Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1871, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA NOV Ml J- re wMn Mr George thing tin lb tender Boiiltbcv I got up I not request Ii fort lie lection Had nothing to do on them will km Kmnr with meeting at Hewitts Hotel it held in the dining I known railed Gun loom was ten by leet or North Did go little longer liquor taken into initwir through ijiore llie night before room I usually charge Be election id Wilhmghby went I dont know how many were Hoard talking preaci i the election Jl wit after dark could hold iho when we went through Ilnd some oral hours till to liquor It was whiskey The drank more ha prevaricated a good deal I lire- rah IriMliney know lnv Perhaps lie 1871 Our Toronto Despatch has paid me the bar tt ly Ihesuvsrsiga bottle not we has charged it to I Ii bad more than admen Bought them no one or 1 Had bottle or about of a team Dot the liquor asked mo to send a the of treating my friends one m ii 1 lk not know what became of be hol lies They were stolen out of my buggy three bottle Hi the mill Stopped tbat night at Bell Haven in there aUnut Mr urn hall of Irani I ham hail mo tho election with Mr with Ihu election hi in It Mur1 rainwater three or four lm m met the meeting of Mr from the Mr inn the or Mar I at our hotel one Was not afraid the I dont know who all were there lie the bottle from j had Jul come I don t know the Luge- about leu the next they talked I heard a meeting going through err rtuHl- at llell Did not tell him in the lull he did ii MM 1 X litUrmiMrkitlu take liquor to some for hand at tho mill Cannot I OW took many ilea any time befoiv the booth oo the mo Took Ibid liquor I lined room in iww liquor at thy hole in Haven day Did hot drink liquor out of a bottle that day and did not drink anything that day Saw dome people drinking Could not whether it whiskey or mil there wan any drinking at I ell Haven tavern that day Ho not know who took lli liquor out of my not know how many got dim Bell litf Do the CTly rvpnH a whore to go Mr told mo where to go or VtJrSr T of Itavfiiboci dont know bow voted I dont know whom he I bad no eon venation and 1 MHno men under 1 had under my employ the inlled Me of that of voter I do voted bo cup d I gave him nothing day Hoga- lom Ihon- bo was talking think I know I if SO Were there for liquor I that I thought that the value of it at value Or derod it I did not toll him ho did not I more than once I snu much all the time they wen there een Inn them ihe full they did not get very drunk beard Philip Martin talking know whether any of the persOOi whoo names you wen- 1 for room ami for be liquor and I honestly think WW drunk the llqndn winkey beer gin rum tin eigr were furnished the drinking at for eiaratvly toother thoaceun it boaddd Iloultltee mooting and thai llogabnom with the party I did not there to meeting till I the in Dr a dozen am engage in and out people I the I ho tavern Newmarket did To Ilia did not give im the on election To Mr MeKeiiiit It was paid owed mo the money a balance on a of steer the firat time I him for he paid me and next wo had no such conver sation as relate- the all I wr waa not to pay for my dinner thai think Mr a i day tbopajment had to InNorthGwillimbnrri Mr 1 1 lough- HI my vole I saw on by a memUr of it I I polling I got some of the a hall poet list of voters with Mr Shop- Atkinsons tavern number of inlojendsnt diposcd of after wind the until Monday Nov nimin TheUoJ before I voted tbat I ho did not ask mo to vote for wo have been always l that is ream t for the Star Light did re ho treated ho npjtointed vote any 1 gave no money to any to them in the the do meetings called together could Aft lie called committee- I male no ranort of them 1 dent I did not I was going my vote for On bad nothing I Company for tnti thrs the The prisoner it in lbs At on the jut before llie election Arthur Anderson ions Illiero the treating was on road 1 gave no ho only asked me to take i but lavern keeirtmj it and lie I rouw knew I waseanvnssiug Hilling place with George I may have told Mr IkailtUe be came to me with hi own team how I on dont know who paid htm for taking V lrni he defenco aMtothniiotJjlnglaofwhiJ key in Ins wagon from a bottle it ls iidutme1 but bold was as we were going to the polling -n- pferraft place three of my brothers were in lhe wmplainaatV agon two Thompson money Hotel picked up ok containing laird The jury after a shirt returned a verdict of not acting County fl and Mr lit array for SaKCEL sworn To Mr in Mr I intruded quito while to vote lor him but 1 in part hanged my mimL 1 was going the night before the elect it igg at my in ibe veiling bo wanted me to go to place a neighbors 1 went and to and all night he MKOd mo to and said you ride with m to the election in tho morning the morn ing he who I going to vote for I aid I bad male up my mind in par to vote far Mr rich be told Mr wonas good a reformer as Mr and I Bald if tho I would for I was not sober when came to my I bad in i the warn the last bad The Grand Jury nth Ml dinner from I did since except on Sunday and I dont pny my debts on Sunday 1 told no ono that I got liquor from on the polling day I Clulo perjury larceny J Alfreds Adamn Mr Graham did I fMow Darin swornTo know Andrew Rxm he told mo he had boon treated by TosWirfO 14 leforc the election The Grand Juror of Our the or of the Queen on their ooU March be said be was treated Monday previous I saw a served up at Atkinsons the election with George Glover they met mo and little Mack bottle naked mo to vote for I said ink that did not come to vote they said day and I was when I I was afraid of my day Mr I dont think you have been unduly influenced then call ml withoat any furth ordered first to I think Ungate f one that ordered that eight the bill bill and I made lit Dudley Ihaftklng the oompaoy for the benriy manner in which iho tonal wai reeelrt alluded lo the fnet that some of tho volunteer In to which he belonged were members of Newmarket Brigade He abb in ado ingallition to the accident Major also a fire- tin in affliction Chairman then gave as the MoaToft Konxiu I in North olod for Mr- I was at IHI Haven on tbo day of the election considered Mr chief scrutineer forMrBoultbee I also saw acting En that capacity aw liquor in the part clock of the kitchen of Atkinsons hotel that day 1 saw with a in his hand while poll was going on only saw ono I taw no box tbeie several there a keeper named Boyd Noah and ono White all three were and voted for limit bee Mr said il whiskey and and after opening of ottered it to mo and I thought it Court there a large number trick bat proved it was whisker MOnL it laughter J Ihillips then met and I Howard John Ferguson been looking for you for some time Hughes I you dont need to look voters for be has voted for y bill I preented bill but it mo paid for that been presented many flWorn Konzio I for Mr supported I canvassed for him at iho meeting alluded in lato and dont why it called it was a of Mr ftieiidn I went hear the result of ho tin present were behalf of looi as ditto ill ill 1 names of A Until bee Jack no and Dr v 1 with tin toast amid loud sop row I rcanotid After a few doctor remark bo oh It be on a tan bo lilt bat place Hear be to void th ground of corrupt practices a Tbc counter I lo go iiivetigation of corrupt jiracticef proved scrutiny unnecejary to ad- olbriberttroating and or hiring teams in 1st section giving on election day which is bribery at law and giving the polling day contrary to then said then for there and n the llhyn left for liquor Ilukel J osier S mi John Smith John Taylor nes Kelman 1 thiiik they were ining the election of the town they re counting up the votes could Bay bow many were there ha- hand in particular in getting meeting never heard it sail it it was to be a meeting of 1 never heard il be for all kinds were there anyone cot have gone in no onie had the door 1 asked the barkeeper Inr use of tho room Mr Mitchell ivith me Bark and lhal wo should get up the milling this sag was mad ihey gave no reason for it I was reeled go to ask about the room I lold bar- keeper wauled room fjra meeting of Sir frienjs I would not two hundred there they wore not all vi they might the pportc poojil show resptcl and encouragement to the firemen They were bound do all honor lo them on all occasions fur their and Whenever called upon they bail shown themselves worthy of all Applause Mr Mr Jackson Dr Hunter Mr and Dr difiokl also briefly responded to iho oast AH united in expressing the It afforded all bote testimony and praiseworthy effort of the whenever occasion r quired service Hunter then in a com pi memory proposed Success to the Newmarket Fire Brigade coupled with tho of ibsofflcers of the rtspHtivo companies The was duly honored Allan resjiondrd After tlifl ing them for the handsome man which the I ifcal Brigade bad he tide abandoned I presumo the statu of tho petitioner is not man with necessary t4itbiihtrrs way by the rtMksWyjirysFTihr lllnC8o Ibo MMdh or lllPn its to their i and fii sworn Kx- in by Mr I am a l fcsiw David was tho first wit- ncss called I livo in Am a jiartnor Mr Ikiutihtw but not in the law Did take part in lost aaod for Mr Never told so Drove my own learn with whit Mr bee or throe timet Jrw Waa Mr to five or six waa with htm three or four Did not canvas particularly Told pariioa who I man mhcrof Mr to prod Viva Mr ed canvassing soma- Dr I object pay out any money book that day there To Dr Willougbby knew when treated dont he trying to my vote sworn To Mr keep hotel at fell Haven I was at home on tho after hoot tho election I had gone in morning to another township to I saw Willougbby at my that day I saw no liquor I got no from him I ha in today I told the where he was he had charge of my house polling day till I came ho got dii tier fur those that required my son did not give me an account of ha money paid that day for dinner I dont believe half have pakl yet I no against anyone made no charge against Mr Boullbee or hit agents no money left with me for election purpose or to treat tho crowd no for Mr and in my I rented anyone for Mr Boultbco I dont know where lougbry got his liquor Mr I a hotel here and the last election I had my in Urn IlwllhlMlin whilo bo waa out sad J limes Did purpose on this election j with I intend 16 correct not pros- it Emm an entry on at Hotel Did not of March I find then waa sworn To Mr live in North Gwillim- bury I voted for Mt I law Mr Baric tho night before elec tion I a gliuvi or two of liquor from the wagon that belonged lo arid it was on road near Gum Swamp nbont a of u were there I was called from my own hones down ware my broth ers my neighbors Mr Burk and Mr they said they u to voir lor I intended to before that I look two glassos I what the others took I d last election made it vote for the way acting for Mr- rich I never received EH my vole there a catch Unit ago Mr lamp of mine ami my missus said a a joke lo Mr Willuugbby thai be nust pay it and ho gave her ten cents and so got up a story that I had token for inr vote I was in a wagon to the George gol glass of whijkey a in his wagon I look quite a of il bo took that were several wilh me in th my brothers Andrew nnd Paul and llovairo others got liquor voted dont know who paid for the team I dont think anyone paid for bo me bo bid borrow money from George Glover tbo sum wan I got my dinner and sworn- I live in North 1 am Township Councillor I voted for I public meeting there George Tbat they have carefully conoid all bills brought before while they much rcgrei that among ihom several indictianw of a grave and serious are the coiitiste1 of minor which in the opinion of the Jen might and to hair of elsewhere In with I not of that kind they both said they would pay me i suggestion wo have for my day spoke but Hamilton out bow many of the had most I I refused it and hey said would this may haw been a week before election To Dr McMichael I had a vote Dr McMichael Have you one have none I found out that day that I had not wo that had brought us could be traced la were to the use abuse of intoxicating liquors and And that fully onethird cases traced to tbo cried or result that habit Your Jury regret lo to thai on easo of been lind that of iasuraaajiB have been on properly i I were a IK- 1 1 I told this story genorally Judge all How did you think the law bad been changed so as to permit you voting I used to vote I only taxed on thought thai gave mo a vole till I found the law was changed Thomas To Mr No inducement was held to for 1 opinion the worked for Geo tho day lumberyards whin a proaf ho or two exist in the city before I usually get i day I got the danger of life sod a dollar that day I was a away voting I received for voting I worked nil lhal Your having the Gaf early worth tli Mured thereby holding inditcementfti to dishonest o firs to dosiroy tbir premises Your Jurj would further present thai infraction of law against the city Toronto la place day honestly and volcd honestly j sworn I w in minds of tho Anderson llie money looked on the appointment of chair man a matter of form was not there I canvassed a little I went round among tbc neighbors I wont there because I am one of those kind of people who go and as they please I never got a cent di rectly or indirectly with regard to the election am not aware lhal any will you allow drink I know and her of Mr in Hamilton I dont know they were I dont know who was mmilUo men saw Warded I chairman or secretary of the commit- him to for did not offer lum lo volo for To Dr I think I went I made no of money or tbe night before tho meeting rnont for room for the meeting Wardcll bad no boom and Bark present at Hog- vole when nioeting was suggest- Mr It would still be I did nothing tow ting up bribery if the supposed he had ting except apeak io could not Swamp at a meeting Haven wo wore appointed Mr market was there David Willougbby was chairman of mooting at Bell Haven John Anderson was this meeting was held before lb nation aboU or were there here wne nothing ti drink at the meeting I saw I did and did not lend him it any len my father may was a mooting at Bell Ha lent it no money was given lo mo for which was present there election expenses and I spent none was drinking tho myself except for ordinary expanses To Dr boo had 1 did not treat anyone I did see nothing to do wilh tho calling of tli s whiskey on polling day I meeting and 1 got a glass of gin at a taveni in Jer- Joseph Moore wai present and Willuughby Willougbby paid for it it on tho Killing day after we bad votcd I treated no for 1 had change after meeting of found it CO in and orderly department would draw attention to boiler place 1 in the centre of building which wo are informed seven years without- rocommcnl ited forthwith to protend accident to life and properly Ve would further remark that than two week over twenty of prisoners who need form hard labor have Iwon went of to break a largo quantity of which premises In your jury their thanks to iho for his ready and jo Acting I for the prompt an I endel Hi Lordship in reply conn the grand jury lor ihoir diligence care in the discharge of their duties to the opinion lhal a pnqsirlion of tin crime the suit his Lordship sail he hoped that at some nine the ling at in all the m womcr I i in polling room I ww Coomcr drop silver into Kindles fop hands lnndltj I think had just come an action brought by Jas hop keeper against Titos Griffltti wholesale morobanl of this for the value of a shopkeepers license valued at The alleges that the defendant took Out a license in his name and afterwards re fused to hand it over to thus causing serious loss A verdict for tho plaintiff for was returned for plaintiff Charles and Tbos Jenkins were plaeed in the dock for having boon convicted of a crimnal assault one named Am His Lordship passing sentence remarked that jury had recom mended prisoners to mercy and that ho bad laid the matter before the Government adding bis to tho same effect Ho thought it likely that the Governor would intercede and would be spared but now bis only courso was sentence them both to ho hang- until are dead on the of December John It Smith convicted of larceny for I was at bis from Messrs Pan nets dry after election there was store was sentenced twelve account for money paid at paid me by and in In common jail Sutton I Dr Hunter a debt turned this was in the voting nomination day we had been ball that was before I voted the A tned for tor- talking about it at quarter doltor was In silver be had cony from dlfforcul hotels waa sen Dons M I voted for Mr and I was Bell Haven on the polling day I know Dr Jaa sworn elector I voted for Mr ippoitcd him also canvassed for mm lam not aware that there was from giving rote for Mr regularly formed committee I was J was close to them could see iheii not chairman 1 occasionally called a few voters together no other person in my said that did that but mo I did it on my own W money but said ho responsibility and withoat any com vould not pay kim til after poUlng munication with Mr there would volofor I acted as the bead turn part of the of the meeting if there was any head individual and pay Dr nnnlor wm Mr on polling Co also was no walking about ibe polling- surer and no fund made up for the l I spent money To Dr it was my own monoy I took place at my on spent it in paying my own and Mr t Boattono in travel- ling at Sutton I paid a To keeper I in North Gwillii there a couple of bury I voted for Mr Bonllboo I days and nights I think the keeper was a support know Coomor I had with him about election Boullbee I swear that told any I had I know Louis I not slightest of what I did not toll him that I spent keep practice books I Coomer had offered mo money if I never kept a cash account I am careless about my account I appointed would provido I that bad knowledge of tin The Court was then adjourned un til on Tho Court will not sit on Thorsday it has boon appointed a Thanks- IS day York Assizes of ilioe ion for Inu I quors bad gol beyond their io suggestion employment of need to hard labour ho fully with the Grand Jurors and hoped ttfl suggestion would reach the proper authorities lo take acion un It tarrir If I win rklfua lbs of a n irbsd isn hi it esse of ermflrrosJ J SE a disss SrnniWaeisUrsiutWisBs I frW3

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