Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 10, 1871, p. 1

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ih MARKET Every Friday Morning AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE SIR TI1K TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY TO COM3CIEXCJE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY NOV 10 1871 Terms l50in Advance TI1E ERA Book and Jot Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN fc FANCY TYPE ORDERS TO HORSEMEN THE ISOLATED RINK I Sunshine and Shadow Fire Insurance her tbo child brought to him by heard My ily another confession I that the boy then no tell you of answered Ned semblance to cither dim or bib dead it is one that interest you even J wife which he did when given in than the previous one to Mr Morton And I can man Mid Lord alao find one family who are awaroof as brief the deception practiced on you can as cannot wast any more ton very intimate friends here yonr mother she let into the To bo brief then replied Ned secret Thin much I heard from hints you are what suppose your- dropped by Morton and wife dur- self to be Your reel name William my boyhood and I intend to re Morton and the William Morton of turn to England and find them tint the real Lord for I have learned from emigrant A dead of a few second who have just arrived from there that followed this announcement thee people are still living which was broken however bis Do yonr best my man do your best and that will avail you hut little but if von do succeed you will find very little to reward you for your trouble So having Lord loft them they feared to In a this paper drawn o with whom they left it with d it opened when both him and her were deal and gone the meantime this lawyer bad removed State mid heard of their death until two weeks ago when ho happened to make the acquaintance of Mr Melville ami in the conn of ion between them the law- yd for the first time heard of the sudden death of both Morton and hi Very prettily made up said quite although the working or betrayed the on within him but tinre is still one lame point in it to which I must rvtVr It appears very strange to me why this legal gentleman of voluntarily placed in such a dangerous position as the signing of that document would leave Tor the all sufficient reason re- that he received a very fee for doing so Well well returned his lordship may do your best butall your will not avail you Do you suppose that any jury will recognise the validity of a document that may have been drawn np only a week ago The appearance of the paper will almost satisfy them on that point but thout that I can prove my claim to the llepton projiorty I know a will is never opened until after the death of the testator and then no one disputes its legality it is fully believed to be the real will of the deceased if ho himself wa present to vouch for it And I will lull you furhor sir that by going to England and when there to the place I find si his lordship quilted the Willie turned and addressed Stewart is to you sir we the happiness of this moment he had made to the old it cried Willi inly we do and along with that am prepared to prove my claim to the title and property which you have the so long held Let hear what you to say mci about it exclaimed the perplexed If ii Herbert This indeed surpessea any- be ignorant of the real parentage of thing I have ever heard of both for Miss It ie impossible for absurdity end originality of idea us to express all our gratitude Tell My friend Mr Melville said me your name In case I might some Willi will relate to you every limo or other be in a position- to re- connected with- the ward you My name sir Henry Stewart Let him proceed then at once Willie started back a stop and returned t other I am curious to him in silence for a moment- hear the particulars It occurred to him that be might be Twentyfive years ago proceeded the son of the old soldier who had Ned Melville the of the then died at the battle of Gallows Hill gave birth to a son and and it turned out to be the case a week afterwards died Willie Ihen let him know the partico- immediately gave larsof his fathers death thus keeping a woman named the mo out to l j rs Morton who given birth to a hoy and then his lordship a journey through the continent re- year later end tbo turning at the end of three years As wa of the he sent a ftrvi lie had sailed to on in which he the place where nee his eon and torn and as he had supposed with his the family whoso intimacy with he thought It led them to a knowledge that Mr Morton of on hi love for her child was so great that Edith who mar- when she saw an opportunity open after she was for placing him in a position higher w by her brother her husband held An invitation to live the temptation extended lo old Ned k advantage of it he at once accepted it Lord his Stewart the person who child she brought hers and mn instrumental in bring- Ihe boys were almost sameogo hspmne- to the heart both never noticed the change and was sg hubandwaaempIoycJ laucrinKomohghtoccupation l you see sir was ml tho more his services ly praclicod a hi- lordship had hearted Mr seen his son for a period of nmMl9 r course In years so gentleman who up to the time of his has so long believed himself to be regular more than the son of a com- the Heptona while bis moner is really the of a him a month baronet while you aro what he The Mrthto Lord Hepton after he was posed to be omUjli 0 belonging to Lord burst into a prolonged ftmi earned the rote of a aol- fit laughter dier of fortune and joined the laughing matter Willie have a proof air to substantiate i claim find fault Have yoo any objection to inform me what it is that you are confident will gain for nam and of Lord Hepton enquired the other Nona at all replied Willie I have a statement of the wholo affair which was drawn out by a lawyer who now reside- in this very DRUGS MEDICINES bom I produ twenty yearn ago was signed by Perfumery Soaps jwyJr affixing hi Racist nature as witness It seems tbey I intended to restore he war sent lo the J was killed at the siege of while those whom he lliouglbfcJLp make his victims are up to lb present day living in peace and happiness in the possession of that Kingston says iro authorised in staling that the Government making every ex- procure a supply of silver meet public want in this respect The pressing business at the mint alone prevented an earlier atten tion to subject which however may now be expected to be subjected delegate from Utah who is now on a vinil lo Washington to intercede lot the interviewed by i porter He thinks that polygamy perinh own volition no young will practice He think the bent solution of the problem lo and to admit the territory to the Union as state on condition that silygamy be dicirvlcd steamer laivle on jt en Utah chiefly froi Scandinavia The time for removal of Young and his polygamous Mormons lo the Island Domingo that Ibero is n party now in city seeking to reach through representative man and that claim to bo in possession of all to complete the iferof the known the of if high parties can to an agreement on the ubject the of in Utah is is said that this party Holland are prepared to bring in a lot Europeans who be- A Jotidon despatch say Further the terrible Persian bare received in this city today The formerly received now proved to bean in no wise exaggerated The famine has already swept almost entire length and- breadth of Tenia and still continues Tho people in every city throughout ibe country are dying by hundreds from the ef of In Ispahan one of the cities of Persia wib I on a of about the of famine and concomitant 1 and I diseases been fearful The in- weakened to ho last degree I by in hundred In this city alone it ii ha there are native Persist 150 Jews and 1530 ChrUtia starving Provisions are any protracted period A similar stale of affairs exists at Teheran ten miles further south and hardly a sin gle city is exempt from the dreadful far Tie case la to be taken to an appeal court Air review It can be of no advantage to him em The County Ceannl of Water- Thursday last at Berlin apt delegate I Utah arrived Wihigton relief of the by the late dis- mending to urge the authorities to Ml Urea in the west and also to fay the facts or the to ilidngao before the President and Cabinet A gocl deal of excitement i light it is claimed in Ilurfurd in regard to tho mining 4 will them that the action A atrangefaUlity tho government in that territory In the family Ona brother injiitt and oppressive A strong effort a few in California wilt p will be- was drowned in the west another to effect the removal of wont west a few yean ago and baa Woods who is charged with much of not been heard of since and now tbia one it is supposed ho been murdered whatever the result of the present He was a bachelor and owned bun contest may be Mormons will not drcd of land near in resort violence Their mission he and if they are driven m t- n M The IXitrotrrferrrmayitLa f Will to i Lean Mexico the of which has t them a territory as hepn an as Utah if they ill settle on it Salt Nov A wellknown a mad Mormon writing from Beaver under Plance up there nd St George on southern border of J W I7 the He w escorted by fcuT t n it v woods one but if this be I sav- the peculators could be added that he has a final to lh LakeCily This Brother is greatly agitating the minds of the people hereabouts Tbe Mormon press have made no response to published fact that polygamy in Utah utterly disavowed and condemned by the Mormon authorities ix months after the passage of act against adultery was approved March of polygamy is said have made his overthrows completely the barges that the United Stales Court here was wrong in allowing verdict that Act against the ground that the Act was pass ed a polygamous LeginI benve the poly garni There was a heavy snow etorm last night and American News Private have been received from Madeira announcing that the squadron of the Grand Duke toft that port on tho Oth of October and the committee of reception It is said do not expect Wed An injunction has boon granted re- raining Commissioner of from further Interference lh street railways iu that city and ordering those already torn op to bo Judge has granted a writ d error in the iboriionint in order tea What is the best way to carb a wild young man To bridal him a What animal has the greatest amount of brains Ana Tbe hog of course for he has a hogshead full s A limy loafer mistook- a glob lamp with letters on it for th queen heif some body aint an the moon I war Unprotected Female waking old gent who is not very well Mister could you flidi captain Im were in dapgerl Ive been watching the man at wheel be keeps turning it first one way and then the other and evidently know his own mind I got into i senate of lb United States during a rambling debate waa taken out telling him that be was out of place in the gallery Thats ao th luna tic I ought to bo on tbe floor with Senators on table After she said I smell apples Yea I replied I you smell those apple parings on the plate No I no said she tain them I smell I smell whole apples I A young wife in Troy cored to absent nigbl by her husband c an appellate court himself from homo Washington special i him with srys a from an officer of the saying to him afterwards George letter from now with Suulhe rage Committee at Atlanta out find pot than irly wit ml thato homo describe it to me and I been rival it if die in the attempt A persons kiss and a few tears completed tb been driven in from the rural victory rtj to thai city by ihe member of Texan proof tain hands lb was met upon the street It is generally understood that claim of against weed which has been assigned to Jackson S was to bare been paid yesterday and that the suit would be discontinued but the debt not liquidated and th a large roll of green back hi band looking at bis pile and cackling so loud that Tie attracted the attention of a bystander who said to him What are you laughing at Jim Jim replied I You see that money v thl was not and sail stil low or lands It expected tb tea A Scotch woman when on her ay to Glasgow mot two Bailors one whom abruptly accosted her now you been this long time Looking with surprise at the young ami Woodward nothing has occurred and the discussion of their probable biding place has almost lost its interest It is quietly admitted on every band that they escaped from justici SAaFaAXCicoNov3 The Chinese man whom she did not remember companies have made arrangement before aeon she said I canna fir commencing suits for damages say I ken on Mr Not know me old against tbe city of Angelo and woman I am the dvils sisters son for the murder of their countrymen Yon the devils sister son nod the rubbery of their by I when I take a the riotrs hot yon like u

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