Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 28, 1871, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA JULY 1871 in inquest American News I iron the prises were Indiana 2nd J Campbell Norwich- Stratford taonrf York A firo occurred todav in Market street questioned Whether About oclock bit mot firo broke outJh Mr Kanea workshop a building in Sii street here lum and planing null- The anreAranUlyhcindniriv tin int ended a of the three tor bloc VervmIllnuranrJ J- hundred men a thrown out of cm- r hem i tanner a avlvc lieu our Agricultural tabic a id bed n rear of no A e become an ftct Hotel and Mr v lull r may totally pout on M out on the Farmer brie I actio llailroad j tho J K j ay truck The rack I u m destroyed damaged by tho A Wonderful Story iSmf ft for J noil loss New York July Macs and It id tomb Kan was insured in tho on BOtfi November of Ancient Egypt two noo covered miles of New Orleans il I boon found insured in Provincial are to be alined in Now One is ineomplotelhat is to alt Western boon Hotel T life beer Sullivan a Hotel not insured los the oilier Mr Snroulo each man to put up 1500 additional q complex inaurance low July 24 Tbia morn- obacrfod this a Swedish commenced an lr who baa the of those who of both tbe shot recent riot and learned The jury rotircd at 2 oclock and ro- University of turned the following verdict in io tho conclusion that tho i Wo And that parties mummies are not all an has Iron said tamo on the 12th by fl lliovod for some thousands of wound at bodies embalmed by a proceed to unknown jury having of preservation but whoio uoriiftK fci verdict in lives been momentarily with intention of restoring Mass July Benjamin J them at somo futuro only the allcelt an and Alfred sterol of preservation now been a French were lout Meanwhile Prof hero to day an robbers of ad noes many proofs insupportof his Use lll ikmitfion Bank at Toronto on little idea among his expert- June Thoy dclectwl offer- meats last ton years he in of stolen bonds to I ways provoil suvccasful broker In their units were j He took a snake and treated it in largo quantities of burglar tools such a manner as to benumb it as VBoth are held to further dove- though it hod been curved in marble St Lotis July A was committed on Mobile and Ohio liailro1 In Hick- for aoveral yenw and the county Ky on last Saturday night Three no got to frflltaf and a As train moved out from depot two jumped pros car the manager as usual useless At one timo it was feared the ingson tho other sido of the would- be on fire ifithad so el is no calculating the loss i- and safe of train jampod off and disappeared in TwentyUeeniwns lo the rob bers but have not yet bet found Terrinc July At yclovk this morning an oc in small ington arsenal which used for the preparation of rockets ills for Iho signal corps plosion was heard in the northern part the city It most immediately followed by of lire for it a Tho flumes frame building near by brittle that ho allow ed have broken into fragments In this he kept by sprinkling it fluid Is his secret For 15 yea has been undergoing of successive deaths and apparently Too Hon Mr Aiken leaves British Columbia on Friday The u likely I It is rumored that Sir John Mi is going to to The GovernorOeneral ii m to return to the capital be next September and then only time Tho Osborn Sewing a desideratum long looked for machine for all of any The is report to sent a potition to government requesting that criminal who ha to death may be In tho promising that man who endures this ex periment is to bo pardoned Whether iho Swedish Government has or reacted the learned pro- carried the all kinds of in airy artillery which are tul i It is supposed which lion Tho tiro communicate to another adjacent building in which wore red saddletrees and other equipment There wore of jKivder in tlio magazine The was fourteen fcolMquare valla with slate roof litis was not only destroyed but lite foun- was injured feet below of the ground and bricks tiered in all directions then wont through a blacksmiths shopabon a quarter of a mile distant from the explosion near by wore so much damag ed that cracked walla are standing building in are stored 0000 stand of arms was con siderably damaged roof for a distance of nearly 300 feet looks as though it had been plowed in irregu lar furrows All tho windows altered in not only lb boring hut i ground and their bark branches broken and perhaps destroyed Fuses cart ridges c in profusion were scatter all over ground Ono of tin guards livingabnuiaquartcrof a of the explosion Port Hope contains a population who has lately mad over and is progressing at Marmora in the discovery the last slopping place for of large qunntitifs of stone adapted tho night we reached about 1 business If all bo truo report- crowd wasasscmbled his is ma on wharf to witness the excite- euro lly attending up the Ottawa and how steamer this season of was so twenty years respect i tn point our cotemporary of Star Mr Floyd and his betterhalf joined our party and made is Ibo County seat for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham The streets broad running at right angles and many of the buildings public and private of a substantial character Victoria College is located in this place A length to this a ago we will not sni J J I into particulars It sup- porta three newspapers can by after most to throw him from his bed and break open the doors of his dwelling Al though several families live within feet of of the magaxino none of them sustained any injury in por- aon They wero however consider ably alarmed by the pelting of flying against their frame tone menu thought this morning when progress that the low the would bo thai time tillion dollars but i S ui Tin New Political coo The the thus ridiculed by Owe Where yoa got pigs said an acquainted to an Irishman who driving With cool looked dp and To coolc Why on the road to Dublin Whist ye divil iYl let tho pigs hear ye retorted Our it tin I his eye hear ye twinkle of are bard hoodwink support ted oil the ere having all lou and like they tr tog to ibi rond io progress Progress is new go by and servahvc pigs who that on to their tuils ore turned toil be persuaded and Sir ngli community no other Hon Francis fat of lcatioi has MrtiIUrtMcUicks month Bears are unusually Gloucester thh summer to dosiroy tho green oats they can find a field the icmiiy woods The of tho Beak Sew York was knocked J and bod of thousand dollun in government The thieves Association of outh Perth have resolved to give if great demonstration in fall of the year io the promtr party invite Tho report that Sir Hiacbf is to go to Montreal and take a in a banking It is evident are preparing The it jerceive indications desert the A like Pat will of every descripti of a fair ami No more coalition or no humbug A more bountiful crop of M wheat has not been reajiesl for ysatV tbo con Spring his eye to who ventures to suggest a doubt Whist devil and dont let pigs Tory Conservative alias Liberal Con alias ConservativeLiberal alias Unionists alias Patriot alias No Party alias Party of Progress such a number ot aliases sugol unpleasant associations Wo all know what sort of characters necessitates the frequoni of names But we do not think the last name a happy one for the purpose of which Pat so lly invented tho falsehood about going to Italhcoolc be was going Dublin What with hushing up Scott muiders bowing to do oftho House condemning their National Policy Washington Treaties Columbia arrange ments and so forth tbo Ministry are iving their pigs to market with a ngeance First Start Provincial Implement Trial Jaly The in trial of Combined Reapers gave as their awards as fol lows 1st prizo to J Forsyth of Dun- das 2nd to Noxon Bras timber j Co Grimsby ff oiachines tested in a this class that for all practical pur- of the one will be found about equal to r Some wellknown manufacturers at the best Mwin with their Implements though they hud entered for com peti tion The wheat in which tested was of about an average yield rather light in places while of passengers rooms the doubt then of the lake in ted for the Our substantia steamer having us safely down the lake about four oclock this morning the whi founded and shortly after we landed at the staid eld city of Kingston the boat nly made a any dissent either in religion of politics the unpardon able A people narrowminded ignorant and prejudiced a square barnlike building with plain wooden scats to preach in Bin ere long that despised chapel saw another sigh and women who would few weeks before thought it almost defilement began to bo drawn there by a jxnvcr superior to pride seats never filled before were never empty now sod tho young lithe form with Its frank blue and smooth face stirred the cold proud hearts of noble roues and plea sureseeking worldlings aa they had neer been stirred before No phil osopher however profound no toaohei- wise oven bad they possess ed a twofold could have so moved that little city of dead only wonderful name n I Ssvait and lecturer would have hud fair test various there but that machines All thoconibined machines prophet of erows by the might of The old of inspiration humbled many a proud carrying an extra man to rake off the heart bowed many a lofty hood Not grain adding It does greally to least among the triumphs of William seems to be was the waking up I of the town of Whitehaven from its loop of centuri part visit thu bat Iter Miotic bouse looked as did when wo left the Province for a western borne twenty five years ago The word was r passed along stesmertbatwe pass nmw Mr Intelligence from Prince Ed- iho draft and joss ward shows that railway becoming soim 1 The four tSLSSJrtL severely tested resolUng down S Zul 0 J Ayr away prejudices and an St 111 Glasgow McPberson A Co Clinton element progress felt 3rd Maxwell A Paris to dayCVwfitfn Ml mcmfn Tho cultivator and harrows wero iht wa asm a of away to a farm some distance The grammar school of II off witness the trial of ford was destroyed by Are early on useful implement- but the the morning of the 20th is urged in were swarded as followa In cu accept any tenders valors 1st J 2nd 1 there was given T 1st J 2nd 1 there was not the sign of fire ass Goslph 3rd TClarke Hamp- It was insured forltiOOand placed before lbs ton In harrows all of which fire is unknown letter and Prim and Marquise of Walos land and Dublin gay with ball in honour of Sunday Irish wa list of civilians killed in the riot on ihe Tbl is 142 The ore as follows Australia Cuba If Scotland Germany Kngland1 United States Unknown land says fl crops in the townships of Scott Bosch are promising to be abundant Fall and spring wheat w told never looked better and barley and pc except in few place are looking well The oat crop pears short and hay is about an aver- ajre crop Potatoes and turnips are looking well dy Tho Gazette contains a notification thai ibo west riding of Middlesex has base- sot apart for registration poses- the new o bo located at lbs village of Glcneoe The are Mosa also the lowa Stephen Black- burn formerly of London Vat Press received the and duties of the J will bo assumed by him with fires raged for many days recently in ihe woods to the north of village of Canning ton Mr J Donovan in Brock dwelling house barns fumilarey clothing implements and his by tho fire His loss Is about without insurance Mr John I of Brock on the same day lost hi red Extsnsive fires raged Mars along shorea Lake a official Gazette of Salnrday last contained appointment of Hon Joseph William Tntich as Gov of British Columbia from ana after the 20lh inst new Lieat Gov has left for British Columbia- lie is a native of Bath England about years old He weal W British Columbia in and T years baa practiced hie fbssion there as a civil engaged in construction hC Grand Trunk road from Yale loCes boo and other important work In 1864 bo succeeded Geo Moody chief commisdoner of lauds work and since commenoemest taken a part in the anion

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