NEWMARKET ERA NOV 1871 fit I usually kept trial till Tammany i r Oct 1 prima in He ftwa i- aiIMIm tin- ill journal which kmiii 1111 win to Alluml to any of of could not oo re- to to commenced lio hold I Kraal order Tweod fur reeoveryof rill of money of hail in of loliniouYlraudod the comity New York Nobody can doulil that Tweed and from a iabiio rubber antfered little not What of as The ia a clow It rum thai of Patrick I aimred Tache lnildinjra which lu1 week in Tien llurcan the great dlnaga lologrupil by the Chief Toronto infoatel lire 3SII0 Mr Peine to aurnnndiiif nunilar f mendicant- and while craona have been and loci to work A Chicago paper that a driven from their home have Sigh loot crooked lied been in that way Tho brown hair amaith rod face heavy bald when weigh trended the county of itapTendid Iha of luje and poiar ocsVini8TnhcllTwcdoi r frl lla lice Of I lUIIIiel lr l l M flic aaya probability ia that are to be alanit j The nin1 atorea the Pope forced the ugh legislature and legnliaed familiarly known the church paper Hamilton run Rome BfjiKenJinnrkcl FRIDAY NOV 3rd 1871 Our Toronto Despatch or Welle The motion tor I ail or Mall in hi own and Kimball ia under Ihoing a delegating potv il ration he court to James then county ic inc of v Clayton la and making the claim audited ing the auit of a iolygnmout wife il by him payable on the sole William Clay I I ritorial auditor of Mr I weed The I in work u ant of Hie larceny anil a record been arreated on a bench I a At Young in I Hyde one of the elder whoa raiTtUATE or What have been hare The of loaaea by the Chi- aago flro are coming down From aj but the I of materiel the north ulc three hundred million it dropped to by the tiuelph Sewing Machine took place hundred million and now Company in the of till Chuago after Try them The Ottawa VraipalililieatW and 30 in all yet remain are uninjured where the I but water llc are and the fill- Two il liny it will be large enough to infirm Chicago ntohae of Trial of irAnt 1 ii to the of iiijcofii among thcMO four Till VKIMUlT tilIIaTV- Do mil the juikci of ri- of will Of more I linn irnckcd never wilikfa mno rnnre clearly miin- liunk whirl it- The by Til- of Alice lvn by the curl lixl seem imply iinan- earowon The thejuiv will on civil ami nmnal by New Vorknid in bis capacity At Hiaid tlio lo body in a trunk evidence of amuol J TtMn I man the JtoWralic Commit The 1 the proof coin order for the of bean up to a Carol and on her ilntt and the on Mr knew Ho kept company villi All idled J Wat forthcennUnc P Wells Esq North York lr will or many fil longing after the known Mice icen found on Alice MfrMSJlir tempted and fioapJH do- for fiMi as high J I complaint of your faithful wile i a law abiding jury lo ifu J Oil that left In- Ml Atlgul application to Judge Lamed fori orJer of and it granted bro in anjIjodKBC of it and ri hi be llt 1 and here that whenever gMJ behavior and public good in doing I ihnl yon bo judgment he court in that you lined and that you bo prison el bar I labor for the term of Unco l On three Mr ho elected for lala twice by large a l ho lat by Although to be a man of much oratory giving to mak ing long winded speeches yet by bit fidelity to party principle- lie trying tines political when paindbabbiers were readily bought and old he bat won the and confidence of the him and the of In- lile bit practical on Commit teej of the been p Lliclr acknowledged Hat in of the leads to wmci Tarty of tbla Rid ing to take at an early J last election in not 1 a date in field in proper time while we the friends tho party to mako no promise till action be taken and a nominee of the party chosen wo Tided we fall in there is ntionto empty babbling wire -puller- who have axes of their own to grind If Ihcy true lo they do nothing tod vide the inter- est of the parly t Cabinet Changes An Ottawa despatch to the Glolt give currency lo be rumour that John A is ing Hie of adding three mora to the Coalition Cabi net of Iho Dominion as representa tive for the new western provinces and territories Of course the present thirteen who now compose the Privy Council are so sadly overworked country will be glad be taxe of three more Ministers just to its appreciation of tbo men It is true Cabinet as at present do find lime to enjoy and hunting expedi tion seaside etc bat three more would add to of ihe party Sixteen of His Excellency to ran Ibis young Dominion doablo number re- to manage tbe affairs of tbe United Slates of America Joking- aside wo troat Sir will not be guilty of adding further to expcnstvii machinery of ibe A Coalition of thirteen is a much a Canada ought to to sustain at any one time the exigencies of party or demands of addition to of Crown Jllffh School A meeting of the Georgina bar Our neb Court A Court Order co and preached this afternoon in largo tabernacle to an imberii at Itaal died his iMarem to abstain from of nee and to submit to the Cod would protect and deliver em from their pcnee titers The rusadfi against them be said would strengthen and glorify them the end their church could be their faith WW the in divine spirit and Clltiurc forever Elder Prat I tie did not want any whining say to him At he did lo 1 am for you Ho tJ no sympathy from any Fcd- official lie was ready to go to iwcrtyycar but did not want in tit my from slieh a Joseph Young aoii has returned the till but he is not Oct 80 At the Mor ion pinto of meet in Williamsburg yesterday Elder appealed to to save Prophet tig and and throw their enemies into confusion Other elders stirring appeals to congregation urging them to continue in the be prepared to fight for it if they were so directed by Cod and his prophets Mormon agents have been in this city recently making heavy purchase of arms and A special despatch from Salt Lake City the excitement caused by the arrest of Mayor Daniel II Wells Presidents ol tho Church of Latter Day Saint on an in- dltnieni found by the Grand Jury tor minder tgctlier with the or Judge Ho Stout and William Kimball prominent citizens on the same grounds has put in the ihado the Hawkins Ms Hawk filial be admitted to bail today y Judge until an appeal is before the Superior Court Wells it charged with the murder of one Vote- a mountain trader who was killed in mouth of the Weber Canyon and robbed of nine hundred dollars in Stout is in dicted for the same offence and the second indictment charges him with whole of the motion to Daniel jj Wells to bail Upon tho conclusion of the counsel Chief Justice McKean said Although before this motion was argued I was well aware Ibat both in Great Britain and the United State prisoner under indictment for mur der are rarely if over admitted to bail still I willing to be convinced that It would bo right in this case to disregard almost universal rule In deed waa anxious to be convinced that it would right to do so Nay more I bare to satisfy myself that it would be right and proper say that a defendant Wells Mayor of city and bead of the police and Doogiaa where prisoner not bailed are York that Tweed hat a right to the venue on applica tion to a jndgo of tho supreme court and select New York at article she had ho trial A telegram ays the in lloacnxwejga house William bill carman testified be took the Mayor Hall charging him tsutikm fnmi lll and refucd H7 Avenue a younggirl to for not examining inert him at take the I sighing trunk when lie went for the trunk nziien lo put it on the iruk without ft Jane Michigan Fires Oct detail toxical led the took to Ocfl trial was resumed tin ployed of i a sire length by Michigan Im iwcntyfive The prosecution closed with addition 1Q with cultivated id iiicdcd j with groves The counsel for defence said be would- prove RoUweig iol in a the house when Je carman called for jn frlWn to SIM tho trunk ami he exacted prove liimlKr mills with acres of of bis client but did works and all industries in this baa Western conn try ipring up so rapidly in midst of of delciice introduced to show that no performed It wa aotight by iho of Mrs bet friend of the family that she and fji hiring district imagine this tract thus covered with villages mills manufactories farm e barns Ac a population of n In Mrs Cornelia Bow Isby of Brooklyn fled lbt the found night of every of idea of in house marked A A and heretofore supported to have lo Alice daughters whose initials A- A be fore marriage and who had handkerchief at bouaC while there family Court took recesa New Yok Oct 28 trial wan resumed this morning Mr Howe counsel fur ibe defence claim ed that the evidence showed a case ta I en identity and that Alice bouse Mr concluded for the defence and District Attorney Garvin sum mod up lor ibe prosecution jury returned at four oclock a verdict of guilty of manslaughter in second degree lTuckclt then sentenced him to Status Prison at hard la bur for seven year Me regretted penalty death nay form Along Lake Huron shore from Kalis to Poitiaix IWque a distance of forty miles and back from shore twenty land is swept of e forest i trunks of the The cultivated and Jin fused heap on th ground The lumber camp further back in the woods are entirely destroyed and lum bermen will lie required to begin anew Much of tho fallen timber can be saved nod worked up into boards if it is got to the mills this winter But road- are blocked by the fallen tree to such an extent at to render the taak of clear ing tbom a long and difficult one In he township of Paris a large settlement of PolanderscalloiiCraeow These had dugouts built twothirds underground and covered with In these par tially subterranean caverns hundreds of them took refuge and saved their no Iliee In another part of the settlement persons took refuge ina From late files covered their heads which they tho following facts con- kept wot whilo the flames rolled over coming recent Isegislati in on the question of abolition of The clause of which met the greatest opposition is one appropriating to bo used to free about a million and a half of slaves Tbe ground on which the opposition waa baaed wn the fact that tiii sum of money wa to small one of Senator saying that by this Bill only 10000 slaves could be bought The sugar interest will not the change It doubtful about the results in coffee region where A the Many of people before they fled from their packed their goods and threw them wells but wore even there wells being almost entirely destitute of water wooden curb of wells burned in soma Instances to a depth twenty feet have escaped- The ga works and are now ready to supply the north and south sides while much of the 1 and coal lying near the basin Manitoba arrived from Port Wil about one o this morn int nun remain on TJjB brought down er jet there it the Chicago is much lilV isxty hours from to Fort William calling at way port and beating Chicora some five hour Mani toba leave for Fort William lo mor row after tho arrival of night Mexico Matamnrns Oct A courier from brings news from tho Capitol to the All was quiet there Diaz was not in tbo field Nearly all tho Governors of the State bad sent congratulation- further advance and mora wealth than it was ten years ngo In I860 the population of the whole city waa only 109000 less than are now com fortably boused on the wost side alone There waa no lake tunnel and ca nal bad nt been deepened La- tunnel had not been built The work the streets and grading thorn Vow half of those in the Iten filled in Then there were lea than three miles of block pavements now there are more lhan forty miles acomparitvely largo portion of it in burnt district and though it is the street are in than wore ten years ago We have water pi pes laid and sewers built and we have railroads and other material resource which did not then exist The city has beer Cut it has mot with a serious but it it further advanced than in It recuperative power American News Oct The of the petition from Utah fitly long and signed by about that territory was recently the pel 1 1 1 by delegate Hoop The imiegate Hooper- iy their then- eon and brother are now being exposed to the murderous poli cy of a clique of Federal ofllccrs in tent on Iho destruction of an honest happy industrious and prosperous people and they therefore tor the removal of Iho disturbers peace or al least to stop graceful court proceedings or send candid and reliable men to to inwsiito question of constitu tional right and liberty of the petitioner their approbation of polygamy that it wue sanctioned by Christ- teaching- and that the institution Is being perverted by Federal officers New Yobk Oct A special dea- from Sail Lake City I J terday In lies OUth Ol city with course still ward It is known to what point he is bound Many think he intends leave but I think be wilt refuge in St village 300 miles fro hero and about 13 It is certainly doubt on which be wis and doubt ful too whether the head of the i will bo seen again bore until the over Delegate Hooper gone to Washington to see of compromise by which the United Slate authorities here lb judicial and executive shall be re- it trained or removed The church is in the greatest torment in Washington Cannon in San Francisco all slipping secretly and without the knowledge of the people Hooper hopes to accomplish everything with the President The trials are to be discontinued if be succeeds and some sort of a promise of reformation for future is to be made- The officials hero are on alert There is some thing mysterious in Utah reigns in the Mormon quarter from Court Junrist d nr the re ported capitulation of Sa til la The revolutionists hold all avenue- of communication between the border and Monterey Nor A fire broke out about this morning in the lum ber mil of Hon Js at the litileChaudiere about four mile from city Tbe mill witb about half a million feet of lumber was entirely destroyed with exception of the and boiler house- which with their contents wore saved The Ions like on which Provincial 8000 Tbo ore ia still burn ing but the mill steam pump is play on it and it ia effectually subdued origin has not been ascertained Low Lake Ontario re marks Kingston is unusu ally low this season reason of which doe not appear to be very it la oticed to be about five feet lower than known in any preceding year and is gradu ally decreasing The water in river never known to be so low for a length of time this season Every wheel on the Canal has been stopped except one a grist mill and there is not a supply for that in the of the situation differs little Vessels and generalh can only enter the harbor at up per decks Tea im Noam Wilmington ha sueeoivdully raised plant and cured tea which ho claims cannot be excelled in flu or by the imported article Successful ex periment have also recently been in South Carolina Tennessee and California and the climate of oral other sections of the United 1 adapted this plant public in three weeks The Manitoba Legislature wilt meet for the despatch of business on Thursday of November The first train on Toronto will it is ex- peeled ran to during next rleen days is time of tbo military Manitoba reach Port Garry from Cotlingwood In a recent sermon at I said the devil never entered a whose door was shut unlet he saw a beckoning hand at win- or Campbell who was accused of robbing Halifax post office was discharged fmm yesterday Vesuvius is giving signs of immediate intention Ml over which will be another addition to many grand which tho earth ijust now giving The Toronto Grey and Railway is nearly completed pott I or be finished December or The Grand Lodge of A Masons of Quel or has contributed lb for the relief of their brethren who boon sufferer by Iho Chicago tire Sixty dollar bare been by tho convict in Penitentiary I out of the money they tared since their imprisonment in aid the Imago A sword fish caught in th was four foe long with an Counterfeit four dollar bills Ox the British North America Hank in circulation They are imitations of I and reddish brown tint of them Tho British flag is to bo lower from the Citadel at the of Am the J will be lindedo Canada It i- reported that Sir gS Al lan is going to build three the Samaritan and also that his business and residence will be transferred from Montreal to Quebec Ay The daughter of the Hon nd her servantgirl while driving a buggy today bother especially culture ha already Chinese who have set tled there and with the moat encour aging result A The of talk anbot St Cathari We learn from tbe Journal that A Son have been proprietors of the Stephenson for the past three yearn and it I now said that have left behind them 23000 of unliquidated claims among the rest all hiicd belp Bui not only have they neglected to pay the servants bare loft them without any food a well a depriving of mean of obtaining any and it is said Ibat on Friday morning the bar- Mayor unity today The the horse r rill be full of Ihe days prevent his fellow dpalion the sag of Bill by the legislative practically It ia reported that in boring for salt at near Berlin Prussia they hare penetrated depth of feet the greatest depth ever reached either by mining or feet of Central America Jamaica Oct Later date from Guatemala announce that the Honduras had demanded of Nicaragua removal of certain refugees from the frontier and a more vigilant observation of Tho Government of San Salrado has of it own motion armed force to aid Honduras in the subjugation of the Indian of who are bell and troublesome Bogota date lo Oct are received Tbe Government Las undertaken to extend It protection lo steamer being in a bed salt which I Virginia at Win wall and ha receive yet been pierced through It is the thanks thouglit probably thai this stratum of decisive policy alt originally horizontal been Bolivian baring uplifted by tome broughr tho murder in march of William Bullock in this city a Thi evening The jury rendered a verdict For some lime past Messrs not guilty almost Indeecrib- dry goods merchants at scenes of popular approval The have of shooting doubts of the by Bullock of one of their clerks a young named John Smith Injured by away do for enlight ening the minors of on tba- horrora of the inquisition was daubed with coal far and dragged through a mud puddle The Bishop of Ontario baa of- the of Belleville to a general satisfaction It said that about Japanese- are now pursuing their in Lota- don Some are studying international law and others medicine or equally difficult branches of science Eighteen hundred sheep and homo from Canada wore at White Junction yesterday By the Custom Officer at St Albans for- under valuation A telegram from Ottawa 31st Oct say Fortynine Red HI expedition returned to Ottawa last night Their service not Mr Dawson bad made preparation to the troops West Indies disputing the claims arising from transactions during revolution and resorting ton retched subterfuges order to evade year ago un entered bit pocketing som one of them followed him out street when ha left the store for the night nd requested Constable followed the Clerk down the claimant of took him ifilo custody and upon indemnity due for flllibusteriug arriving at So Police Station with steamer three ago to put him found his pocket to contain a per cent to it credit wait it of lace ribbon and other convenience for balance Tho small but valuable articles of that do- indctnnity awarded waa only one ocription The prisoner seeing that pound for three poo claimed denial of hi guilt would not be Tho other admitted claims pay- ed in face of finding of of which been plodgod by stolen good in his thought the preceding government are now the best thing be could do waa to make referred to Commission to docide la clear He accordingly whether they will be allowed or not slated that since the Tho Government credit is entirely on- Messrs Page A he bad dcrini tied by these transactions I weeded out article a he bad George and jected the bill providing for a federal nother young bo had come out to Ibis pillage on Toronto truth of explanation I mora 17 four hour after the J ft more or le inclined Ministerial crisis ha overloaded with promises merely unman wno no- a vertical Fur resulted and it is pnSbable that lo hang the country hm be will prolTordiproTetheGovoniment will in W at Washington wtfain tor in been in Train aluo of from SiiMiil to and He doa not tart bad aent overloaded raeeel Jbertiliil8- Insolvent Act of 1869