NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 22 1S71 Chf 1371 Our Toronto ll York Show for llu now i llirwrromjiwritipprar ill mom He lie U Toronto Markets lway Second day of Fair Oct Tickets One Fan TUK of Ik Barta Im SI in lii TV Toronto to Newmarket pal III Sept The remain of the laic Lincoln mW ban Mr sat w To- e the Man- -TUllBwoth- il lotaofcbicktaabroa IhAin 11 ifccab today rctnovod from their temporary vault to the one phted their reception in Oak I and a mm in whim Badge Cemetery were no frMaj nil local lr York Sept 19 The night 1iiiiy hh- The Newmarket Markets I a market Friday hKt- Sale Register Uvorga IliaganJ will In an Hi Hotel Summary In speaking Letter from Fort Garry idling ex- nil you have ami of Judge has better A the for Vrmle claimed it had be new lunaiiut it of he Be- to oust Connolly t0 1 1 1 thorn and to call upon the Governor fU7TT ri the State Militia It is thought I that this appeal will lie promptly re- to a Gov Hoffman an with who are opposed to the nwi11 Heavy Should ho reftiat an appeal rf aaparalMH will made the for the aid of the United troop One lH0 Tammany mbwtriiii endeavouring through agenta Wad the effect a harried of real estate to him on the west nidi- of re the city The property win offered ftm ju 1 dollar rt before iihhriiPithtifiivi nil Ileal wan offered by iJilMnptrtrrmiiyj jmntonH like Keer ffiog ana hut concerned in it great fraud McClellati in intern with i very Willie and White Tyranny b Ihlrly el Itij lriMich In I A people day wen how are going I it of where the work of Obituary We are railed upon Mr With day the and on ground they the be Daring hue North York conuriul election iathe men the Premier of large of The Sheriff working majority nearly two to one it making arrangement- to hare it and he no of in the Mechanic- and from the elections would Increase relberl3 lerjp Mother of to M than diminUh that major But a lively lime may the did not fully rtimorwl Mr come up to Mr will iommiiiceend expectation- The at the hat dwindled down to their own Hotel the view and St and area i Mr bin defence We and Dot of tho number regret the of trial hi u far die elected there is a ilcar majority int it generally exected the eighteen prfe- KetWtnera In Ontario will be r lot about that lime and will pro ally bo before a deebiofl can reaxinnbly be hoped fact reason be fcr a That the I- been adverse in beyoml and that l be Ontario will meet the hot- with less following than they could boast of in the late jtfirlia- ment moat anient admirers are compelled to admit at the made by Mr Cameron the newly fledge I id kin it Work at of the Nipt- fc singAll- the other day In pcaL- ilia of arts the bad homes t prurided literal educe- fa fun all in was after interests of the In view of all thtf why ia Edllo Nov ra ant H I 1 ralbr a llr rbaaa abral M IiIi Iltical janiii a fnplt to kJwira 1 i fully To answer is plain and selfevident in the Province ha- grown tired of an oiLh axegrinding Coalition and they ope from pure parly what I is idle to expect the i iu Combination now con- ibc lw trolling the office of the country Im lewaitta rse rt ia eblail coo 1 Hare M I- la arUcliaf a rail LaartoTar lb 10 If lailit prut la UM aUdiai a lU I of lb- f and Patent w lalanl a ItfSiilallnna bran iWiliJ Newmarket Cuuncil A me auction J Mr J aa light war agalnam MtKn- In a pay i aeaonDl at JaJi ft for ralr J it ia aa nl York Sept The excite ment around the City Hall retired by a lare gathering ot tie of Department Public Works They are indignant they are mil paid due The of tho new Court lloOMi are crowded and the murmuring are great on every side There la a rumor that the difficulty between Hall and Connolly will be amicably adjusted but no one pre tends know It is reported oo good authority that tho appointing of comptroller will be now tendered by Mayor Hall to Warren- Warren is a Re publican lie was the first Mcretacy the committee of and wnaTy that committee selected by the r thai II TIwInrtllor4ilaaraqltjNlalln la Snglo to an ma by an a I unknown I ant of In and nr and ihratifb till wa mna inuLcUklOr i bran The Pott this the highest authority that the itta- from Comptroller Connolly office on Sunday night week are not the only ones missing ft from that office Early in the sum mer it said city voucher for missed from office though it Is only Pott very recently that the mayor or any of Ontario but j other officer outside the comptroller e knew of the abstraction of the The city auditor through wbae band these vouchers and who was responsible for their J Connolly of the comptroller and who has since that time gone off to Mr Herring taking hi place The I it however says it ha not learned whether the vouchers were massing immediately after Connollys ure or not nor baa it any faclsdirect- in the theft It day ago by men who curacy and undulating a BaalL lmfmV in day of that Mayor will make use art or what ln robbery a welt later one l dru Connolly from office tba The man who stole tho vouchers from the office on Sun- rf asvi day week Is and will be wtb leading arreted in tho morning It appear Crnolly had nothing to do with by the I Tba IOUIIlll Ding Dong Bell I We had hat Amalgam Ha I la by Maaarr Iavi Joaaa Co of and aebtta Ws la anlcfa la a goad oat yaar liirlio Ttila bava alnauty auld about la Aim tWuoaoftbaaa J aJ- oar saw and to II adjnalad aad mug mi tba our lot tattoo of oak wee head of another department The department of park today roiHmsl on Connolly for money with which to pay the MaafcertataaaVw now on the parka and boulerard growing an Til total amount tho reuisilOn Jane is 1100000 and raNy la received Ml Nothing more do- iiiay had many rial eg during the evening regarding he truth of the It reoriod bnwever on good authority that it ia only another dodge riwraibna few y sunalt in bis fight with M No family in the Country I bran lr1 and that of farmer bone auanunn la Ur pur- M incw JlU i bat out a gtaid Sewing Machine and that 18 A gravel llie railway aianluia two dump car bile train in motion and by JitV JiaJ ii From to Newmarket all Station good to Hi turn for One Fare SHARON BANDI JAKES Sap if York Roads JOSEPH BOOART LICENSED laiJ JAMES It FOWLER Architects Civil Toronto I 1171 1 Card iJO TL St Pauls Church 100 Reward ARREST AND CONVICTION THE THIRD BRIDGE Village of Aurora on Yongo St JAMES aWada fc Executors Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN That all laJUad Batata of of iba sit to call sad sua Hurrah J Village Talent BY REQUEST MR BEAVER MISS SMITH PALACE OF FASHION NCWMARKE A English French and AMKHUVN Velvets Ribbons Saw Berlin and other Wool lb FANCY GOODS Ac Ac Ac fnarytblag lew yrkas air The Millinery Show Boom WILL BE OPENED FOR THE ON TUESDAY the 3rd of OCT Dress Making Doaa is lbs fc a a in MS ENTERTAINMEHTS OYSTERS THE BEST CHEAPEST Received Daily Fruits in Season sudden jolt was precipitated be- the cars and half of the train sa had ran over him before It could be stopped A jury was summoned on spot rendered a verdict of accidental death aatbar Yoan aansra iha bait aalayaa