Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 4, 1871, p. 1

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IRK NEWMARKET ERA Friday Horning JACKSON Proprietor AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTEK AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY 111 aihl under per Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY AUG 1871 Terms 150 in Advance TlIK NEWMARKET ERA Book and Job Estattistmeiit TUB LATEST STILES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS I of pLKtiic r it l lun Marly Si- J LIZ1RS 1 Kin f1 tmoa5 yu J- at all of J PHYSICIAN SURGEON Office Main St Seven 1ARIttTiit In v Cornel awl lou MncU Aurora MONEY TO LOAN a Law V A HOTEL MAIN by art lata J BIBLE DEPOSITORY ENGLISH skDOUGAU 10 tacts NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT DENTAL NOTICE MARBLE WORKS C I TiHirKCTrllLT harm in morula ihanfct lutroaart Itrslownl FIRST J tm MonnmentsTomb Stones IB vj joss DRESS MAKING nd Moo j Mrs Barry Harness Trunks DRESS MAKER WHIPS tta Slmcoe Street NEWMARKET Hot S3 1870 Dentistry C ADAMS Dentist Ktwj Street East Toronto P and alt Dr A hi In rani altrstloa to lit Wit in all ami ran villi aid VattmaiU Ttcih MnUd on fiilttr or ftablicr itk Dresses Cut Pitted Ob bofrl atlr Apprentice to the Wanted RESIDENCE from Fall IS CANNON DENTIST tent TJKSPECT POLLY Ibal il it HI lo all U m m lrt Dill rWlio iuiproifdiljln ltd la neb a fartkrr ij- I W If work vamalfd a addrtMtd to will ihl McmWof ami Dil la or UMwtMiUif CnHftw of of Mr Wl WJ ROYAL STREET Tinware Stove Pipes c J BdOU Repairing Done on Short CABINET E And Undertaker I of tot L Comiis Stop and Read If yon want am Cheap A Cmnpbrira DAVISON HOUSE ff Photographic Studio ST NEWMARKET Enamelling Process mnW In SOLAR CAMERA LIFE LIKENESSES or Stereo- Carte tte and kn fatorably known I JONC PRIZE IN 1870 J DALES in I lb Musical Instruments kin thru toal to PRICE TOKE FISIsn Horse LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON Chemist Druggist I Saw KKRM m hud A fi ffilj I when eon- DRUGS MEDICINES AtrZ fat tte always on Hand dan from the errantry to Mr fart yotinj Faith till I th I to hoar avium Tlieru to tome at hand luring but to mighty to I lubbie now I j at to three childn the Who tare yon There don or liona and in the fiery lur- Select THE LOST Suny we cant find i take the Then a in the ad voice telling drcitd mi J of utter hopeless- Its no Sue be in terra I thervtt no deliverer for mo but Chris and never com now Go on to and tell the old man that 1 cant It Its well Poor Iamb tenderhear led girl tho quivering line which were trying hard to bravo Ill leava light and Ill lianl for And reproHingti over the oi her oat into starlight leav ing poor victim to await a which considering tho con- lurica that liavo the laughter of tbo tnnocenta not only outlleroda but inoneorthu blots upon our social life Just here I mutt to offer a pica for tho de- Jcncclasa objects in all creation Wo nigh over tho miseries poor journey alaal that the hand which to moved us Is vanished forever but I can match thrilliag narratives with true cheerier It the bed answered 1 Wait until I look A linchpin to up Anil as the girl spoke alio her lantern huge vehicle and stooping aoarch among the looae chaff and of hay acalter- r the floor scene was tho thrashing- floor largo ban with the and the ondian boy who had lost a and sympathetic kitchen girl of the farm A latter roao from her search the bright glow of tie lantern Ml lull upon her revealing a face not pretty if viewed from an Bit but and girlish and just w glorified halo of woman ly pity Oh Robbie Im so sorry she I rising Cant you think where had it lost No Sue I cant tried and I reckon will near- kill did laat time Then irith a throwing his childish around her waist Oh Sue is awful Poor baby I cried girl ctaap- ng him closer while her soft am tilled with tears I I in you How did you ever to be left with him anyhow Why you the whcnmolncrdiod was only mo Chris and Chris aint like me lies strong and smart and afraid of lobody ho thought ho would go and a forluuo for us both iiChriatopher liko Chria- do soma great thing too i a ship though bat in the big Ho had read of poor boys money there and aa the hotoe- ho was bound to try And then old offered keep while ho away back but now And the poor i0 wilir girl Well maybe he assented But Sue it I were only of age liko you wouldnt I go will you over now On the con I will it in you to utmost limit of the law And he kept his word This youth disgraced and his the most happily for Chi eyes of his concerning malted While Booking to redress and wrong liko illuttriou he another fni even old Eldorado of Ami now when I the flowery prai A Girl A lady who not to following You had better ask heat up the hakeoven an I another baking Dibit exactly In all bo you do not lore either mistaken a sort of and butter friondrhip for lived woman who two men lot at nobody The man who loves two wo rn well enough to marry cither one in the same There is in tho important- demanding reply bother to wodivpoor man and work the soft wonanly face of hap- for a living or rich man and live a y wife and lister loved and Thi happiest are beyond the world Hearth and Hot PROSPERITY ho have something t with which I thai minds and prevent the dovil making of their heads workshops In the tnur- slander idlenrs 1 riyAd6yrBwaiWAfOSa3nfiff0v Tho woman is a stale wherein thing page her mind is always the happiest succeed according to our wishes and I This is pure lasting In of and case proportion work liltlo fugitive bound boy who after How weary days of hunger and travel blistered and laint at his moth- often aft toll of woman I excites expose to temptation a loving husband harden the heart ous idle- his way In the world for then as Motaajtet damps years come that husband grow rablo prosperity bo it is engaged is ft the good of di sad vantages It too the bomlit of the world at large from is think of it a woman who for fattlt committed during tin lav followed an orphan boy ightganiient broke upon nis innocent slumber with stinging blows And upon evidence of their lot ral her than prosperity In- with his own on article the two laundry girl when that same lit- deed more beneficial by united effort have accumulated llognrrnont came to the wash on whole although it be bo The woman who live in idleness striped with blood This is not pleasant to our feelings The ad- simply as the lady of a rich reading It is Tar from being of prosperity are to knows but of real writing A father to tbo fatherless Is God are to he pnncii puses in a and energy and too often and to know that tho baneful influence It is no thus aiding him in bis strnglea is wonder therefore that the Almighty sacred living cherished part Of general withholds it from his self core attention and that adversity should bo and handiwork is imprinted equally In his holy habitation Think of this 0 whose con tains one of these children of tbo Highest Think of Is ox you gather yoir little around the glowing tiro for song or story and make room for tho stranger within your doors When you divide the hoarded store at cakes and apples remember littlo milkwhite those of and be there much t a share When you dngly upon youi Her laid childrens heads let its light also touch bis brow Who knows but may be there like a consecrating anointing him to noble deeds for and humanity Do those things and do them now Check not kindly impulses until it is loo until tho thin hands crossed tho and the sail eyes- hungry for a mothers kiss have to tell their pitiful story to Him who has said Suffer children or worse until a young soul shall have grown hardened and a offended by you shall bare be- a curse clogging mill stone upon neck of society to my story Loft in the great bam child endured twofold agony of sMw terror and anticipated gV But he had Hot long to wail ion heavy boots of old are heard tramping across the prosperity is t crops reeiary to Of her virtue of adversity is husband and in cases out often fortitude which In morality al- loses her inftaenco ever him as be lowed be the most heroics living in Idleness is apt to Prosperity best beat discovers virtue which is like tboe perfumes that are most fragrant when burnt or bruised It is not however to be understood that prosperity in itself is unlawful world with all its various pro ductions was formed by the Almigh ty for happiness of man and de signed to endear himself to i leal our minds up to Him however God often gives blessing by own folly dissipation tofind enjoyment away from her presence to grow apart from her and in time to consider her as no particular use other than to gratify pride or passion What prosperity absolutely necessary to enable us to act under It as we ought Where this divine principle influences mitid prosperity may be enjoyed and be come a blessing for while bad men snatch pleasures of world by stealth without countenance from tod propriotoi ighteous sit openly f life imdor the smile of guilty fears damp their joys Tbo blessing of God rests upon all they possess Their piety reflects sunshine mm heaven upon the prosperity of the world unites in point of view the both of powers above and of tho objects below Not only have they as full a relish as oth ers of the innocent pleasures of life but bard face and the long block whin trailing from his bands Now you young rascal Ill pay for your carelessness cried iho master as be caught sight of tho little cowering form and I trembling boy by arm raised tbe whip a great stiffen- serpent high of social life they to the source of all the which surrounds them and the sphere of their plen ty adding intellectual spirit Dion has issued a nOttot which ho challenges to play him a of three- or French carom billiards tbe imount of stakes to bo not less than a It Is thought In billionl irclea that an international contest tm General Sherman ia repots to have said that Grant Is the man for recelt lion that country is quiet and prosperous under him lhat he ought to bo and will be mrlo chief Ho says tho does much down South for if the terror that reported among negroes actually existed there not boon this year a crop of cotton than general average I as if with a sudden thought Sao what makes you stay yon were of ago six months ago know said ami paused as the was on unsettled ono may he Robbie and partly be- I dont know where to go I mind working And I must that in any place Besides it is bet- for mo Im in tne house with isnt him A pteve of bread and meat she to the hungry beggars and nany a poor allows iloep in the barn when ho aint round Tho lust clause was unfortunate for boy clinging yet closer cast a glance toward the great mows where tbe shadows scarcely disturbed by their fee ble glow of light Sue I ho cried wildly what f he should make me stay all night in the barn I He baa threatened to many a time Any way he is going horsewhip mo Sue what we do The poor excited child sank down We might pray Sue timidly Pshaw I He There was a whole volume of in scepticism fa bit- Hut why did it not descend Tho Spiritual prosperity consists in tho bo- who had closed his and set continual progress of mind in the sic his tcou bard to bear torturo knowledge purity urn joy It arises wondered at delay From dom participation of the divine whure above cam a rushing sound blessing and evidence itself by frc and tbe cruel uplifted was grasped prayer love to God word and held of Waal n his people on could it mean Had God sent one ordinances seal in his cause mighty angeU down to rescue the ln waii too hopeless to implore his of protection It well bo so for that is derogatory to hie Our Father is not indifferent to the trouble of bis suffering children but nn JPffi li with the Why Is love liko a Because it is all staff and often cross ed 3u A young physician asking permission of a lady to kiss her she replied No sir I never like a doctors bill thrust in my face Bridget what became of tallow that greael my boots With this morning I fried the buck- wheat cakeunit Ob I was afraid you had wasted it An old lady from rural districts astonished a clerk of ono of the stores a few by lop- up letters in oa punch to lo A The of champagne pawion for of Ottawa Timet V hat and her The one glad cry bun fl of either ho sank sobbing among hay and straw littering floor Coward I Hypocrite Traitor 1 Those wore words which burst impetuously from young mans lips and each epithet a stunning blow was planted in the broad breast of the farmer Is it thus row treat little brother I entrusted to your core Were not that since I have been from your vicinity I have learned to bo something of which you do not even know meaning a gentleman I would the and flay you within an inch tout life Well indeed was it that occurred lo me to test your faith- in treating him kindly before I gave of my hard earning for the trains have been regularly board Here In y pocket areopon tho past we For some days past the Toron id been running regular passenger freight trains between Toronto and The business done has boon large beyond all toy is a of syllabub a kitten In trousers a sick monkey with blonde useless as a shirtbutton without He is as lazy as a slug lite than a Inat years summer fly Ho goes through life on Three of the dirtiest moat rag ged littlo ragamuffins in this city been offered for could be carried in ill be exceedingly gra tifying to and specially the bondholders of the rood Today Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company will commence MsNOWAt for Bolton Tu nning each way per day and stopping at and Freight stores in the counter worth of rock ragamuffins I said I want Slowly and they filed out of the the sidewalk a consultation took place They reentered the door Mister do you sell three cents worth or rock candy Well We got em and the procession out Again

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