Friday Morning Till Book and Jco UK LATEST 1 IPLAIH FANCY TYPE AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE I1HEKTY TO KNOW TO UTTER TO ARGUE TO COXSC1BXCP ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY OCT 1871 Terms in Advance ft tat JAMES FOWLER Architects Civil Engineers Card lUt STRANGE TO HORSEMEN No Circular THE ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Co CERTAN CUKE FOR SPRUNG I- a MA if L Buggies for Sale DENTIST llnlo M low a la lHHo tikuiukf l of IL TM brHtcrvlctmt an trTKllt toliwlln6iWi i MARBLE WORKS I Horse Infirmary Stones OR BASH PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucheur St Blevins ft of w SBBJSJIe BIBLE BEPOSITOKY Alli- In on SUBGEOX an Mi NEWMAEKET Dm lid Mr Ok KM Watches Clocks AND JEWELLERY HURRAH Newmarket Works Corner Prospect to ifcs Reciprocating Pump Ltittfiu fl A HUES THOMPSON Carriage Trimmer im Dentistry C A B A King Street Toronto bia In til iu ami with Hold Vn Will Mil ftlai and lt Id lib Harness Shop a lb of Repairing on Start Stop i i to ia af iba Had llh NEATNESS AND f r to EUtautiaj Collars Truiiks fcu qhtUK am- w aaooonr will IS Met- 1 loa a ii ram oik CABINET MAKER And Undertaker Chemist Druggist a a DRUGS MEDICINES Perfumery loitet Soap Ml It lrT Consolation PortBit mi tlio nun Mr no liU lu your man Iwtli 1 jiitMy find I I fldontff iplie i not ihsaIo no reply but lloptoii Vlio ivUile Lord die towards door and after the doctor pjodiiijjbtdopai led bad and wind ibe grey atreatts of dawn were aire tli horizon As Inn tho main mad quick ened pact to such a rate Unit in lrn- than iwonly ho com- roclinii liuno i lh at Would The city box been llint I could but it la hated lodav in of hardly know It what oenso to discovery that lakfl larernay lat niglit to dtrov the ire and general of firmly let ihedvim- 1 you bad the who ban- ton fcftBMUly but it Memo the in foiled in their alteinptx may i a succeed I think About ten tho if Edith and left her to i for a second replied of Select WILLIE MORTON Im she tell all ho Ye annwered Lord are a full confession of the affair in pocket written by myself an 1 ijiied by her before ohe died intend to uac it for the purpose having girl restored to her butty And told all when knew waa out of tho reach of jmuiL the least thought continued the man groaniig you have her leave the world without doing so inquired Lord in a voire of horror of the other I wa thinking of what I said I acted bad nmh during will ishingthai utter wards I would a little apron which the child wore on the day of abduction It ful in identifying the gill bali it air answered is it Mm my wishes that it should be so I will help every way I can So saying he rote from the stool had been sitting on and taking the light from the corner where il had been placed to escape the wind beckoned tho other two lo follow A soon as be reached the door however he slopped abort and faced of all said he will bo you are I think I Lord llepti ion of a secret and title is Lord a relation of the Perhaps you arc not a all I can answer thai for hi posed the doctor had hitherto remained a silent spectator of the I can assure you Mr that lh gentleman is what bo reirc ta himself to be as 1 Lave seen AH right doctor answered Low 1 am Mttistiod though did not Iter much who ho wan You i stir from bere for I can leave yon mo think what 1 shall do of nil I shall fail immediately to Amer ica and the little there and offer her real honorable marriage different proposal now meet a favorable Edith will you bo my wife thai firo of the proposal one of the tooklho breakaway from that stood on the siding En- glehans refinery and it had gained much headway the prompt plication of pail of water sufficed to reroaltd to flame There is not tin your proposals an if by doubt that the re was rank wax twice as high and fully kindled as the remains of a bun- your wealth twee as great as you re- die of shaving and chips Won present not wed yon covered amoag the barrels on Inflect little before you decide burning car The firing of this train Just of the nay luxury i it had succeeded y as my wife and tbedustruclion of refinery that region with involving a large of in tho ruin Later in the night freight be longing to the Port Stanley standing among othors street siding close to the freight shed and car shop of the treat Western was on tiro by night foroman of iho looomntivo West ern Railway Mr Win and prompt means baring been adopts it too was got under without much danger having been done fire bad been kindled deliberately by and car hav ing been ued to start it with Had principal hotel in vvo nil ilnnk how I must love you the under be big mentally Working out a plan l1 wind blowing at the lime would bar lie could make his information vain- r among lliu fact rics and well as to Edith of see he to hit upon a rug you my name frnm the bright that lit putting lo tell you at length Lis thoughts took Hit of worls be began siHalt m ll win not tempt I aloud though not so for me to marry you and do care I to hear him utile li let very few feet of his lounge lbit lo he end of it must von 1 wild he how was thatname will not be thrust aside place the by you one mmnenfs reHec- always the Edith I 1 treat her kind- wjn you another Lord re hull a wImIi or k js never that wan aware of it previous to our marriage 1 aunty M brain to devise u i Han format part of the scheme luck I will alto be J ff at least twenty degrees higher- where you the of my gentle friend and I give you my word of honor Here bis soliloquy ended and on if you me then will ringing a bell convenient to him a never tcoublo you servant in livory appeared in a few minutes afterwards morning Henry said his lordship graciously 1 am glad to you obeyed me in the matter of up till I returned though I My time How 1 However yoa and I shall not want yot nine when I shall tance in packing up for jnumoy lo Canada I room door unlocked in after exchanging bows they parted Grace again before A correspondent of the Hamilton ss Timet who lately visited the Kingston immediate Penitentiary says The case of ill leave ijroco Marks who sentenced for case I might life many years ago for concealment the time A third attempt was made at the Grand Trunk freight shed but this was likewise frustrated by the watch fulness of the employees J of Ths West Indies Pom Sept 13 Latest advice from the frontier state that the St revolutionists under wore surprised by fortes of President at the village of Sen Joan and were driven lo the frontier and the of ficers of Lis staff narrowly escaped his forces and made an attack on the army of Baca capturing Tillage of San Tho man bowed and left the reom muttering to himself as he closed the door behind him The villain has tome new si emu in his bead must watch him Half an boar elapsed when door of Lord apartment again opened and tho servant Henry again entered Lord Herbert was lying fast asleep on lounge ap parently worn out by The man stealthily approached tht table and picked op from it a neatly folded no opened read expression of triumph crossing his features when he had finished it then taking another glance at the sleeping nobleman ho stole noiselessly out again pir A week later and Lord and tbis valet were in Uverpool ready to start by the vessel for Canada In due they tailed out of harbor and after a safe and pleasant voyage landed at Quebec from which immediately proceeded to ling the of Edith His first sent his servant Henry whom hod taken into his COB- to the Mr SttnfUW hud occupied lleptn was first in Canada Mr had moved however to another part of the town and consequently his lordahip a at a los Low to but a lew days later an unexpected meeting threw in bis way iho pnor- lunit v he desired The shades of night to letl with it handed to toerd placed in bis coat pocket for safe keeping Believe tat said Ids lordship- rning to Liwry I will do my best prevent any punishment faHingon a and if that is Impitslble I will my influence towards making it as light at is consist til with the No cried the man I wish to bo punished as I detervtfor not only in thai I committed a crime but also in allowing my mother and child to starve when I might Lave prevent ed it Punishment severe punish ment what I wish as I fancy is the meant which I can ease my which now for town when Lord hotel took a walk do principal As I along wbo should that dci them The President is about to oat on a Journey through southern provinces It is reported that the re cent visit of Spenser St- John British at this capital to St en she was was for the purpqse of look ing Into the scheme for tbo annexation of that Republic to the United State implicated is very briefly as follows About years ago a Captain Kin- near residing io the neighborhood Toronto Lad secured a large sum of money which was promptly placed in safe keeping in Toronto but which Machine as well as servant man supposed to still ties is the secret of in the captains possession idea cosi The simplicity of mechanism ployed in The Sewing list ag rivalled sue- tain living a somewhat retired Caleb Cashing wilfact at US Coon place servant on the to o lo iho stable to see Alabama a saddle whieh had been injured shot girl Grace Marks then year of age waa cost New at the raleofamillion threatened by and told accord- ftS the city to story that if she did not fi seems to bore it killing housekeeper to skirts of and In keeping secret bis murder of the captain he would kill her alto Eight men met with a horrible states that he struck ibt bouse- death by being buried alive in a sewer keeper with an on Lead an they were excavation in strangled to death yesterday earth cared in on with and cast her them and or Itr death she promised to ihetn to death a- An attempt has made to the Chief Justice of India stabs were inflicted upon him dagger The Chief Justice seriously and lies tit his should alt seeing her kill- as The Ottawa Citizen says Hon in cold blood and haling own William accepted tbe hie threatened conceal Ibe murder is office of Arbitrator for this Province quit probable and natural but she for the settlement of the bos suffered prison lile now lor a matter and will shortly the ljtb r here to confer with Mr ber during whole which Dominion Arbitrator by ihe Warden she Jarvis A has been granted i conceal the murder and did llsj at well as at trial Mc- lhal she had induced to help her lo kill the captain and housekeeper bat site protosled been punished and of misconduct to perform her duly ha tension of of absence in order I Mm tnrv a when flrt Vn r f Urn at pretty rapTl rale She also mOstindutrious did and skdul of I and not attempt to to then but with that here it a iced by will yt come when ahumn govern- J intcUxjcneer came to the part of I meal will iho soo the footfall of a of freedom that she may tV Tht Ottawa Fret Prru that a of bis pace and ily broke tin prevailed when he caught up to and touching her lightly on the shoulder he said his Mist do remember me A little nervous start and cry was the only response It is only I Herbert he ventured again it that more behold the tight of be a free woman and mingle it of those who following story A French bile fishing near Kettle llsn i Saturday afternoon booked a la all wist Creator derstand that ihe matter is likely receive consideration of the Go eminent and I may bo permitted to down on the fish and fastened his express the opinion justice talons in it with such force that it has been to her and a prolonged could not get away and InearceratloD can not for- man pulled in both tht fish and ward Interests of jtulbird and baa now the lice which pro- el to weigh pounds In the act of pulling in a large alive