Nov A out at 1 IMa in ilic oaacmriit of Mill and spread Willi trrrat rajiililv Us no and in a building in one nias or flame The Ileal Hie mall lull- infra atruaa road lire all wore tonumod be fore Ilia could bo brought the being nearly a in town There waa mill The jutrfia il about insurnnco for I Thin lire a II work of an incendiary I ajklsr Musical Library I Fifteen Volumes filled Choice IP VOCAL lOIIKiTIOX Q r gj UU- nOIILLl S CoLLKCTlojra im and on- AST porniL- Pun nr C SIMPSON Ctnor CAPITAL Isolated Bisk Insurance Company CfcmW BRITISH NsllnANCE SOLE SPECTACLES Rates of Sea Passage I e l T OSOHl I Pure Hard Brlliant 1 0 MOST J SUIT HOST till lotPBOVtMEBT OP u LAZARUS CO Dam Ittaat Stain I CLIFT CI abalrllTiilUlhil Carriage Builders ROGERS CO bat Sharon Looking Up to t ih i OX d J aitaafartariaf WAGGONS Cheap Goods Wooden and Iron Harrows Mian TrlBFrroCUlrrR Mrrilonlnmlnn ItuakJ or SHARON An I I Carriages are Second to rfalJr GOODS JOBBING DEPARTMENTS and T K A an jUa SALE dry GOODS IS STILL GOING ON Groceries Of tbt Best CONTINUED Until Wole Stock is DISPOSED or GREAT To Cash Buyers At the MUST BE SOLD SMITH GEO p surra to Parliament that apatleatlaa laata taitva Caaada at aea- CI at Aaaaa la la Caaat of ailaiUilul 111171 M Cash for Hides TANNERY Old CatHUaU band a tat of LEATHER d JOHN 1IARTBY STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET 1m a Jewellery Goods GOLD WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABU AND Fancy Goods QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys at Tcronio 1 of HILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Clocks ami Jewellery Repaired AS USUAL Eta Wtnt aoiW malel Hi a and FOB SALE In Iota to purchasers Oatmeal POT BARLEY SPLIT PEAS Buckwheat Flour FLOUR c BRADFORDS Tonga EL TORONTO Ont of ftala lag Tortwlo April 13 If MR J NEWMARKET Aad for tat aappert tbarat lint a STOCK OF And i to Lifesized Likenesses want fll from too n or aMlaipJ SIZE Or nil tana am All faralj low AIN ST fcUrck Executors Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN That all of Jo- or lata Alao aia all ad latabaradaaaawaattlnat I Dated da arOaMaiaar AD JO I tSiiintl I A UTBinbiD nHaUrrbSaatil I an I CAPITAL 1100000 Coo nty of York Kinir and Albion and Gore Newmarket A for Bronze Mortar Main St LICENSE ATJCTIjNEER for the County of York J It 1ATL WHOLESALE A RETAIL ANILINE Beit Hutch Voller Cochineal Lac Dye Xulntwn of Tin indijo REFINED SPERM OIL Prepared Glycerine irJ Elaada Hair Tootb and Nail PERFUM ES M liytil Paper Cattle Medicines HAIR Remedy Coup or Bl 0T Insect Poison A Flint PRICE TWENTY FIVE CENTS I Ague Cure And Tonic In latMoal tbu POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For I at Iraat If not ibrJol Irrparatloaa tat too rl alralj to partJ Trior 5c bet BENTLEYS Botanical Pills ImiriAiit Fait I aiiina bo can daring a aad l ilk Complalau lb- an iaralaa- in tLj an boat lilt to tko BENTLEYS BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP I lb fafnt Ilia ralrtMaal oailura ia onoiaai to Road 1 BENTLEYS CONfOUND Extract of BlackberdTy For Suramop Complaints Cholera Djaaatarj da Ike Blaektrrrj ara aakaaw- adaialaiaa a aetioa Tka pnarrr TIIOS ATKINSON J PATTERSON AGENT FOR JOHNSONS CELEBRATED FANNING MILL WHITCHURCH Something for the Public A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES Johnsons Planing Factory MILL ST THOMAS AGENT FOR JOHNSONS CELEBRATED MILL North Gwilllmbllry LOOKMAW SEWING MACHINE TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO OTKR tho India a t of tb d ak on Io a of lh It ttx oft ta all otUra riora lL Ml t Kb a bald Bradford I ort latUriira and Iasmel PRICE OF MACHINE iU Vr- ad Self I ib WILSON BOWMAN Co GdEO Wholesale Agent lokra nj ill no LIVERPOOL LINE Liverpool Mail Line glasgTdwline C 11 BOURLIER eamarkatArniaian Apothecarys Hall I lock and Bradford IT IS A FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves VK LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES It your Stores and Stove Pipe COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN At price that will A Call ill to a at HEAT EAVE TROUOaiKO I om a aoprrior and orrrj dtarriplioa of work la ardor on abortcat none aioal Produce Sheep Skins Sags taken in Exchange for Goods irat Sun of J J HODGE IS If Insurance Company mum and koova Cotnpaaj Three Tears Policies On 1 DWELLING HOUSES ID urn- if a void log all lower ptr boUloT V nplto tack of Al ill Pit Cm FOB prrpantioaa po iffa alraiaaa baadMbr on tWr Dr A JSwiSajiiar Tap SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES hi f fa- tbo I bos to b to all NEWMARKET DRUG STORE Cbemist and In rrtumlna Ihaih to hi fiumrnHH iima the I ho arm d a Him Mibrltier iniimalp that bo 111 CARRY ON THE BUSINESS ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT The Stock Drugs Chemicals PERFUMES BBXSHES COMBS FANCY GOODS HORSE i CATTLE DyeStuffs Of all Colours James Genuine White Lead OILS VARNISHES BRUSHES And Artists II A ml kind PIPES I Finest Tobaccos CIGARS IN LAMPS NEW STAR SHADE Main Street J AM KM KELii TDK lb bit and la- to a Bar and Lamer Till ltb boat forda paid to aad Tnnllora aot W t Loan trad CHARGES MODERATE Attoatln THOU braaarlCo nrra la old atoad lf Farm for Sale BBIlfa A la Ceaonaioa of about arm faneed For parties kit app to J Woodward or to at Aa aurkH Cord wood Wanted CASH ON DELIVERY at li SEWING MACHLBEi bar J all 12 irk attic alike On art aaprrtor aar Mk For iJ of k ad dnnUtilj The Setting Machine Iapronanta ban labrlj wy ifr lJ aparaliliM Will li IU to be an ma tub hrOltwDitllirBiplrtO lb Mr JaumiHl fe The I rifciantl adjba tl ir intra of Maaf ldlSla Urania eid id ataioAV Sewing GROVEIl A BAKER SEWING IYIACH1HE A 11 I 9 aimvtlo aaaUaaBj All Styles cf Grocer Baker Aa 1S70 Western Assurance C npilnl 101fjl J la KM a ra baa 1 A II ndi VALUABLE Freehold Property FOR SALE THE STORES STOREHOUSE J WITH THE LAND ADJOINTaW SITU A Strati aattaaflMH noaall t ar la food pair d ill I block or lata t Earlktr He Aa a JAMES 1 THAU TRAPPING PAPER AT THE TEE INSURANCE ITOMPANT T t Ila ara lU axeaada IM ara a aafif fatara It Fir rrral laaaaa aar1 to lb olaa1 lataa 1 11 aoa af uu Bead Office Canada Branch nitii CTIaf DRIFULL rHB I draua

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