NfcWMAKKKTltA Friday Morning JACKSON tiJ aWwnt4nml NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER THIS NEWMARKET ERA Book and Jo Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS of ih following or 1 GIVE MK THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO OTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY SEPT 22 1871 Terms 150 in Advance PHYSICIAN AM CORONER A I HOUSE HI cii OR STRANGE A v ikpoI In onwlk- nMiiu-rKU- I ACHES ft J TLEY ESTEN Aft Patterson JAMES Surveyor il LlrKVTlATEftlfBonirolltof lh to Lend LEE LOUNT DUDLEY LIZASS and HI Davison House tW N E Harness NEWMARKET anil rteorbra NEW TINWARE ESTABLISH VENT tcinljr ROYAL HOTEL AIN STREET Tinware Stove Pipes Done on Short A CALL IS SOICITCD MARBLE WORKS NEWMARKET ONT lurlnf rtd JOHS DA ff I of REMOVALw Lately occupied as an Auctlm Room by Mr Thomas Corner of and Timothy Streets PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucheur Office Mam St Newmarket In Corner ROYAL HOTEL Newmarket by BIBLE DEPOSITORY I a I ENGLISH RkOOUGAU Id Turuuui A ST JfeOoogou r A SCOTT lust Ctarii work of tbo Col mod or It May 1870 omirekrU of Ontario CABINET M E Undertaker D N T I S T I to T8PKCTD plOMSoMf kM Teeth ii lb iproJ SUewr Robber Due HI C Chemist Druggist BELL A It UN omMooUj m o4 rtock DRUGS MEDICINES TO HORSEMEN No Humbug I Circular fliw fci any Hone Trot Fait ttithemt the use of a Track CERTAIN CURE FOR la fCkmiedlt Perfumery inlet how to ronor e AdilreM 1D70 GROVER BAKER SWING MACHINES STILL AHEAD I St 9 oil Hcmmcrs Tuckers All Style of Grocer Baker Machines fiadinj ocrnersJ suck All for one Year BOND Buggies for Sale Of Superior Style A Finish At A J la 4f Dentistry C ADAMS King Street East Toronto fim to tW rein- of Teeth with Teeth riot Mm I or with U CO MPPIT I SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES in lUMkin hi Uf On Shin FIRST PRIZE IN 1870 MELODEOK J DALES 111MTHIn op I ikjw Musical Instruments Moke Id TOXE AND FNTSH JOHN COOK ASSISNEE I if a Court Km Watches Clocks AND JEWELLERY Threo Doors North of Post Office ATKINSON Carriage Trimmer Repairing on Snort Notice Ad Horse Infirmary LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON CATTLE fto- Ac Medicine of Every Description fa Hone all Cattle Hand Order ftwa lb our krxl The Garitwldi tin in to in favor is worn low frizz And puffy luftQ lAkt Short cnrU and on I in and round i In worn for early fall The hair on tho lomploo to bo worn high and much in honnela I llicy arc and mom totir JCl l lik- am The abort skirt for walking coatm is to be rotaJDed by Mtisib Aprons to OTornkirfa arc mod wider and the looping a- drawn very far back long are be worn with train for indoor general in the new of it bnt Select I a A fl I cot no man- Ho dont in no an nor dont knok at the front dun- and tbinxoftakin hi hat that ho iz in bed with id up tho what ho a ntiatry and ho it lrokfat lot doun in ycr butter thought hi panto lie to sugar fctnl meat id and bred and then to and en thing And dont lor invjtaohun Hell got a good and an thing ax to chatligo him for li border ho keeps up a hostile with you you do it or not and at yoa a and bo Hell your twenty times A day And zoo and ridikule yoa if say A word and hod rather slap At him than not box bos dodger of kind time yoa slap you but slap yourself and ho inta hind leg of at you till e you to Ho in pop on ho ixiifdt spot you him from proves intention to vim Dont toll got no ho knooa what after hes got tense And too much of it tbo be went to skoot a day in liia life xaept in a supo dish Hes a mean malignant promodiutod His mothornuver paddled him with slipper His morals was neglected and he lacka a good of humanity tcly Ho aint bashful a bit and I doubt if bo blushes ofting In fackt bo was frith op a tall He born full grown he dont git old utber things gits old but ho gets old And nes heerotu to the day of his doth Ho in cold wether and yoa mash him on a window pain and pot your in it Ho comes again noxt yecr and a nh tin fli to a family might due for hut the good of moony to Ill bo logon if kin see kin 1 have much about flizo and I in their devilry to coam their And to tb their pits under there of their wings mi caches misacrbul and that npered and want ar I hat nizo all the time makes em make too nt the floWrfy of flize I giro up Allho a fli dont send in his he always Icavoo one and I dont like Taintpritty if tia round be cant a crossmark only a dot And be Always a dotting no Tbara no to his periods but bo comes to a full atop Botch band ritin is Hob an list but bis fresco and wall admin tbara too much in his pattern bis specs is the ily specs that help the K yon kant m thru and y to I bate a fli Darn a Fashion Notes Trimming on front airings are wider And much longer Chatelaine braids will not bo longer looks on the of the face are nut of date Sack overcoats with capos will the for boys at tho back them up to tho flounces more in favor than narrow both used in combination the narrow ono is under Tho style of arranging back hair for next season will bo a trench twist surrounded by a twisted coil or heavy braid doable of bright Scotch jilaul a vary and stylish street garment for young girls from A polonaise or close cut paletot with polurino cape or largo collar will lie garment for girls for early fall wear Indoor are much than last season are frequently omitted plain and stylish basque being doomed iint Tho newest falloutdoor garment is the mantle Ilisaloose covered halfway down with a largo enpo which is looped up to the collar in tho back with a large flat Arabian bow All richly braided entirely superseded round waists except in case of the platted blouse and these made up in material are frequently worn a plaits being left below tho waist and over instead of the skirt I oily Yarded costumes are our tatet English importation They onist of a petticoat of match- in color the prevailing tint of tunic which most bo of coloured chintz pointed corsage aquarocut neck filled In with batiste liko under shirt sloeves of a now shape made of both materials Bruce Reformers moot at onthr tnst to select a for House of Commons Thursday admission els Tho prize animals will be exhibited in the ring At p Tbo annual meeting of the Directors of the Pro vlncial Agricultural AssocisLion for tho of electing Auditors upon tho place of next exhibition and will take place St pm at the On tario II si I City Kingston The will deliver at tho annual mooting Friday Admisson at on pravioos days til two exhibition will bo conrod officially which no one will be ad turn from Liver- mJitted into tho Crystal Palace And P7 n llttls may commence to take Se away their property ok Catholics of had 3uth Telojrraph Co loos at St Ontario Via old lady writing to her son west warns him to beware of bil ls saloons sod bowel alloys tar- Sir Francis has five per Dominiio stock ring eight to run Saturday Treasurer will a bazaar for charitable purposes leu from ground and bin Tho gates wll bo kept closed has none will bo 5PKS admitted except thso who can show is a pcrsn named that they luve business to attend to sisters Railway accidents are American News of the day in Sams domains Eight killed and to thirty York Sept Judge Bed- jurod on Saturday in Pennsylvania ford the grand jury in tho and twenty live killed mil about for- Court ty in on Sat- and charged them to tlmlho urday evening and Attorney had Information showing that a gigantic conspiracy on foot in Wall Street Tho Chicago the having for its object the locking o recent corner in millions of gold a n Jf M cent per ial panic And in- m money put into the pool juriug the public generally Tho was formed about the 1st of Judge desire the grand jury to retire SKh for deliberation on the the lbc in Attorney would submit to About twenty thorn Tbo culprits ought to bo Sept About to speed Many lead- oclock on Saturday night the Grand iiue Vt all street Trunk passenger station at Point Ed- steamship of ffanl dircovered to bo on AC Line from on- iho north There being a fresh found to blown g from tho north the among fl extended all station bonis until ft I the miW8 g fi customs officer saved his books papers and furniture the of the telegraph and been caused by the over heating offices were also Tbo galleys and it is believed that If froahmont rooms directors lent taken place in the night up re were alt hip would have been totally do- who keep Captain Provident of Staton Island Ferry Company has been summoned to appear in gen eral sessions today and plead to an indictment for manslaughter The Grand jury today brought in a TOO bill Dr the abortionist for tighter Coroner Young has hold partner of it in sum of to await thorosult of Eoqussi Provincial Exhibition Tho twentyninth exhibition of Agricultural and Arts Association of Ontario will bo bold this year in on Monday Tuesdsy Thursday and Friday Sept It last held in Kingston in 1867 And then has been at Hamilton Lon don and Toronto in order statod Hitherto holding of the show at Kingston resulted in A loss to Association this is t likely to prove tho this year if a larger number of entries than usual may be taken to a successful and paying in all the classes have not all been yet and those that are in have not all been posted Into Associations books under their propor headings bat there in an increase in the number of en tries this year in cattle sheep pigs and poultry while in horses and im plements there is a slight falling off The weeks programme for the ex as follows Monday Sept will bo devoted to final receiving of articles for exhibition and their proper arrange ment Officers and members of the mem- prces ng the credentials badge ticket of admission Other persons will be admitted on payment of 25 cents each time Tho rules for ad mission will bo same throughout tbe exhibition TufltrJiy the Judges in thVclasses will meet in thoir A a A Now York World correspondent writing from tho South Africa diamond field date of Juno SATs Mr Joseph Hopkins from Pa came ng thick clouds of dust so that no ono could remain in Hopkins meauderod out from camp and plain ob serving some garnets shiaing on tho ground about a mile And a half from camp lie dropped on his knee And elbow And picking them up tor more A bright point to Scraping under this out popped a magnificent that is in England and worth in United States at least When it made its appear- Hopkins was paralysed for refreshment rooms barely escaped with his family not bring able to save even their clothing It is also reported that ho lost six hundred dol lars in cash not having time to when bo lea bis room The loss amounts to about 20J0O Ont Sept 11 Great excitement prevailed in oar village on Saturday last censed by the rava ges of a bush fire which threatened to destroy schoolhouse and sur rounding buildings A train of was kept constantly employed ring ready In the from the I While Mr waa driving down to his lot with a load of water a largo tree which had been partly burned through fell serosa bis wag gon of limbs striking him on the head inflicting a fatal wound Dr Woods was in immediate attend ance and at once pronounced tb accident ratal Mr died at oclock Sunday morning Ho leaves a wife and largo family to mourn his loss Ho long a resi dent of this place And is deeply re gretted by all Globe Hid you obtain a good ohar- today sir said a gentloman other day to A follow oat of school No sir was reply I boon deficient And what is meaning of deficient inquired the first It you got a licking Answered boy Association ben of Undents present- moment and the diamond have been taken from him without his Hiv ing the power to prevent it Hopkins And I are partners now and on the of wo for Amer ica via Capo Town and England with over of very rough I Legislature with following diamonds or all colors shapes and with a grin vested bis ivories to tho very that More were no breech do A dog belonging to a wood- fordo korum war dure ready for Chopper named John roller of Pino do count This outburst created a Hill brought a largo wild cot to boy of sunsbine on what all else in mountains near his roasters dArk And stormy residence a few days ago and a son of Feller aged only twelve years bearing An Illinois t IC I will make an commence their duties On receiving tbe books they will be also fur nished with the blank prise tickets which tbey shall fill up and affix in each section soon as they shall have finally determined their awards Tho first prize tickets will be red the second blue the third yellow fourth white extras green highly com mended And tickets white On completing class the Judges will report to the The main exhibition building will be closed all this day for purpose of affording the judges on opportunity of discharging their properly Nonmembers will bo Admitted to the grounds on payment of cents each time atitiuaI meeting of the Fruit Growers AssociAtiroa will take place at pm the Judges of various will complete thoir awards s early In lb day possible All building and grounds will be open to visitors Admission sams as Monday and Tuesday the of dog fol- W4l by herself to owed him up and attempted to apple tree At the funeral a tbo wild cat by sticks and the appearance of Tbe animal finally became husband consoled him by that enraged and springing upon lad bo bad met with a terrible toiTbUcloihcsto shreds and lacorat- said heaving tho flesh from heed to foot As a sigh must have kicked aw- quickly as faithful dog fully to shake off six or green Jounced upon fierce brute and that would have been worth a alter a severe atrugglo killed it Ho dollar a bushel when got ripe ti the who and licked Ling them with better effect than could a physician The father camo homo and learning of the boys absence became alarmed and found him still uncoascious with bis faithful guardian still The dog barked and l a with delight when be i hfels reached The boy told story of encounter good nursing of dog has dons much toward allaying the motion and the licking of wounds tbe faithful animal has undoubtedly saved the sjsa longexpected Life of Christ is at last about ready to He regards it as crown ing work of his life allows entered and to be a to Citizen Rothschild Gentle- he aaid what can I do for you Well this what wo hare to say you have millions of ieysnd the peoplo want bread must if not Share Very well How many are you In Perhaps thirty millions And how much mouoy do you sup pose I have Say a and fifty millions Well then among thirty millions that makes five franca a head Ton Are two bore are ten franca for you and now we are qui to The men were so confounded by argument and by the rapidity with